Author Topic: Episode 15 - Pawn to Queen  (Read 819 times)

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Granny Smith

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Episode 15 - Pawn to Queen
« on: May 07, 2019, 03:10:34 pm »
Quote from: Filthy Rich
1. Rank the other ponies from who you trust most to who you trust least
2. What do you think each other pony's answer is going to be for question 1?

I see these questions and I understand why ya have asked 'em. They are good questions!

But I don' think I can answer 'em. Well at least not Question 1.

'Cause for me, it's gotten to the point where who I trust has become in some ways a lot less relevant? I'll explain why.

So far I feel like I've played a very good social game. I've managed to get in with all of the ponies, and I've always had mah hooves on the pulse of what's been goin' on (I think). While ponies see me as potentially threatenin' in a duo with Coco, I think that ponies are generally a bit more concerned 'bout Coco than they are 'bout me. If there is a SHOCK BLINDSIDE, I don' think it'll land on me. 'Cause I'm jus' not high enough on ponies' radars (I think).

And this puts me in a great position to start playin' more strategically towards the end of the game and actually APPLY the good social game that I think I've played, but.... I actually need to do that. I need to do SOMETHIN' 'cause otherwise I get to the end and it's all like "well ya played a good social game but what else did ya do?" and mah answer to that right now is "well not much really".

The situation currently is that we have Dash and Rarity who are close with each other, and then Pear who jus' seems unconditionally attached to 'em. I suspect that Dash is worried 'bout bein' taken out as a threat and so I don' know how long she'll keep somepony as goaty as Pear 'round for, but for now I'll treat 'em as three who are together. And potentially more together with each other than they are with me. (Where Pear's loyalties lie exactly is difficult to ascertain, but he did mention a final 4 idea of Rarity/Dash/him/me to Dash before he did to me apparently, which is not exactly reassurin')

DJ and Soarin are clearly together, and I know that Coco likes 'em both a lot, but while I am sure of Coco's closeness to me, I don' exactly feel central to that group of 4 either. For example Coco and DJ were talkin' bout Dash and Rarity tellin' DJ/Soarin they were goin' to vote Pear last round before it reached me. Part of this could jus' be coincidence/what ponies were online at the time. I also think it's possible that Soarin feels close to me (???), but I don' feel entirely comfortable there either.

And that makes me think, y'know who might be in a similar spot to me?

Queen Chrysalis.

I think she's in a better position than she makes out. Nopony seems to wanna target her, she could even be just as "in" with other ponies as I am (maybe even more!). But it's 'cause of this that I think she could be real important to mah game. She consistently placed last in the rankdowns I did a while back, and I can't neigh I have much reason to trust her right now. But maybe I need to invest more effort in there and MAKE it a close relationship. That's what I'm investigatin at the moment.

So it doesn' really matter who I trust. I could move anywhere at this point. It's 'bout what course of action will be best for mah game.

Granny Smith

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Re: Episode 15 - Pawn to Queen
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2019, 05:35:49 am »
Rainbow Dash is proposin' that we agree to take each other to the F3 if either of us wins F4 immunity.

Either she somehow feels real close to me or she's jus' tryin' to set herself up with as many options as possible.

Mah guess is that it's the latter, but I worry that she actually trusts me and I haven' realised it.

Granny Smith

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Re: Episode 15 - Pawn to Queen
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2019, 05:36:36 am »
Also this next vote is gonna involve some ponies feelin' betrayed I think.

The question is, which ponies will feel betrayed, and by who?

Filthy Rich

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Re: Episode 15 - Pawn to Queen
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2019, 06:57:05 am »

I see these questions and I understand why ya have asked 'em. They are good questions!

But I don' think I can answer 'em. Well at least not Question 1.

'Cause for me, it's gotten to the point where who I trust has become in some ways a lot less relevant? I'll explain why.
Fair enough. Then can you rank everypony by how much you want to work with them?

I'd also really appreciate it if you answered question 2. I know it's a lot but it's for a project I'm doing to see who has the best read of the game.

Granny Smith

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Re: Episode 15 - Pawn to Queen
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2019, 04:47:41 am »
All good Filthy Rich! I didn' know ya were doin' a project! I'll happily answer then. :)

Y'all will get another rankdown! I'm not even sure what the basis of mah rankin's is at this point. But here ya go!

Granny Smith

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Re: Episode 15 - Pawn to Queen
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2019, 05:22:42 am »

"Dude we are crushing it! Our alliance is going all the way :D "

I find Rarity, and mah relationship with her, to jus' be real superficial. I think that beyond us bein' in Dash's group PM thing together, there is not actually anythin' much of substance tyin' us together. Maybe this is partly contributed to by the fact that she's been busy. And I really like her as a pony and enjoy our conversations when we do talk 'bout stuff. But there's jus' not much there considerin' we're at the stage of the game that we're currently at.

Mah guess at Rarity's rankin's: 1. Dash, 2. Chrysalis, 3. Pear, 4. Coco, 5. Granny, 6. DJ, 7. Soarin


"if one of us wins FIC and then goes back on it, it'll cost the Jury vote if the other ends up on the jury, yeah?"

See, I actually think it's possible that Dash considers me quite close. She wouldn' be makin' agreements to take each other to the F3 or tellin' me 'bout "Pear"'s ideal F4 of Me, Pear, Dash, Rarity (more likely Dash's ideal F4) if she didn' at least consider me pretty close.

But mah first problem is in how Dash has gone 'bout it. As alluded to above, she's obviously very concerned and stressed 'bout her chances at winnin' the game and concerned enough 'bout this to try and tie me down to takin' her if I win FIC, but not only that, she wants us to agree to lose each other's jury vote if we go back on this promise. Now woah, that's a bit next level.
I also don' really appreciate her blamin' what is probably her own ideal F4 on Pear. Why not jus' tell me it's what she wants.

And all this does worry me, 'cause it makes me think Dash is gonna be jumpy, and if ever she thinks that I might be in the way of her winnin' the game she'll come up with some scheme to get herself further, and I don' trust that this scheme will include me. I don' know how true Soarin's report of the last TC truly is, but it brings on flashbacks of mah suspicions 'bout Dash from the last Fluttershy Cottage TC and so even if I think I'm in Dash's plans FOR NOW, even if Dash might consider me close FOR NOW, I can't rely on this remainin' the case.

I also need to vote Dash out at some point, 'cause an agressive pony like her beats me at FTC. I also can't really afford to vote DJ/Soarin out, have one of 'em blow up and out Coco's idol and plans or somethin' and have me be guilty by association before I've voted Dash out.

It's a shame, 'cause I like Dash, I think she's a smart player and she's a pleasure to work with. I jus' can't rely on her.

Mah guess at Dash's rankin's: 1. Rarity, 2. Granny, 3. Pear, 4. Coco, 5. Chrysalis, 6. DJ, 7. Soarin


"Which isn't bad exactly, just hmm. It's all very hmmmmmmm."

I've been tryin' to build a stronger connection with Queen, givin' away bits of information when I can to see if she'll reciprocate... But I'm still not gettin' all that much. Coco seems to think that she'd be willin' to vote Dash out, but is that really true? It's possible that I've been more guarded in mah conversations with Queen than I should have been, but I feel like she's been more guarded than I have, and I think it's unfortunately ruinin' mah dreams of a surprise Queendom alliance. (I'm the dom in case ya didn' figure that out ;) )

I think this TC will be a real decidin' factor in whether the relationship will go anywhere or not. I have asked the question 'bout what she thinks. Let's see how she answers....

Mah guess at Chrysalis' Rankin's: 1. DJ, 2. Coco, 3. Pear, 4. Rarity, 5. Dash , 6. Granny, 7. Soarin (I have no idea tbh)


"I'm also keeping an open mind, but I think we have to stick to our five if we want to stand a chance at FTC"

Pear is a bit hard to read at the moment. I get the sense that he is deep in the pockets of Dash and Rarity, but Chrysalis really doesn' seem to think so? Does Chrysalis have a better idea of where he's at than I do? 'Cause all Pear neighs to me whenever I bring up the possibility that the Dash 5 might not be all there is to life is... "but it's a path to the end!" and I'm jus'.. not sure if he would ever willin'ly deviate from that.

I know that he's sharin' a lot of things with Dash too, which makes me think that he's close with her. I'm kinda hopin' I'm wrong, but I don' think so?

Mah guess at Pear's rankin's: 1. Dash, 2. Granny, 3. Coco, 4. Rarity, 5. Chrysalis, 6. Soarin, 7. DJ


"you cant make mischief when youre sinking time into something good and wholesome like lying and backstabbing"

Mah relationship with DJ seems to jus' be truckin' along? We haven' talked much recently, but I think we trust each other? I mean there's not much reason not to. Coco brought up to me that she's concerned 'bout DJ but that was partly 'cause of the challenge advantages and so maybe Coco will be less concerned now.

There's not much else to neigh 'bout DJ. I think I'll need to vote her out before we get to the end, but right now feels too soon and gives too much power to Dash/Rarity.

Mah guess at DJ's rankin's: 1. Coco, 2. Soarin, 3. Granny, 4. Chrysalis, 5. Rarity, 6. Dash, 7. Pear


"It just makes my blood boil"

I still find Soarin really endearin' and I hope that he trusts me, but I'm not entirely sure. As indicated earlier, I don' know if he's been entirely truthful 'bout how Rainbow went 'bout last TC, but the fact is that he was screwed over by Rainbow so he's perfectly entitled to act out against her in mah opinion. I definitely don' wanna vote him out right now, but I also don' know if I'd be able to vote DJ out without upsettin' Soarin.

Mah guess at Soarin's rankin's: 1. DJ, 2. Granny, 3. Coco, 4. Pear, 5. Chrysalis, 6. Rarity, 7. Dash


"But it might be a misplay. Or I might be overreacting!"

Workin' with Coco is still great (I think), but I believe I'll need to vote her out before the end 'cause there jus' ain't that much differentiatin' our games except that she got an idol and initiated the alliance with DJ and Soarin. Final 5 would be the ideal time. :'(

Mah guess at Coco's rankin's: 1. Granny, 2. DJ, 3. Soarin, 4. Pear, 5. Chrysalis, 6. Rarity, 7. Dash

Flurry Heart

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Re: Episode 15 - Pawn to Queen
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2019, 06:29:50 am »
That is some excellent confessional content.

For what it's worth, I liked the pony you created, and I've been feeling like Faded Sparkle for a while now... Depression, the pony, is kind of a hard thing to sell to the judges, though :(
Equestria's cutest spectator mod.

Granny Smith

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Re: Episode 15 - Pawn to Queen
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2019, 02:20:19 pm »
Thanks Flurry Heart!

I'm not good at art, so I thought I'd use the challenge the highlight the important pony issues that nopony in Equestria seems to want to neigh anythin' 'bout. I didn' expect to do well so I'm okay with how it went. :)

I'm very sorry to hear that things are not so great in ya own world right now, and I hope that ya have ponies in ya life who ya can turn to for support when ya need it. <3

Flurry Heart

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Re: Episode 15 - Pawn to Queen
« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2019, 07:30:31 pm »
I'm very sorry to hear that things are not so great in ya own world right now, and I hope that ya have ponies in ya life who ya can turn to for support when ya need it. <3

I do, thanks! :)
Equestria's cutest spectator mod.

Filthy Rich

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Re: Episode 15 - Pawn to Queen
« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2019, 06:13:34 am »
Thank you! I love your rankings posts