Author Topic: "Torchwalk" (minus the torches, and the walking, and any sense of cohesion)  (Read 572 times)

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Pinkie Pie

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Quote from: Starlight
Sidenote: is anypony else also doing a torchwalk? I'm gonna put one in my confessional, figured it might be nice to do it, anypony else wanna join me on it?
But of course! I'll start with those I didn't care much, if at all, for in the game, and slowly work my way towards those I loved the most.

Sombra, Maud, Octavia, Cheese: Never met any of you, suppose I could've said hi during my 24 hours of friendship school, but none of you seemed particularly active.

Sunburst: Never met you, and couldn't ever talk to you. RIP

Twilight: We talked briefly in friendship school, and I said pretty much everything I thought about you there. Knowing you were a new player changed my perspective on your attitude and game, and I hope this wasn't a negative experience and you try playing again :)

Big Daddy: Our conversation was hella forced, super bad, and very cringe. I only talked to you because you were allies with Chrys. Wish we could've made any kind of connection, but we didn't. So that's that I suppose.

AppleJack: I was pretty bummed to see you go, we barely got to talk, never seriously, but I was actually super looking forward to.
When you're rife with devastation, there's a simple explanation.
You're a toy maker's creation, trapped inside a crystal ball.
And whichever way he tilts it, know that we must be resilient.
We won't let them break our spirits, as we sing our silly song.

Pinkie Pie

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Thorax: I had and still have mixed feelings about you. I would never say that we could've worked together, but I liked you as a person and our conversation wasn't a drag to ever respond to. I think our views of this game split us apart and looking back at it all, that's kind of the case for almost all the Apples.

Fluttershy: I still wish you hadn't gone. I didn't feel particularly close to you, but I think if you hadn't gone, this game could've gone a lot better for me. Not like I could've done anything with the tie really, still, big regret, I loved talking to you from the first moment to the last. RIP in peace my fellow animal lover 💖

Soarin: You were a surprising thorn in my side. I didn't like talking to you, and we were on opposite sides (or perceived opposite sides? I suppose in truth we actually had many similar allies and could've should've would've worked together). Miscommunication was a bitch for our relationship I feel.

DJ Pon-3: Is the hyphen in the right place? ;) I don't even know what to say to you really. There aren't many cases of me being completely neutral towards somepony I've actually met and talked to before, but you are one of those cases. I think my feelings towards you are best summed up as "meh".
When you're rife with devastation, there's a simple explanation.
You're a toy maker's creation, trapped inside a crystal ball.
And whichever way he tilts it, know that we must be resilient.
We won't let them break our spirits, as we sing our silly song.

Pinkie Pie

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Derpy Hooves: You were a surprise ally, that's for sure! We might not have talked to much fluff or connected on a personal level on outside-game stuff, but I liked your thought process, and I enjoyed reading you throughout Ponyrosa and your jury questions.

Coco Pommel: On the one hoof, I really liked you. I thought we were G, but you did the one thing that makes me hate playing these games. You lied, lied again, and pretended to be my ally while just wanting me gone the entire time. I hate that, and hope we never play together again, but on a personal level, I adore you, and fuck yeah, Undertale games 💕

Rainbow Dash: I'm glad we got to work together, even if you probably never really trusted me like Rarity did. You were always easy for me to talk to, and while I never really trusted you either, I never felt like I couldn't come talk to you like some others.

Granny Smith: A damn shame that you never gave me a real chance. I truly always wanted to work with you, never lied to you, or ever wanted you gone. If you had made the Final 3, you would have no doubt gotten my vote. Even after we clearly couldn't ever work together in merge you tried so damn hard to keep things civil and happy with me, and I really appreciated that. Perhaps in another life you can actually trust me for once.

Rarity: Darling Rarity, why couldn't you ever believe me? I never once wanted you gone, and as much as Coco and Granny pissed me off, your betrayal to me hurt the most. I thought for sure after all the shit from Everfree and Wonderbolt you'd be able to trust me more than you did, but I suppose for some reason nopony ever wants to believe my sincerity even though I am nothing but sincere. Maybe next time I'll get you to believe my love for you 💕

Flim and Flam: Jesus fucking Christ. You. You made this game. Honest to Crisp, I loved you and hated you so much at the same time. Why'd you have to turn on me, man? I was genuinely thinking that you and me were gonna get to F4 together, and then you go and make me idol you out. Why? Why did everypony who I really enjoyed working with decide that I couldn't be trusted? 😭 Still, I love that you threw your quirk away and talked to me like a real person, and it was a fucking blast going through this rollercoaster of a ride with you 🥰

Grand Pear: Oh Pear, what do I even say to you? Another case of a pony who I wanted at the end with me, who never trusted me for a second. I am happy you made it to the end though, and I'm glad I got to play with you. After we got together on Everfree, talking to you was always a breath of fresh air because it wasn't ever complicated between us. I fucked up at merge, I knew you most likely hated me for idoling out FlimFlam, and I probably didn't handle you the best way I could've.

Buried Lede: My dude. Why did you have to die before merge? I wonder how differently things would've been if you had been there instead of Granny or Dash. You were a solid friend even through all the shit, and I'm glad we got to play together for as long as we did. I told myself that I shouldn't trust you after I came back in, but I know that had we made it to merge, you wouldn't been my second most trusted ally, with only Chrys higher than you.
When you're rife with devastation, there's a simple explanation.
You're a toy maker's creation, trapped inside a crystal ball.
And whichever way he tilts it, know that we must be resilient.
We won't let them break our spirits, as we sing our silly song.

Pinkie Pie

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And finally, my top 3 ponies of this game. Thank you for being here and playing with me and making this far more enjoyable than I expected it to be 🥰

Starlight Glimmer: My relationship with you was probably the most confusing out of everypony, we started off strong at the beginning, and while we said we would work together at merge, during the first TC there I really started to doubt you because ponies were throwing you under the bus as to who was the one making all the fuss and commotion. But damn, giving me your idol, you are a true friend and I'm so sad that we never really got to talk fluff and just chill out together. I'm sorry I never got to repay you for the idol, and I'm sure you probably could've made it farther without using it on me, but I hope you don't regret it because that was probably the highlight of this game (minus Trixie, of course). Pretty sure I know who you are, though I suppose we'll see tomorrow if I'm right, and I'm glad we got to play together, even if it was for only a small snippet of time 🥰

Trixie: Goddamn gurl, what is there even to say about you? On the one hoof, you made this rather safe and dull game so much more interesting, but on the other hoof, there's no way you would've made it much farther. I loved our penpal thread, and even with all the drama surrounding you, I still love you. You were absolutely a factor as to why I even tried so hard to play this game, and truth be told, I was thinking of throwing the redemption to let you come back until I got the truth of your actions and realized it would be a waste to let you back in (sorry, but true).

Queen Chrysalis: My truest soulmate, if we had been together earlier, if I hadn't had a nagging feeling at the back of my mind that you had others that were closer to you than I was, that you might backstab me, if I had just wholeheartedly trusted you like I wanted to and used my idol to save McColt like I was thinking about, damn this game would've been so much different. Still though, it's ponies like you that make me think these Survivor games can still be fun and there's a place for ponies with my sort of take on how they should be played. I'm sorry I didn't fully trust you and Star, I should've after all we said to each other, but I'm glad we at least got to play together for as long as we did 🥰
When you're rife with devastation, there's a simple explanation.
You're a toy maker's creation, trapped inside a crystal ball.
And whichever way he tilts it, know that we must be resilient.
We won't let them break our spirits, as we sing our silly song.

Pinkie Pie

  • Ponyrosa
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Also, can I just say, the friendship between Trixie and Starlight is so ironically the same as it is in the episode On the Road to Friendship. Like,

Except there was no happy friendship forgiveness where everything worked out 😜
When you're rife with devastation, there's a simple explanation.
You're a toy maker's creation, trapped inside a crystal ball.
And whichever way he tilts it, know that we must be resilient.
We won't let them break our spirits, as we sing our silly song.