Author Topic: Chapter Six: Dudley's World  (Read 265 times)

Wes Anderson

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Chapter Six: Dudley's World
« on: September 14, 2021, 09:31:25 am »
Dudley suffers from a rare disorder combining symptoms of amnesia, dyslexia, and color-blindness, with a highly acute sense of hearing.
(from another room) I'm not color blind, am I?

Raleigh St. Clair has made a career out of studying Dudley Heinsbergen and his very singular perception of the world.  Dudley, for his part, seems to have no qualms with subjecting himself to an endless battery of tests.  Today, we'll all performing one of those tests on all of you, as we seek to clarify whether or not Dudley is the one person in the world suffering from this singular disorder.

To begin this challenge, you will click this link and fill out a form, after which your time will start and you will be provided a link to a game.  Please take a screenshot of your score, with a tab of this game open, and post it in your confessional.  There is a hard 45 minute deadline, and you should plan to use all of that time.

You may submit multiple times, and your best score will be taken.  Submissions after the 45 minute deadline will not count.  Failure to submit on time will result in a score of 0.

Both tribes will be going to Tribal Council, and the player with the highest score on each tribe will win immunity.
Outside of programming a bot to play the game for you, there are no restrictions to how you play this challenge, but as usual, you cannot talk about the challenge with other players.  If there is a tie, the player who submitted their score in less time will be the winner.

Wes Anderson

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Re: Chapter Six: Dudley's World
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2021, 08:30:51 am »
Challenge Six Results

Okay, let's see how everyone did.

Uhh... looks bleak.  It couldn't have been all that bad, could it?  Time to find out!

Over at Grover Cleveland High School:

Bringing up the rear, and possibly suffering from Heinsbergen Syndrome himself, we have Richie Tenenbaum with a score of 17.


Up next, it’s Royal in 6th with a score of 28.


Buckley comes in 5th with a score of 30.


On to 4th, we have Foxy Fox scoring 35.


In 3rd, it’s Duke, scoring 44.


That leaves, from Grover Cleveland, Peter Whitman and Young Writer. The were separated by just one point…


Peter Whitman scored 48. Young Writer scored…


49! Congratulations to Young Writer, winner of immunity on Grover Cleveland High School.

Now over to Trash Island.


In last, M. Gustave had a score of 27.


Next up, it was Herman Blume, scoring 29.


Coming in 5th, Anthony Adams scored 31.


4th place goes to Margot Tenenbaum with 36.


In 3rd, Suzy Bishop scored 38.


That leaves two players: Madame D. and Oracle. Once again, the difference comes down to one point.

Madame D. scored 53 points! Did Oracle do enough to top Madame D.’s excellent score?


Oracle scored 52! That means it’s Madame D. taking home individual immunity for Trash Island!
