Author Topic: Ze Jury  (Read 216 times)

Hercule Poirot

  • Mafiascum's Finest
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Ze Jury
« on: August 08, 2020, 12:56:53 pm »

Salut M. Pikachu! I enjoyed our brief time together. Our short non-game conversation about musical theater was memorable, and I was sad zat we could no longer continue eet when you were eliminated. I enjoyed zat you put your foot down with M. Peralta in zat 1227 chat and just refused to vote out M. Morningstar. Zat sounds like something zat I would do. And you would 'ave survived zis vote if not for getting extremely unlucky with who had ze idol, and who knows how far you might 'ave made eet if not for zat? Chance épouvantable led to you being ze merge boot, but you were aware of your position, you fought 'ard for what you believed in, and you succeeded in rallying ze votes to your side, so you should be incredibly proud of what you managed to accomplish zis game.

M. McGruff, during ze premerge, I 'eard so many good things about you, and I was sure zat come merge, we would connect and work together, especially since on paper we 'ad so many of ze same friends. But eet just was not to be. Your motives were always confusing to me, and I don't think you ever fully accepted me as an ally. I think you could just see my game and see how well I 'ad connected to everyone, and as long as you saw zat, you were never going to fully accept me. And zen you turned on ze people we 'ad initially bonded over both liking, and eet became clear zat our paths were not going in ze same direction. I did enjoy some of our PMs though, and I think you are an incredibly capable player who saw what was 'appening and tried to do something about eet, so for zat, you should be proud.

Zis one ees ze 'ardest to write. M. Grouch, I cannot put into words ze anguish zat your vote caused me. I cannot put into words ze anguish zat I feel thinking about 'ow you must still be feeling about me. You are one of my favorite people I 'ave ever interacted with in a game. You are funny. You are social. You are smart. You are observant. You 'ave such a way of cutting to ze 'eart of things when you talk about game, and your honesty about yourself and 'ow you saw ze game meant so much to be, but eet was ultimately your undoing. I came into zis game wanting to betray before I could be betrayed. Zat was a promise zat I made to myself, and in your vote, I fulfilled eet. But eet came at such a high cost. You are such a good player. You are such a good friend. You are such a delightful person. You deserved so much better zan me as an ally. I do think zat your move was ze correct one for my game, but eet 'urt to do what I did, and I was not just going along with what others wanted. I was one of ze driving forces. I sealed your fate in zis game, and you were never anything but good, honest, and trusting to me. Zat ees something I 'ave to live with. I am truly sorry, mon ami. I 'ope zat you can find eet in your 'eart to forgive me.

M. Peralta, when you said zat you don't usually make eet zis far into games, I was honestly in shock. You seem like ze perfect person to drag deep and cut near ze end! I don't know why people don't try zat more often. Get on eet, people! Step up your games! But you were such a force in zis game, eet ees truly incroyable. You remind me a lot of myself a few games ago with ze way zat you over-aligned and had far too many visible connections. You 'ad some serious activity problems due to real life and were still able to 'ave everyone so scared of you round after round, so I can only imagine how scared zey would be if you were actually able to give zis game your all. You are a powerhouse of a player, and I truly did try my best to save you, but eet was impossible. I was in eet to go deep with you, and I would 'ave loved 'aving you around as a nice vote magnet to distract from me for zese past few rounds, so I was sorry to see you go, and I 'ope zat you keep playing, because with just a leetle restraint, I could easily see you winning one of zese days. I respect your unique philosophy and perspective on ze game, and I valued you as both a person and an ally. You made zis game better by being a part of eet.

M. Briscoe, zere ees nothing I can say to you 'ere zat I 'aven't already told you in person. You are one of my best allies I 'ave ever 'ad in ze game. I truly did everything in my power to save you. I fought from ze moment Mlle Hopps' Immunity win was revealed to undo ze damage of zat hour when we thought ze wrong person 'ad Immunity, and I 'ope zat you would 'ave gone 'ome regardless of zat, but I don't think we will ever know. I came within inches of saving you though, and I think zat one conversation between M. Cohle and M. Kennedy could 'ave turned everything around. We are just so in sync as players, mon ami. We truly 'ave ze exact same outlook on ze game, and I 'ave fought on in your memory. You're a great player, a great person, and a great ally, and eet was an honor to scheme with you and to navigate ze many difficult spots we found ourselves in. I couldn't 'ave asked for a better number one ally. Thank you for everything you did for me, and I 'ope zat I can make eet to ze end of zis thing and win eet in your honor. I can't wait to discuss Big Brother 22 with you on ze other side.

Mlle Hopps, you are such an magnetic person. You play such an earnest game and such an aggressive game. Your mind ees always working, and eet sometimes leads you down crazy quagmires zat my mind would never go down, but in zat way we worked together well and balanced each other out. I knew from ze moment zat I met you zat I was talking to a crazy person, but you were a charismatic crazy person, and you brought much amusement to me in ze premerge. And zen in merge we were mostly in lockstep up until you decided to turn on M. Peralta, and I actually thought we might be able to make eet to ze F2 together. But eet quickly became apparent zat zat was not to be, and you showed me zat as much fun as you are when I 'ave you on my side, you are just as infuriating when you are against me. I still find your moves to remove M. Peralta and M. Briscoe from ze game 'ighly dubious and 'orrible for both of us, but I 'ave to respect zat you played 'ard, you took your shots, and you stuck by your convictions. And despite all of ze havoc zat you caused to my game, I still was sad to see you go 'ere because I truly do adore you as a person. I'm so glad to 'ave met you and to 'ave gotten ze full Mlle Hopps experience.

Mlle Garcia, you were a total surprise to me. I 'ad 'eard zat you were inactive from your previous tribemates on 12, so when we met on Strike, I was not expecting much. Imagine my surprise, zen, when you turned out to be one of my favorite people in ze game! Your PMs, whether we were working with each other or against each other, always brought a smile to my face. You 'ave charisma for days. You are a beast when eet comes to challenges. Really, zere ees nothing you can't do in zis game. You should try being worse at some things! Maybe zen people will actually keep you around. Really though, other zan inactivity, I can't imagine why you often go premerge. I'm glad zat you made a deep run in zis game, and thank you for always conducting yourself with grace and treating me with respect, even when you knew I was targeting you for ze fourth round in a row. I enjoyed every moment of playing zis game with you. You're a wonderful person.

Mon Dieu, M. Kennedy, I'm feeling guilty writing zis message to you maintenant. I enjoyed you so much zis game, so eet ees a shame zat ze way zat F4 went down will always dominate my memory of you. But I do think zat even though you can't be feeling too great about zat 2-1-1 vote, you should be proud of yourself for making eet as far as you did in your first game. I think ze way you are able to emotionally connect with people and make zem feel close to you, even if you are not as close to zem, ees a true talent. I also know who you are outside of ze game, and I'm so pleased zat you played and zat you did as well as you did zis game. Surviving as many premerge tribals as you did ees no coincidence. Finding yourself in as a good of a position as you were in ees no coincidence. You did so much right to get to zis point, and few new players could 'ave gone through what you went through in ze early game and made eet through to ze other side. Thank you for playing, thank you for trusting me and working with me, and thank you for playing as 'ard as you could and giving zis game everything zat you 'ad. I 'ope zat you are 'appy with fourth place, and if you play again, let's see you make eet to ze end or even win.