Author Topic: Big Daddy: A case study in reading  (Read 303 times)

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  • Canterlot
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Big Daddy: A case study in reading
« on: May 17, 2019, 05:38:40 pm »

Yeah I voted you out because I misread Trixie's posts and thought you were some secret mastermind pulling all the strings. There's not a whole lot to say here except that I needed to be able to keep my head down after the Fluttershy coup. You were fun to talk to, but it's a hard game balancing who you can keep happy and who you have to accept as a loss. I thought this was the time that I would lose Chrysalis for good, but I was fortunate that she was willing to see past my many, many aggressive moves. It was cool to talk with you, though, and I hope in the future we can find a game where we actually work together.