Author Topic: Épisode Vingt: Poirot's Final Case  (Read 1605 times)

Hercule Poirot

  • Mafiascum's Finest
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Re: Épisode Vingt: Poirot's Final Case
« Reply #30 on: August 15, 2020, 08:50:35 pm »
I wonder if I should 'ave done individual appeals to Jurors like M. Morningstar did. I considered eet, but I thought zat eet would be seen as fake and more pandering, and zat ees really what I was trying to get away from in my final speech.

But ze vote I need ees Mlle Garcia, and maybe a direct appeal to 'er would 'ave worked. And eet would 'ave offered me ze opportunity to directly address some of M. Pikachu's critisms and say 'ow 'orrible zey made me feel.

Oh well. Too late maintenant. I doubt zat eet would 'ave been ze tipping point. I made plenty of direct appeals throughout ze course of FTC.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Vingt: Poirot's Final Case
« Reply #31 on: August 16, 2020, 10:12:35 am »
I really 'ate FTC. I enjoy ze game so much, but FTC ees just draining and 'orrible. Ze game ees draining too, but in a fun way.

Even at FTCs I 'ave won, I 'ave never 'ad fun. So I'm just so relieved zat eet ees over.

Really I am ready for zis game to be over and to not play again for a long, long time.

Hercule Poirot

  • Mafiascum's Finest
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Re: Épisode Vingt: Poirot's Final Case
« Reply #32 on: August 16, 2020, 05:21:19 pm »
I'm so ready for zis game to be done, mes amis. I tried my best. Definitely done for Survivor for a loooooong time, but you 'ave 'eard zat before.

Thinking about eet, I don't think I won, but zere ees still a chance. I'm 'appy with my performance either way, but probably should 'ave catered my FTC more specifically to Mlle Garcia.

Merci beaucoup to ze moderateurs, spectateurs, and to ze players, at least for ze most part. I did 'ave fun. But I am ready for zis chapter of my life to be over.

I came into zis game with nothing to prove to anyone. I am a powerhouse of a player, and I gave eet my all, as I always do. Now, eet ees time to move beyond Survivor: PD.