Author Topic: Round 8: The Master Plan Woof woof tail wag!  (Read 585 times)


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Round 8: The Master Plan Woof woof tail wag!
« on: September 18, 2021, 03:24:06 pm »
Okay. So now. Peter is gone, I feel like I can breathe again and I have at least a cordial working relationship with basically everyone left in the game.

Oh but, Oracle? Isn't this the part of the game where they start picking off well connected people?

Why yes specs, great question I'm so glad you are asking! This is something I've started planning in my head and I have no idea how this specific plan is going to work out, but I'm starting to see a semblance of a path to the end for me.

This is likely going to involve me garnering a lot of trust and making sure I break that trust at the very right moment.

1st, I need to make sure Margot and Madame are solid with me, after taking somewhat of a stance that I preferred Peter to go here, I'm sure they are wary of me. So now I need to give them what they want. This game you can't get everything you want or it blows up in your face. So if Writer doesn't win immunity this time around I'm likely going to offer his head on a silver platter. Gustave wants it. Duke wants it. Margot wants it. Madame wants it. And I'm going to need it if I want to get farther. The longer Writer continues on, the more deeply Richie buries himself in this game and I need to knock him down a peg or two so that he has to work with me going forward.

2nd, if Writer loses immunity, then I'm going to pitch Herman. His name was briefly brought up, but I need Margot and Madame on my side and I need to get it through their brains that we need to take out a few goats or everyone is going to let them go. I'm pretty sure they could use this to turn around and blindside me, however that would leave them as the next 2 boots and I'm pretty sure they aren't that stupid. They'll recognize that getting out OG Ivanhoes is what is best for their game. Honestly, Herman is next on my list anyways after Writer, so that was going to be my next suggestion anyways.

3rd, I'm sure Richie and Suzy are going to disown me, however, Suzy's not actually in that bad of a position because I know Margot and Madame like her. So really at this point Richie will be in a bad spot without me and Gustave.

So assuming I get my way and Writer and Herman are the next two to go, the game looks like this:


So I could continue picking off people from OG Ivanhoe, however at this point it should be a 5-4 split unless idols come out or people don't follow suit. So next it's going to be setting up one of Royal or Buckley to take the fall, I don't care which, but if they try to go for Richie Suzy or Gustave, I need to shut that down. The more "threats" that are in this game, the more likely I am to get farther. So at that point I need Buckley and Royal to go and I'm still going to have numbers on my side because without me Richie, Margot, Madame, Suzy and Gustave will all start to go after each other.

So then 4th, after getting rid of one of Buckley or Royal, then I need to gun for the big one, Richie. I hate the idea of going after him, but after removing writer and herman, he will be down and once I have the numbers back in my court I can safely take a stab at him.

So this is where the game gets tricky for me:

Royal or Buckley.

Realistically I'm going to be somewhat of a high profile target because Suzy's not going to be super thrilled with me, however I'm going to have to assume Margot is going to be looking like a really tasty jury snack, plus I'll have pissed off enough people by this point that I can sell how people aren't going to be happy with how I've been playing and be less of a threat than her.

However I fucking still need Margot in the game, so what am I going to do?

I'm going to target Madame. She's too sweet, she's too nice and really she's going to probably sweep this jury. Plus we know she has presence in challenges, I think at that point she will be public enemy #1.

Then at this point, no matter what I do, I have Duke and Gustave in my corner. With Suzy in tow as a fourth, I think we can safely take out Margot and the remaining person from Buckley/Royal.

That would leave a final 4 of me, suzy, gustave and duke. In theory so long as Suzy doesn't win this challenge, she's another jury darling at this point and in theory I'm hoping the 3 of us manage to get this done.

Then in the end, it's going to be a bit of a split. I think Gustave is going to get some votes that I won't. I think I'll have just pissed off too many people by that point, but I don't know if anyone's going to give Duke votes unless he starts actually waking up and playing this game rather than following, which becomes a wrench in my plans if he does. But in theory, if I've played this right, I should get votes over Duke, and the votes Gustave doesn't get I should mop up for having somehow made the end in spite of entering merge as a popular social threat.

This is a work in progress, but I think right now it's my best path to the end. It's not pretty, and there is a lot that can go wrong, but I have to keep reading the situation and appealing to emotion whenever I can.

If anyone has said concerning things about Oracle in their confessionals, note to specs and mods, I'm fine. I just needed a night off so I sort of made up having a jarring day. The lie I told (which so far only have said directly to Duke but may have to if more people pry) is pretty dirty, all things considered, and might make me seem like a psychopath. It was a very Johnny Fairplay thing to do, but at this point I need to shift the target off of me and start playing these sides. It could blow up in my face, but I've played this game too hard not to start getting blood on my hands and slowly over time seeming less and less like I'd run away with this thing.

Either way. I'm hoping that Duke and Gustave are the two sitting next to me, as I don't think Royal and Buckley have any need or desire to take me far, and I'm not putting myself in a position where three goats suddenly take over the game. If the threats can just...put the knives away for a few rounds, I think we all stand a much higher chance of making the end. The strategy of taking goats to the end and putting all the pressure on yourself to perform is a hell I never want to put myself through again if I can avoid it.


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Re: Round 8: The Master Plan Woof woof tail wag!
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2021, 03:25:10 am »
Like I said anything can happen.

I hope you are okay Buckley :(

Okay so this just makes my plan easier and boils down to an alternating strategy of voting out threats and nonthreats. Plus Margot and Madame have even more reason to buy into this because I'm pretty sure the crossed keys alliance (Me/Writer/Suzy/Richie/Herman) is going to want one of them out next.


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Re: Round 8: The Master Plan Woof woof tail wag!
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2021, 04:36:13 am »
Have I mentioned how much I love Gustave? His mind is so good for this game and we are pretty much in sync for what comes in future rounds.

I also am starting to have more respect for Margot and if she bites into my arguments this round then we need each other for at least the next few rounds before we likely will have to turn on each other. She's not a slouch though.

Also I feel bad we are setting up Richie for a big fall, but it has to happen. The guy is just too much of a force. He's going to run this game if we don't cut him down a peg or two this round.

Gustave is focusing on his relationship with Suzy and Herman.

Duke and I are focusing on our relationship with Margot and Madame.

If we can pretty much keep that grouping of 7 around for the next few rounds I think Duke, Gustave and I are looking pretty for endgame.


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Re: Round 8: The Master Plan Woof woof tail wag!
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2021, 01:03:02 pm »
Richie might be the 2nd smartest person I have ever played a game with. He's insightful, he's already onto the plan that Gustave wants to make a move and that Madame and Margot aren't courting him for a vote. Just a very perceptive guy. He is piecing together what is happening, but I hope it's too little too late. If Writer loses the challenge, even Suzy and Herman are on board to get rid of him.

Richie cannot touch the end of this game or I think he just straight up wins. He has too many connections, he's so well insulated, and he's perceived as a good player in this game by basically everyone.

At this point, I don't know if I'm ready to cut him because he's such a good shield, but if I let him last too much longer then it's possible he will wrap people around his finger to the point he is unkillable.

Quite a dilemma. Writer though is a threat and good at challenges. Pretty sure that's going to have to be dealt with first.


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Re: Round 8: The Master Plan Woof woof tail wag!
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2021, 02:29:49 pm »
Do any Specs want to know anything about my game or is anyone interested in a specific conversation I've had with anyone?

Would help to know if there's anything you specifically want to see that might be of interest to you all.


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Re: Round 8: The Master Plan Woof woof tail wag!
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2021, 05:41:08 am »
Thank you for voicing it very much <3

Yeah, I'm not super worried about Suzy winning immunity. I'd prefer if Young Writer didn't, not even because I absolutely want to take him out next round, but because I think him feeling pressure is important to our games. Like it gives us more options in that he might be more willing to vote with us and also gives us an opportunity to maybe flush an idol or something? I just would feel a little more limited if he won immunity here.

Yep yep I agree with that assessment. I think we just keep working with Richie for now and I'll work on trying to make sure he doesn't feel to excluded, while keeping an eye and looking for when a better timing might be for flipping the table.

Aww I feel exactly the same about all of you and I'm really excited to work on strategy with you all for the next couple rounds

Just a couple more rounds Margot? Yes that should inspire confidence you really intend to go farther with me. Rolling my eyes so hard right now.


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Re: Round 8: The Master Plan Woof woof tail wag!
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2021, 06:14:26 am »
Do any Specs want to know anything about my game or is anyone interested in a specific conversation I've had with anyone?

Would help to know if there's anything you specifically want to see that might be of interest to you all.
I'm curious about how you're handling your conversations with people like Young Writer, Herman, and Richie atm


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Re: Round 8: The Master Plan Woof woof tail wag!
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2021, 06:19:17 am »
Do any Specs want to know anything about my game or is anyone interested in a specific conversation I've had with anyone?

Would help to know if there's anything you specifically want to see that might be of interest to you all.
I'm curious about how you're handling your conversations with people like Young Writer, Herman, and Richie atm

Thank you for asking! So Writer I'm just walling back and forth with him, literally i send him essays. That way he and I mostly keep the conversation light and he doesn't suspect I'm planning on getting him out this round if he loses (or at least flushing the theoretical idol he has). We mostly talk about comedy bits, life in general, and stuff we have in common. We recently breached the topic of Animorphs. Most of the game talk that happens is in the Crossed Keys chat which all three of them are in.

As far as Richie, I give him little snips and thoughts so that he too doesn't really come back with a vengeance after I likely blindside him this round by getting out Writer. Either way, Richie's a great dude, but he's literally building semi correct semi incorrect conspiracy theories that I'm sort of helping him build that narrative to fuel that fire, the more he thinks I'm with him, the more he spills that I hopefully can use against him to force his hand to work with me for a few rounds after this.

Herman and I really don't talk outside of crossed keys, I don't think I've heard from him 1 on 1 in two days now. That's kind of what he does. He's mostly just there. I really would prefer if he left soon because I think he's closer to others than me.

Ill see if I can find specific conversations with each of these people to highlight where I'm going with this but it will likely be later tonight. Though I guess I won't have to search hard for Herman as he doesn't talk to me one on one.


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Re: Round 8: The Master Plan Woof woof tail wag!
« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2021, 08:53:25 am »
Hey I got 4th in the challenge! I was beating myself up so much mentally over not doing well. I'm thrilled with this result.

And I also love that Margot continually sets herself up as the new Writer. 2 immunities in a row just continues to make her such a tantalizing target to take a jab at later. Popular and more threatening than me. Perfect.


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Re: Round 8: The Master Plan Woof woof tail wag!
« Reply #9 on: September 20, 2021, 09:26:25 am »
The problem now though, is I think Margot is so self aware, that she now might not want to target Writer. The more threats she keeps around the more she's not going to feel like the next target.

Who has the idol is going to be such a wild reveal when it happens. Top suspects currently are Writer and Margot.


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Re: Round 8: The Master Plan Woof woof tail wag!
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2021, 10:42:14 am »
Yeah, I personally would rather just, not pagong. Margot feels like the one it'd be worth targeting and I'm not a fan of voting Royal

Okay so I'm having serious red flags about Writer right now. If there was any goodwill I was willing to show, I think he just lost it. This is in a group with Richie, Suzy, myself and Herm called the Crossed Keys (we actually had this name before the merged tribe name). But like dude, if you aren't doing a pagong, then what the fuck are you doing in an all OG Ivanhoe chat?

This is just kind of concerning all over the board. Like how else do you project "I'm going to fuck you guys over in the long run" louder than a statement like that?

I mean to be fair I'm thinking of doing the same thing, but this is just next level weird.


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Re: Round 8: The Master Plan Woof woof tail wag!
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2021, 10:59:27 am »
Yeah if Writer is going to be such a bonehead about this and stick with Royal and Madame, I definitely have to get out of crossed keys this round. Writer does not have me in his plans long term.


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Re: Round 8: The Master Plan Woof woof tail wag!
« Reply #12 on: September 20, 2021, 11:38:54 am »
I think this is the round my game goes up in flames. Writer is only willing to consider Duke and Gustave for the vote and I'm not okay with it. I've already leaked the group to Gustave and I'm going to start throwing shit at the wall and see what sticks.


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Re: Round 8: The Master Plan Woof woof tail wag!
« Reply #13 on: September 20, 2021, 12:11:42 pm »
I am hardcore throwing Writer under the bus to Margot right now. Nothing is staying sacred or secret right now.


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Re: Round 8: The Master Plan Woof woof tail wag!
« Reply #14 on: September 20, 2021, 01:23:31 pm »
Haha I have no idea how this round will turn out.

This is so messed up haha.


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Re: Round 8: The Master Plan Woof woof tail wag!
« Reply #15 on: September 21, 2021, 03:27:32 am »
Yeah I think this round is going to blow up in my face. Oh well!

Also apologies for not giving more thoughts. I’m having to make on the spot decisions while I work and am going to have to summarize this game later but let’s just say this round is live!!!


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Re: Round 8: The Master Plan Woof woof tail wag!
« Reply #16 on: September 21, 2021, 04:05:02 am »
Okay the real plan now appears to be Madame. What the fuck is this round?


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Re: Round 8: The Master Plan Woof woof tail wag!
« Reply #17 on: September 21, 2021, 04:37:51 am »
Why is it Madame? Do you want Madame to go?


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Re: Round 8: The Master Plan Woof woof tail wag!
« Reply #18 on: September 21, 2021, 05:00:58 am »
Because that's the only name that people in the keys chat will agree on.

So here's the thing. I always knew Madame was going to be a social threat to go the end that people were going to have a hard time cutting. If she does go here that would solve one problem, but might have a ton of other implications I'm not sure are beneficial to me.

It would definitely make me lose Margot's trust. But the same can be said for Richie and Suzy. Really I have no idea how this shakes out.

I'm seriously considering it though. So long as no one comes for my Duke or Gustave I'm pretty open to most plans but I have to make sure we balance threats and non threats. So this is going to be ruff either way I think.

Plus if I break Richie and Suzy's trust now then what? Do I just assume Margot who hasn't already begun throwing me under the bus isn't going to "in a couple rounds"?

I wish we were just voting Royal here, but I don't think that's possible any more so I have to decide if I'm taking out Writer or Madame.


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Re: Round 8: The Master Plan Woof woof tail wag!
« Reply #19 on: September 21, 2021, 05:06:44 am »
Oh my god I think I have to vote Madame. I can't blindside Suzy and Herman here or I can't swing a majority alliance next round with Duke and Gustave against the others.

This is fucked up. I was just having a breakthrough with Madame where she was telling me she is worried and afraid to trust.

Fuck I hate the Richie/Writer/Royal dynamic. Perhaps if Royal votes Writer though that breaks down next round and I can just sell that with a pretty bow.

This round is wild.


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Re: Round 8: The Master Plan Woof woof tail wag!
« Reply #20 on: September 21, 2021, 08:33:38 am »
Oh no haha. This is going to be highly uncomfortable.


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Re: Round 8: The Master Plan Woof woof tail wag!
« Reply #21 on: September 21, 2021, 10:07:06 am »
Hahaha the master plan is already crumbling.

I'm pretty much trying to ensure the new 5vanhoe chat (Duke/me/Suzy/Herman/Gustave) is the new endgame because pretty much any other scenario scares the living shit out of me.

Richie lied and actually did mutiny, found that out via Duke, Young Writer could win all the rest of the challenges, Margot could win all the rest of the challenges, and I just straight up don't trust Royal as far as I can throw him, though maybe I should have. I just didn't trust Royal long term.

So now it's kind of one plan or bust. An accumulation of discussions and talk lead to this, but sweet, I'm in a bottleneck and get to be uncomfortable for the next 24 hours.


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Re: Round 8: The Master Plan Woof woof tail wag!
« Reply #22 on: September 21, 2021, 10:16:31 am »
I'm going to start crying. Madame is literally so sweet and I feel like such an asshole right now.


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Re: Round 8: The Master Plan Woof woof tail wag!
« Reply #23 on: September 21, 2021, 11:44:02 am »
Is it bad I kind of wish this game was going to go to rocks?


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Re: Round 8: The Master Plan Woof woof tail wag!
« Reply #24 on: September 21, 2021, 03:34:40 pm »
In other news Richie is a snake. But a fun snake. Like the one you want to pet but know will squeeze the life out of you if you let it.