Author Topic: final 4  (Read 208 times)

M. Gustave

  • Society of Crossed Keys
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final 4
« on: October 03, 2021, 09:05:46 am »
finalist 1: oracle

my #1 ally and absolute best friend since day 1. we just hit it off immediately and even the odd hiccup like the final 10 tie couldn't shake our bond. said tie, where i was left out of the loop, was one of my darkest moments in this game but once it became clear that it was all orchestrated to the benefit of richie i was able to trust you again. you having made a final 3 deal with madame and suzy also threw me, but i believe you when you say you wouldn't have voted me if you thought there was a choice. but anyway, you know that i frickin love you and will immediately be sending you a friend request on steam after the live reveal happens. you're the one player remaining that i feel any confidence about getting more votes than; we played very similarly strategy-wise but i think people were less than pleased with your attempts at trickery. but if you pull off an upset and win this game, i'll be extremely happy for you!
« Last Edit: October 03, 2021, 04:58:28 pm by M. Gustave »

M. Gustave

  • Society of Crossed Keys
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Re: final 4
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2021, 05:04:16 pm »
finalist 2: madame d.

it's funny - i think i have a guess as to who you are, but if i'm right then you're someone i haven't played with before. but i'm really glad that i've gotten the chance to play with and against you here, because you've been a joy. really well-rounded and smart play, with a strong case to win - everyone loves an underdog, and you're the last rushmore left afterall! and on top of that, you worked margot as a shield and ally so well, and were able to get good enough bonds with the then-majority ivanhoes that you were never a priority boot. i really enjoyed how genuine all your posts were, and your honesty was always appreciated. talking about card games was fun too! i think if you don't win this final challenge then you're gone, but if you do make it then you're probably the favorite to win; and a deserving winner you would be.

M. Gustave

  • Society of Crossed Keys
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Re: final 4
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2021, 05:12:18 pm »
finalist 3: richie tenenbaum

it's not even close, you're the person who i've had the most complicated relationship with all game. from close ally on ivanhoe, to suspicion during the kidnap and swap, to a cold war in early merge and open war later. and now, finally, reluctant allies again (though i am aware that you used the idol on me just for jury points and to have leverage on me). throughout it all, you've played super hard and you've been without a doubt the most overtly manipulative player. so many moves have your fingerprints on them it's crazy, and it's why i absolutely couldn't trust you! but despite your somewhat villainous playstyle, you've never come across as a real jerk to me (maybe oracle disagrees but idk, that's his problem) and have been a funny guy. plus, you've won some very clutch immunities late on that have put you in a superb position to win the game now. i think you know that if you win this final challenge you probably win the game; but if you don't, i'll have to decide whether to break my promise to you, and choose between you and madame. no matter what though, you've played an excellent game and if you win i can have no complaints.

oh, and i plan to watch the royal tenenbaums after this is all done, before the live reveal. so if nothing else i'll keep my word on that.