Author Topic: Tribal Council 7/8: Trash Island  (Read 304 times)

Wes Anderson

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Tribal Council 7/8: Trash Island
« on: September 15, 2021, 08:32:48 am »
Tribal Council 7 & 8

Trash Island, welcome to Tribal Council.

Please answer the following questions before casting your vote:

1. After a long wait, the tribe swap has finally arrived. What do you make of it? How does the timing work for you?

2. Have you been caught up on all your old opposing tribe’s drama? Anything interesting?

3. We have both tribes at Tribal Council today after the tribe swap. Looking at the way things shook out, is there anyone who you think could be in immediate danger?

4. Could this be a unique opportunity to take someone out?
« Last Edit: September 16, 2021, 12:34:34 pm by Wes Anderson »

Anthony Adams

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Re: Tribal Council 6/7: Trash Island
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2021, 08:40:55 am »
1. After a long wait, the tribe swap has finally arrived. What do you make of it? How does the timing work for you?
Thank you! :D It's a bit late I think

2. Have you been caught up on all your old opposing tribe’s drama? Anything interesting?
I don't think so :I

3. We have both tribes at Tribal Council today after the tribe swap. Looking at the way things shook out, is there anyone who you think could be in immediate danger?
Not in immediate danger, I feel like it's too soon to tell

4. Could this be a unique opportunity to take someone out?
Could it? Yes; Will it? Can't be me :P

M. Gustave

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Re: Tribal Council 6/7: Trash Island
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2021, 08:47:43 am »
1. i love this tribe, i don't know that i could have picked a better one if i had tried. the gods smiled on us today as they led us to the paradise that is trash island.

2. pretty sure i've got most of the info; the stuff about one player in particular is interesting drama-wise (foxy) and i have no clue who's going to be voted out over at grover cleveland.

3. considering that foxy seemed to rub everyone the wrong way, they're a very likely target over there. the ex-rushmores are probably sick of them, and the ex-ivanhoes i'm sure would be happy to vote someone that isn't them and that they aren't close to.

4. i don't know about 'unique' but it's certainly an opportunity.

Margot Tenenbaum

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Re: Tribal Council 6/7: Trash Island
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2021, 09:51:55 am »
1. After a long wait, the tribe swap has finally arrived. What do you make of it? How does the timing work for you?
I quite like my tribe mates and I can only hope they're enjoying my presence as well! I feel the swap came just in time for maximum drama on both sides of the fence, without drawing out any conflicts in either tribe.

2. Have you been caught up on all your old opposing tribe’s drama? Anything interesting?
I think I've heard most of it. I was surprised to hear about Peter's strategy coming into Camp Ivanhoe but he always was a bit of a wildcard!

3. We have both tribes at Tribal Council today after the tribe swap. Looking at the way things shook out, is there anyone who you think could be in immediate danger?
I think even those who were in a bad position at the end of last round, such as Foxy, have a chance here to climb back out of their hole.

4. Could this be a unique opportunity to take someone out?
I don't think there's anything particularly unique about this tribe swap compared to any other generic tribe swap.


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Re: Tribal Council 6/7: Trash Island
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2021, 10:01:46 am »
1. I think after how crazy the last round on Ivanhoe was that I'm just thankful this is a much calmer group of people. I kind of wish this wasn't a double tribal because it's really my first chance to get to know Margot and Madame, and yes we had that blitz 24 hour cross communication round, but it's nice to see some new faces and say hi and properly introduce ourselves as tribemates. For me this is a new tribe and a new phase of the game so it's great because I feel like it gives us room to breathe a bit and make some new connections we hadn't before.

2. Yeah, Margot and Madame haven't exactly kept anything from us. The vote sounds like it was a hoot and I think that was probably the more exciting TC to watch from a spectators point of view. I've heard a lot of stories about Foxy. It will be interesting to see the result on the other side in the aftermath because some really awkward connections are going to probably be there as a result of what happened on both of the last sets of tribes.

3. So the thing about this challenge, is that it wasn't terribly difficult if you understood you could do anything except write a bot to run the program for you. I don't think the challenge or the resulting information are that useful in terms of who is in immediate danger. Obviously Madame is flying high right now on that win, shaking my doggy fist at you for that 1 point victory (just kidding congrats haha). But yeah she's not going anywhere. I would hope most people have come here with an open mind for possibilities and discussion and that this game we are able to have those discussions to see what would happen. I think given anything could happen in survivor (tm), no one is in immediate danger.

4. Sure? Yes? Why not? Maybe? No? Not really? I think every round is an opportunity to take someone out, but I wouldn't call this unique. The facts are these, every round someone goes home. Every round, someone is taken out.  Every round someone is in trouble. So if we boil survivor down to the core, it's doing the same thing over and over and hoping for a good result, sort of like playing a controlled version of the lottery. The lottery happens pretty much constantly, so in that sense, no this is not unique, but just like in every other round of this game, someone's going to get taken out and for someone else that will be an opportunity for them, and a lost opportunity for the person going home. End of the day, that's what survivor is.

Madame D.

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Re: Tribal Council 6/7: Trash Island
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2021, 06:58:58 am »
1. After a long wait, the tribe swap has finally arrived. What do you make of it? How does the timing work for you?

I am thrilled with the tribe swap! In terms of timing, it perhaps came around a little too late to save me from a whole bunch of stress, but better late than never!

2. Have you been caught up on all your old opposing tribe’s drama? Anything interesting?

I have heard about the most recent vote, which seemed to be the main drama of the tribe!

3. We have both tribes at Tribal Council today after the tribe swap. Looking at the way things shook out, is there anyone who you think could be in immediate danger?

I think it really is a case of 'anything could happen'. On both tribes, one could think things would play out along old tribal lines, but there's just as much possibility that something more interesting would happen.

4. Could this be a unique opportunity to take someone out?

Every opportunity is a unique opportunity to take someone out. :)

Herman Blume

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Re: Tribal Council 6/7: Trash Island
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2021, 07:49:10 am »
1. I feel good about things honestly. And I think the swap was well timed both personally and from a game entertainment perspective.

2. It sounded like a group worked together well to eliminate a player that they didn't trust. Would have been very tense for any who received votes.

3. I always feel in danger tbqh. Foxy is an obvious person who comes to mind on the other side based on what I have heard.

4. Yes, I think so. Any swap provides those opportunities.

Wes Anderson

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Re: Tribal Council 6/7: Trash Island
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2021, 08:30:22 am »
It is now time to read the votes.  If you'd like to play an immunity idol, now would be the time to do so.
Nobody stands up.

I will now read the votes.

First vote:

Margot Tenenbaum

Second vote:

Anthony Adams

Third vote:

Anthony Adams

Fourth vote:

Anthony Adams

That's three votes Anthony, one vote Margot.

Fifth vote:

Anthony Adams.  That's four votes Anthony, that's enough.  I'm sorry, Anthony, you have been eliminated.

It's time for you to go.