Author Topic: Chase - Pls Read  (Read 178 times)


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Chase - Pls Read
« on: July 14, 2020, 03:07:34 pm »
Alors, M. Cheddar, I want to vote for M. Chase.

I feel bad and guilty about eet because I know M. Chase 'as been good to me (and I can tell zat ees not what you want too, which makes me feel 'orrible because you are a true ally), but thinking about eet, I just think M. Chase ees ze better move.

I think about 'ow M. Chase was so resistant to vote for M. Chan when we first swapped, and 'e 'as made some comments to me about 'ow 'e plans to pull in ze Reds on ze other tribe, and I just worry zat even if 'e ees loyal to us, 'e might not want to or be willing to target ze same people we want to and will 'ave to.

I also honestly feel emotionally closer to M. Kennedy zan to M. Chase. I think both of zem would stick with zis tribe honestly, but M. Kennedy 'as literally nowhere else to go. 'E only knows two people who aren't 'ere. If we are going to try to pull in M. Grouch and M. Lucifer, we need people to vote out, but I don't know zat M. Chase will be willing to vote out ze Reds and zere aren't enough Blues left in ze game for us to target zem.

I talked with Mlle Hopps last night and she feels ze same way, but I think she (and everyone) ees resistant to talk to you about eet because zey think zat you and M. Chase are super tight, which I don't believe, I think zat was a lie spread by M. Blart, but zat's still ze public image. In a way, I think M. Chase going might weirdly 'elp you for zat reason, but I don't expect zat to be a 'uge consolation.

I don't mind if you still vote for M. Kennedy. In fact I think you should, and you should play up 'ow betrayed you felt by ze rest of us and 'ow close you were to M. Chase in ze swap to save yourself and lessen ze target on both of our backs. Ze biggest obstacle for zis tribe ees looking too united and tight-knit, so zis could be an excellent opportunity to get rid of zat image. Zat could be ze silver lining to an otherwise horrible situation. But eet ees your decision 'ow you act.

I think voting out M. Chase ees ze right move for me. We can talk about eet, and I 'ear ze arguments both ways, but I do think zis ees ze best vote. I 'ope you aren't upset with me for 'ow I've acted zis round. Eet ees so 'ard to 'ave to cast zis vote, because M. Chase truly does not deserve eet.

I'd prefer zat you not tell M. Chase what ees going on, but obviously you can if you want to. Zere ees nothing stopping you. I just couldn't pretend to go along with a M. Kennedy vote if zat was not what was 'appening. And I still truly do want to work with you in zis game. I 'ope zat after zis round, you're still willing to work with me.

So this is what went down for you to know. I would have been in for it too honestly just because of where we were and people associating us too heavily, but I wanted to make sure you got to see some of people’s reasoning.

I’ll tell Scruff you said hi!