Author Topic: Chapter Thirteen: Hunt for the Jaguar Shark  (Read 267 times)

Wes Anderson

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Chapter Thirteen: Hunt for the Jaguar Shark
« on: September 29, 2021, 08:35:09 am »
How are things going with your - what are you calling it? Leopard fish?
Jaguar shark.
Jaguar shark! So tell me - does it really exist?
You know, Allie, I don't want to give away the ending.

For this challenge, we're going to need you to all load up into the Belafonte, because it's time to once and for all hunt down our white whale, or, more accurately, the elusive jaguar shark.

To begin this challenge, you will click this link and fill out a form, after which your time will start and the game will begin.  One by one, you will be given several places to search for the jaguar shark, along with a submission field.  An example might be "Check the third bulleted name in the Welcome thread."  In that case, you would enter "Jeff Goldblum" and then click to receive your next search coordinate until the form concludes.

When you finish submitting your answers, you will find the jaguar shark and must post it in your confessional.

The player who correctly searches the most assigned search locations in the shortest amount of time will win immunity.  You have 20 minutes from the time you start this challenge to post the jaguar shark and conclude your run.

Wes Anderson

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Re: Chapter Thirteen: Hunt for the Jaguar Shark
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2021, 08:30:10 am »
Challenge Thirteen Results

I wonder if it remembers us...

This was an emotional challenge as, in the end, we all experienced the epiphanic vision of the jaguar shark.

But really, just as much of the experience was the journey, the hunt itself.  Let's see how that unfolded...
Question 1

I think I see it!  Look!
No, what we saw here was just a leopard fish.

Let's see who got leopard fish:

Oracle - Leopard Fish?
Madame D. - leopard fish
Margot Tenenbaum - Jaguar shark
Richie Tenenbaum - Leopard Fish
Suzy Bishop - Leopard Fish
M. Gustave - leopard fish

1 Point
Madame D.
Richie Tenenbaum
Suzy Bishop
M. Gustave

0 Points
Margot Tenenbaum

Next up...
Question 2

I guess the hunt continues...
Yes, we'll have to keep looking.

Let's see who got this one:

Oracle - looking
Madame D. - welcome
Margot Tenenbaum - looking
Richie Tenenbaum - looking
Suzy Bishop - looking
M. Gustave - looking

Current scores:

2 Points
Richie Tenenbaum
Suzy Bishop
M. Gustave

1 Point
Margot Tenenbaum
Madame D.

Question 3

We've got to look in the right place.
That'd be the sea, of course.

Oracle - sea
Madame D. - sea
Margot Tenenbaum - you
Richie Tenenbaum - sea
Suzy Bishop - Soc
M. Gustave - soc

3 Points
Richie Tenenbaum

2 Points
Madame D.
Suzy Bishop
M. Gustave

1 Point
Margot Tenenbaum

Question 4

It's getting deep in here.
Yes, but we're STILL looking.

Oracle - Looking
Madame D. - looking
Margot Tenenbaum - Looking
Richie Tenenbaum - looking
Suzy Bishop - Looking
M. Gustave - looking

4 Points
Richie Tenenbaum

3 Points
Madame D.
Suzy Bishop
M. Gustave

2 Points
Margot Tenenbaum

Question 5

But it's tough to see anything.
This deep it does get pretty dark.

Oracle - dark
Madame D. - dark
Margot Tenenbaum - dark
Richie Tenenbaum - dark
Suzy Bishop - dark
M. Gustave - dark

5 Points
Richie Tenenbaum

4 Points
Madame D.
Suzy Bishop
M. Gustave

3 Points
Margot Tenenbaum

It may only get tougher from here...
Question 6

One of these players might know where to look.
The dalmatian mice made an appearance at each tribe's first Tribal Council, in which the first votes revealed were Kylie and Royal Tenenbaum.  Either answer was acceptable.

Oracle - M. Gustave
Madame D. - buckley
Margot Tenenbaum - M. Gustave
Richie Tenenbaum - Foxy Fox
Suzy Bishop - (blank)
M. Gustave - Kylie

5 Points
Richie Tenenbaum
M. Gustave

4 Points
Madame D.
Suzy Bishop

3 Points
Margot Tenenbaum

The suspense builds!

Wes Anderson

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Re: Chapter Thirteen: Hunt for the Jaguar Shark
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2021, 08:33:03 am »
And we're back!
Question 7

Did this player take the secret with them?
They left quite suddenly, maybe they were sneaking away with some knowledge.  That'd be Buckley.

Oracle - Buckley
Madame D. - Buckley
Margot Tenenbaum - Buckley
Richie Tenenbaum - Buckley
Suzy Bishop - Buckley
M. Gustave - Buckley

6 Points
Richie Tenenbaum
M. Gustave

5 Points
Madame D.
Suzy Bishop

4 Points
Margot Tenenbaum

Let's take another look...
Question 8

I hope the location isn't buried with this player.
That'd be “buried” at the grave of Kylie, who died tragically in a heroic train-involved incident (citation needed).

Oracle - Richie Tenenbaum
Madame D. - Richie Tenenbaum
Margot Tenenbaum - Peter Whitman
Richie Tenenbaum - Kylie
Suzy Bishop - Young Writer
M. Gustave - Peter Whitman

7 Points
Richie Tenenbaum

6 Points
M. Gustave

5 Points
Madame D.
Suzy Bishop

4 Points
Margot Tenenbaum

I think we're getting close...
Question 9

Wait, no, that's not the jaguar shark, it's just a jaguar fursona.

Oracle - Jaguar fursona
Madame D. - jaguar fursona
Margot Tenenbaum - Jaguar fursona
Richie Tenenbaum - Jaguar fursona
Suzy Bishop - Jaguar fursona
M. Gustave - Jaguar fursona

8 Points
Richie Tenenbaum

7 Points
M. Gustave

6 Points
Madame D.
Suzy Bishop

5 Points
Margot Tenenbaum

Just a decoy.  Richie leads by just one point. And...
Question 10 - The FINAL Point

Almost. Let's try again!
That's it!  It's the elusive jaguar shark!

Oracle - shark shark
Madame D. - Jaguar shark
Margot Tenenbaum - To shark
Richie Tenenbaum - Jaguar Shark
Suzy Bishop - Jaguar
M. Gustave - Jaguar shark

Final scores...

9 Points
Richie Tenenbaum

8 Points
M. Gustave

7 Points
Madame D.

6 Points
Suzy Bishop

5 Points
Margot Tenenbaum

Richie Tenenbaum wins immunity, and will move on to the Final Five!