Author Topic: Welcome to your confessional!  (Read 2059 times)

Nick Wilde

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Re: Welcome to your confessional!
« Reply #30 on: July 03, 2020, 05:26:00 pm »
Er, with Inside Man instead of Muscle. That's even better actually :D

Nick Wilde

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Re: Welcome to your confessional!
« Reply #31 on: July 04, 2020, 07:44:45 am »
mfw we demolish everyone by a country mile at the challenge we were supposed to lose

Nick Wilde

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Re: Welcome to your confessional!
« Reply #32 on: July 04, 2020, 07:48:56 am »
It's just great to be able to kick back and relax like, all of the time. I've never been on a tribe like this. All that worrying that usually happens is just replaced with 'hey I wonder what this person would like to talk about today'.

In the meantime, I feel like I've connected with Chase and Pikachu more and I managed to find a subject that coaxed Chan back out of his shell (fighting games/valorant/league of legends). Life's good yo.

Heiji Hattori

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Re: Welcome to your confessional!
« Reply #33 on: July 04, 2020, 09:18:01 am »
Congratulations on immunity - can you explain your challenge answers and how you matched up people's personalities? If you can also come up with a humorous short story, I will give you spectator points.

Nick Wilde

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Re: Welcome to your confessional!
« Reply #34 on: July 06, 2020, 04:31:26 am »
No short story I'm afraid; I'll have to earn the spec points some other way. But here's my thought process:

Nick the character is charismatic, I shoot people gifs, they probably think I am too. I told two people slightly different things on the alliance front (Pikachu saying that the alliance was my idea, me saying it was his) so Devious fits, and Nick the character is that at times too. I beasted the challenge so I make the most sense as the Muscle.

Pikachu sent me a picture of his lego and sent that to other people too, so Artistic fits.

Rust is a force to behold when it comes to game and the most obvious strategist on the tribe, and I think he knows that. Courageous, Bossy, Commissioned the heist works best with that in mind.

Kate is something of a gamebot and clearly the least social on the tribe, and all the other pluses are social, so Reliable is the only one that fits. She seems like she'd be quick to anger so bad-tempered also fits there. Out of everyone on the tribe, she's also the most obviously going to put The Brains as her role, because she's a lot more strategy focused than social focused.

Affectionate and Joyful were what I had left in the first column. Chase is good on the game front, Penelope is exclusively social, so Affectionate seemed to fit her better and Joyful him. The Inside Man also works best for a purely social player because that's the person who has to be talking to people.

I pretty much randomised the remaining options, because there wasn't anything that massively stood out to me on any of them. I'm glad we scored as high as we did.

Heiji Hattori

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Re: Welcome to your confessional!
« Reply #35 on: July 07, 2020, 05:31:22 am »
New friends? New enemies? How would you rank your new tribemates in terms of favorability?

Re: Welcome to your confessional!
« Reply #36 on: July 07, 2020, 06:57:23 am »
How do you feel about past tribal connections since you didn't go to tribal there?

Nick Wilde

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Re: Welcome to your confessional!
« Reply #37 on: July 08, 2020, 04:37:06 am »
Nick's Likeability Ranking, BAU Edition
Now with added descriptions so this post answers Heiji's questions

Best Person
Nick Wilde
Scruff McGruff (very much my kind of player, happy to write long, infrequent messages which is my preferred style, and pretty open on the game talk front)
Detective Pikachu (best of my old tribe, I feel pretty close to him despite us not talking a ton)
Jake Peralta (Extremely friendly and charismatic, almost to the point where I don't trust it, but for now I'm trusting it)
Rust Cohle (Has gone full gamebot at this point and keeping him alive might be difficult)
Lucifer (Might go up - has started talking a whole lot more since I mentioned I liked Pika a lot; those two are already quite tight and it's given me an inroad here)
--------Line of Meh, players under this point are officially in that Meh region of I don't like them but I don't dislike them either--------
Grouch Cop (Decent socially, but hasn't talked any game at all and their messages feel a bit like they're going through a checklist of things to mention)
Penelope (Her challenge enthusiasm and everything she did has raised her a bit on this, but she's still barely messaging me)
--------Line of Dislike, players under this point are people I actively dislike-----------
Quentin Lance (Has sent me all of two messages and both were only a couple lines long)
Worst Person

Nick Wilde

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Re: Welcome to your confessional!
« Reply #38 on: July 08, 2020, 04:41:28 am »
How do you feel about past tribal connections since you didn't go to tribal there?

In a sense, it's a bad thing because I never got to test the bonds I made. But - I don't think it would have massively tested the bonds anyway, outside of whether or not people would be swayed to go Kate over Chan or not. The fact that we still have 7 intact is probably a good thing, because I don't think anyone from the old tribe actively dislikes me and having more people alive who you've met is important going forward.

The swap has definitely reinforced some of the connections as people are forced to start upping their game a little bit and talking game more. I think my connection with Pikachu has benefitted the most from this, but the Rust connection has been good also just because he's gone full gamebot and is looking at his old alliances as locked in place (very good for me since I'm in a couple of them). Penelope is still distant, which is a problem - we'll have to see how that goes.

Other people seeing our tribe as a threat is potentially going to be an issue but as long as it's not me they focus on, that's fine. Scruff has told me they have worries about the potential 4-4 situation if Quentin goes - the fact they're bringing that to me is a huge positive.

Nick Wilde

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Re: Welcome to your confessional!
« Reply #39 on: July 08, 2020, 04:45:37 am »
Nick's Threat Ranking

Most Threatening
Jake Peralta (seriously, this guy is the goddest of social gods)
Grouch Cop (would be lower, but I think their style may vibe with other people a lot more than with me)
Scruff McGruff (would be higher, but I think their style might not vibe with other people as much as it does with me)
Detective Pikachu (this is about the level of threatening I'm comfortable going to the end with)
Lucifer (slow going but good socially when he gets going)
Penelope (still isn't talking enough)
Rust (has become basically nothing in terms of threat level because he's so focused on game that he's lost his social)
Quentin (doesn't talk)
Least Threatening

Heiji Hattori

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Re: Welcome to your confessional!
« Reply #40 on: July 08, 2020, 03:03:05 pm »
What's the most interesting/funniest thing that your new tribemates have sent you?

Nick Wilde

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Re: Welcome to your confessional!
« Reply #41 on: July 09, 2020, 06:11:22 pm »
Well, I think I had the thought process right on the idol clue, I just managed to make a stupid mistake that I didn't catch in the double check.

I redid it and PM'd Pikachu the new answer I arrived at. Hopefully he gets it.

Nick Wilde

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Re: Welcome to your confessional!
« Reply #42 on: July 09, 2020, 06:14:10 pm »
What's the most interesting/funniest thing that your new tribemates have sent you?

For the most part it hasn't actually been all that interesting? Or funny for that matter. It's mostly just your standard bonding exercises. Scruff did come forward and tell me there had been discussions about needing to eliminate a 12th member first, which nobody else did - I suspected as much but it's interesting to learn that he trusts me enough to do that.

The funniest would probably be my discussion with Jake about whether or not he'd overlook a hypothetical honest pawpsicle businessman hypothetically incorrectly filing his hypthetical taxes.

Nick Wilde

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Re: Welcome to your confessional!
« Reply #43 on: July 10, 2020, 05:11:41 am »
So, fun events last night...

I try to do this application form and manage to screw up massively. Then I come up with what I think is the right answer and shoot it to Pikachu. Pikachu *claims* it's wrong but I don't see where the mistake is, so it's possible he got the idol and is hiding it from me? But I need to check over my answers again.
5 minutes after I send the message to Pika, Rust messages me to tell me about the idol clue and that he's failed on it. I message him back saying I just failed on it too and since he can't get it, we should message Pika. Hopefully I managed to avoid him seeing that I wanted Pika to get it more than I wanted him to get it.

And now (if Pika is telling the truth) I'm not sure who to tip off. Maybe Lucifer? My other top allies (Scruff and Jake) are also huge threats and I don't really want either having an idol on top of that. Luci with an idol I can manage. But I worry that I've spent so much time deliberating over it that it's likely already gone.

Nick Wilde

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Re: Welcome to your confessional!
« Reply #44 on: July 10, 2020, 05:27:50 am »
I feel confident though if Kate does go here, I think we might have to have a serious discussion on either possibly throwing the challenge to save Chase or trust Chase enough to be able to get himself out of the situation that he is in. That's just a possible thought I've had in my mind.

Part of me wants to go

Like, Chase is a great player socially and can probably maneuver through this without our help. Kate and Chan going doesn't necessarily indicate a pagong on that side; they were the obvious choices from a tribe unity standpoint regardless.


The problem is the probably. There's a chance that the best thing for their tribe unity would be just to continue with that pagong, and do we want to take that risk? Chase going would be a very bad thing, not just because of how much of the 12th would have been wiped out, but also because he's someone I feel like I was extremely close to and like a lot.

Thing is, I'm fairly confident I wouldn't go home if we went to TC here, nor would anyone I would want to stay. The real question is, is it worth the difference in tribe numbers (9-6 if we don't throw vs 8-7 if we do; that's huge!) to do this, considering Chase might have made better friends on the other side? Making moves to try to help out in a situation you know nothing about is dangerous.
