Author Topic: pre-merge people  (Read 165 times)

M. Gustave

  • Society of Crossed Keys
  • Posts: 173
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pre-merge people
« on: October 03, 2021, 09:04:29 am »
20th place: rat

never got to speak with you; going out first sucks but i hope you at least had a little fun. from what i remember the main problem people had with you was that you were low activity; if you can find more time to do this and enjoyed it, you should definitely give it another go.

19th place: kylie

oh kylie... i thought you had a great personality! you were a lot of fun while you were around, but that was the problem: you weren't around enough. that plus what happened with the bullseye challenge meant there was nobody else it could be. please play again if you liked the game and can find more time!

18th place: klaus daimler

another player i didn't get to know; it sounds like you weren't around too much either. all i can say is better luck next time.

17th place: steve zissou

sounds as though you were the first person to fall due to relationships instead of activity. i've been there like everyone else, but that doesn't make it any less frustrating. i heard some good things about you though, so it shouldn't happen to you too often.

joint 15th place: max fischer

much like steve, you just got caught on the wrong side of the numbers. there being guaranteed tribals for both sides really did you no favors.

joint 15th place: sam shakusky

sorry sam; ultimately i had just heard so many falsehoods sourced to you that i couldn't trust anything you were saying. as i think i said before, our styles of posting weren't a great fit and i just felt like i couldn't connect with you until almost the last day you were in the game, when we started talking about dominion. i hope you weren't too discouraged about going out, in another tribe with different people you'd have made it a lot farther.

joint 13th place: anthony adams

team chaos! you were really a great person, and i really did feel bad to vote you out - especially with margot turning out to be so damn good later on, getting her while she was vulnerable might have been a great idea. i loved our chats but i thought your game moves were just too unpredictable for you to be a reliable ally. i feel you were definitely hurt by getting voted out, and i'm sorry for that; i gave you some 'false' hope (it was true that we were discussing between you and margot, but momentum was very behind your name) and it felt very bad to do.

joint 13th place: foxy fox

you made a huge impact, especially as a newer player! i think overconfidence was your downfall; everyone i talked to said they got the impression that you believed you had far more power than you actually did. i'm far from someone who should be criticizing mistakes or decisions, since i've made plenty of big ones. but hopefully, if you plan to play again, you can look at how this game went and use that knowledge to do better next time.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2021, 09:30:46 am by M. Gustave »