Author Topic: Round 2: Holy fuck bullseye bark bark!  (Read 210 times)


  • Society of Crossed Keys
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Round 2: Holy fuck bullseye bark bark!
« on: September 06, 2021, 08:14:24 am »
I'm shaking so much. Holy shit that was stressful.

Also realized I hadn't made a second thread yet.

Please god let us win after that.


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Re: Round 2: Holy fuck bullseye bark bark!
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2021, 08:21:04 am »
Nice shooting! You remind me of another dog...Bullseye!


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Re: Round 2: Holy fuck bullseye bark bark!
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2021, 08:27:23 am »
Nice shooting! You remind me of another dog...Bullseye!

Thank you so much. I almost started crying after I saw the 1. I was panicking when I started getting 2s and 0s in practice and then the double post that stopped my first attempt rattled me. I'm just glad I delivered because if I didn't after sounding so confident...

Either way. I hope that was enough to win.


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Re: Round 2: Holy fuck bullseye bark bark!
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2021, 10:00:48 am »
I had my cry, I got over it. Time to be in game mode. I came here to vote people out, so I need to just buckle up and do it.

Things are not looking good for Kylie right now. That's about the gist of things. She didn't communicate, she wasn't around, she didn't do what we suggested and didn't hit the bullseye. She was only off by a second and it could have just as easily been me off by a second, but that's how the game works. Put up or shut up.

In addition she hasn't communicated with people after I know numerous people told her to do so. It's just, sad. I really wanted her to do well and go far with and for my individual game I would have loved to go farther with her. But I can't fix someone who isn't around and isn't communicating. I'm not a miracle worker.

Just a dog, bark bark.


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Re: Round 2: Holy fuck bullseye bark bark!
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2021, 10:04:52 am »

Not Duke telling different people different things. Can the people I need to drag just stop giving me headaches please? :D


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Re: Round 2: Holy fuck bullseye bark bark!
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2021, 10:08:41 am »
What are the odds that someone other than Kylie is the one voted out here, if you had to give it a percentage chance?


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Re: Round 2: Holy fuck bullseye bark bark!
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2021, 10:12:15 am »
What are the odds that someone other than Kylie is the one voted out here, if you had to give it a percentage chance?

Well the snarky response is 90% since she's one out of ten. However, enough people are saying her name and frustrated with her lack of communication in general that I would personally say probably like 5%.

Duke, Sam and Herman's names have all come up as discussion points which usually means eventually someone is going to want to drop them as a vote, but I think Kylie missing the bullseye sealed her fate in this challenge. 1 second. That's kind of nuts to think about. If she had done that I'd have gone for a 9 and likely hit it spot on and we would have won.

I kind of feel bad because if she had done it she would be a hero right now and this conversation would be very different.


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Re: Round 2: Holy fuck bullseye bark bark!
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2021, 07:20:06 pm »
To answer the confessional prompt:

If Kylie goes home like I presume the majority want, then I think our cohesion will be tentatively solid. Right now there are two big question marks.

1. Who fucked us on the item challenge for personal gain?

2. Is there going to be a swap next round?

To expand upon these two questions, no one knows who truly fucked us, especially with Young Writer outing their own personal bid for their dud item. What it shows unless one of Suzy/Richie/Herman is a class A liar and actor, is that likely 2 people who did not bid have shit.

Kylie I doubt has anything, and I trust M. Gustave when he says he didn't do it. I'm also tentatively trusting Duke.

Unfortunately that points to Sam and Anthony as the most likely culprits to have items in this game. I haven't shared this with anyone yet because I don't trust people not to run back to Sam or Anthony and spill the beans and suddenly I'm the witch hunter who needs to be struck down. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if both Sam and Anthony are in possession of items.

I also suspect Herman isn't 100% honest with me about everything at this point based on vibes I've been getting from him. I don't think he hates me by any means, but we had a fun initial connection and something disconnected around the item challenge and he's never been the same with me, like he's guarded about something.

I'm personally wondering if one of Richie or M. Gustave shared something I said about him to him and it made him skeptical of me and he just feels too guarded now to say it. I think that's probably the most likely scenario. Honestly Richie also has been kinda shady lately. I may need to re-evaluate him in this game, but that's a tomorrow problem, not a today problem so I'm pocketing that in my little notebook and saving it for when I have something more definitive to fall back on.

It's still gutting to me that Kylie missing that bullseye by 1 second is likely going to seal her fate, but to be fair, if she had done what we strategized in the thread, we straight up would have won the challenge and that's the cold hard facts. Coupled with her not messaging people despite myself, Suzy and I believe Duke trying to get her to do that, people like Richie feel jaded by her. It's just all around a bad look for Kylie and she's really done nothing to stop it. I can't stick my neck out this early for anyone, it's not sensible and it doesn't play to my long term goals. Suzy and I have been getting along more famously lately and we had a few incredible discussions about this game over the last couple of days. I'm going to do a quick update on my trust tiers as they have drastically shifted recently.

Top tier:

1. M. Gustave-God what a guy, he's that dream ally you pray for in games and he's just getting better. We also think we are secret twins because we both have the exact same pizza toppings. I did lie about being lactose intolerant, but to be fair (and sorry to Gustave reading this after) it's a lot less IDing to say I am Lactose Intolerant than what is really going on as to why I can't have cheese on my pizza.

2. Duke-Duke is good people. I love Duke. bark bark! The problem with Duke is that if we are on these tribes more he's going to have to step up his game because I know his name has dripped from the lips of our tribe. If Kylie leaves, it's for the greater good of keeping my doggo bestie in. He's just a class act.

3. Suzy-Oh my god why did Suzy literally jump twenty ranks to be in my top tier trust list? After the hot mess item shit show, we came together and compared notes. I really really like Suzy and I think she and I are going to be long term allies. This is highly ironic given I was skeptical of her, but we've both really put in the effort to securing long term trust. Big improvement. And even today we had a healthy discussion of what we thought about Kylie. We both like her, we both are interested in seeingif she decides to become active again tomorrow, but ultimately we both acknowledge her communication is shit and that is the underlying factor of why it makes sense for her to get cut. Huge Suzy fan.

Middle Tier:

4. Richie-I dropped him a bit because he's kind of gotten not as chatty with me, which usually means he's more chatty with others. He called us a pair the other day and then hasn't really acted like we were a pair afterwards. I need him to step it up with me socially a bit if he wants to keep being a top tier ally.

5. Sam-Sam actually made a good impression on me today. He's putting forth ideas, he's trying to relate with me socially, it's not as in depth as my top tier allies, but it's way better than anything he was giving me during round 1. If he keeps this up he could be a dark horse to slide into the Kylie slot I had for my ideal f3 on this tribe. I need another person who isn't as socially dynamic as me, but that I can trust if push comes to shove, and he made an effort and I have to acknowledge that.

6. Young Writer-More like, where was Young Writer today? I need my letter from him and he just didn't really talk to me at all today. Not that he has to, but I like getting my letters from him and they usually put a smile on my face and I didn't get one and now I'm sad. Ear Droop.

7. Anthony-REALLY SKETCHY RIGHT NOW. Anthony is being incredibly wishy washy as an ally. In the 4 horseman chat, Richie, Gustave and myself all were chatting about probably it being Kylie, however Anthony "didn't want to name anyone yet and wasn't sure right now." Like dude, the tribe wants Kylie okay? Have some balls and name some people who piss you off. I've done it, Richie's done it, Gustave's done it, if you want to be part of the 4 horsemen stop beating around the bush and get on board, or shoot your cum and decide you fucking want to be in an alliance. Nut up or get out dude.

Low tier:

Kylie-For what it's worth, I really really wanted Kylie to be the noob I took under my wing this game and went far with. She's a really nice person, I think if she applied herself even 1.5x as much as she currently is, she wouldn't be the default de facto person probably going home tomorrow. That's unfortunate for me because I'm going to have to pick up my goat elsewhere and that's hard to do on new tribes if we swap. Dang it Kylie, please play again and be more active next time, people were depending on you this game :(

Herman-Okay so part of this is slightly unfair as it's mostly a bias thing at this point, but this dude is just sketching me out hardcore. I can't tell who he really is and he makes no effort to have deeper game conversations with me. He also apparently went around telling people he was the target, which, no one's told me he was a target, so either he made it up to garner sympathy (he hasn't actually named anyone who told him this), or someone out there wanted to stir a pot. Also he was wanting to do the "gift an item to someone" question publicly which was probably innocent, but feels like something I would do if I had the power to set someone up. Bottom line is that I don't personally trust him, however I do acknowledge that unlike Anthony, he was not shy in stating his opinion and if he steps it up a little bit, I could see him climbing the ladder. The guy doesn't have an issue with conflict and that's very obvious after today. He's probably going to stay too so there's a good chance things could improve between me and him over time.

The other thing too is the 5 people who "bid publicly" have formed a group that I don't really see any trust being built. Mostly I think it's just Suzy and the people who want to be Suzy's minions. I am totally good with that for now because Suzy and I have built such a good bond over the last few days, but man oh man, Young Writer, Herman and Richie hardly make any effort in that crew. It's mostly just Suzy and I discussing stuff with occasional commentary.

And that's all I have to report today. I hit a fucking bullseye, and there is likely not another challenge I will perform that well in for the rest of the game. This was a rare challenge that I'm so fucking proud of myself for figuring out, attempting to help others, and then being able to put my money where my confident mouth was. If I had missed I likely would be a discussion point I think, however if you are going to be confident you have to back it up and I pulled through where a few others didn't today. I'm proud of myself and generally I am not good at challenges. Did I cry a little bit when we lost? Was I incredibly anxious? Yes and yes, but I fucking did the thing and I was confident in myself!

Bark bark, tail wag. Good night specs. Come bark with me and say hi at some point please <3


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Re: Round 2: Holy fuck bullseye bark bark!
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2021, 08:21:18 am »



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Re: Round 2: Holy fuck bullseye bark bark!
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2021, 09:44:35 am »



I love dog specs!