Author Topic: Final Four  (Read 299 times)


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Final Four
« on: October 03, 2021, 09:24:32 am »

Leave thoughts about Madame D., M. Gustave, Oracle, and Richie Tenenbaum here!

Foxy Fox

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Re: Final Four
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2021, 02:25:24 pm »

The only person I really, genuinely, have thoughts on is Madame.
Everyone else, falls into the category of "lmao who the fuck are you?" since I really only got to talk to Gustave and Oracle during the cross-tribal event, and Richie I didn't talk to long enough to make thoughts about.

Madame, out of everyone who gets to the end, I genuinely hope you're the one who wins this game. I know I and the others, (for those who don't know, I dissociate), quite frankly hated you but also loved you, and after looking at some notes we had, I think most of it was simply because we knew you were a threat *long* before you actually were one. I’ve never heard Grim, (the one who mostly played for me), ever go “Oh yea I really enjoy talking to this person, like they’re wonderful… but also jfc I hate them so much. I hope they go out.” Take that with pride. You were someone I enjoyed personally, and after seeing your torchwalk, I have a statement - I agree. Had you been around more often at the start, we would’ve worked together. You failed to meet the initial alliance and that’s where it got decided.

You have that air about you that simply gives away the fact you're a dangerous player if you're given the time. We all genuinely felt that if we removed you, we'd have a significantly better chance of actually making it to merge, and ultimately, I don't think we really would've had you gone out. You're obviously a damn-good player, and your early game concerns of going out due to activity I think are seriously unfounded. You and Buckley both have an air about you that just makes it hard to hate you. I think that's what I hated the most about you - you remind me too much of one of my friends. I love her to death, but I seriously hate the fact that I cannot find a reason to hate her. I have reasons for all my other friends, which tends to be the point of a lot of jokes, but with her, I have none. I see the same in you.

I wish you the best though. <3


Fuck it, Oracle gets some thought too. The first part is my own thoughts, the second part is the others thoughts, since I really only came back for that one round to talk with people, and that was about it.
My thoughts on you Oracle was that you have this air about you that just pulled me towards you. I think it was because you were someone who could talk about something that caught your interest for a while. That's what I felt like was the case, and I'm just kinda attracted to that in general? I think there's something about that, that just makes me go "yes i must be friends with this person now" and you really did that. Onto the other's thoughts though:

We only talked to you during the 24-hr cross-tribal event. That was it. You did make an impression on me; though, it has certainly faded with time and us not really reading the game, and focusing more on IRL side of life. You were someone who I enjoyed talking to, and someone I was really sad not to make swap with. Not because I thought I'd be able to use you as a shield or something, but just as someone I could genuinely sit down and talk with about various things both inside and outside of the game. I realize I played most of the game past a certain point, so seeing these relationships develop as my way of seeing what's going on outside of the system was a refreshing thing, and genuinely talking to someone about stuff going on IRL was a very nice change of pace for me.

Unfortunately, none of us really talked to you enough to make a lasting impression, at least, not one that we remember. Sorry.

Edit 2: Actually, Richie has some limited notes.

Richie, we didn’t really talk a whole lot that I can remember. I don’t really know what your game plan was for most of the stuff, but I genuinely can appreciate your strategy. Do I, and the others wholeheartedly respect it? No, lmao. I don’t really respect a game built entirely on deceit, when it comes to social play, like how I feel yours turned out to be. It worked though, so that’s all I can really say about that. I think my respect for your strategy is a begrudging one—one of it works, but I don’t like it.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2021, 11:04:55 pm by Foxy Fox »

Wes Anderson

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Re: Final Four
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2021, 01:41:05 am »

I don't know if anyone has ever had such a tightrope walk of a game as you did, but it was a sight to behold.  Time and time again you were targeted only to escape by a hair.  Starting with Fox's vendetta and on through multiple tie votes, you were seconds away from being a premerge boot and inches away from the FTC.  It really seemed like you were destined to take this thing, and with the friendly and fun way you had with everyone I think you would have if you'd just made it to the end.  It seems you betrayed one player too many on that Margot vote, but even then, you might have been just a Richie immunity win away from the end.

I really appreciate the intensity and passion you brought to this game for the entire time you were alive.  There were moments you complained too, but I came to realize that was all part of the heart-on-your-sleeve experience that came about when your personality combined with the way you fully threw yourself into the game.  Having players like you helps make running these games worthwhile!  Regardless of whether you win or lose, your results here were excellent and it was a hell of a journey.

From everything I've seen, you're just a genuine person, very nice to everyone and well-liked all around.  I was surprised at one point when you wrote in your confessional that it was the furthest you'd ever gotten in a game (I think around 7 or 8) because you have such a natural way with people that you instantly found yourself comfortable and at home in that tribe of sharks that was Camp Ivanhoe.  I think toward the end you started finding yourself targeted simply because you were so loyal and connected to those who were your friends, but it didn't stop you from reaching FTC and I know you'll put up a good showing.  Well done!

Richie, you're the person and player that I think this game is most identified by for me.  You were not only the first to submit when applications went live but as you know, the moment I posted about the game's existence on ms, you PM'd me to reserve your spot!  I love that the theme resonated with you as much as it did with me.  The fact you're playing as Richie, probably the most iconic Wes Anderson character in my book, and then made it all the way to the end with him, really cemented you as a main character of the game to me.  And it was no simple and straightforward path you took to the end either, finding yourself enmeshed with different sides repeatedly.  That's not even mentioning your being the only player to offer the Zissou rings (twice!), the only player to grab the pre-merge HII, one of our mutineers, and somehow one of the most immunity challenge wins???  As you did all that, I know you ruffled some feathers too, so I'm not sure if you're the winning one, but if you are, it will be tremendously fitting that you picked up your win here.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2021, 11:42:10 am by Wes Anderson »


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Re: Final Four
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2021, 07:18:17 am »

Madame, I think this is the best game from you've I've ever seen. Socially, your game was immaculate. It often didn't make any strategic sense for people to keep you around, but they just liked you so much that they couldn't help it. You were such a delight to watch play. And amazingly, had Richie not won that final Immunity, I think there's a very real chance that Gustave/Oracle might have brought you to the end in what would have been a tremendous error and handed you the win. You were the big threat this game. You played hard. You made some moves that I questioned, but I never doubted that you were fighting as hard as you could and doing everything in your power to give yourself the win. I'm sorry that it didn't happen for you this time, but Madame D. is an icon, and thank you for bringing her to life.

Gustave, you have such a positive attitude, and it's really been a beacon of light in this game. While other players would get frustrated and upset, you were always willing to give the game your best and keep striving to improve yourself as a player. I think that's really impressive, and that, combined with your self-awareness, has been awesome to see. Thank you so much for playing. Congratulations.

Oracle, you are one of my favorite people outside of the game, and inside the game, even though I was often rooting against you as a character, no one can deny that you brought so, so much to the table. Was your game perfect? Hell no. But you gave it your all, as you always do, and you were able to adapt to your missteps and find a way to make it work. Even if you sometimes lost control, your amazing social skills always ensured that you were in no real danger of going home, and I think that's so impressive. You're one of the best players on MS, and your performance here only serves to further prove that. Congratulations.

Richie, I don't have words for how much I love you and how much I've been rooting for you to win. Your love for the theme and your love for Survivor are absolutely infectious, and it really feels like your destiny to be sitting here at this point. Your journey had so many ups and downs, but throughout it all, I was rooting for you every step of the way. You are such an incredible player, no matter how many wins you do or don't have, and I'm so proud of everything you've accomplished. I hope you're proud too. Congratulations.

Steve Zissou

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Re: Final Four
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2021, 07:42:29 am »

Madame I was totally wrong about your game.  I wish we could've worked together.