Author Topic: {Royal Tenenbaum}  (Read 281 times)

Wes Anderson

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{Royal Tenenbaum}
« on: October 05, 2021, 03:59:41 am »

Jury questions from Royal Tenenbaum will go here.

Royal Tenenbaum

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Re: {Royal Tenenbaum}
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2021, 09:17:14 pm »

My apologies for the delay--real life hasn't stopped coming in! One thing I'd like to hear from you first--you mention that you made serious improvements to your game after my announcement. For what it's worth, other jurors who departed after me echoed the same sentiments. Can you give me a few examples of what that looked like?


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Re: {Royal Tenenbaum}
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2021, 12:08:08 am »

My apologies for the delay--real life hasn't stopped coming in! One thing I'd like to hear from you first--you mention that you made serious improvements to your game after my announcement. For what it's worth, other jurors who departed after me echoed the same sentiments. Can you give me a few examples of what that looked like?

Hey Royal,

You are fine. Real life is a lot. I think this game evidenced that quite a bit. Between the quits, between everyone feeling overwhelmed, and a lot of stuff happening in the world right now, we all have lives beyond this game and I think that's sort of a theme this game in particular highlighted.

Well, I can start with the apology I gave you specifically before you made your public post. Even though I know that probably was taken as a half-hearted cover up like you know I'd been doing in rounds prior, that was probably the most genuine moment I had with you, at least from my perspective. I did attempt to highlight this in my opening speech, but I know you've had stuff going on so I'll try to re-iterate some of the examples I've been providing elsewhere.

Basically your post was a reality check for me. It was a double edged sword because on one hand what I was trying to do did work, but to a degree I realized I'd sort of gone too far. It was in that moment I had to look inside myself and think "okay this is what I've done, I only have a few rounds left, how do I fix it?"

I started by being more open, specifically with Madame and Margot and was also going to attempt to try to open a more honest and commited dialog with you, but you were busy you had shit going on. I did leave you a message that told you what I was hearing, however that never went responded and I totally understand why.

During the final 6, I finally opened up to Margot more about how she intimidated me. That took guts because Margot has such a unique approach in comparison to other cast members and that could have been risky, especially if she had an idol. But at that point, Margot is such a straight up kind of person, that if I didn't specifically say that, she was going to continue to have a bitter taste in her mouth about me because I'd been less than forward with her, and she knew that. Did she then try to vote me out after? Yeah but it didn't really shock me. Like I said the relationship between Margot and I was really good at one point and aside from helping to divert the vote away from her at f8, I didn't exactly make the best showing to maintain and keep that trust. So if I was going to vote for her, I needed to give her even a hint that's what I was thinking. As she stated in her thread, this was a specific example she actually appreciated because it did allow her to have a real dialog with me after, if that's something she actually wanted to have. This is not the Oracle who, a couple rounds ago wasn't being real with people and having "sneaky" agendas.

Also during the final 7 and 6, I had a big heart to heart with Madame & also with Suzy (I also think I said a few words to Gustave). It was one of the few times this game I allowed myself to be emotionally vulnerable and express how much Duke actually meant to me in this game and how I had to cope with the wake of his quit and also cope with the words you had given me. It was as real as one can be in an anonymous game. Showing that I'm not some put together doggo showed that I'm flawed and not perfect and that I was fine to let my walls come down a bit. When I play these games I can be guarded and try to always perceive everything, it's hard. It weighs on me. However, this I think allowed me to then have real dialogs with both Madame and Suzy where I wasn't just a player any more I was someone they saw as a friend. I think Suzy and I were pretty close prior, but it was a moment I felt helped bring us closer together. Same with Madame.

In addition, during this heart to heart, Madame expressed her frustrations with me in rounds prior. I acknowledged things I had been doing, the hurt I had caused, how sorry I was about things, and ultimately that I wanted to see how far she and I could go together. It was something I felt like I hadn't been able to do before because I'd locked myself into a path, however I had a new opportunity and I wanted to make the most of it. This lead to the final 6. Although Gustave didn't do me many favors that round, straight up saying he would never go against me or Suzy which didn't help the case with Madame much, Suzy and I decided we needed to do something to avoid rocks. I had put in the time and effort to show Madame I was serious about working with her for the rest of the game, so when Suzy also approached Madame and a final 3 came up, Madame decided to take that risk with us and vote for Margot. This is a moment that I don't think I could have achieved because I know Madame was probably still skeptical about me, no one changes that much in a round. It was because I gave an earnest effort to show good faith that I got some in return. This is not the Oracle I was from the f10-f8.

At final 5, Richie won immunity. This meant that no matter what I did, I had to vote for Suzy, Madame or Gustave. All 3 had just voted to keep me safe, and a lot of my own loyalty was called into question. However, after Madame took a huge risk on me, I didn't feel that voting her out right after would be right. This showed, at least to me, that it's okay for your heart and your head to be at odds because I'd developed the moral compass I'd been missing for the last few rounds. Suzy and Richie both also had given reasons why voting for Gustave made sense for them, so I agreed. However, that also conflicted with my relationship with Gustave because he'd been with me since day 1. We had worked hard to be with each other, talk with each other, and in general I trusted him a heck of a lot. So in order to provide some much needed "people management" as you stated, instead of letting someone else tell him the vote was on him, I opted to do that myself. I approached him and said that everyone was likely going to be voting him that round and I acknowledged how shitty of a thing that was for me to do after the game we had played together. On several occasions prior, he had told me that if at some point a time came where I had to vote for him, that as long as I told him, he would be okay with it. This was a hard moment for me, because no one wants to be told by a close ally that they are planning to vote for him. It's not a great thing to do.

He of course said in response he was a little miffed, but would rather I have told him than not. He also asked if this was in correspondance with some sort of deal that he knew existed between Madame and Suzy. I went on to explain that yes, that was part of it, and the only reason he and I didn't go home at 6 (because I'm pretty sure Suzy would not have gone to rocks there), was because I made that deal that spared us getting to 5. This helped him to understand where I was coming from.

Of course, we know how that played out, I voted for Gustave and Richie played his idol on Gustave (after saying he was going to vote him out with reasonings to me) and Suzy went home as a result. Given that I stuck to my word about the deal I made with Suzy and Madame, I felt this showed I didn't make deals lighthearted. I followed through with what I said I was going to do at that point.

At the final 4, Richie won immunity again. This is where my head and my heart struggled the most because I was at a final 4 with a guy who never did me any wrong this game and I had just attempted to vote out, and Madame who literally risked her own game to get to the end with me. This is where I had to decide to put my heart aside and think with my head. Who made sense to sit next to at the end? Logic pointed to Gustave given how the idol had once again changed the scope of the game. I didn't like this, but it made more sense to cut Madame (which she has acknowledged in her thread) than it did to cut Gustave. So I approached Madame and explained that I was planning to vote for her and I had figured she was planning to vote for me. She surprised me however when she said she was going approach Richie to vote for Gustave.

Now, I spent enough time with Richie this game to know how he thinks. He is always thinking in terms of "who can't I beat?" or rather "who is a threat to beat me?" Which to be fair is a good mindset to have in this game. It had been building for awhile, but he had been dropping hints to me during the final 5 that taking a stab at Madame here is what he wanted to do, which to be fair she played one of the best social games I have seen in awhile. With this knowledge I didn't go into the final 4 blind. That didn't make it easy.

So knowing what Gustave and Richie were likely doing at that point and knowing it was the best logical choice as my head told me, I went to Madame. Now I could have given her false hope that I would tie things and vote Gustave with her, but after everything we went through doing anything even remotely close to that would be horrible. So rather than that, I told her that I was likely going to be voting her that round. She did say she couldn't fault me for thinking that way, but tha she would be trying to save herself, and I completely understood. I also told her the reasons why I had to vote her out there and that seemed to be well received.

In summary of my above post f8 examples of change:

-I opted to be more open with people with emotions
-I made hard commitments rather than give continual non-committal answers
-I expressed how I was really thinking with people
-If I was going to vote someone out, I told that person or at least strongly hinted that direction to show them respect

There was probably more that I actually did, but hopefully this provides enough in terms of examples. I will be in class the rest of the day so responses will be sparse.

Your words to me at final 7 stuck with me. They made me do a lot of self-reflection. I had 4 rounds including the one where you went home to work on not only myself and my game, but also to work on fixing the damage I had done.

It wasn't easy, and 4 rounds is not a lot of time to do that in, but I'd already hit rock bottom after the Duke quit and your post, I had nowhere else to go but forward. I couldn't fix the past, but I was going to do what I could to apply what I had learned going forward.

Thank you for the post and for the words you gave me, you said you wished me no ill will in private after I reached out, and I believed you. This was a gift on multiple levels even if it wasn't intended to be that way. It allowed me to roll up my sleeves, see what I had done prior, and figure out what I could do to fix it. It was also key to the transformative experience I had this game and how the Oracle who sits here now is a different Oracle then the one you experienced in the middle of the merge.

Let me know if you have further questions. Bark bark! Tail wag.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2021, 12:41:03 am by Oracle »

Royal Tenenbaum

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Re: {Royal Tenenbaum}
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2021, 04:09:40 am »
Hey there! For full disclosure, I'm asking this to everyone, and I'd say my vote is still modestly up in the air, so I'd appreciate a thoughtful response to this question. I haven't yet had a chance to read all the other jurors' questions of everyone, so if you feel you've answered this set of questions elsewhere, feel free to direct me to where I should go.

I'd like you to tell me two things--first, of your other two finalists, which one should I definitively NOT vote for, and why? Second, between yourself and the finalist who remains, why did you definitively play a better game that would make me personally vote for you?


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Re: {Royal Tenenbaum}
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2021, 05:20:53 am »
Hey Royal,

I would love to have more time to respond to this question in full, but given I have classes today I have to go focus on those. I've already asked the mods if I have outstanding questions after the deadline if I can go back to respond to them and they confirmed that likely that's how they will handle it. I have one more break this afternoon before getting home late tonight and preparing for a friend to stop by and visit but will be on mobile.

While your question isn't exactly like Young Writer's. He asked a question to me very specifically that has similarities to the one you are asking. I would recommend that in the interim until I can give my full thoughts to you about this question (which I'm hoping I'll have time to do on my break between classes) that you check that out as I think part of what you are asking can be answered by that.

The other part definitely requires me to give more detailed thoughts and I think as I have demonstrated this FTC I am not afraid to give my detailed thoughts, I'm just out of time right now.

Thank you for your patience in waiting for a response from me. I do have one, I just need to find time to write it out haha, bark bark!


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Re: {Royal Tenenbaum}
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2021, 06:33:21 am »
Okay thank you for the patience. I am furiously typing this on mobile so I ask forgiveness for any major typos that may or may not happen as a result.

I’m going to break this up into two parts because I want to be sure I thoroughly incorporate what it is you are asking versus what I have already stated previously.

Part 1: “Who should I not vote for?”

So I get what you are saying with this question. In general, I am uncomfortable forcing anyone to not pick someone based on what I say. However, this is FTC and you asked. I’ve had to read some of the context other people have posted and full disclosure, I cannot actually see what Richie and Gustave are typing yet at this FTC so I’m going give you a couple different responses, generic and specific.

Generic: When I first got to this FTC there were two majorly interesting statements made by jury members. Herman flat out said “based on opening speeches I’m voting for you or Gustave.” In addition, Madame stated “…why should I award my vote to you over Gustave…?” (Ellipses show this had other parts to it). In my mind, without seeing speeches or interactions with the other two finalists, something about Richie’s demeanor has apparently put some people off. Or at least it did in the opening speech from those two pieces of information from what I’ve gathered.

Without more context and inferring from the two pieces of information that I’ve observed, it seemed as though Richie might not be handling part of this FTC well or has done or said things to actively alienate certain jury members from potentially voting him. Based on my limited information because I cannot see what is going on with either of these two yet (as explained in the pitches post by the mods), and you all having generally more access than I do right now, it sounds as if in general Richie might not be the player that at least several people on this jury want representing their experience this game which would in turn make me think in general he might not be someone who should get the votes he would otherwise need to win.

Specifically: That being said, I know your experience with Richie was vastly different than my own. You expressed things about Richie in your public post at f7 that said things he did frustrated you. Even though you two shared information about rings and you two were close, you made it clear in that post that there were things he said that, from an ally standpoint, were hard to deal with, at least that’s the gist I got. Ultimately your last line inferred that although this happened you were rooting for him and wished him the best. So while I don’t know if the general consensus based on what little information Ive been able to gather in this microcosm that is my FTC, I have to imagine that the bond you two had was significant enough to consider voting for him. In your post, you did express frustrations with Gustave’s lack of activity with you. And obviously since I would be honored if you considered voting for me, I would have to say specifically for you, I think not voting Gustave is more in your interest from your experience in the game.

Again, this is all without seeing the other finalists ftc’s and perhaps Richie has rubbed you the wrong way or Gustave has been a standout for you. That’s impossible for me to know right now, and this is all based on what I do know from what I have seen on the boards currently available to me.

Part 2: “Why did you play a better game than the other finalists?”

So again this is only knowledge that I have from my current limited scope of pre FTC thoughts and what I feel from my own personal journey in this game. It is possible Richie and Gustave are hitting it out of the park right now and I have zero way to know that until I finally get to read everything later tonight once this shuts down and things become read only.

I think I played a game that shows I had intent and purpose for what I was doing when I was doing it (a post in Peter’s section might help highlight this a bit). However, it also shows how I was able to overcome some insane obstacles such as allies quitting or frustratingly losing challenges by a point or in a tiebreaker. I had many roadblocks in my path at this merge and everyone was playing well which made things more difficult for me. However in spite of every setback I had, I continued to be observant and push forward after picking myself up time and time again. But I think maybe the biggest point in my favor and why I feel like I could be someone worth casting a vote for is that I clearly had a transformative experience this game in how I see the game, how I see people and how I conduct myself.

And for that, I actually have you to thank for part of it. Without your post at final 7, who knows if I would have every truly looked deep inside myself, dealt with my own insecurities and pretty much changed my entire outlook on the game itself. People have acknowledged that change on multiple occasions now and I feel it inside of myself and I’m proud that I was open to change and rather than let the criticisms tear me down, I turned it around and used it to better myself and better the damaged relationships I caused. No matter how this turns out I’m proud of myself for getting here and not giving up.

If you are looking to cast your vote for someone who overcame obstacles, who followed intent and planning to actively put myself here, and who underwent real genuine change in who they have found themselves to be, I think I am worthy of being considered for that vote. Was this always the case? No. I’m pretty sure your post at f7 proves that, but your words did not fall on deaf ears and I’ve had that acknowledged. Thank you for the kick in the pants I needed Royal and if you choose to vote for me, I will be humbled and proud to represent how far down I had to dig myself out to prove I was worthy of that vote.

I think that was comprehensive and my fingers hurt from typing that haha, so I’m going to leave it there and if you need further clarification let me know. Bark bark!