Author Topic: Episode Six (Tribal Councils 7 and 8)  (Read 198 times)

Wes Anderson

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Episode Six (Tribal Councils 7 and 8)
« on: September 16, 2021, 12:33:35 pm »
Previously, on Survivor...

With only 37 seconds remaining, Margot Tenenbaum flipped her vote to save Madame D. from a near majority blunder in Rushmore Academy:

Meanwhile, at Camp Ivanhoe, it was Herman Blume that, from the bottom of the tribe, demurred on the potential 5-5 tie. 
My decision came down to stability honestly. I saw more potential down the line with Oracle etc. than the others. The other guys were just too wild for me. If there were only 9 people total left I may have considered it but it was way too early for a move like that imho.

A live filmed tribe swap took place immediately following the vote, further blurring the tribal lines that had been in place from the game start.  The two new tribes were Trash Island and Grover Cleveland High School.

Oracle: Herman-This little fella came through for us in a crunch vote last round to oust Sam. He's very pro whatever the fucking name of the alliance I was in with him, cross or whatever. In any case he trusts me and Suzy and to a lesser degree Gustave, and that might be enough for him here in order to survive to get to the merge.

(Narrator voice): It was the Society of Crossed Keys Alliance, consisting of Oracle, Richie, Suzy, Young Writer, and Herman, as featured in Episode 3.

Ultimately, rather than any original tribe strong adherence, it was the outsiders of each tribe that would find themselves in the crosshairs.  That meant Anthony Adams, after going off script in the previous vote to save Sam, or Foxy Fox, the last of the old Rushmore Academy big alliance.  Neither had anyone to speak up for them.

Once again, even after the shuffle, both tribes would be headed to Tribal Council.  This time, traditional individual immunity was up for grabs.  The challenge was Dudley's World, a game of Simon in which players could take notes and had 45 minutes to score as high as possible.  Paradoxically, the harder they pushed and the faster they went, the more likely a mistake would be, forcing them to walk a tightrope on the way to immunity.

Winning the necklace, it was Madame D. holding off Oracle by one on Trash Island, and Young Writer defeating Peter Whitman by one on Grover Cleveland.

With Madame D. immune, Margot Tenenbaum was the the original Rushmore vulnerable to the vote on Trash Island.  At Grover Cleveland, Richie Tenenbaum began working on setting up a Peter Whitman boot for the future.

Richie Tenenbaum: How would I convince Young Writer that we need to blindside Peter without saying I think he has an idol.  Is the probability that he picked up multiple other items in the auction and hasn't told anyone about them enough?

In truth, nobody from Rushmore Academy held their tribal immunity idol, with clue winner Rat being voted out first, but nevertheless Peter was in Richie's (future) crosshairs.  For now, both tribes were still honing in on those already on the outside, making the vote so straightforward, the biggest hurdle was the paranoia a silent, straightforward vote can cause.

It’s quiet. Too quiet.

Need more barking dogs.

Am I getting the boot here? I’m trying not to be paranoid.
Something doesn't feel quite right here.  I certainly hope I'm just being paranoid and Writer isn't working out a way to use his immunity win and his Mendl's to get me eliminated without needing his own vote.

Would there be any surprises?  Check out the Tribal Councils:
Trash Island
Grover Cleveland High School

On Trash Island, Anthony Adams was voted out 6-1 (one vote Margot).

At Grover Cleveland High School, Foxy Fox was voted out 5-1-1 (one vote Duke, self vote on Buckley).
« Last Edit: September 29, 2021, 02:44:46 am by Wes Anderson »