Author Topic: To Madame D.  (Read 147 times)


  • Society of Crossed Keys
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To Madame D.
« on: October 03, 2021, 06:39:25 pm »

The amount of things that have happened this game to the pair of us are insane. You were targeted so many times this game, and for good reason! You are an incredible social player. Probably one of the best ones I've ever played with. You are smarter than you ever portray yourself to be and you are good at hiding and presenting information at key times to gain favor for yourself. Even though you would never outwardly force anyone to do something, you have this magnetic personality that draws people back in and keeps them feeling indebted to you. It got me good at final 5 and I'm usually someone who can cut people with little to no remorse. Which I guess for awhile made me think I was a psychopath and in reality, I think I've just played so many of these games at this point that I'm numb to it all. That was until final 10 when I became emotionally distraught at having placed a vote on you during that first tie.

I couldn't believe I did that to someone I considered a genuine friend and ally at that point. You have this natural infectious charisma that I wish I could bottle up and have for myself to use whenever I want to bond myself closer to someone. However you are a master at this and there are very few people who can pull off those levels of natural charm that can draw people to them the way you can. In addition, you aren't afraid to take risks, to gamble on things that most would say "that's a horrible idea". You took a chance on me, and I took a chance on you and I think that is the only reason you and I are still in this position and are still here in this game.

There were may conversations we had and many moments we had this game that could have driven us apart, and yet in spite of all of that I think we have a mutual respect for one another at this point. We see each other for the competitors we are and threw it away, saying, fuck it, let's see how far we can go.

Unfortunately, if you do not win immunity here I think this is the absolute end for you. I do not see a world in which you survive this unless you win, and if you do, I'm going to be relying on you to help potentially tie the vote or get Richie out. This is the plan Suzy and I had at final 5 to guarantee we get to the end of the game, which I guess is now Gustave and myself, though it's not as simple as it would have been with Suzy. It's not merely a "Richie vs Madame" thing with the deal Gustave made with Richie. This is all levels of uncomfortable and the only way I get out of this with an even semi respectable game (doubtful, we'll see) is if you lose here.

If you win, I'm literally boned no matter which way this breaks down, and I might be boned anyways, but damn it I'm going to fight, and you taught me that Madame. You showed resolve in the face of hardship and that's something i will carry with me forever. Thank you for that and I will see you either as a competitor in the finale or facing you from or as the jury.

Best of luck Madame, you rocked this game and I'm glad I got to be part of it.