Author Topic: Structural  (Read 36072 times)

Joss Carter

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« on: August 10, 2020, 04:28:35 pm »
It's not enough to say why you deserve to win Survivor; the Jury is deciding who deserves to specifically win Survivor PD. In addition to the 20 other players in this game, each of you had to deal with the structure of the game itself. Challenges, mechanics, swaps, items, pacing, and other factors that did not directly come from the other players all affected your journey here.

This thread is for the Jury to ask questions about how your ability to navigate the game itself stood out from your opponents.

Scruff McGruff

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Re: Structural
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2020, 05:14:17 pm »
Finally, a bit of an easier one— how do you think challenges impacted your game, whether it be positive or negative? In what ways did you work with or around them to get what you wanted?

Penelope Garcia

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Re: Structural
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2020, 05:33:37 pm »
For both of you, how did idols, secret powers, and the like impact your gameplay?

Poirot, specifically, with the Tiger Idol, had you always known that you would utilize it for the benefit of a group instead of yourself, or was that a split decision made during that tribal or was that always the intention?

Grouch Cop

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Re: Structural
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2020, 05:39:21 pm »
I have a question for both of you: At any point during this game, did you ever try to purposefully do worse in a challenge to manage your threat level on that front? Did you ever sit out for similar reasons?

Hercule, this is something we talked about a little, but I want you to elaborate a little more on how you felt the swaps helped or hurt you. You were with Judy basically the entire game, how did this effect the way you played with her? Additionally, you were part of the tiger idol finders, and it was widely known that you found it first and let Judy keep while the target was on her. Was that a good move on your part or not?

Luci, I don't think there's any particular things I want to ask you about how you used this game to your advantage, because I think that's exactly what you did, you took the hand the game dealt you, and you used it as best as you possibly could and you are here. So, instead, what I will ask you is, is there something about the structure of the game that you used for your benefit that maybe we as the jury don't know about, or something you want to highlight about your play that you don't think we'd ask about and was vital to your journey this game?
You have the right to scream your head off. Should you give up the right to scream your head off, someone who will scream their head off... will be provided for you.

Judy Hopps

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Re: Structural
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2020, 05:43:51 pm »
For Lucifer. Do you feel like your plan was always to be a challenge threat. I feel like in your speech you talked this up despite not really exhibiting it as far as I can tell. Can you talk about your contributions to BAU challenges please as you did not enter merge seen as a challenge threat and didn't come in to you prime until the last couple after myself and Penny had been removed?

Poirot. I know most of the structural parts of game, but I will fact check on you with the above question if you take credit.
Do not call me Joody Hoops!

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Structural
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2020, 06:57:49 pm »
Finally, a bit of an easier one— how do you think challenges impacted your game, whether it be positive or negative? In what ways did you work with or around them to get what you wanted?

I am moving to zis thread pour un moment but I will get around to answering ze rest of your social questions as soon as I can, I promise.

I was thrilled to win a challenge! Zat was a 'uge accomplishment for me. I also came a coin flip away from winning ze CSI: Lake Gaston challenge since I 'ad two possible rooms and guessed, and I completed all of ze initial puzzles successfully on ze FIC and just failed on ze logic puzzle. When I tell you zat I poured hours into zese challenges, most of which I lost, I did. I studied so long for ze F4 challenge and zen getting fourth place was so horrible. But I actually think I underwent a bit of a transformation in terms of my attitude towards challenges zis game and my confidence level in zem, and I give most of ze credit for zat to Mlle Garcia. She believed in me and zat I could win things, and zen when I needed to believe in myself and fight down ze road, I did. Even though I ultimately failed most of ze time, my relationship with challenges zis game was extremely positive, and I truly did my best at zem.

In terms of working around challenges, ze most I 'ad to do zat was when Mlle Hopps did not 'ave Immunity and zen after an hour eet was changed, because zere was a plan fully in motion to eliminate 'er, and even though I 'ad some plausible deniability, M. Briscoe absolutely did not. I don't know if 'e would 'ave gone 'ome either way, but eet certainly did not 'elp matters. But other zan zat, I don't think anyone I really wanted gone ever won Immunity, at least not earlier in ze game. At ze F4 and F3, I just wanted to win myself. I'm not sure if M. Morningstar would 'ave been booted over M. Kennedy at 4 if 'e lost.

I also did play up who was good at challenges or who was bad at challenges to make arguments about when to take people out, but I feel zat most people do zat, so not necessarily a super unique aspect of my game.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Structural
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2020, 07:06:09 pm »
For both of you, how did idols, secret powers, and the like impact your gameplay?

Poirot, specifically, with the Tiger Idol, had you always known that you would utilize it for the benefit of a group instead of yourself, or was that a split decision made during that tribal or was that always the intention?

M. Peralta's idol play was 'uge. I didn't know about eet, so I can't claim any credit, but eet totally changed ze face of ze merge, and I can't imagine 'ow things would 'ave been different if M. Peralta 'ad gone instead of M. Pikachu. I'm sure I still would 'ave found a path forward, but eet would 'ave been a different path.

Apart from zat, I was most concerned about idols during ze M. Grouch boot, because ze vote was so close, and while a situation where M. Peralta got idoled out and ze next round became 4-4 would 'ave been exciting, I 'ad no interest in eet.

With ze Tiger idol, honestly I didn't need eet for myself. I was not going to get votes zat tribal. Even if M. Wilde 'ad an idol, I thought zat 'e would idol out M. Briscoe before 'e would idol out me. And Mlle Hopps was ze one who actually did most of ze work to find ze idol, so when she asked me to let 'er 'ave eet, 'ow could I refuse zat? Ze extremely small chance zat zere was some elaborate blindside on me for me was a risk worth taking in order to keep Mlle Hopps 'appy and maintain zat relationship. I trusted my read on ze situation zat I was in no danger.

And in fact, I think eet was effective at strengthening zat relationship. Mlle Hopps offered me a F2 shortly after ze tiger idol play. If I 'ad refused to give eet to 'er after she asked and did most of ze work to find eet, would she 'ave still done zat? Could she 'ave still trusted me? Maybe she would 'ave, but I'm 'appy with my decision. I wasn't going 'ome. I did not need ze idol.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Structural
« Reply #7 on: August 11, 2020, 07:28:07 pm »
I have a question for both of you: At any point during this game, did you ever try to purposefully do worse in a challenge to manage your threat level on that front? Did you ever sit out for similar reasons?

Hercule, this is something we talked about a little, but I want you to elaborate a little more on how you felt the swaps helped or hurt you. You were with Judy basically the entire game, how did this effect the way you played with her? Additionally, you were part of the tiger idol finders, and it was widely known that you found it first and let Judy keep while the target was on her. Was that a good move on your part or not?

I actually was doing ze opposite of zat. Several of my arguments for keeping me over M. Kennedy at par exemple ze F5 if Mlle Garcia wins Immunity involved me being stronger at challenges zan 'im, so I was fighting as 'ard as I could to win every challenge, or at least to 'ave a respectable enough showing to plausibly argue zat. I was not worried about being taken out as a challenge threat.

I think I could 'ave been okay with most swaps honestly, but overall I don't think ze swaps were bad. I actually think SVU was ze perfect tribe for a player like me, because if I was on a tribe like BAU, I could see myself going down a M. Peralta route where I got restless and overaligned, but on SVU zere was always something to do, and all of ze people who were potential side allies on SVU went 'ome leaving only my core alliance members, which left me less connected in ze merge but also less obviously connected, and I am more zan capable of forming new connections. Ze only problem was zat everyone to some extent knew zat zey were my core alliance members, but honestly, I still am not entirely sure why SVU was not targeted more zan eet was in ze early merge. I don't know 'ow anyone could plausibly believe zat M. Briscoe and I were not incredibly close after we voted together for 4 times on SVU plus once on Strike, but eet seems like we some'ow did a  relatively decent job of 'iding ze extent of zat relationship, all things considered. I actually do think I deserve a lot of credit for getting ze four surviving SVU members to F7, because my web of relationships in my opinion went a long way towards 'iding 'ow close we were as a group.

Constantly being with Mlle Hopps was less great and probably a detriment to my game, because I 'ad a super strong relationship with 'er and to an extent to ability of us to accomplish things together was neutered by ze fact zat everyone assumed we were attached at ze hip. But I leaned into eet and fully embraced eet, because zere was no way for me to escape zat perception, so I used eet as a way to distract from my other relationships which were arguably just as close with people like M. Briscoe. I knew zat Mlle Hopps and I would probably eventually be split up at some point, but if I'm honest, we kind of eventually 'ad a public breakup due to ze situations with M. Peralta and M. Briscoe, so by ze end, I don't think zat our association was why she was taken out. But being so publicly tied to someone definitely influenced my play in ze early merge considerably.

Re: ze tiger idol, I think so? I kind of already answered zis in my response to Mlle Garcia's question, but I think using ze tiger idol to strengthen and maintain my trust with Mlle Hopps was a more effective use zan just playing eet on myself for no raison when I knew I wasn't getting votes. Maybe eet strengthened ze public image zat we were tied together in a negative way, but I think fighting against zat was an uphill battle at zat point.

Though I will say, although I 'ad relatively leetle to do with finding ze tiger idol, I did do a good job immediately understanding 'ow to optimally use eet and coordinating myself, Mlle Hopps, and M. Briscoe so zat we all played eet immediately at deadline. M. Morningstar, Mlle Garcia, and M. Wilde all 'ad solved eet as well, so if one of zem 'ad beaten us, zat could 'ave been a problem. Ze real benefit zat we got from playing eet was less zat we played eet and more zat we prevented others from playing eet, and in zat regard, I immediately knew ze correct approach to take, though I'm sure Mlle Hopps would 'ave thought of zat too even without me. I do want to take a leetle credit zere though.

Judy Hopps

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Re: Structural
« Reply #8 on: August 11, 2020, 10:17:04 pm »
Oh I do have a question for you.

How much do you think working with Lennie on the Tiger idol impacted the alliance dynamic and merge dynamics?

I ask this because I still think that was a mistake to allow you to do that from my perspective, and I think was one of the main factors that ultimately sent Lennie home four(?) rounds later.
Do not call me Joody Hoops!

Lennie Briscoe

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Re: Structural
« Reply #9 on: August 11, 2020, 10:21:07 pm »
Oh I do have a question for you.

How much do you think working with Lennie on the Tiger idol impacted the alliance dynamic and merge dynamics?

I ask this because I still think that was a mistake to allow you to do that from my perspective, and I think was one of the main factors that ultimately sent Lennie home four(?) rounds later.
I know this isn't for me, but I definitely don't know what you're alluding to here. Is this because I suggested we all play it for ourselves rather than all playing it on you?

Judy Hopps

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Re: Structural
« Reply #10 on: August 11, 2020, 10:35:21 pm »
Oh I do have a question for you.

How much do you think working with Lennie on the Tiger idol impacted the alliance dynamic and merge dynamics?

I ask this because I still think that was a mistake to allow you to do that from my perspective, and I think was one of the main factors that ultimately sent Lennie home four(?) rounds later.
I know this isn't for me, but I definitely don't know what you're alluding to here. Is this because I suggested we all play it for ourselves rather than all playing it on you?

I wanted Poirot to not mention working on it with you and I wanted it to be just me and Poirot working on it. At that point I saw the alliance as being SVU only. That is ultimately why I worked out what it was alone and tried to hold it close to my chest.

And I felt no issues with demanding Jake and You to go home because I was against Working with you so explicitly past SVU, and I was against the Grouch plan. So I saw it as a clear 2 agendas v 2 agendas, hence the bit where Strike was why I was so invested in removing you first.
Do not call me Joody Hoops!

Judy Hopps

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Re: Structural
« Reply #11 on: August 11, 2020, 10:36:12 pm »
You were also going home at 7 in my book at the moment Scruff posted his memoirs.
Do not call me Joody Hoops!

Lennie Briscoe

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Re: Structural
« Reply #12 on: August 11, 2020, 10:48:23 pm »
I wanted Poirot to not mention working on it with you and I wanted it to be just me and Poirot working on it. At that point I saw the alliance as being SVU only. That is ultimately why I worked out what it was alone and tried to hold it close to my chest.
But I was SVU? The fact that we worked on that together made me feel much closer to you.

edit: also Scruff justifiably hated me as you know from jury chat, and he also didn't even believe what he said, I don't know why that would have affected your plan, but I think we've seen the game pretty differently for a while
« Last Edit: August 11, 2020, 10:50:03 pm by Lennie Briscoe »

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Structural
« Reply #13 on: August 11, 2020, 10:59:25 pm »
Oh I do have a question for you.

How much do you think working with Lennie on the Tiger idol impacted the alliance dynamic and merge dynamics?

I ask this because I still think that was a mistake to allow you to do that from my perspective, and I think was one of the main factors that ultimately sent Lennie home four(?) rounds later.

I don't think eet affected zem at all, other zan as M. Briscoe says 'im feeling closer to you.

I got incredibly close to M. Briscoe on SVU, and ze two of you were probably my two closest allies in ze game, so I was always going to try to work to prevent you from being against each other. I knew zat at a certain point eet might be inevitable because you both distrusted each other at various points, but I usually am pretty decent at forcing my friends to at least tolerate one another. But I don't think zat one should try to force Mlle Hopps to do anything zat Mlle Hopps does not want to do. Zat ees a fools' errand. And if I could 'ave forced both of you to make eet to ze final four together despite neither of you wanting zat, I think zat would 'ave been impressive on my part, but eet was not meant to be.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Structural
« Reply #14 on: August 11, 2020, 11:05:46 pm »
Also can I just say zat I missed both of you, Mlle Hopps and M. Briscoe? You are such opposite people eet ees hilarious to me, like ze leetle devil and leetle angel on my shoulder. Trying to be in an alliance with both of you was such a delight.