Author Topic: Round 5: I already hated skiing, so this is the cherry on top. Bark fucking bark  (Read 332 times)


  • Society of Crossed Keys
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So the first thing that Margaret says when she messages me is that Sam is talking to her about the game we are playing.

No hi. No, how are you. Nothing. Just gets right in there with a rusty spoon and starts scooping.

That' approach I guess? I kinda liked how blunt it was, but I also like to have my ego stroked a little bit, ease into stuff like that haha. I think she's probably going to be someone that you cross once and she crosses you off her Devil Wears Prada list.

Also apparently Sam is going around to Richie and Gustave and telling them that I'm a tight pair with Suzy they need to watch out for at merge. Hahahahahaha you literally pull my two closest allies together and try to throw me out the river. Sam. Baby. This is not the way to start round 5.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2021, 05:07:01 am by Oracle »


  • Society of Crossed Keys
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Well I just got blunt with Sam. This is either my undoing or it finally starts to get a conversation between me and him going. Either way it's time to stop playing kum bi yah and call out the hypocrite for who he is.

Wes Anderson

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What did you say to him?


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So that's a complicated story. Let's just say how I started this round out.

These were the first two messages I got when I got home:

Sam tells me you guys make bets about who will go out on our tribe next, I assume you're pretty good at this since you're the oracle

tell me, what does our next TC hold?

anyways, how has life been over there? This last round was pretty dramatic

the one line summary of our tribe is that Fox cemented himself as the most social and the discussion leader early on, however recently people have started getting sick of him trying to unilaterally dictate every single vote

sorry for leaving this unresponded to for a while, this is why i shouldn't read pms without immediately replying. i always end up forgetting and it leads to awkwardness.

sam has approached me and richie and proposed that we be a trio. we told him yes, so now we can get intel from another perspective. and it's already paid off, as the first thing he pointed out to me is that he believes you and suzy are a pair to be worried about come merge. thought that would be something you'd like to know, obviously!

i'm really glad we get to hear from the other tribe finally, and that we're still together for a little bit longer. yes, we'll have to vote somebody out, but unless herman gets the mendls this should be pretty straightforward, no? sam seems to not mind him but nobody else really likes him afaik.

So yeah that's super cool that someone I actually was starting to like and open up to is going around painting me in a pair's not exactly untrue because Suzy is an ideal person for me to cut at f4 so in that sense we could be a pair, but to go around just saying stuff to the other side wasn't super either. So after getting these messages I decide it's time to confront him. Even if I get nothing from it, it starts a little friction and he either decides he wants to open up to me more or I have a reason to say "BYE SAM".

This is going to be slightly out of context but it starts the chain:

That's absolutely perfect. I think that's what we were all kind of hoping for because it's going to make them less united when and if we actually swap.

That's true, but still is kind of interesting to think about!

I guess it was only Margot who really mentioned anything about you. She mentioned that you told her about the running silly game we had going. And I feel you on the weekend thing. If this was going to happen, I'm glad it's now and not like yesterday or something. I desperately needed that sleep. Fox sent me one of those generic opening PMs you get at the start of a conversation, interested to see what else he says.

Richie has pointed out to me that we have a tribal council after this, I didn't process that at first. What's your relationship with Herman? He's probably the 'easy vote' here but we've got the numbers to flip it somewhere else.

Well yeah, I need a person on the inside to keep my eliminator up. (The topic seemed pretty harmless to bring up.) Fox probably has the most interesting character of the game; Margot phrased him as unpopular but not in danger.

Yeah. It's a forced tribal council where no one is immune on both sides. I'm a little baffled at the choice to do this, but it's fine. Just kind of a lot to have to process on top of trying to meet new people and do a challenge haha. I mean I've been getting hints about how I felt about Herman from a couple others, so your assessment would be correct. I mostly actually wasn't sure what you thought of him.

We sometimes have a few words to exchange, but we aren't the most verbose with one another. He's not really into having deeper conversations, which is fine. That's just who he is. Is there someone you were looking to flip it onto?

That's fine, although I guess I'm going to have to figure out how to get someone on the inside who feeds me information for our game haha. Bark bark, tail wag. It was very harmless, I just wanted you to know that I didn't get a hi or anything from Margot, I literally got "So I hear you and Sam have a game you are playing." and that was the start of any conversation we had.

Yeah that's the gist I got from her as well. He's apparently social, but likes to be in charge.

I like Herman, and after talking to a couple people, I'm under the impression that I'm Herman's closest ally. So yes I would like to keep him around, and I'm also fairly confident come swap he's gonna be extremely pro-Ivanhoe.

There is a person in mind actually. However I have to be mysterious and not tell you yet because if the other tribe finds out things become very messy.

Oh haha! Margot had a much more normal starting conversation with me.

Interesting. Herman doesn't really tell me anything so this is more than I knew before. That makes sense why you'd want to keep him around. Nothing wrong with a little tribal cohesion.

So then let me ask you, if you were asking me if there was something I wanted, and I didn't tell you, how would that make you feel? It also doesn't make me not want to vote Herman if I don't have something to consider.

I'm not saying you need to lay all your cards out to me or anything, but it shows me that you don't trust me not to tell people who I haven't met all game stuff we talk about. And yet I'm the one getting messages from someone on the other side that you tell them things we talk about even if it's a silly game. I'm not saying there has to be full transparency between you and me because I understand this is a game, but if you want to work with me in this game I need a little more transparency from you about what it is you want. I don't want to be harsh or sharp or accuse you of anything, but I like you Sam. I want to work with you, but you not telling me things isn't helping us build trust.

I think I kind of liked how blunt she was about me.

So at this point, Sam is just pissing me off. He's told Suzy and Duke he wants to start a group with us 4, doesn't and leaves us all confused, tries to paint me as a duo with Suzy to my two closest allies, goes around telling people on the other tribe stuff we talk about to each other, and then has the audacity to tell me "However I have to be mysterious and not tell you yet because if the other tribe finds out things become very messy."

I don't know these people Sam! How the hell would I know to info dump at them all of our secrets and ruin whatever it is you want to do? I'm supposed to be your ally yet you feel like you enjoy the one guy I don't get along with on this tribe, tell me that and then don't offer me another suggestion? Like cut the shit Sam and be straight up.

This pug is fiesty and I'm not afraid to get all up in your junk.

If he even fucking thinks of going "well it's not like you tell me things either" or some bullshit that isn't a straight answer, my next PM to him is going to be "oh well at least I don't find out from Suzy and Duke that you want to start a 4 person alliance, don't even bother telling me about it, and then never make it." Like dude you definitely keep me in the dark about shit and you are definitely setting me up. I ain't going to sit around and take it ya punk!


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Well no because Sam hasn't been around. I did leak part of this conversation to the 4 horsemen which might not be smart, but if no one's telling me a name, then I need my 4 horsemen to fill me in. Apparently Richie is also in the dark about this, but for some reason Anthony seems to know that's what "consensus" wants. Hmmm Anthony what is your game here, perhaps stirring up shit that isn't true and making everyone believe it is?


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Lip curls into a devious grin.

Alright... I think my mistake was treating you too much like I would myself. Since I asked myself if I would tell the other tribe in your position and went... potentially. (especially considering half of them have already told me whom they're targeting next, I can only assume it's the same case for you.) And I also decided I wouldn't mind not knowing for a bit longer in your position, specifically because the vote isn't gonna flip without your stamp of approval.

I'm thinking Young Writer. Suzy had stated to me she didn't trust the item situation with Young Writer, and writer is the person I feel most distant from. Now with this twist, Peter basically came at me asking for whom had the knife, because the pellet from his misfire was 'stuck in his arm' and saying he would share the advantage with said person. This to me indicates that Young Writer is gonna be the person most likely to flip on us, and I obviously can't be having Peter know so that whatever the advantage is stays on their tribe.

I apologize for making you feel I didn't trust you, if you would prefer having Herman out I won't fight you over it.

It's interesting, like it could put her in a lot of trouble if some of what she says was shared with her tribemates, but there's not really a reason to share it with them.

Looks like putting pressure on Sam finally made him talk. Interesting that he wants Young Writer, and honestly? I kind of want to keep that information to myself for the time being anyways. It's not a horrible suggestion.


  • Society of Crossed Keys
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And this folks, is how you get information out of cryptic players who are setting you up. Just put pressure on them, but not overbearing pressure, and they crack like an egg.


  • Society of Crossed Keys
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Ha I already told Gustave. Yeah young writer going probably would be horrible for me right now. I'm likely going to put my foot down on it.


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Okay Buckley won my heart. I'll share later.


  • Society of Crossed Keys
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This is such a weird round. Like for a Standard game this is so weird. Why can't we just have a swap like a normal Standard game?

Also if Herman bolts to the other side. I swear to god lol.


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So for the record I did not suggest YW switch to be immune to fuck him over or be part of a dirty pagong. I just don't want Herman to mutiny because if he does I'm nervous about what happens.


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If you get a DM like this from Anthony what do you do with it?

I'm still trying to figure it out myself but... um er...

I'm still on the Richie hearing a defense on Herman part :I But er, Duke is popular I guess but also not since they're on the bottom, but also yes because, they're not being brought up, but also they've been brought up in a positive light, but also Writer is more popular, but they were more of a candidate, but now they're not and apparently never were because Herman and Sam had a communication error, but Sam was still gunning for them (Writer) and now Writer and Gustave are gunning for Sam even though Sam an Gustave seemed to be working together and Sam thinks Gustave won't help the vote off Herman, but Sam doesn't want to go Herman and they're the ones gunning for them the most. Also, Writer apparently let a group chat slip or somethin? But Gustave didn't like Writer, but then they did and then they didn't but now they do? It seemed like Gustave made Same bribe Herman into voting Writer, or Sam did that off his own accord and brought up Gustave anyways? Oracle knows about the Sam secret plan thing, and it was to get votes off of Herman, I think. :I Meanwhile, Sam doesn't want to go Duke for reasons, prolly because Gustave likes Duke, but then why is Gustave gunning for someone they have influence over? There's prolly quite a bit more that I can't think of, it's quite the mess

Oh yeah, Richie is there too; mostly revealing stuff though rather than partaking in whatever this is. :)

Like I don't even know if this is a coherent thought process. I'm trying to follow it but it just sounds like a mess.

(This was a DM to me and Suzy)


  • Society of Crossed Keys
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Alright, so I'm going to guess based on what Anthony is saying that shit is going to hit the fan tomorrow and it's going to be interesting to see where all of the drama occurs. I really want to vote Herman out, however if he leaves I'm going to have to get creative on what happens. This twist is kind of not my fave, but it's fine. In addition, it's very clear that Ivanhoe is not a big happy tribe and is going to break up. That's fine too. I made one last ditch effort to try and keep us from scattering and losing a numbers advantage in the next phase so we had options, but if everyone on the tribe decides to be trigger happy and fuck each other over that's fine with me too.

This game looks so much different for me if this was a swap. Ah well you can't win em and you can't lose em all. Let's just see how long I don't lose this one for as I get ready to go into the next phase of whatever bullshit is about to come crashing down.

In the meantime I have two things i want to update you on:

1. Here's the conversation between Buckley and myself that mades me love this doggo:

woof! bark woof woof woof bark, woof bark! woof woof bark?

bark bark woof woof bark arf tail wag!

Barj brwj wook woof woof arf woof fufy woof bsj bafk woooooof!
 Woof woof ruff bark eoofp

Bark bark tail wag, sniff woof pant pant woof bark!

2. Since right now it's a cold war and I think all out verbal war is going to break out once the mutiny happens, I'm going to instead share my thoughts on what I thought of everyone on the other side. Switch up the rankings a little bit!

Top tier list:

1. Madame D.-What an absolute sweetheart. I adore her, and I think she's very misunderstood. I really enjoyed my conversation with her and she easily left the best impression with me. I would love to meet her in a swap and see if we can't work something out. However I also think she is a very good player and playing up sort of a noobish persona. That doesn't mean I don't like her, I just also know that long term I need to watch her.

2. Margot Tenebaum-Wow what a firecracker. I love how bold she is and how much she just shoots her shot and goes for broke. This is exactly the type of player I want going forward because I'm always gong to know what she is thinking and when she is thinking it. She also seems like the type not to care about conflict and if I'm good to her she will stick up for me in return. I like her. But she does have winner potential written all over her, so like Madame D I think I'm going to need to watch her carefully if we swap together.

Middle tier:

3. So I actually have a tie for third:

a. Peter Whitman-He is smart. There are a ton of players I can see him getting along with on our side and actually I think there are people on our side who would flip to him over me. I could just see him drawng people in and then spitting them out, or deciding he can beat them and taking them far. This is the type of player I generally watch out for because usually they have a lot going on upstairs and it blows up in my face. However, short term, might be someone worth looking at working with.I don't see long term ally potential though.

b. Buckley-Okay. this guy has goat potential and I love him. He's just adorable and I would have loved to get to know him if he wasn't so obviously drunk and partying. Just unfortunate and I think he has potential to be someone I can work with and use long term. I do want to assess that situation more though as I didn't get a good feel for what this dude was actually like.

5. Royal Tenenbaum-Another one of those fellows that I want to get to know on a deeper level when I get the chance. The time restraint didn't give a lot of time for me to get an impression of the dude. He seems okay. Could be a number to use at some point. No clue though. Again I need to assess the dude when I get a chance.

Low tier:

6. Foxy Fox-I think Margot soiled this guy for me and showed me that he's just a social gamebot who is kind of smarmy and very much a cool customer. With his immunity win today I doubt he gets picked off and I'll likely see him again. He is going to be alone soon, but from what I understand he likes to get his way and tried to dictate votes. Actually on second thought, maybe that's exactly the kind of person I need to be befriending. Don't take the nice people who are going to win all the votes, take the offputting people and then beat them at the end. I might have to re-evaluate the situation depending on what happens. I know Sam really wants to take this guy far, but depending how the drama unfolds tomorrow I'm not sure how long Sam has for the world, in this game. Anyways, don't hate it, but it's very much a get in your face and learn all about you type of guy, which is the type of player I am, and trying to get along with someone like that is both something to worry about and something to think about. However because Margot got into my head first I'm now seeing someone who is buttering everyone up because that's the type of person he is, which is like me. Until I can be proved wrong otherwise, this is where he goes on my list.

7. Max something-Pretty sure he's dying next unless he mutiny's here. If he doesn't I don't see the point in getting to know him further or ranking him here. I'll re-assess this if he mutiny's here or somehow isn't the one voted out. For now trying to put effort into what seems like the next vote out on the other side doesn't feel like a worthwhile endeavor. For the record I don't hate Max, he seems fine, and if he was on jury I would have a different mindset than this. It's hard to give a shit pre-jury because none of them decide if you win or not.

And that's all I have right now. I have to see how all of this shit goes down tomorrow. If I believe what Anthony said which I'm skeptical about, then things are going to go some way. (still trying to interpret that last DM there's so much to digest that I feel out of the loop on.)

Wes Anderson

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Do you want to be kidnapped and taken to Rushmore? Regardless, someone from your tribe is going to be taken away by the pirates. If you don’t want it to be yourself, do you have a plan to make sure it’s not?


  • Society of Crossed Keys
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Do you want to be kidnapped and taken to Rushmore? Regardless, someone from your tribe is going to be taken away by the pirates. If you don’t want it to be yourself, do you have a plan to make sure it’s not?

I kind of don't care? Like I'm not going to mutiny. But I think I could survive a couple rounds if I get in good with the right people. Being adaptable is part of the game.

I tried to publicly get YW to go so I didn't have to think about it and had options in case the person who came over had the immunity (foxxy I believe). But given I just woke up to 6 messages I'm guessing today is going to be a bit of a hot mess and someone else will likely just do it anyways.


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Make that 7 DMs. Lord. I need some coffee.


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Names that have been dropped so far:

Young Writer

I think Duke is the least serious of any of them. I was hoping people were going to go for Herman, but Richie seemed less okay with that idea and it kind of irked me. Young Writer was the vote proposal put out by Sam, but I'm pretty sure people are going to shut that down. I actually think Sam is where the vote is going to land on when the dust settles. Enough people are not happy with him right now and there's enough of a movement to keep certain groups safe that the vote might just land on him.

Again this all depends on this Mutiny twist, but yeah it's getting spicy over here.

I don't think Richie, myself, Gustave or Suzy are going anywhere this round.

Anthony I have heard people mention they are getting sick of him stirring the pot because he definitely knows how to start a rumor. However whether his name gets thrown out as a vote option or whether he gets away with it again, that's completely up to other people, but I just can't see him going right now.


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I have a running theory that Richie wants to keep Herman around to take to the end.

I don't like it.


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With Richie gone, things get infinitely weird on our tribe. Right now I'm caught between a rock and a hard place. With Richie here at least I could have fallen on the "Richie is the ring leader calling the shots" and could explain the Sam thing, however with him gone and the numbers less black and white, saying I'm all in on a Sam vote is a slippery slope because Herman could run back to Sam and with Peter and the double vote, things get less black and white.

Basically right now I have to grapple with the ramification of having been social to the point where I'm overcommitted and seeing what has the least amount of blowback.

If Herman says he's all in on Sam, then this round is set. That's the biggest ??? at this point because if Herman isn't good with Sam, then things get infinitely more complex.


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Uhhh okay Herman says he is good with Sam.

This feels like a trap.


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Okay so Peter is very good at this game. He's into the manipulation to get information just like I am. Very smart, I need to be very cautious about what I talk about with him.

Young Writer likes him and I kind of dislike that a lot. Honestly Young Writer might need to go sooner rather than later. Well this stinks. I liked Young Writer, but right now he's kind of a problem for me.

Sam I think has to go. I don't see a way out of it this round and i kind of don't want to. Though if I had my way the target would be on Anthony right now because I'm sick to death of his cryptic undecipherable messages that make no sense to me. If we have to go and don't swap/merge after this, then I have to imagine I can swing things onto Anthony. A lot of people are sick of him right now, but Sam they are sick of more.

If, god forbid, we have to go to three tribal councils then that's when things get kind of murky. I think I can convince Suzy, Gustave, and Duke to band together to oust Peter. But it would be a lot of social effort.

I really hope it doesn't come to that because if the target shifts to Gustave and Duke after that I'm going to have problems.

I also don't get why Richie, Suzy & YW want to protect Herman so much. It's baffling and I hate it.


  • Society of Crossed Keys
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Yeah Peter is already lying to me. Fantastic.


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He finally fessed up. Good god I’m dealing with clowns.


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Why is Herman the most trustworthy guy right now? This is such a fucking weird timeline folks. I'll give rankings later especially if I don't somehow accidentally die this round. But god I believe him when he says he's voting for Sam.

Wild. This game is wild.