Author Topic: Épisode Quatorze: Betrayal  (Read 670 times)

Hercule Poirot

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Épisode Quatorze: Betrayal
« on: July 28, 2020, 05:35:10 pm »
And maintenant my betrayal ees exposed. M. Cohle immediately said zat 'e understood ze move without prompting, which ees good. M. Morningstar I don't think realized eet was me. Mlle Garcia ees just confused.

M. Cohle ees immediately trying to set up to me 'ow bad zis final five ees, which to be fair, 'e may not be wrong about. I'll 'ave to think about eet and plan where to go from 'ere. Ees zat really ze final five I want? Ees trying to achieve eet even possible? I'm not sure about zat.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Quatorze: Betrayal
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2020, 08:26:22 pm »
You are quite self aware enough to recognize what would make you a shield.  I understand it's a very difficult thing to tone down when it is your nature.  But it is only a curse if you allow it to become your ruin even in your awareness.

Analyzing your jury threat is only one small part of what makes someone a "threat" to the players still within the game.  Not only are you very social and a strong PMer, you've been clearly identified by everyone as THE strongest PMer.  On top of that you've managed to maintain your character in a way that hasn't rubbed anyone the wrong way, no small feat in itself.  It is the thing that has made you so successful up to this point, but it is the most difficult thing of all to correctly predict the moment it will become the millstone around your neck.

I do agree that the first few jurors aren't automatic gets for you, but it's very hard to say who will vote emotionally as a juror and who will respect game play even when it came at their expense.  None of them are out of your reach, though clearly a player who expressed an emotion like disdain will be tough to talk around.

Now, what would I do in your position?  You would defeat Judy, which makes her an attractive person for you to go to the end with, but she is clearly smart enough to know that too and that makes it far too dangerous to have as your primary goal.  There is absolutely no way Lennie will go to the end with you, that is not the kind of player he is.  Jake might have enough ego to believe he can beat you, and is likely the only person within your majority who would consider going to the end with you in any real way.  Leon is Lennie and Jake's creature, and he'll cut you without batting an eye.  In truth, if I were you I would be looking at my options outside the majority in either this round or the next.  By six you lose all leverage and no longer hold your fate in your own hands.  Maybe you have the kind of relationship with Judy where you can honestly rely on her to take you to the end despite anything everyone would say to her about it being a losing proposition, but barring that you need to take a chance with one or more of the outsiders.  Any path you can forge to the end leaves you with a real chance to win.  Winner equity as you put it.  You should not attempt to get anywhere near the end with quote unquote goats, because that is only willingly giving up your seat to those same goats if someone else can either convince them to cut you or simply the wrong person wins final immunity and takes the goats for themselves.  You have to lean into your position as the strong social player and rely on yourself to have a winning FTC performance.

I am not averse to sitting next to you.  I believe we mostly compete for different jury votes, although no doubt you would enter the FTC as the favorite.  But as I likely enter any FTC as the underdog I am in a position of simply working towards any FTC I can get to.  As you imply, I first have to get myself out of my current position where I'm in imminent danger.  I don't believe I am a goat, which makes me a good person for you to have around at 5 and 4 where other people could target me instead of you because I'm not drawing completely dead.

'E ees good. 'E 'as me thinking. I'm 'aving a leetle regret about cutting M. Grouch tbh, because I think M. Grouch was ze worst at challenges and potentially ze best to bring to four, but I wasn't thinking about zat at ze time. M. Cohle ees probably ze next best option though in zat regard? But I also think 'e ees probably ze biggest Jury threat of ze three, but maybe zat suits me. I'm not convinced zat I don't want 'im in fourth place either.

Mlle Hopps...she did proactively suggest a final two to me, and especially with M. McGruff giving 'er confidence, I think she might actually take me.

M. Briscoe 'as been my partner zis whole time, and I 'ave always imagined us in ze end together, and I think 'e wants eet to. I don't 'e would do eet based on loyalty, but 'e might based on if 'e thinks eet ees actually 'is smartest choice i.e. if ze other option ees a member of ze current minority. I just asked 'im 'ow 'e wants to proceed 'ere, if we're just picking off all three minority members or what. Let's see 'ow 'e responds.

M. Kennedy and M. Peralta are both on ze table as potential goats. M. Peralta 'as ze benefit of maybe wanting to actually take me, but ees probably less of a goat. In a lot of ways, 'e 'as defined zis merge with 'is idol play. I think I could out-FTC 'im though. M. Kennedy, I really don't see 'im winning. I think 'e ees loyal to me in particular, but I'm aware zat I could be mistaken, and I don't know zat I trust eet enough to actually bank on 'im. Plus even if 'e ees, 'e ees not going to be ze one making ze choice because 'e will never win a challenge. 'E might increase my chances of winning ze FTC in zat way if zat ees what I need to do, but I don't 'ave enough faith in my ability regardless, and I might need to be fighting someone else.

Mlle Garcia, I am considering as an option. She ees too good at challenges though, zat ees 'er fatal flaw. If she was worse, I think she would be perfect, because she actually sees M. Peralta and M. Briscoe as bigger Jury threats zan me, unlike M. Cohle.

Zis vote really matters maintenant, even if eet ees just picking someone off, because whoever ees left as ze pieces who might be going late into ze game with me. I think my ideal boot ees M. Morningstar, followed by Mlle Garcia, followed by M. Cohle. Ze only advantage of keeping M. Morningstar ees zat I think Mlle Garcia and M. Cohle are more likely Jury votes for me and 'e ees probably ze easiest to beat if I am taking 'im to ze end. Actually zose are some sizeable advantages. I think M. Morningstar could easily vote for me too. Honestly all three of ze minority would, which ees why eet ees probably best if ze last one left standing gets fourth place.

I also need to be careful not to give to much to ze minority zat can be used against me, because I do feel ze urge to do zat, but I can easily write eet off as lies. I think even the minority zemselves realize zat M. Kennedy, M. Briscoe, M. Peralta ees a bigger immediate problem zan Mlle Hopps and I, which ees another 'uge positive of zis move. But if zey see a path to stay with zem and not with me, zen zey'd probably do whatever zey 'ad to in order to survive.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Quatorze: Betrayal
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2020, 08:43:18 pm »
I'd like to share with you the PM I just got from Lennie.

Yeah, I mean, to come clean, Scruff was kind of right. SVU was sticking together generally, and Jake was on the second swap tribe with me, Poirot, and Judy, so we built up that relationship there. I wasn't lying about being somewhat concerned about there being four 99th this round, and this vote really forced Poirot and Judy to pick a direction to go in. We stayed quiet about targeting Grouch because we wanted to minimize the chance of an idol play.

I realize that this is a shitty spot to be in for you, Penelope, and Lucifer. I'm open to hearing your thoughts, your rants, whatever about the situation. I do think we view the game of Survivor similarly, and I know I'd be frustrated in your shoes.

I appreciate and enjoy working with you even though I am under no illusions about forming some unbreakable bond that we both value above good strategic choices.  You actually discuss the situation with me openly, and we can both bounce ideas off of one another.  I don't get anything like that from Lennie anymore because now I'm just cannon fodder in between him and the promised land.  Lennie clearly thinks he's sitting in the prime position and he has this thing in the bag already.  Whether you choose to do something now or in the near future with me or not, please do not allow him to step over you to get to the end with his hand picked goat.  I would simply gag.

You're not 'elping your case of making me not want to put you on ze Jury, mon ami! But 'e ees right. I think I 'ave been putting faith in M. Briscoe way out of proportion to 'ow much I should be based on ze type of person 'e ees. We 'ave discussed both M. Kennedy and M. Peralta as final three options, but I cannot let M. Briscoe keep both of zem all ze way down to F4.

Maybe my ideal boot order ees:

F8- M. Morningstar (ze 5 stick together)
F7- M. Peralta or M. Kennedy (Mlle Hopps and I vote with ze members of ze minority left)
F6- Mlle Garcia (picking off another member of ze minority)
F5- M. Peralta or M. Kennedy (Mlle Hopps and I make a move with M. Cohle)
F4- Me, M. Cohle, Mlle Hopps, M. Briscoe. Fourth place depends on ze Immunity challenge, but I think I 'ave arguments to make no matter what. Mlle Hopps might take me out of loyalty. M. Briscoe might take me out of fear of M. Cohle. M. Cohle might take me out of fear of losing to M. Briscoe.

Eet zen puts me in a potentially not ideal FTC, but I don't think I can be picky 'ere.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Quatorze: Betrayal
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2020, 09:16:03 pm »
Ze situation with M. Briscoe ees worse zan I feared. M. Cohle ees successfully getting into 'is 'ead and making 'im doubt 'is own winner chances. Zat ees a real problem, because my game 'inges on 'is confidence zat 'e can beat me in some configuration.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Quatorze: Betrayal
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2020, 09:45:27 pm »
I'm still saying too much to M. Briscoe about my final 3 plans. I should stop zat. I do trust 'im, but I don't want to give 'im ammunition to use against me in ze event zat 'e needs to, because I don't think 'e would 'esitate.

I said early in my confessional zat I didn't think 'e would willingly go to ze end with me, and I think I 'ave gotten caught up and sort of forgotten zat.

I do think 'e ees telling me 'is true feelings about threats though, and I think 'e truly does think zat Mlle Hopps ees a Jury threat, as are ze people left out of zis vote, so I need to use zat to my advantage to give 'im no choice, if I truly am set on going with 'im. I don't even know 'ow I would take 'im out.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Quatorze: Betrayal
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2020, 09:48:12 pm »
Eet also ees funny to me zat I betray M. Grouch and zen immediately regret eet because I realize zat I need a weak challenge person to kill at final 4. But I think most of ze old benefits of getting rid of M. Grouch still 'old. Maybe I overestimated 'ow mad M. Grouch would be about zis betrayal, because I do think 'e would understand why eet made sense for me, but also I do think 'e saw me as ze biggest threat in ze game and zis vote would only 'ave solidified zat impression. Plus a blindside on someone like M. Morningstar wouldn't 'ave been such a big deal in ze public perception I don't think.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Quatorze: Betrayal
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2020, 09:49:02 pm »
I mean zat last bit in terms of making me someone who 'as betrayed and 'as blood on 'is 'ands.

Anyway, I need to sleep. I need to stop thinking about zis.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Quatorze: Betrayal
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2020, 10:09:37 am »
Quote from: Mlle Hopps
Anyways, game talk. I think I have repaired with Rust. And I think we need to get rid of Jake this coming tribal assuming he doesn't have immunity.

I am talking Jury threats with Rust at the moment and am pinning Jury threats as Penny/Leon/Jake at the moment. I have successfully sold a narrative that I have been completely lost in all of this to him (I believe anyway) and so I went down the route of Grouch was the single biggest threat if lines got drawn at 4/4 if we removed Jake.

So I think he get's the vote. Which is good news. I am going to try and sell a Jake vote here, assuming you are ok with this. But I think it is time. We would still have the 4v3 if we need it without Jake, and it also removes that rogue element when we inevitably go for Lennie at final 7. And for that we need Lucifer and Rust at least.

I also told Lucifer about the potential votes that were happening on him from the non 99 players which would have been a different 5v4. So I have basically said, it was him or Grouch and we decided it was best to get Grouch from a purely mechanical sense.

Quote from: Mlle Hopps
Not sure if I mentioned, but I think Lucifer is the single best person to bring with us to final 3. If we have a final 4 of Leon/Lucifer/Us we are very strong. Given that I think Rust is probably the best person to have at 6.

So like this sounds so cold and mechanical.

But I think our trajectory goes

Assuming we can get everything we want.

Zis ees what Mlle Hopps wants, or at least what she ees telling me she wants.

I think 'er perceptions of things are way off, and she ees totally wrong about who ze Jury threats are, but what do I know? I don't trust myself to 'ave a good read on zese things. And most of 'er incorrect assumptions suit me.

I do seriously worry zat in a F4 of me, M. Kennedy, M. Morningstar, Mlle Hopps zat I am just ze fourth place boot. I don't know for sure zat ees ze case, but I wouldn't bet against eet.

Maybe replace M. Briscoe with M. Kennedy and we are talking business. But I don't think zat M. Briscoe would willingly choose zat F4 given zat 'e supposedly thinks Mlle Hopps ees a Jury threat and if any of ze minority make eet to ze end, zey win.

I also don't think a move against M. Peralta ees ideal for me 'ere, because I also think M. Peralta ees one of people in ze game I am most confident wants to go to ze end with me.

M. Peralta and Mlle Hopps are on ze 75% confident tier.
M. Kennedy and M. Briscoe are on ze 50% confident tier.
Everyone else I think would take me out if eet was in zeir best interest and zey recognized zat, which depending on ze person zey might not. Mlle Garcia I think sees M. Peralta and M. Briscoe as bigger threats zan me still. M. Cohle I think sees me as a 'uge threat and would cut me over most people, even if 'e says 'e sees a path for us to sit together. M. Morningstar I need to talk to more because I 'ave no read on what 'e sees as ze Jury threats.

I need to tread carefully 'ere. I think my ideal boot ees still one of ze three minority. Which one zat should be ees still up in ze air.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Quatorze: Betrayal
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2020, 10:12:48 am »
M. Peralta, Mlle Hopps, M. Kennedy, me might actually be my very best final four. Or replace M. Kennedy with M. Morningstar. Or maybe replace M. Cohle with M. Morningstar, I'm not sure.

I think M. Peralta and Mlle Hopps both are likely to take me and to target each other.

I wonder if zis 'as a F4 firemaking twist. I should probably check ze rules.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Quatorze: Betrayal
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2020, 11:00:35 am »
So ze rules make eet sound like non. I'm probably going to play assuming zat to be ze case.

Ze problem with M. Morningstar ees zat 'e ees truly not fantastique at communicating with me, so I 'ave a 'ard time planning my entire game around what 'e will or won't do when really, I 'ave no solid read on zat.

Plus I think 'e takes some votes zat I otherwise 'ave a chance of getting, like M. Grouch, whereas M. Cohle I think will mainly get ze votes of people who probably aren't voting for me no matter what.

Maybe M. Cohle, Mlle Hopps, M. Briscoe (or M. Peralta), and I should be ze final four. If M. Cohle wins Immunity, I think I can at least get a firemaking tiebreaker, and if 'e doesn't win Immunity, zen I think 'e probably would go 'ome? But I don't know zat for sure.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Quatorze: Betrayal
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2020, 04:22:53 pm »
I think I may want to vote out Mlle Garcia 'ere, and zen make a move on M. Kennedy next round.

8: Mlle Garcia
7: M. Kennedy
6: M. Morningstar
5: M. Briscoe maybe? But depends on Immunity
4: Tiebreaker between Mlle Hopps and M. Peralta?
3: Myself, Mlle Hopps/M. Peralta, M. Cohle

Zat would not be so bad. Some might depend on challenges, but zat ees okay. But zere ees a lot zat can go wrong.

I'm curious to see what 'appens 'ere. I think zat M. Peralta and M. Kennedy will actually stay firm, especially because zeir ideal target Mlle Garcia ees still on ze table. But if she ees off ze table, eet becomes more complicated.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Quatorze: Betrayal
« Reply #11 on: July 29, 2020, 04:34:36 pm »
I feel like I am all over ze place with my plans at zis point. But I do think eet ees best to 'old everything solid for at least zis round.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Quatorze: Betrayal
« Reply #12 on: July 29, 2020, 05:24:36 pm »
Mlle Hopps being Immune ees not my favorite result in ze world. Eet means zat if 27 ees thinking about making a move, I am ze only one available to target. But I don't think zey are? I 'ope not anyway. Zat would be truly awful to go 'ome immediately after M. Grouch.

But I do think zat Mlle Hopps might 'ave been ze target over me in zat instance.

I'm glad zat Mlle Garcia did not win Immunity. I think M. Kennedy and M. Peralta's desire to eliminate 'er could trump everything else at zis point.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Quatorze: Betrayal
« Reply #13 on: July 29, 2020, 05:55:07 pm »
Quote from: Mlle Hopps
Ok so I've been talking with Rust, and he views Lennie and Penny as the most dangerous people in the game comes late game.

He wants Lennie right now, but if we can secure Jake here, we definitely can get Lennie next round. By that point everyone should be fearing Penny just immunity running to the end so we can sell people on her. That gets us to final 5 with Leon/Rust/Lucifer/Us which I think is ideal. The play there is then maybe going for Leon? We can see where things are.

But I 100% think Jake is the vote here.

Grrrr zis ees not what I want.

But I think with 'er 'aving Immunity, zere might be nothing I can do about eet if 'er mind ees made up. Mlle Hopps ees not ze sort of player you convince.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Quatorze: Betrayal
« Reply #14 on: July 29, 2020, 06:22:18 pm »
Eet makes almost no sense for me to make zis move with Mlle Hopps. Eet ees too restless and jumpy. I suppose she ees a lapin.

Ze only good thing zat might come out of eet ees if eet makes Mlle Hopps ze bigger threat in our pair, because you bet your britches zat she ees going to get ze blame for eet with M. Briscoe and M. Kennedy and not me. I don't actually intend on blindsiding zem.

But if 'er mind ees made up, zere ees truly nothing I can do. Ze difficulty though ees zat 'er plan ees currently to get rid of M. Briscoe at 5, which weakens one side far too much. We need a pair of 27s to still be around at 5 so zat zey can be ze targets over us (and because I think all 27s are closer to me zan people realize).