Author Topic: To Royal Tenenbaum  (Read 132 times)


  • Society of Crossed Keys
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To Royal Tenenbaum
« on: October 03, 2021, 05:04:11 pm »

Dude. What an interesting journey we had together. You were someone who I spent the least amount of time with pre-merge. I think it was because the communication round and then followed up by not really knowing you at the merge, it was just a bad recipe for me already having stronger connections with those I'd known pre-merge and it really was not a good starting point for us. I wish I'd been more open to wanting to work with you, but I always knew that you were in a similar position to me and in the end that was a threat to my game.

And then after rounds of things getting awkward between us, you finally called me out in public, and I'm actually pretty grateful you did because it was that thing I needed in order to solidify the type of game I was playing was working. Maybe a little too well actually. I tried to act all macho and like it didn't affect me publicly, however in private I sort of used this as a point to reinforce with other people that I "was upset" about how I'd treated people this game and what have you. However with people seeing that I wasn't necessarily the best jury or people manager, it made me a more desirable person to go to the end with. I have a problem of being too likable in these games and it usually gets me cut right before the end. So with you calling me out like that, you actually sort of did me a favor, though if Madame wins the challenge here then it was kind of all for nothing.

That being said, I don't think we were ever given a fair chance to really get to know each other, because I always felt the people protecting you were the people I needed to eventually turn on. So the fact remains that I did not invest in our relationship and you found it pretty obvious. Which is fine, I had a good sense of who was leaking to who by that point and I fully expected it, just was kind of grateful you chose to address it publicly so it would make me more desirable to go to the end of this game with.

I hope we can maybe get to know each other a little better post game because I think we could have been friends or even allies in another life, but our paths just never quite intersected enough for me to be able to want to truly work with  you in this game. Though after Duke's quit, I was pretty seriously going to go all in to see if there was something that could be worked out, though I think I drove the knife in a bit too deep in prior rounds.