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Penelope / Hercule Poirot - Mon Ami <3
« Last post by Penelope Garcia on August 16, 2020, 05:59:21 pm »

Poirot! Mon ami <33. Thank you so much for all the amazing moments in this game and congratulations on making it to the end. Truly did not believe that you could do it. I knew that you were a big threat way back on Strike and that everyone needed to get you out at some point, yet you managed to snake your way out of every slippery situation you got into. I want to focus on our relationship throughout the game as I talk about why I voted for you in my confessional. I knew right away that you were a great social player just by the length of your messages and the depth of the conversation that we could get through. Even though it was EXTREMELY difficult to get through your messages for me (I'm really bad at focusing on one thing and it took me about an hour or two to reply to your messages at times because I end up getting distracted and working on something else) you were an amazing friend to talk to. I loved how much we were able to connect throughout the game and I desperately wanted to ally with you the whole time but knew that we could never. Our interests never aligned and you were way too honest with me that I didn't fit into your plans. Alas, it was never meant to be and it got you to the end ;). I think you played an excellent game and I'm really excited to find out who you are considering you kept up that post restriction the whole time. Oh! An additional note, I HATED your PR before I met you and I told that to a bunch of people. I think I mentioned it to you as well, but yes, I was so ready to get you out because I think PR's are so frustrating but it made our PMs so endearing and I grew to love it. Congratulations again and good luck!
Penelope / Lucifer Morningstar - The Silent Killer
« Last post by Penelope Garcia on August 16, 2020, 05:46:07 pm »
FINALIST - Lucifer Morningstar

First off, congratulations on making it to the end! I definitely think you've worked hard to make it there and I'd rather not explain my vote here, but rather give more comments about our relationship throughout the game. I don't think we really clicked socially until mid merge when we were essentially forced together by circumstances. I really appreciated that bond that we had formed and getting to know you throughout the game. We talked a lot about our Survivor philosophies and I think that enabled me to understand your game a bit more deeper into the game, but I wish we would have solidified something earlier. Back on Strike, I remember trying to hold you at a distance because we hadn't connected much on BAU and I was considering voting you out before the lines were explicitly drawn by Judy/Poirot. I wanted to give you my clues but was worried when you just completely stopped responding to me because it felt like you were justing using me. Then we found out that Judy held the idol anyways so it was worthless. Coming into merge, I had no other path but to try and reconcile our friendship and was glad that you were willing to do that. I appreciated that we were able to build that back up and you genuinely surprised me with your challenge ability! You played a great game and I hope you know that and learned from this game! I'm excited to see what you'd do in the future ;)
Hercule Poirot / Re: Épisode Vingt: Poirot's Final Case
« Last post by Hercule Poirot on August 16, 2020, 05:21:19 pm »
I'm so ready for zis game to be done, mes amis. I tried my best. Definitely done for Survivor for a loooooong time, but you 'ave 'eard zat before.

Thinking about eet, I don't think I won, but zere ees still a chance. I'm 'appy with my performance either way, but probably should 'ave catered my FTC more specifically to Mlle Garcia.

Merci beaucoup to ze moderateurs, spectateurs, and to ze players, at least for ze most part. I did 'ave fun. But I am ready for zis chapter of my life to be over.

I came into zis game with nothing to prove to anyone. I am a powerhouse of a player, and I gave eet my all, as I always do. Now, eet ees time to move beyond Survivor: PD.
Penelope Garcia / Re: Voting Thread
« Last post by Penelope Garcia on August 16, 2020, 04:31:44 pm »
I think I went into this FTC with my vote pretty open. I wanted to listen to both sides and hear the arguments. I think my vote was closest in the middle by the end of it, but it was the final closing speeches that sealed the deal for me.

While I think both had completely different game styles and plans throughout the game, I think I was much more satisfied with Poirot's gameplay. At least for me, I understood why he made the moves that he did and I felt like he was always doing what was best for his game. With Lucifer, I didn't feel like I understood what direction he was going throughout the merge and I wanted to get that info out of him through FTC. But he didn't give me any confidence in his answers. People have poked holes and critiqued his gameplay such as him indicating that immunity was necessary for his gameplay when the rounds he had it were expected outcomes. The only round he probably genuinely needed it was F4 and even then he faltered.

I also just did not feel comfortable with how he held on to the idea that Poirot's manipulation of Leon should have the jury flocking over to him. That is what nailed his coffin for me. Personally, I play this game as emotionally detached as I can because I know everyone else is doing what they can to win this game. We talked about this in our PMs and he explicitly stated that he tries not to take things personally in this game. To then utilize an emotional betrayal as a crutch seems disingenuous to me. While I understand Leon was definitely hurt and manipulated, I think Poirot displayed a complete mastery over the game and situation that he was able to get himself out of having to complete a challenge.

Vote: Poirot
Penelope / Rust Cohle - Time Is A Flat Circle
« Last post by Penelope Garcia on August 16, 2020, 04:13:41 pm »
3rd - Rust Cohle

I think this is the elimination that pissed me off the most because I genuinely felt like you deserved the win in this game. I knew that you had other alliances outside of me and understood your decision in taking me out. I don't think we ever got close enough in the game and despite me having you as my closest ally, your messages were just so sparse and short. I was left wanting more throughout the game and wish we actually got closer at the beginning of the game, but I think that was mostly my fault and inactivity. I realized I was not your favorite 12th and the fact that we were able to get as far as we did was by pure luck. I think you played really well in this game and wish I had the opportunity to cast a vote for you. Also, I watched the first episode of True Detective and hated it, but didn't have the heart to tell you during the game, so I lied. I hope you could forgive me.
Penelope / Leon Kennedy - The Newbie™
« Last post by Penelope Garcia on August 16, 2020, 04:05:30 pm »
4th - Leon Kennedy

Even though this game was pretty much filled with newbies, I think you were the one person that genuinely capitalized on that personification. You played really well for someone coming from a mafia background and I'm really looking forward to seeing you play again. I think during the game, I didn't see much of a player from you and was left wanting more, but on the jury and the way others talked about you, I guess you just had a game outside of me. I don't think we ever had a real relationship because you just blatantly lied to my face and I still don't understand the reasoning. I think if we solidified something earlier we could have had a partnership but by the time we met at the merge, I don't think we had enough time to build up that friendship.
Judy Hopps / Re: Voting Thread
« Last post by Judy Hopps on August 16, 2020, 04:03:55 pm »
From my perspective I needed Lucifer to make up a lot of ground in this FTC. I wanted to provide both candidates with opportunities to wow me with things I wasn't aware of, but I was in a weird position where I knew a lot about both players games before coming in to the FTC.

My vote ultimately comes down to how aware of their game they were, there is a reason players like myself and Scruff are removed from the game when we are. Usually because we have our hands in too many pies which makes us very attractive votes at the end of the game.

From my pov, Lucifer was the opposite, someone to be brought along because they were saved a few times, didn't make huge waves and has nothing to really hold on to as a main reason to vote them. Going in I also felt that Poirot was a forerunner simply because of executing a plan through the whole game. I may be biased but we had a connection despite polar opposite ways of playing the game. Poirot went in to the back third of the game with a plan and executed it. Didn't always go his way, but the ultimate path remained the same.

Lucifer appears to have gone in with a plan of not losing. The problem was, he survived multiple tribals not through effort of his own, but from being strung along to be used later, and not just by me.

My vote is for Poirot.

At the end of the day, Lucifer did not provide enough cognisance to be a deserving winner.
Penelope / Penelope Garcia - loser
« Last post by Penelope Garcia on August 16, 2020, 03:54:42 pm »
5th - Penelope Garcia

I loved being able to bingewatch some Criminal Minds throughout this game and it was so fun to play as her <3. Thank you Penelope for the joy you've brought me in this game and your wonderful gif ability.

Penelope / Judy Hopps - Challenge BEAST
« Last post by Penelope Garcia on August 16, 2020, 03:50:48 pm »
6th - Judy Hopps

Judy, Judy, Judy. I think I want to start this by just reiterating what I said in the Jury threads. I don't think we got off on the right foot and that definitely impacted my perspective of you. I didn't feel close to you at all and felt like every interaction came off as really combative. I was also genuinely surprised when you approached me with an alliance because it didn't feel real. I didn't think we were at a point where we could trust each other and it felt very hard to actually believe that. When Nick's tribal happened, I didn't think that we would ever get to a point where we could build up an alliance and I generally wrote off that possibility throughout the merge. Near the end of it, I really appreciated you flipping over and helping my side get far by flipping on the SVU but I don't think I understood that move. You didn't solidify anything with me or explain your motives and it always felt like you were still closer with Poirot than Rust/Lucifer/Myself. At the end, I tried to get information out of you and wanted to go to the Final 4 with you because you did provide a great shield. However, your time zone made it difficult and your habit of entirely ghosting me contributed to that as well. I will say, my messages were genuine and I did try to talk about things outside of the game because I never thought we would get to talking about real game talk, but apparently I was silent to you?
Penelope / Lennie Briscoe - A Friendly Foe
« Last post by Penelope Garcia on August 16, 2020, 03:31:32 pm »
7th - Lennie Briscoe

Lennie! I don't think we ever got close, in terms of social or strategic. We always held each other at arm's length it seemed. I think we did really great in making our partnership work despite the fact we were never on the same side. We were always honest and tried to keep the other person updated despite being on separate sides. At least on my side, I felt like we were building up to maybe allying with each other down the line, but the cards just never lined up. I was afraid of you in this game because I felt like you had so many partnerships and alliances. I felt really close to you even without being directly allies and couldn't imagine what plans you were making with others that felt closer to you :P. I genuinely felt bad that your tribal went the way that it did. I think Judy was supposed to go home that round and the fact that it turned around on you didn't feel right. However, I will say, with Judy winning immunity there, I would have ensured I was on her side anyways and would probably have targeted you or Poirot anyways. I don't think the hour she was vulnerable changed my direction. You are a great player and I can't wait to see what you do next ;)
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