Author Topic: Episode Two  (Read 202 times)

Wes Anderson

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Episode Two
« on: September 07, 2021, 06:22:36 am »
Previously, on Survivor... At Camp Ivanhoe, Richie Tenenbaum and Young Writer formed an unbreakable bond. On Rushmore Academy, Royal Tenenbaum swept the lot on the items up for bid, and Margot Tenenbaum saw to it that Rat would pay the price, as Rat became the first player eliminated. 19 players remain.

In the early days of Camp Ivanhoe, several power players gathered and formed the ominously-named (for multiple reasons) Four Horsemen alliance.

Oracle: An alliance has begun between myself, Richie, Anthony & Gustave called "The Four Horsemen".
M. Gustave: in terms of trust, oracle is at the top, followed by richie and anthony as fellow horsemen, and then kylie - she trusts me a ton.

Of course, the strongest bond would be the game mechanic-enforced duo of Richie and Young Writer.

Young Writer: Obviously the person who literally can't vote for me is my number one ally. He's clever, has a good game sense and I would suspect is in the best position on this tribe. I'm going to be playing catchup to him quite a lot, which means establishing ways to have a tactical advantage over him will be necesarry in the future.

For tribal immunity, the challenge was posting at the right time to hit a target. Rushmore Academy came out guns blazing, while Camp Ivanhoe spent more time coming up with a strong strategic plan.

So I think purposefully aiming wrong could be a strategy here

For example if you aim at G7; 1 is 10 points, 2 is 0 points, and 0 is 0 points

But if you aim and G6 and aim for a 2; 2 is 10 points, 3 is 5 points, and 1 is 4 points

Also, it would put the correct shot and the complete miss fire shot apart from each other

I agree with this. It allows for the most profitable margin of error should you not hit the exact second you're trying for.

Most important thing is for everyone to practice and say what their level of confidence is so we can put our best shooters last.
I'd like to try and shoot at the middle, if that's ok!
I just got 10 in a row, though I did have to recalibrate my aim a bit before that. I will try to be around late as if we are fine with me shooting for 15, it is best to have it happen at the very end based on the tiebreaker.
Okay so I'm not sure if this is allowed, but I actually figured out how to sync up my shots with the board timer.

And with that, the challenge was on. Read it in the spoiler below:
Target Practice Challenge Results

Round one
Up for Rushmore Academy is Foxy Fox.  Fox lines up the shot at A7 and...
HITS! Fox scores 10 points by obliterating A7. Fox makes the cool Foxy Fox sound.

Fox's counterpart in Camp Ivanhoe is Richie Tenenbaum.  Richie lines up the shot at B2 and...
MISSES! Richie scores 10 points, with the miss sniping straight through A1.

We're tied!  The score is
Rushmore Academy 10
Camp Ivanhoe 10

Round two
For Rushmore Academy is Steve Zissou. Steve lines up the hero shot at the bullseye, and...
MISSES! Steve scores 1 point, with the miss bouncing through D5.

Second for Camp Ivanhoe is Herman Blume. Herman lines up the shot at B6 and...
MISSES! The pellet flies low through B7, and Herman scores 5 points.

Camp Ivanhoe pulls ahead. The score is
Rushmore Academy 11
Camp Ivanhoe 15

Round three
Up for Rushmore Academy is Margot Tenenbaum.  Margot lines up the hero shot at the bullseye, and...
HITS! Margot's shot bores straight through D4 for 15 points.

For Camp Ivanhoe is M. Gustave. M. Gustave lines up the shot at F2 and...
MISSES! The pellet rifles through G1 and M. Gustave scores 10 points. I’m starting to doubt some of these misses are misses at all!

Rushmore Academy edges into the lead! The score is
Rushmore Academy 26
Camp Ivanhoe 25

Round four
Up for Rushmore Academy is Peter Whitman.  Peter lines up the shot at G7 and...
MISSES!  Peter's pellet disappears in a puff of smoke as the shot fails to hit the board.

Up for Camp Ivanhoe is Suzy Bishop. Suzy lines up the shot at G7 and...
MISSES! Suzy's shop slips to the left, hitting F7 for 6 points.

The score is
Rushmore Academy 26
Camp Ivanhoe 31

Round five
Up for Rushmore Academy is Klaus Daimler. Klaus lines up the shot at G1 and...
HITS! The pellet sails through G1, scoring 10 points.

For Camp Ivanhoe is Anthony Adams.  Anthony lines up the shot at G6 and...
MISSES! The pellet ricochets into G7, scoring 10 points.

The score is
Rushmore Academy 36
Camp Ivanhoe 41

Round six
Up for Rushmore Academy is Royal Tenenbaum.  Royal lines up the shot at G7 and...
HITS! G7 is pulverized for 10 points, and Rushmore Academy is heating up.

For Camp Ivanhoe, Young Writer lines up the shot at B7 and…
MISSES!  The shot careens into A7 for 10 points.

The score is
Rushmore Academy 46
Camp Ivanhoe 51

Round seven
For Rushmore Academy up walks Max Fischer.  Max lines up the shot at A1 and...
HITS! That pellet lands clean in A1 for 10 points.

For Camp Ivanhoe, we have Kylie, lining up the hero shot at the bullseye, and Kylie...
MISSES! The shot goes low into D5 for one point.
The score is
Rushmore Academy 56
Camp Ivanhoe 52

Round 8
Rushmore Academy's Buckley approaches.  Buckley aims at D1, and...
HITS! The shot flies true through D1 for 9 points.

For Camp Ivanhoe is Sam Shakusky. Sam lines up the shot at D2 and…
MISSES! The shot skirts up and left into C1 for 6 points,

The score is
Rushmore Academy 65
Camp Ivanhoe 58

Round nine
For Camp Ivanhoe, it's Oracle stepping up to the plate.  Oracle takes the hero shot at the bullseye, and...
HITS! That’s 15 points for Ivanhoe and a total of 73. Will it be enough?

Rushmore Academy's Madame D. is the last to fire.  Madame D. aims at B4 and...
MISSES! The shot bounces off Scout Master Ward and sinks into A4, for 9 points.

That's a total of 74 points now for Rushmore Academy!!! Rushmore wins immunity!

Camp Ivanhoe, you have a date with me at Tribal Council.


A misfire by Peter Whitman led to an extra vote in the form of a pellet embedded in his hand, but without the knife, he won’t be able to use it.

Peter Whitman: don't know who has it at the moment, no. But whenever someone reveals they have an item, I'm jumping right in their DMs like HEY SEXY I GOT SOMETHING FOR YOU LET ME JUST CUT MYSELF OPEN LIKE A PIÑATA

What he couldn’t know yet is that at Camp Ivanhoe, the knife is the one publicly claimed item, with Young Writer proclaiming the purchase.

Back at Rushmore Academy, Margot’s plan to pin the blame for her move on figurehead Fox was having some success.

Sorry, wrong clip. Again, Margot’s plan to put the Rat boot on Fox was meeting with some success, but also some awareness.

Madame D.: Whilst Foxy is the obvious tribe figurehead, I think there is good reason to believe that Margot is probably the one most in control, and she is likely to be the person in the best overall position. Everyone likes her, yet she also evades attracting too much attention. She's in that sweet spot. And that's why I've endeavoured to be close with her.

Buckley: It sounds like not everyone was pleased with how the Rat vote went down. Apparently Foxy pushed it through rather hard? Max is saying that he wasn't too happy to be voting Rat, and Margot doesn't sound thrilled either. If they're telling /me/ that, then they must really feel like things are out of their hands.

Back at Camp Ivanhoe, another arrangement of the powerful players came together in the form of the "Al-spy-ance."

Anthony Adams:
In other news, last round Richie, Writer and I became an Al-spy-ance
Richie said that they liked me and Writer and that they happened to talk about Spies, at the start of our conversation, I accused Writer of being a spy, so it was a good way to propose it.

Mostly, though, things were quiet in the final hours at the camp before the conclusion of Tribal Council...

Kylie voted out 9-1 (one vote Duke).
« Last Edit: September 25, 2021, 12:38:00 am by Wes Anderson »