Author Topic: General Discussion  (Read 4826 times)

Penelope Garcia

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #60 on: August 05, 2020, 05:55:55 pm »

Responding to quite a couple quotes here to catch up. Spoilering it to not extend the thread :P


For me, I don't think anyone is actually out of contention for my vote. There are people that I would rather vote for, sure, but I do not know if they will make it there. Even someone I had some issues with, like Jake, if he manages to get to the end in spite of his messy start, I could see a world in which I vote for him if he makes the right arguments. All I want is someone who does the best with the hand that the game dealt them, and had to talk their way out of trouble at one point or another. Even clutch immunity wins I'm down with, I just need there to be some kind of journey and growth. Luck isn't good enough. Also, I need people like Judy, Leon, and Jake to justify why ignoring people's PMs at any point during merge is acceptable. Half of this game is social, and if you didn't do fuckall with that or did it incredibly poorly, that's not a game I want to vote for. You can be an underdog, or UTR, or a more passive or reactionary player, and that is fine by me, I don't need someone to be active or have made #BigMoves, but you need to have had intention in all that you did.

I think I agree with most of this. Everyone still in has the chance at my vote but it's going to be dependent on their social game as well as their strategic game. The tendency of so many players to just disappear during tribal was so nervewracking, especially when there's moves happening and things changing on a dime.

That depends entirely on whether Penelope takes my advice or not.

As I understand things, Poirot and especially Lennie are running scared right now. We thought that alliance of five would hold together for at least another vote before falling apart.

Right now I see strong ties between Lennie and Poirot, Leon and Judy, Leon and Rust, Judy and Lucifer, perhaps Penelope and Rust, and perhaps Poirot and Penelope.

Lennie looks like he’s in trouble here, but everyone needs to look ahead. Right now, by my reckoning, Penelope, Poirot, and Judy have the most threatening cases before the jury, though if Poirot gets screwed again he’s out of that group.

Judy has consistently shown herself to be a predator. She’s been great at challenges, flips aggressively, and has the momentum. I believe she’s positioning herself to knock out all of Poirot, Lennie, and Penelope in sequence in order to reduce the final equation to herself and who she sees as goats.

I don’t have any idea what Rust and Lucifer’s plans are, aside from keeping their heads down and making a long shot/swing vote case to the jury.

My advice to Penelope was to leverage her covert alliance with Poirot to rally Poirot, Lennie, and (most likely) Rust for a majority, remove one of Judy’s supports (Leon, Lucifer) and then Judy herself. If it were me, I’d take Leon out now, but I’m biased.

If Penelope ignores me and sticks with Judy, we’ll probably see Lennie or perhaps Poirot go. If she pushes back, I’d expect Leon.

I genuinely tried to take your advice here and link up with Poirot/Lennie to get out Judy that round. But with the whole her having immunity and the fact that I had said very incriminating things against her to them, I had to go in hard to make sure them saying her name was much more of a betrayal than me saying it. No one was getting Leon out though. With you gone, that side needed to buckle up or flip on their threats. Leon made it by by just being there and siding with whichever name was biggest at the time.

Penelope was by far one of the most talkative people in this game. All you had to do was find a common interest and she'd talk to you as long and often as Hercule. She was also legitimately nice all game, and idk, for me that means something.

I'm certainly feeling a type of way about the people I all really really liked still being in the game, and then Leon is there.

That is super different to my impression of her. She was the only person actively snarky to me. Like even Pika was more pleasant once merge happened. Probably not quite as bad as Jenny, but not far off. She burnt the bridge pretty damn hard when Nick was eliminated.

In terms of people I most liked, Poirot, Jake, and Grouch easily the best people to talk about off topic with.

But I don't think it is a mistake that four of the five least talkative people from merge are the ones that are still in the game.

I really did not try to do that, so I'm sorry that you got that impression. I really do think we just got off on the wrong foot and got a bad impression of each other. I never intentionally burnt bridges with people and actively worked very hard on making sure I responded to people's messages even if we weren't necessarily on the same side. Again, I was consistently waiting on messages from you and also was told "You weren't high on my priority list, so I didn't respond to you last night."


Judy Hopps

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #61 on: August 05, 2020, 06:13:24 pm »
I have a reverse bell curve of messaging. I message people most if they are on my hit list or if they are my close ally. And there's this gulf when I am just in maintenance mode. Especially when I am currently trying to actually get online at a time people are on.

I tend to put off messaging and catch people when they get online because I will send a message, play a bit of something, then send another message to stop burnout.

And that's also why I won't play again unless deadlines change. I'm too busy to stay up to 2-3am every night to try and have a conversation with people, which is 100% because of my play style, but also something I didn't equate in when I decided to change from spectator to player.
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Judy Hopps

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #62 on: August 05, 2020, 06:15:26 pm »
Also wtf is with all the newbies in this game?

Blart said he was new, Lance was new, Kate said she was new, Leon is new, Jake is new, I feel like I'm new (second game in a long long time)
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Penelope Garcia

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #63 on: August 05, 2020, 06:18:50 pm »
Yeah, I think timezones plays a crucial factor into any game and definitely played it's part here too. I tried to mitigate that by sleeping during the day and being up at night to catch you and Leon, but we would never exchange more than a few messages during a tribal and I'd have to get your thoughts around the last hour before deadline.

Also yeah, the newbie rate of this game is exceptional. I appreciate that :P It's a very accessible setup in my opinion. Even with 12th and BAU dominating the challenges, I think there was still a lot of wiggle room.

Jake Peralta

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #64 on: August 05, 2020, 06:55:56 pm »
The newbie rate was high because they were publicly struggling to fill the game. I mean hell, I was originally slated as a spectator, and I think Poirot said so too.
Oh my god this is just like Die Hard!

Joss Carter

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #65 on: August 05, 2020, 07:14:39 pm »
Turns out the police are not popular right now for some reason!

Penelope Garcia

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #66 on: August 05, 2020, 07:15:01 pm »
Thoughts on the Final 4:

I promise Poirot that he was my bet to win the game if he manages to make it there. I think he played the best social game out of everyone. Lucifer struggled at the beginning to get out substantiative messages and was only getting better near the end, but still not enough to best the prowess of Poirot's messages :P. Rust frequently sent me one liners, but hey, if he was keeping me safe, I was fine with it. There was really nowhere to hide in that F5 with Poirot being the only person who's had any sort of social game, so the fact that he's still in this astounds me. I think he suffered a lot by attaching himself at the hip to Judy. He was noncommittal and hard to pin down until he had his allies on board. He wasn't a risk taker. If she stayed, he risked the jury viewing him as the goat. Though, I think that's his only fatal flaw, yet he dealt with that. I think he knew exactly when to get out the right person, and this intention and planning is what sets him apart from the rest.

Rust relied heavily on his connections to make it far despite not having a strong social presence on any tribe I was with him on. At least in my opinion, no one had a strong view about Rust except that he seemed trustworthy and garnered support. I think that's why he was able to skate by and not get hit with Jake's idol. He attached himself to a target and has managed to play the shield card much better than anyone else in this game. I don't necessarily see playing under the radar as a bad strategy so I want to see him talk about his connections and plans at the pre merge and how that all changed with Pika going. How did he play the merge to ensure that whatever alliance he was in was stable, or that when it fell apart, he came out on top.

I risk painting Lucifer as a player of opportunity. I think he had some foresight trying to align with Grouch/Rust/Myself during what was supposed to be Jake going home during F9. He saw the fears of a 99th voting block and was getting ready to strike, but he waited too long and was forced into a position where he had to find new connections. I think it's gotten him this far, but again, would like to see what his strategy was. Was it strictly playing the middle between the two sides or just drifting in between? I can respect either, but I need him to own up to that and talk about why those were good moves. I think he could have easily sided with the 99th/27th block at the end of the merge but didn't as he knew siding with Poirot/Judy to the end wouldn't get him any points as they vastly overshadowed him. Overall, I see the foresight, I just want to know if he did.

Leon I don't quite understand. I haven't seen any real intention, just a newbie siding with whoever seems the strongest, but done in a way that doesn't make me feel like he knows what he's doing. At least with Rust, he works to ensure his shield feels safe and secure while we works in the shadows to plot their downfall in a safe way. Leon just promises sweet nothings while not really divulging any content or thought in a logical way. I'm most concerned with how he genuinely believed it was a good move to promise both Poirot and I that he's with us 100%, when even the less comital, honest answer could have theoretically put him in a swing position. I don't know if he's aware that he was not a target in any of the post merge shenanigans because he just wasn't a threat and thinks that promising a F2 to everyone is good gameplay. I'd have to be really pressed to vote for him, but I look forward to seeing what he says at FTC if he makes it.

Overall, my vote isn't decided. I do have preferences and it's largely going to be impacted by the speeches and questions asked. I think this is the least bitter jury I've ever seen so I'm excited to have a productive FTC :D

Penelope Garcia

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #67 on: August 05, 2020, 07:16:03 pm »
Turns out the police are not popular right now for some reason!

Sounds like someone should create a social movement to advocate for them!

Re: General Discussion
« Reply #68 on: August 05, 2020, 08:33:09 pm »
I’m surprised by the amount of newbies in this game, but I’m like a Boomer in comparison with how long I’ve been playing .

Lennie Briscoe

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #69 on: August 05, 2020, 08:43:11 pm »
Also wtf is with all the newbies in this game?

Blart said he was new, Lance was new, Kate said she was new, Leon is new, Jake is new, I feel like I'm new (second game in a long long time)
I mean, depending on your definition of new, I'm pretty new myself

Judy Hopps

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #70 on: August 05, 2020, 10:40:36 pm »
With the calibre of newer players we need to have a Veterans vs Newbies Survivor.
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Jake Peralta

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #71 on: August 06, 2020, 06:31:40 am »
Bring it.
Oh my god this is just like Die Hard!

Penelope Garcia

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #72 on: August 06, 2020, 05:07:00 pm »
With Lucifer winning immunity, I imagine Poirot going here. Lucifer doesn't see Rust or Leon as a threat whatsoever.

Grouch Cop

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #73 on: August 06, 2020, 05:12:07 pm »
It's probably his best bet either way, no?
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Penelope Garcia

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #74 on: August 06, 2020, 05:17:28 pm »
I think he still sees Poirot as too connected to him. Like he'd look like Poirot's goat if he takes him to the end, so he needs to cut him. But I think given the 2nd half of the merge, he has the ability to show how he planned around Poirot and saved him, and took him to the end himself. Whereas now he just looks like he's giving Rust a free ticket to the end.

I don't know, I just feel like his gameplay wasn't flashy, so anything he does just looks to me as poorly thought out and rushed and I need to see how he talks about it in FTC. I'd hope it's not as 1-dimensional as, "I needed to vote for Poirot here because he was a threat," because I think that shows he was not aware of Rust's gameplay.