Author Topic: 13th Place: Foxy Fox  (Read 535 times)

Wes Anderson

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13th Place: Foxy Fox
« on: September 16, 2021, 08:30:41 am »

Sorry that you fell just short of the merge, Foxy, but you were a lot of fun to watch.  Your aggressive playstyle had you running things for a bit, but then the numbers turned.  It really was an honor to have your first game be here with us.  You had a very good showing, especially for a first timer, and you were the standout character of the pre-merge.

Foxy Fox

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Re: 13th Place: Foxy Fox
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2021, 08:34:29 am »

Foxy Fox

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Re: 13th Place: Foxy Fox
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2021, 08:34:55 am »

Foxy Fox

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Re: 13th Place: Foxy Fox
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2021, 08:40:32 am »
Ok, some calm thoughts from me:

Like, I don't really care I went out. Sad I missed the merge by a single round, but at that point of the game, I don't think there was anything else I could've done. At all.
Looking at confessionals, Buckley planned on turning on me regardless, which honestly fucking sucks to see.

On the upside, I don't have to play this game anymore. I can go do things, have fun, live my life. This was part of the issue I had with playing Survivor, and why I'm probably not gonna play it again honestly -- I spent *too* much time playing this game. I know exactly why I did this. Because that's just how I am in my day-to-day life. I want to try to get far, so I play socially. I check PMs when I literally have the time. That's not healthy for me, and that's honestly one of the reasons why I stopped looking at MS.

It was very fun to play while it lasted though, y'all. <3

Foxy Fox

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Re: 13th Place: Foxy Fox
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2021, 08:50:19 am »
I'm happy to know that people genuinely thought of me as a threat though, from what I've read.

Foxy Fox

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Re: 13th Place: Foxy Fox
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2021, 08:54:36 am »
Foxy is sadly going this round. It's been fun, but friend, you are playing far too transparently manipulative to keep around while still having any decent shot at survival. I've been dreaming of the world where we gloriously make it to the end together but I just can't see it happening clearly enough to stick my neck out again. I'm sorry.

This genuinely makes me sad to read.


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Re: 13th Place: Foxy Fox
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2021, 09:13:04 am »
Foxy you were such an icon! Maybe the best character of the game. We all enjoyed watching you play so so much! Thank you for gracing us with your presence, and please play more games!

Foxy Fox

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Re: 13th Place: Foxy Fox
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2021, 09:27:38 am »
I'm not gonna lie about my identity here, since we pretty openly stated we dissociate:

I'm not Kori, and I'm not gonna pretend to be Kori. Instead, I'm just gonna state factually what happened, and has happened in the last hour or so after these results.

This game, like Kori has stated, took *way* too much time. It's fun, Kori will agree to that. The game has been enjoyable, but just too much time.
Kori mostly joined as a way to see what this would be like. Maybe if time clears up a little bit more, or Kori feels like they wouldn't be sitting down all the time to play this game, sure.

I can't say with certainty about how Kori feels about going out. I know Kori had some weird thoughts about this game, since we kept going to TC over and over, but... who knows. Maybe. Probably not going to be the next game, that's for certain.

Steve Zissou

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Re: 13th Place: Foxy Fox
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2021, 09:53:37 am »
Hey Foxy.  I played in Pantheon and thought you knew who I was when you started talking about the Hito tribe.

Foxy I genuinely enjoyed working with you and I'm sad we couldn't go further.

Anthony Adams

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Re: 13th Place: Foxy Fox
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2021, 10:03:48 am »
I assume that means they were on the Hito tribe?

Foxy Fox

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Re: 13th Place: Foxy Fox
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2021, 10:06:06 am »
Oh no, we spectated Pantheon.

Foxy Fox

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Re: 13th Place: Foxy Fox
« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2021, 10:06:58 am »
Hey Foxy.  I played in Pantheon and thought you knew who I was when you started talking about the Hito tribe.

Foxy I genuinely enjoyed working with you and I'm sad we couldn't go further.

And yea, I did too.

Anthony Adams

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Re: 13th Place: Foxy Fox
« Reply #12 on: September 16, 2021, 10:07:52 am »
Ah, well then nice to meet you :)

Oh wait, I suppose we already met round 5. :I

Foxy Fox

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Re: 13th Place: Foxy Fox
« Reply #13 on: September 16, 2021, 02:01:12 pm »
Ok, so, I've had some time to recover and think about the events of this game, and honestly, I'm probably not gonna play Survivor again. Like, don't get me wrong - I genuinely enjoyed playing this game and had a fun time, so it's not a "Oh I think this game is stupid and hate it" type thing. The issue lies within my own problems and issues. I know this forum isn't really the right place to discuss it--(yet at the same time, it is since it's related to this game?)--so I'm going to probably not really going to discuss it until post-game, and even that'll be a "if you really want to know more details" but knowing me as well - this will be the full story.

It is spoilered, since I'm writing this ahead of time, and I can tell you for a fact it's going to go into some topics that not everyone will want to read.

So, the main issue I have with this game - I have self-esteem issues. I don't know how openly I've talked about this on MS, but I know I've at least touched on it during SUPP. I'm going to assume you have no idea about that though, for the sake of writing this.

Yes, I have self-esteem issues. Severe, self-esteem issues. It's gotten better as I've gotten older and separated from my parents and stuff, but it's still an issue. The main problem with it is that I have really no way of valuing my own skills, and worth outside of what other people think of me. As a result of this, it's really easy for me to get into really negative and self-harming mindsets, even in situations where I shouldn't. Like this game.

I know this is a game. I know people are forming opinions of me based on how I'm approaching the game. I can factually tell you all these things; HOWEVER, that doesn't stop my mind from going "but what if they genuinely think that about you, as a person, even though this is a game? Like what if they hold this against you, outside of the game?" and like... no matter how much I try to convince myself that isn't the case, I genuinely can't shake that feeling. That's where the issue of this all lies in. In a game about being social and getting people to like you, I strongly struggle with criticism. I strongly struggle with the paranoia that people are just leading me on for some ulterior motive. I strongly struggle with knowing what people truly think about me, especially if it's not favorable. Hell, one of my greatest fears in life is that someone close to me is going to blackmail me. Do you know the odds of that *actually* happening without me picking up on some indicator that would happen? Literally zero. It's literally impossible for that to happen.

People can tell me that's not the case, people can tell me they like me, people can do literally anything -- even prove to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that *will* not and *cannot* happen, and I will still sit here and go "huh, what if they're trying to just manipulate me though?" and then get into this negative mindset again. My genuine hope with this game was that *wasn't* the case where I'd start getting into these negative mindsets. But, truthfully, it really did happen a lot. I don't think I, Kori, responded to most of the PMs past a certain point. I wanna say the first TC, maybe even the second one, was genuinely mostly me. Past that point, it slowly started to become less me replying, and someone else replying, while masking as me to try to not give away this was going on. (The reason for that as well, I can tell you, is because there are three users on MS I can think of, who have openly stated they dissociate: Me, Lady Lambdadelta, and Flea the Magician. That's irrelevant, but still something I feel I should bring up.)

The only reason why I know that it wasn't me responding to PMs is because a lot of my messages I can generally tell how I was feeling during that message, and get a general vibe for it. A lot of my PMs past a certain point, I have no idea what I was feeling, and that tells me I wasn't the one fronting. I can talk to the other alters, ask them why this was the case, but I genuinely think I know the answer I'm going to get: "It was to stop you from getting so paranoid, you feed into this negative mindset." I can guarantee you that would be the answer here. While I did have fun playing the game, and genuinely did enjoy playing this game, I just don't think it's healthy for me.

This is, of course, barring the time I've just sunk into this game too. That's an entirely different beast though, and like, I'm not willing to type up another essay on that currently, so it'll have to wait. I may never do it either. I don't know.

The only other aside is that I don't want y'all to say "Oh I'm sorry to hear that" because that honestly is one of the few statements that just genuinely makes me start questioning what your intent is when talking to me, and as stated above, even if I know your intent is pure, (which in this case, I can guarantee it would be), I'm still going to sit here and start getting paranoid about it, and that's just not healthy. I don't really fully know if I even want this post to be addressed, or start a further dialogue around it. I know for a fact, post-game, I'd be much happier to discuss it, since that's private at that point, and it really does stim my paranoia of "oh someone's going to blackmail me."

tl;dr - I, Kori, didn't actually play most of this game and spend most of the game dissociated due to the fact I have severe self-esteem issues. It's just not healthy for me to play a game like this when I have these issues to this extent I do.


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Re: 13th Place: Foxy Fox
« Reply #14 on: September 18, 2021, 12:45:56 am »

Foxy Fox

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Re: 13th Place: Foxy Fox
« Reply #15 on: September 18, 2021, 06:25:29 am »
Currently, I'm fine with discussing it post-game. I don't think discussing it right now, in the middle of the game is the right call. Plus, that'll give me more time to actually think on my thoughts, and enable me to post this, and have an actual discussion about it.

Foxy Fox

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Re: 13th Place: Foxy Fox
« Reply #16 on: September 28, 2021, 04:47:05 pm »
I think I was legit Foxy's closest ally for most of the game

Answer to this - yes. You were.

Foxy Fox

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Re: 13th Place: Foxy Fox
« Reply #17 on: September 28, 2021, 04:49:08 pm »
I'm also going to start typing up some thoughts for post-game. If you're reading this in post-game, and I don't mention your name at all, it's because I didn't get to talk to you, or I genuinely cannot find any substantial notes on you that someone else left. I'd like to reiterate, I have OSDD-1b. I dissociate. It's not just me, Kori, and my alters did play this game after a certain point fully, instead of me. I think it was TC 1 where I slowly stopped playing and the others started to play.

Foxy Fox

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Re: 13th Place: Foxy Fox
« Reply #18 on: September 28, 2021, 04:53:43 pm »
Starting off, with the people who can read this right here, right now:

Spectators - Genuinely, I got nothing to say. Only one of you really posted in my confessional and that was a generic message being posted in all the confessionals.

Mods - Thank you for running this game, and actually accepting me into it. I've genuinely appreciated playing this game, even though I, Kori, played such a small portion of it, I still enjoyed that portion. Based on notes I have, the others enjoyed playing this too. The only mod I'm going to say something specific about is SKELDA - I FUCKING REFUSE TO BELIEVE YOU FIXED BIPPY'S GRAMMAR MISTAKE. I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY THIS IS IN THE NOTES AT ALL, BUT THERE IS LITERALLY A NOTE THAT JUST SAYS "FUCK BRENDEN - HE LIED TO ME ABOUT IT BEING A SPELLING MISTAKE" SO I'M CALLING YOU OUT FOR IT

Jk, love you Skelda <3

Foxy Fox

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Re: 13th Place: Foxy Fox
« Reply #19 on: September 28, 2021, 04:54:32 pm »
I'll do the rest sometime soon. It's almost 4 a.m., and I want to sleep.

Foxy Fox

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Re: 13th Place: Foxy Fox
« Reply #20 on: September 28, 2021, 05:17:52 pm »
A small bulleted list of people who fulfill one or more of the following categories:

1) I have a substantial amount of notes on you.
2) I/Others genuinely enjoyed talking to you and/or consider you a friend, and would like to continue talking post-game.
3) You made an impression on me, and I just recognize who you are based solely on that impression.
4) Your name is Buckley/Max/Steve.

- Anthony
- Oracle
- Sam

- Buckley
- Max
- Steve
- Klaus
- Royal
- Madame

If you're not on this list, meaning you are one of the people in the spoiler below it means one or more of the following things:
1) You didn't leave that strong of an impression on me.
2) I have little to no notes on you that are worth sharing.
3) Your name is Kylie, (which I think is an actual shame, and I'd like to talk to you post-game because I never got to talk to you during the course of this game.)

I'll provide a short-hand reason for everyone in this spoiler rq, before going to sleep.

Richie - From what I can tell, I didn't really get to know you as a person, and we mostly talked game stuff. There's nothing wrong with that, per se, but like, that personal aspect of it really does help when it comes to recognizing who you are, and forming notes on someone.
Gustave - Who the fuck are you lmao.
Suzy - Who the fuck are you lmao.
Herman - If I keep saying "who the fuck are you lmao" will you laugh? Because I'm going to keep doing it.
Duke - Who the fuck are you lmao, like, I know who you are somewhat, but who the fuck are you. We didn't really talk at all, even though we got into swap tribes, so like, yea. You don't have any notes because of that.
Young Writer - who the fuck are you lmao, we didn't talk. once again, swap tribes, but we didn't really talk.
Kylie - no, fr, who the fuck are you lmao. I don't want an ID, I'll save it for post-game, but like we never had a chance to talk, so like, I got nothing.

Margot - See Richie's, since the sentiment I'm about to say for you, was what I said for Richie. I didn't get to know you as a person at all. We talked game. The entire time. All the notes I have on you, aren't worth sharing because they were all specific to moments while this game was going on.
Peter - You constantly felt UTR throughout the entire game. I know you're good at math, and all that, but that's about it. That's literally the extent of our notes that is worth sharing. Also that you wanted in the LGBTQ+ server I moderate after the game, but that's a small detail too. None of it's really worthwhile.
Rat - You went out first. That's it. That's the entire thing of notes. We didn't get a chance to talk that much, since you went out.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2021, 05:26:53 pm by Foxy Fox »

Foxy Fox

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Re: 13th Place: Foxy Fox
« Reply #21 on: September 28, 2021, 05:32:48 pm »
Fuck it, those on the first list, here's a shorthand reasoning why you're on that list:

Anthony - You fit into the third category, and to a lesser degree, the second. Grim noted that you genuinely made them laugh with your first message and subject line. I'd like to stress that Grim doesn't really laugh, since Grim tends to be very serious. That got you noted. I'm still trying to figure out how you did it.
Oracle - Second category. We talked a lot about just life in general, and it was genuinely enjoyable. I think that conversation was the only conversation I really was fronting for towards the end of my time playing this game.
Sam - Third category. The only real thing I remember from our PMs was the fact you said you wanted to make it to merge/swap with me. That alone got you noted, for what would've been otherwise, just a "talked about game stuff" type note. You seem really cool though, and I'd like to talk post-game.

Buckley - I can't put this shortly. I really can't. I'm going to anyways, since I have a long thing I want to type up for you. I genuinely enjoyed talking to you. You are one of the few people I'd genuinely consider a friend. That's why you got put into a specific category like that. I talked to you so much, that I just genuinely consider you a friend. <3
Max - See Buckley. I genuinely enjoyed talking to you. The reason why I considered the idol play on you was simply because I just wanted to talk to you more. Like, yea, I knew it would be a dumb play regardless, but I genuinely wanted to talk to you more.
Steve - You actually made a really good impression on me. I originally didn't really have that much interest in the wrestling thing, but I will gladly listen to stuff if it makes the person happy, and I felt like it made you happy to talk about, so I was happy to listen. I genuinely enjoyed playing with you as well. I genuinely enjoyed talking to you. I think I was angrier learning that you went out because it meant I couldn't talk to you more, rather than the fact you tried to get Buckley out.
Klaus - The puns. That is the sole reason you have made an impression on me, and why I remember our conversation. I enjoyed the conversation, and I likely would've remembered it on its own, but I genuinely enjoyed the puns.
Royal - I know Grim fought with you. That's something I'm looking at from the perspective of the game, but like, I genuinely consider you a friend to some degree, because our conversation was just *fun*.
Madame - I know we fought throughout the game. See Royal for that. But like, you were genuinely fun to talk to, and I know internally we were very conflicted on "do we eliminate you because that'd be the smart play in terms of gameplay, or do we keep you because you're fun to talk to, which would be the risky play"

Steve Zissou

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Re: 13th Place: Foxy Fox
« Reply #22 on: September 30, 2021, 02:33:59 am »
Foxy, I really enjoyed playing with you too!  So I played in Pantheon and this was such a different experience and you were 100% the reason that it was so fun.

Foxy Fox

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Re: 13th Place: Foxy Fox
« Reply #23 on: October 03, 2021, 03:13:50 pm »
Foxy, I really enjoyed playing with you too!  So I played in Pantheon and this was such a different experience and you were 100% the reason that it was so fun.


From what I saw of Pantheon, this was vastly different, and I'm very glad I didn't play Pantheon first. I 100% would not have played Survivor again if that was the case.
Genuinely as well, I don't regret playing in this game, even though I played such a minimal part of it. I think the way it went was:

Round 1 - I fully played.
Round 2 - I played the majority, but there were some others playing in my stead for very clear points.
Round 3 - I think I played majority, but I'm not entirely sure. There's a lot of messages I just don't remember how I felt emotionally sending them, and some of them I should have a pretty clear knowledge of.
Round 4 - I played half the round(?), but this was the clear point where I was simply not playing the game at all for most of the time.
Round 5 - I think I really only played during the points of messaging others on the other tribe.
Round 6 - I don't even remember playing this round at all, tbh.