Author Topic: Episode 1: I want to be the very best.  (Read 655 times)

Episode 1: I want to be the very best.
« on: June 27, 2020, 09:06:38 am »
Like the title says, I plan on being the very best that no one ever was.

I do have a strange sensation to go get a cup of coffee... Even though I hate coffee.

Heiji Hattori

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Re: Episode 1: I want to be the very best.
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2020, 09:44:05 am »
I'm looking forward to your handiwork. If no coffee, kick back and relax and enjoy a juice.

What's your strategy for the game thusfar?

Re: Episode 1: I want to be the very best.
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2020, 09:57:10 am »
I'm looking forward to your handiwork. If no coffee, kick back and relax and enjoy a juice.

What's your strategy for the game thusfar?

Hello there to the Case Closed/Detective Conan series!

Right now my strategy is to feel out the other players in my tribe and gauge where I think how strong they will be in the future.

Also I feel like i've snuffed out Xof and Klick/Meme on my tribe which is just... fantastic.

Heiji Hattori

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Re: Episode 1: I want to be the very best.
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2020, 09:58:25 am »
I'm not familiar with Xof and Klick. Why would that be fantastic?

Re: Episode 1: I want to be the very best.
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2020, 10:06:01 am »
I'm not familiar with Xof and Klick. Why would that be fantastic?

They're just really strong and solid players, so I have to keep an eye on when the best chance to eliminate them would be. Before they can eliminate myself.

Heiji Hattori

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Re: Episode 1: I want to be the very best.
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2020, 10:09:17 am »
You also mentioned that you were trying to snuff out your tribemates to see how strong they will be. When you've felt out if they're good or not, what sort of strategy are you going to take when you know their levels?

Re: Episode 1: I want to be the very best.
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2020, 02:06:54 pm »
Updates: Things are happening. Will update soon

Re: Episode 1: I want to be the very best.
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2020, 02:38:49 pm »
Goddammit Xof is Penelope, this is going to be an interesting game already

Heiji Hattori

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Re: Episode 1: I want to be the very best.
« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2020, 03:08:22 pm »
Goddammit Xof is Penelope, this is going to be an interesting game already

What prompted this guess? Also, how would that help make this game interesitng?

Re: Episode 1: I want to be the very best.
« Reply #9 on: June 29, 2020, 04:25:00 pm »
Goddammit Xof is Penelope, this is going to be an interesting game already

What prompted this guess? Also, how would that help make this game interesitng?

Just a feeling? Mainly just they way how they talk to me gives it away, which can possibly hurt me because she has been know to eliminate me in games, but Penelope hasn't really been that active so far.

Re: Episode 1: I want to be the very best.
« Reply #10 on: June 29, 2020, 04:39:45 pm »
So luckily the game hasn't had a speedy start that most games typically have, so it's been nice to go more at a chill pace. It's just been a really weird but good surprise, as I was around basically all day the past two days, and it was nice to not really see anyone on, or only getting really just one message at at time.

So here are the more juicy developments, Kate approached me about an alliance between Penelope and Kate. Which I hesitantly accepted, even though Kate is most likely going to be the first one that I go for if I go to TC. Kate has been someone that has been impossible to talk to and they really don't give you anything to work with much less more than a sentence in each PM.

While Nick approached me today about possibly going for an alliance between Me, Him, Rust, and Chase.  Which is something I definitely can get more behind as the four of us are clearly the more active of the tribe. Which the four of us have commented to each other. I just haven't really heard back from Nick about it before I start talking to Rust and Chase about it.

Tribe order of people who I can trust.

Kate--- Kate is someone who isn't really communicating much with people. After approaching me for the alliance, and creating a group message between Her, Me, and Penelope has just stopped replying to me. Which I don't think is a smart thing in her position, but I am going to give her a benefit of the doubt as she is a newer player. Maybe I should try to give her a tiny bit of a nudge? Since I feel like I should help her out since she is a newer player.

Chan-- Chan is in a very similar position as Kate but isn't as new of a player from what I have gathered in messages. They aren't really around too much or aren't really communicating. I think that it might be Time Zone, but that isn't really affecting Nick who is also in a different time zone. So that really isn't too much of an excuse.

----Decent size Gap----

Penelope-- Penelope is definitely a really strong player from what I have gathered, but their game is currently suffering from the lack of messaging. Also a player who is on later at night maybe due to availability or just time zones. I haven't really asked about that question yet, but it probably will be the next question I ask her. Hopefully it's some I can start connecting with more or just someone I have to keep at arms distance.

---An Even Bigger Gap---

Rust-- Is someone I have been connecting more and more with each message with each other. Definitely someone who has experience. I don't really have much to say as they are someone I can see myself working for a longer period of time.

Chase-- Chase is in a similar position as Rust, they definitely are very personable which in the long run could be a bit problematic, but I think if I pay attention to it. I might be able to take care of this player when I absolutely need to.

Nick-- Nick is by far the person on the tribe who I like the most, but also the player that I fear the most. This is someone who can potentially be a very very dangerous person. So as much as I would like to work with this person, this is definitely someone I need to keep at arms length. Yet , I can't give off that impression that I am wary of them.

Heiji Hattori

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Re: Episode 1: I want to be the very best.
« Reply #11 on: June 29, 2020, 05:51:09 pm »
What if... the game is actually at a fast speed as per the norm of MS survivor series? Kidding, no need for paranoia yet.

I noticed in your ranking list that there's a big gap between likability and trust. Since everyone is pretty much all over Pika-you, what would be your ranking order of allies? In addition, do you feel that these tribemates are ones that you would want for the long haul? If so, what makes them stand out? If not, what kind of player are you hoping to meet from the other tribes?

Congratulations on immunity and making it to the top 20. What's your agenda for the next 24 hours?

Re: Episode 1: I want to be the very best.
« Reply #12 on: June 29, 2020, 06:32:32 pm »
What if... the game is actually at a fast speed as per the norm of MS survivor series? Kidding, no need for paranoia yet.

I noticed in your ranking list that there's a big gap between likability and trust. Since everyone is pretty much all over Pika-you, what would be your ranking order of allies? In addition, do you feel that these tribemates are ones that you would want for the long haul? If so, what makes them stand out? If not, what kind of player are you hoping to meet from the other tribes?

Congratulations on immunity and making it to the top 20. What's your agenda for the next 24 hours?
Oh God, I definitely do not want that paranoia so early on into the game. So far everyone has been pretty chill when it has come to messaging people so that's really nice actually!

I guess there is a gap, it's not so much a lack of trust, it's more of there are people on my tribe that I can definitely see being a super huge threat to me in the long run and I have to be wary about it. I am not going to rock the boat so early on into the game though. So there really isn't a need to worry about it at this moment.

I think my list of allies would have to be in the same order from least to most favorite. I guess I should have explained my list it's goes least favorite to most favorite. That's my fault I should have definitely clarified that for you. Umm, right now I can't really gauge the other players on the tribe quite yet, because there isn't really a chatting forum for inter tribe communication which is also something I really like. So when you swap you don't really get any pre-bias when you first get to meet them depending on whether you see them as a threat or not.

Re: Episode 1: I want to be the very best.
« Reply #13 on: June 30, 2020, 03:12:00 am »
What words would you say any of the other tribemates would use to describe you so far?