Author Topic: {Suzy Bishop}  (Read 259 times)

Wes Anderson

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{Suzy Bishop}
« on: October 05, 2021, 04:00:22 am »

Jury questions from Suzy Bishop will go here.

Suzy Bishop

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Re: {Suzy Bishop}
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2021, 12:36:54 pm »
My dear friend Oracle <3 How glad I am to see that you've made it to the end. While I am still upset that I'm not there with you, I am glad that you've carried on the torch of our oh so dangerous duo. I really appreciated having you in the game with all its lows and highs.

I don't have any questions. I just wanted to extend my sincerest congratulations to you. I think we played a similar game and had similar issues with voting people out whom we deeply cared for.

I may pop in later if anything comes to mind.


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Re: {Suzy Bishop}
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2021, 12:46:16 pm »
My dear friend Oracle <3 How glad I am to see that you've made it to the end. While I am still upset that I'm not there with you, I am glad that you've carried on the torch of our oh so dangerous duo. I really appreciated having you in the game with all its lows and highs.

I don't have any questions. I just wanted to extend my sincerest congratulations to you. I think we played a similar game and had similar issues with voting people out whom we deeply cared for.

I may pop in later if anything comes to mind.

Had so much fun playing with you this game. You have an incredible mind for these games and I learned a lot from our partnership. Sorry you bit the bullet with that idol play at final 5. My jaw dropped when that happened. I appreciated having you in this game too. I think you and I maneuvered in incredible ways this game and like I said in my speech it was an absolute honor to play with you. Thank you for being there for me during my highs and lows as well.

We did play a similar game and it was fun for us to have that realization and it's part of the reason we worked so well together. It was a blast.

I'll be here haha, bark bark! Tail wag.

Suzy Bishop

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Re: {Suzy Bishop}
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2021, 12:52:05 am »
Can you elaborate on my "incredible mind"?

I think at some point I was well positioned in the middle but I think I made the mistake of staying in the middle far too long. I could not choose between you or Richie and Richie called me out about that a few rounds before my ultimate demise.

It's ironic though that I spent so much time being afraid of rocks to be idoled out. My takeaway is just to live by chaos, die by chaos.


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Re: {Suzy Bishop}
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2021, 01:25:07 am »
Can you elaborate on my "incredible mind"?

I think at some point I was well positioned in the middle but I think I made the mistake of staying in the middle far too long. I could not choose between you or Richie and Richie called me out about that a few rounds before my ultimate demise.

It's ironic though that I spent so much time being afraid of rocks to be idoled out. My takeaway is just to live by chaos, die by chaos.

Absolutely. You are a very social person. Like me, you struggled with your sociable nature and were stuck trying to get people you wanted to work with to work together.

You just were someone I felt weighed options and thought through decisions and balanced “what made sense” versus “what doesn’t make sense”. When you said you didn’t want to do rocks at 6, for example, you and I talked out the options of what that would look like and eventually settled on “let’s make a deal with Madame”. We weren’t sure exactly what would come of that, but there was no way in heck I could have pulled off that move by myself. It took both of us putting our heads together, reading the social situations and figuring out a path that would get us farther, together.

Also the flip at final 10 was born of us comparing notes and deciding to try something because we both had the wool over our eyes at that point.

You are thoughtful and really weigh decisions. Whenever I had an idea I would bounce it off of you and you would always say how you thought that was a good or not good plan and why.

When I say you have an incredible mind, you know how to toe the line between relationships and alliances and still come out on the other side with people still wanting to work with you and take you to the end. That is not an inherent skill people can pick up and you do it very well.

It could be that you feel you were indecisive, but I like to think that it was more you thinking through things and seeing the scope of the game and what options and paths were available to you, though that might be a bit of me projecting.

I just respect you on a social level for how you handle things, which is what I mean by incredible mind for these games.

And yes, always opt for rocks (my phone almost typed a dirty word there haha.)