Author Topic: E6 - "And like a lot of dreams there's a monster at the end of it"  (Read 433 times)

Rust Cohle

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I'll continue with my episode numbering even though I'm way off the pace of the game eliminations now, just so this confessional reads in some sort of sensible order when this thing is all over.  Which, incidentally, it might be for me this very round.  I still feel very likely safe right now, but there's a decent chance I'm going to have votes at this Tribal Council which is never a good thing.

At present the vote remains on Cheddar, and we should have four votes locked in on that with only Grouch Cop not committing while he looks for alternatives - of which I am apparently his preference.  I would rather not have the minority vote on me, but the only alternative may be to claim I'm willing to let Pika go which could come back to bite me if they forward Pika anything I say like that.

Grouch Cop is trying to run the show here, he's going to be able to dictate Cheddar's vote and it looks like his goal is to turn Pikachu and I against each other.  Pika being somewhat enamored with Grouch I suspect it was starting to work, but Grouch also got a bit overconfident and said some pretty negative things about Pikachu to me which I was then able to send to Pika.  So for now it looks like I've nipped that in the bud and Pika is agreeing with me and Scruff that Grouch is not to be trusted in the long term.

Scruff McGruff is my main alliance.  The next layer is Rust/Scruff/Pika and Rust/Scruff/Leon.  Leon and Pika are now burying the hatchet after an awkward start and both thinking along the lines of a Rust/Scruff/Leon/Pika alliance.  Because of the onion-like nature of this setup I'm confident Scruff and I survive even in a scenario where this phase lasts four rounds and we lose out.  If that happened, we'd probably end up sticking with Leon.

If the merge doesn't immediately follow this elimination it would be best for us to go to Tribal Council again so we can eliminate Grouch pre merge.

Rust Cohle

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Re: E6 - "And like a lot of dreams there's a monster at the end of it"
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2020, 04:21:19 pm »
If Pikachu is voting me out right now, you know, bummer

Rust Cohle

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Re: E6 - "And like a lot of dreams there's a monster at the end of it"
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2020, 05:31:13 pm »
It was not a great move by Scruff and Leon not being straight up with Grouch about their vote, but it leaves me as the only person on this tribe who isn't someone that lied to him or someone that he voted for.

Rust Cohle

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Re: E6 - "And like a lot of dreams there's a monster at the end of it"
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2020, 06:12:30 pm »
This confessional needs more spectator action.  Where's my boy Heiji at?


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Re: E6 - "And like a lot of dreams there's a monster at the end of it"
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2020, 12:33:12 pm »
i ate him.

seems like you've described a bit of a complicated situation on your tribe. How do you foresee others acting from here on in? How will the last round inform you for future rounds?

Rust Cohle

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Re: E6 - "And like a lot of dreams there's a monster at the end of it"
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2020, 04:24:53 pm »
i ate him.

seems like you've described a bit of a complicated situation on your tribe. How do you foresee others acting from here on in? How will the last round inform you for future rounds?
That's a big meal for a little fox.

If we don't go to tribal council again before the merge, I hope I'm now in a position to be the only person from this tribe that Grouch would actually want to reach out to later.  If we do go again, the most likely outcome is Grouch's elimination, but there is a possible scenario where Leon insists on doing Pikachu instead.  If Leon wants to do any insisting I'm inclined to let him.

Rust Cohle

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Re: E6 - "And like a lot of dreams there's a monster at the end of it"
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2020, 05:25:30 pm »
My best guess for Strike Team is that Hercule/Judy/Lennie/Lucifer will be the strong majority and the other three are on the block.  I'd like to be proven wrong and see one of those four go home, although I also wouldn't hate a Penelope elimination.  Nick and Jake are the two that I consider potential merge assets and hope to see survive this vote, but I'm not super optimistic because they both come off as pretty threatening social players.

Re: E6 - "And like a lot of dreams there's a monster at the end of it"
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2020, 12:46:25 pm »
HITCHCOCK: Thank you so much for saving Mable.
SCULLY: Mable is what he calls his favorite toilet seat.  Thank you so much for rescuing Gloria.
HITCHCOCK: Gloria is Scully's girl.  And by girl I mean toilet seat.  She's in the stall right next door to Mable.
SCULLY: Anyway, sorry you haven't seen us lately.  We've been getting... reacquainted.
HITCHCOCK: We're here now though!  So can you please catch us up on your game so far?  Give us the full debriefing!
SCULLY: Well, maybe not the full debriefing.  Maybe just a few sentences.
HITCHCOCK: Three sentences or less, please!