Author Topic: Tribal Council One: Rushmore Academy  (Read 463 times)


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Tribal Council One: Rushmore Academy
« on: September 04, 2021, 08:37:56 am »
Tribal Council 1

Rushmore Academy, welcome to Tribal Council.

Please answer the following questions before casting your vote:

1. Now that your tribe has lost the challenge, do you regret the bids you made?  Is there anything you would change?

2. Is anyone willing to cop to winning an item in the challenge?  Was it worth the money?

3. Were you surprised by the amount of money bid on the Aquarium? Do you feel betrayed by anyone on your tribe?

4. Do you think there is a majority alliance in play, or is this simply the type of vote where the weak member of the herd gets eaten?

5. How bad would it be to lose again in the next challenge?  Is there merit in keeping players dedicated to winning tribal challenges?

Foxy Fox

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Re: Tribal Council One: Rushmore Academy
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2021, 08:39:11 am »
Well, this will be fun. Was really hoping we weren't the first one to go to TC, but so be it.

Steve Zissou

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Re: Tribal Council One: Rushmore Academy
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2021, 08:51:46 am »
1. Now that your tribe has lost the challenge, do you regret the bids you made? Sort of I missed Fox saying they wanted the rings when I bid $21 on it.  Although $21 wouldn't have made a huge difference  Is there anything you would change? There isn't anything I would've done different (outside of reading the Challenge 1 thread closer)

2. Is anyone willing to cop to winning an item in the challenge?  Was it worth the money? I didn't win anything sadly.

3. Were you surprised by the amount of money bid on the Aquarium? People clearly bid way more than was necessary.  If we had just min bidded everything we should've had $4,914 for the aquarium.  I'm sure some people won advantages and that's ok, this is a game where you have to be selfish sometimes.  Do you feel betrayed by anyone on your tribe? I don't feel betrayed by anyone on my tribe, like I said you have to be selfish sometimes and I have nothing against anyone wanting an item.

4. Do you think there is a majority alliance in play, or is this simply the type of vote where the weak member of the herd gets eaten? If there is a majority alliance I don't know anything about it.  I haven't decided who I'm going to vote for yet.

5. How bad would it be to lose again in the next challenge? It would be bad.  But the thing about tribals is that this is where you can learn who has your back and who doesn't  Is there merit in keeping players dedicated to winning tribal challenges? This challenge is hard to determine "ability" since it was more about keeping your word than anything.

Foxy Fox

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Re: Tribal Council One: Rushmore Academy
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2021, 09:01:29 am »
1. Now that your tribe has lost the challenge, do you regret the bids you made?  Is there anything you would change? No. I don't regret the bids I made. I probably would've bid $22 instead of $21, but that's irrelevant. I don't feel like the items really are gonna affect a whole lot.

2. Is anyone willing to cop to winning an item in the challenge?  Was it worth the money? I didn't win anything.

3. Were you surprised by the amount of money bid on the Aquarium? Do you feel betrayed by anyone on your tribe? Yes. Like Steve said, people clearly put *way* more than needed for this. Had everyone done minimum and gone with what I said in the thread, we'd have won easily.

4. Do you think there is a majority alliance in play, or is this simply the type of vote where the weak member of the herd gets eaten? I don't believe there is a majority alliance. I think this tribe is really just kinda well-blended enough that we don't have one. I think this vote is gonna come down to activity though.

5. How bad would it be to lose again in the next challenge?  Is there merit in keeping players dedicated to winning tribal challenges? I feel like it'd be pretty bad to lose the next challenge as well. I think there's merit in keeping people dedicated to winning challenges as well, since it means they'll help you avoid TC, and all that stuff.

Royal Tenenbaum

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Re: Tribal Council One: Rushmore Academy
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2021, 12:26:13 pm »
1. Now that your tribe has lost the challenge, do you regret the bids you made?  Is there anything you would change?

I don't regret going all in on immunity, I just wish we had been able to stick to the plan there. I thought we had a really good, pretty fair way of doing things, and it seems like one or a couple people screwed it up, which is frustrating.

2. Is anyone willing to cop to winning an item in the challenge?  Was it worth the money?

I've got nothin', but I guess I hope whoever won things can put them to good use.

3. Were you surprised by the amount of money bid on the Aquarium? Do you feel betrayed by anyone on your tribe?

Yeah, I was somewhat surprised by the results. I don't know if "betrayed" is the right word, but it's definitely frustrating, like I said. I feel like it starts us off on the wrong foot, when it's always better to start with a healthy dose of trust.

4. Do you think there is a majority alliance in play, or is this simply the type of vote where the weak member of the herd gets eaten?

I feel pretty nervous with things during this vote, as a replacement. I'm still trying to feel out the lay of the land, and I appreciate how welcoming everyone has been thus far. Y'all are the best!

5. How bad would it be to lose again in the next challenge?  Is there merit in keeping players dedicated to winning tribal challenges?

Losing next challenge...would not be good. I don't think this challenge was the best assessment of general challenge strength of individuals, but it definitely started to expose holes in the tribe early, which is interesting. For me, though, I'd really like to win the challenges going forward. :D

With that, friends, I'm off to bed for the night. See you all tomorrow!


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Re: Tribal Council One: Rushmore Academy
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2021, 03:18:59 pm »
1. Now that your tribe has lost the challenge, do you regret the bids you made?  Is there anything you would change?

well, to be honest i kiiiiinda did bid more than necessary on the dog flu serum, but it didn't even end up mattering, so idk, maybe if we all did bit slightly lower things would've went better, don't think i regret doing that tho, the risk was calculated

2. Is anyone willing to cop to winning an item in the challenge?  Was it worth the money?

i've won a blank peice of papers that the mods told me is "for voting purposes" what do i do with it guys?

3. Were you surprised by the amount of money bid on the Aquarium? Do you feel betrayed by anyone on your tribe?

well, i kinda expected peoples to try and go for items, but half the tribe seems like quite a lot to me, kinda feel betrayed by the person who grabbed the item i claimed, but i guess that's how the game works, so in the end, fine

4. Do you think there is a majority alliance in play, or is this simply the type of vote where the weak member of the herd gets eaten?

well if there's a majority alliance, i'm not inside of it that's for sure

5. How bad would it be to lose again in the next challenge?  Is there merit in keeping players dedicated to winning tribal challenges?

well Wes my boi, hard to judge challenge performance when all we could've done is literally bid on some stuff innit?
i think it would be pretty bad to lose more than 1 time again, so hopefully that doesn't happen


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Re: Tribal Council One: Rushmore Academy
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2021, 03:19:16 pm »
also how are y'all bolding stuff?

Margot Tenenbaum

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Re: Tribal Council One: Rushmore Academy
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2021, 03:28:50 pm »
try .b. bold tags ./b.

but with brackets instead of periods


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Re: Tribal Council One: Rushmore Academy
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2021, 03:33:30 pm »
b abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz /b


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Re: Tribal Council One: Rushmore Academy
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2021, 03:34:02 pm »
oh oops


Madame D.

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Re: Tribal Council One: Rushmore Academy
« Reply #10 on: September 04, 2021, 09:58:56 pm »

Please answer the following questions before casting your vote:

1. Now that your tribe has lost the challenge, do you regret the bids you made?  Is there anything you would change?

2. Is anyone willing to cop to winning an item in the challenge?  Was it worth the money?

3. Were you surprised by the amount of money bid on the Aquarium? Do you feel betrayed by anyone on your tribe?

4. Do you think there is a majority alliance in play, or is this simply the type of vote where the weak member of the herd gets eaten?

5. How bad would it be to lose again in the next challenge?  Is there merit in keeping players dedicated to winning tribal challenges?
1. I don't regret the bids I made. I hope that the donation I made earns my name a place on a plaque somewhere in the aquarium or something!

2. It would seem not.

3. I was indeed surprised! Betrayed is a very strong word, however. Probably too strong.

4. The best answer to this I can think of is "I don't know" and I suppose soon we may find out?

5. It would be... not ideal? Though I have every reason to believe that everyone here is committed to winning tribal challenges. This last one was not typical, after all.

Steve Zissou

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Re: Tribal Council One: Rushmore Academy
« Reply #11 on: September 04, 2021, 10:17:51 pm »
also how are y'all bolding stuff?

This board uses bbcode so you can put stuff in italics with [ i ] word [ /i ] or you can bold with [ b ] word [ /b ].  You can embed a youtube video as well but for some reason doesn't seem to be working here :-/

Max Fischer

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Re: Tribal Council One: Rushmore Academy
« Reply #12 on: September 05, 2021, 04:28:39 am »
1. Now that your tribe has lost the challenge, do you regret the bids you made? No, it's important to follow through with what you say you're going to do. Also, it wouldn't have been enough to make a difference. Is there anything you would change? Nothing that was in my power, no.

2. Is anyone willing to cop to winning an item in the challenge?  Was it worth the money? I didn't win anything, and I'd be surprised to see anybody admit to it.

3. Were you surprised by the amount of money bid on the Aquarium? Slightly! Do you feel betrayed by anyone on your tribe? In general, sure, whoever did that overbidding. But I don't know who that is and I'm not going to run around accusing people.

4. Do you think there is a majority alliance in play, or is this simply the type of vote where the weak member of the herd gets eaten? I don't know anything about a majority alliance, we'll see how the vote pans out though.

5. How bad would it be to lose again in the next challenge? Very bad, yes. Is there merit in keeping players dedicated to winning tribal challenges? To an extent, but we never know what the next challenge is going to be so it's impossible to predict who will do well in challenges going forward.

Wes Anderson

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Re: Tribal Council One: Rushmore Academy
« Reply #13 on: September 05, 2021, 04:34:45 am »
Peter, Margot, Buckley, Klaus, still waiting to hear from you.

Margot Tenenbaum

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Re: Tribal Council One: Rushmore Academy
« Reply #14 on: September 05, 2021, 04:45:05 am »
1. Now that your tribe has lost the challenge, do you regret the bids you made?  Is there anything you would change?
I don't. I always tend towards the selfless side of these types of challenges and I didn't make a change here. It would have been nice if that choice had actually meant something but there's no changing that now.

2. Is anyone willing to cop to winning an item in the challenge?  Was it worth the money?
I just hope the aquarium is nice!

3. Were you surprised by the amount of money bid on the Aquarium? Do you feel betrayed by anyone on your tribe?
I thought there'd be a higher amount on both sides. I don't feel betrayed so much as disappointed.

4. Do you think there is a majority alliance in play, or is this simply the type of vote where the weak member of the herd gets eaten?
This early on I just think it tends to default towards whoever has had the hardest time making connections with people. just based on what I've observed instead of any hard alliances i think there's more just a bunch of soft connections in people liking each other more or less

5. How bad would it be to lose again in the next challenge?  Is there merit in keeping players dedicated to winning tribal challenges?
Winning challenges is good but it's only one aspect of play. I think the more fully rounded you are as a player the more likely it is other people will want to keep you around. It would suck to lose again so I'm hoping we can come together and trust each other a little more for the next one.


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Re: Tribal Council One: Rushmore Academy
« Reply #15 on: September 05, 2021, 07:23:30 am »
1. Now that your tribe has lost the challenge, do you regret the bids you made?  Is there anything you would change? I mean yeah, if I knew someone was going to take the thing I was going for, I'd have probably tried to outbid them. My bid didn't make a difference to whether we won or not.

2. Is anyone willing to cop to winning an item in the challenge?  Was it worth the money? I didn't win the binoculars.

3. Were you surprised by the amount of money bid on the Aquarium? Do you feel betrayed by anyone on your tribe? Not surprised, really. There's always one.

4. Do you think there is a majority alliance in play, or is this simply the type of vote where the weak member of the herd gets eaten? Eaten? Is cannibalism a common theme in Wes Anderson films? I really should have looked deeper into this flavour before signing up, jeez...

5. How bad would it be to lose again in the next challenge?  Is there merit in keeping players dedicated to winning tribal challenges? I'd like to win immunity. Most early tribes, especially this size, have obvious duds. I wouldn't say that's true for this tribe. We've all got potential. So I'd like to keep us all around if possible.

Klaus Daimler

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Re: Tribal Council One: Rushmore Academy
« Reply #16 on: September 05, 2021, 08:02:18 am »
1. Now that your tribe has lost the challenge, do you regret the bids you made?  Is there anything you would change?
Yeah I guess. This felt like one of those prisoner's dilemma type challenges and with the foresight that we'd lose through bidding, i'd have also bid.
2. Is anyone willing to cop to winning an item in the challenge?  Was it worth the money?
not me lol
3. Were you surprised by the amount of money bid on the Aquarium? Do you feel betrayed by anyone on your tribe?
i mean it was low so yeah a bit, I thought we had it.
4. Do you think there is a majority alliance in play, or is this simply the type of vote where the weak member of the herd gets eaten?
I'm gonna dodge this question because idk
5. How bad would it be to lose again in the next challenge?  Is there merit in keeping players dedicated to winning tribal challenges?
it'd be rly bad i dont wanna vote again.


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Re: Tribal Council One: Rushmore Academy
« Reply #17 on: September 05, 2021, 08:30:31 am »
It is now time to read the votes.  If you'd like to play an immunity idol, now would be the time to do so.

Nobody stands up.

I will now read the votes.

First vote:

Second vote:

Third vote:

That's two votes Rat, one vote Royal.

Fourth vote:

Fifth vote:

That's four votes Rat, one votes Royal, five votes remaining.

Sixth vote:

Seventh vote:
...and the first person voted out of Survivor: Wes Anderson,

That's six votes, that's enough.  Rat, I'm sorry, you have been eliminated.

It's time for you to go.