Author Topic: The End  (Read 240 times)

Lucifer Morningstar

  • Mafiascum's Finest
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The End
« on: August 11, 2020, 12:49:33 am »
my opening speech: (tentatively) (if you could make all the text the same size that'd be great- your forum formatting doesn't work that well)


Hey, everyone. So I'm going to try to keep this a little shorter. So that being said, if you have any questions about my game though like obviously feel free to ask them all- I'll clarify and elaborate on anything you want.

Going into this game I was kind of ambivalent about it. I felt like I was likely out of the touch with the meta on MS because I hadn't played in a while and these games have always been a struggle for me- I'm not somebody who's ever been particularly good at the social game and that's always caused me problems. So I came into the game really just trying to survive by winning challenges, making friends where I could to keep me safe from the vote as well and trying to keep a low profile to stay safe. I guess that's to say I mostly tried to play to my strengths as best as possible. I think the game can best be broken down into sections for me to talk about in this speech- First from rounds 1-9, second from rounds 10-14, and last from round 15 until now.

From round one until nine, the game was honestly a bit boring for me, but that was good. I only attended tribal council once in round two and it was a fairly easy vote. Besides that me and my tribes won the other eight challenges making the path to merge for me fairly easy. I do think that highlights one of the strengths of my game though: my challenge performance. I never necessarily led my tribe to these victories (which was something that I think benefited me in keeping a low profile) but barring a few instances where I sat out- I was always contributing in challenges and in many cases was one of the better performers on my tribe and definitely never dragged us down. I went on to win the most combined challenges out of anyone and brought home the bonus from Challenge 10. Challenges were a strength of my game. So while the first portion of my game wasn't too exciting, I do think I was able to quietly showcase one of my strengths in the game. I knew I wasn't going to necessarily be able to dominate the social and strategic aspects of the game- so I avoided having to worry about them by winning a lot.

Rounds 10-14 resulted in the game getting more difficult for me. Throughout these rounds I repeatedly heard my name come up basically every round and was battling to stay in the game. During these rounds the votes weren't really going the way I wanted them to most of the time and for me- the main focus was on surviving. I was kind of trying to keep a low profile as much as possible, because multiple allies I had went home during this portion of the game and I knew that if I was seen as too threatening, I could easily get voted out next. I utilized the connections I had to stay out of trouble and tried to keep strong relationships with my allies in hopes that we could eventually turn the game around and get into a better position going forward.

Rounds 15 on were where I think I got more control in the game and put together a better performance. I thought Lennie going home in round 15 was important for me, because I knew we weren't on particularly good terms at the time and it set me up to go deep. The next two rounds the bigger challenge threats went- in particular, the round 16 vote would've been impossible without me beating Judy- I knew it was important to get them out if I was going to win immunity these last few rounds and fully guarantee my spot at the end. Obviously the one blemish here is round 18, but I was still safe during that important vote thanks to my challenge performance. I think during these rounds I exhibited a little bit more control over the game, my status as a low-profile player paid off and my devotion to my allies worked out. I think it shows some dynamism.

I know I was far from playing a flawless game- but I got here to the end. At the end of the day, the way I played doesn't really matter that much. All that matters is you- the jury. It's up to you to determine who wins this game and what you want to reward. There's no rules about how to cast your votes- it's up to you to decide what characteristics and traits you desire in a winner and reward the player who best fits that. I think I played well and treated you all fairly. Barring a couple of instances where I felt I had no choice but to lie to get by, I was honest with all of you when I could be and did my best to stay true to my allies whenever possible. I gave the challenges my all and won a lot of them and kept myself safe from votes and idols throughout the game. I hope that's something that's meaningful to you.

I enjoyed playing with you and will always be grateful to everyone involved for this experience and the ups and downs it has brought with it.