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Starlight Glimmer

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Post-swap fun
« on: April 16, 2019, 08:29:39 am »
Hello Lady and gentleponies

I feel it's probably about time that I give you guys a bit if an update on where I'm at and I think this'll also help myself in working out where I'm at in the game and what I want to do moving forward, I'll give a pony by pony guide, starting with who I know from the other tribe

Lede: in my head this guy is number 1, which I know is super odd given that we've been on opposite sides all game but we really clicked on our opening tribe and I really liked him, he has proven himself to me with the Pinkie scroll, I can't wait to get back to him and we had better be together by the time Endgame comes out so I can fangirl with him over it

Queen: Strong social player, we really got on and got very tight, we were very close but I worry on how close she is with others, part of me wants her to make the merge as she'll be a good ally, the other half of me worries how strong she'll be

Daddy: allied, but not somepony who I'd see as a threat, he's very quiet (maybe that's just to me though)  but anyway he's somepony I could work with and I can possibly trust to be on my side but only depending on who else is around, I feel like he's closer to Derpy than me

Derpy: Very close ally but I worry about how much game talk I've talked with him, like I worry that he'll see me as a strategic threat and take me out, I've mentioned trying more offensive based moves and he hasn't liked them so much so I feel that maybe he'll see that and take me out before I take him out

DJ: In a way I see DJ in a similar way as I see Daddy but being Queens right hand pony instead of Derpys

Granny: so we've gotten super close on this tribe and I feel like we could be a super tight alliance, we have super long conversations and we've clicked really quickly but I'd need to assess her threat level as to how far I'd want to take her in the game

Thorax: I really like Thorax and I enjoy talking to him, we haven't had too much game talk but we do enjoy talking, he's somepony I'd like to take further in the game as a potential ally

Coco: shes barely been talking because she's been busy but it sounds like she is close to Lede and so I'd probably try to keep her close and use her to my advantage, it also sounds like Lede has told her to try and work with me so I think that means that I've likely got her vote

Applejack: they've been named as being a potential first boot due to being quiet, I've warned them about this in a similar way that Reggie warned me (MewTwo) in the Pokémon game, I'm hoping that thisll help get us close and also I quite like her, we get on as good allies and nopony else seems to feel the same way so therefore that means she'll be close to me going forward

Soarin: Hmm, idk we're having good fun conversations and that's about it really, nothing too special but at the same time nothing bad, they're somepony I'd like to work with but also I don't have close ties with, also if Soarin is to go then that gives me AppleJack as a close ally

Sunburst: Sunburst is still super quiet and very much under the radar, they barely talk to anypony

If we were to go to tribal, my top picks per previous tribe would be:
Soarin: I'm not super close and this could help with AppleJack
Thorax: I think I'd rather have Coco and Granny, both for opposite reasons
Derpy: If I was forced to flip on my tribe, I'd rather use it to take out Derpy and save myself pain later on, that being said I feel like Sunburst vote would be something I could get the rest of the tribe on board with if that name is thrown around

In general I'm hearing from my old Tribe that they'd want either AppleJack or an ex-Apple tribe member, neither of which I'm cool with really haha

Obviously everything will probably change when Tribal does come around and I'll judge things based on who I want to work with more and the pros and cons of the names being thrown out there

Also specs, I'm feeling very unloved, talk to meeee, ask me shit, even non-game stuff

Lovvvve meeeeee

Ms. Harshwhinny

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Re: Post-swap fun
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2019, 09:28:46 am »
You are great at confessionals. Keep it up.

Who on the other tribe do you hope leaves if you guys run immunity?

How do you feel the theme of the game applies to you or your gameplay?

Flurry Heart

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Re: Post-swap fun
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2019, 10:11:10 am »
This is an excellent post, thanks for the updates.

Do you have any thoughts on the recent TC that voted out Fluttershy?
Equestria's cutest spectator mod.

Starlight Glimmer

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Re: Post-swap fun
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2019, 10:41:32 am »
Ooo hiiii, thanks for saying so, please let me know if there's more that I can do to improve my confessionals (lik as a general thing, not just for this game, as I've said I'm still quite new to this but I learned last game that good confessionals are great for spectators and eliminated players)

Hmm, so there's two sides of that questions, there's players of whom I don't have care for as I've never really interacted with them, which are players like Rainbow Dash, Varity, Flim and Flam (although we did meet in a challenge)
And then there's also players like Queen and Daddy who I wouldn't want to be a part of voting them out come a merge but also I would need to take them out at some point

I think if we're gonna have another swap before merge then I'd rather the first list of players

Urm, so I think I've been bigging up the friendship side of things and staying tribe strong, other than that I'm mainly using the theme as a talking point, talking about the show, I've now got twin kids aged 6 who I watch the show with....I don't actually have any kids, I'm actually talking about watching the show with my girlfriend but using kids instead because i wanted to make up aspects of who I am so that IDing isn't an issue (I know I'm still new but shhh)

So, I have no idea what went down over there, Fluttershy as a pony fit into my first category from earlier of Im not bothered about it, but....
I've heard that there was a sugar and carousel alliance which broke down, so I'm not sure on the details of that, I do know that my tribe group are wanting to base any future votes on whatever happens on the other tribe

Ms. Harshwhinny

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Re: Post-swap fun
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2019, 10:09:26 pm »
Who do you think is your biggest rival in this game now that Trixie is gone?

Starlight Glimmer

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Re: Post-swap fun
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2019, 08:03:27 am »
I don't really have one really, like I'm now thinking of things from a threat point of view

Also, I never really saw Trixie as a rival, like I probably over-bitched about her in my confessional but to make things more dramatic for the specs

I really liked Trixie and loved talking to her, I trusted her lots in terms of her sticking by my side, the thing I didn't trust about her was that I wouldn't know what she'd do next and how I could protect myself from that, I had to work extra hard to counteract some of the things she did so that it didn't look bad on me

Starlight Glimmer

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Re: Post-swap fun
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2019, 08:13:57 am »
Right I need to compile a full list of what I know but I think I've managed to find out where most of the items went

But the main thing is finding out that AppleJack has the cutie finder thing that told her where some idols are, she's told me that there is one on our tribe, one on the other tribe and one still to be found

Firstly I've clarified that my chest thing counts as an idol for that item so therefore I have the only idol on this tribe whooooop

Secondly I can't help but feel that she wasted that item, like that item is best played when we're going to tribal or when we're close to the merge, I'm trying to find out how soon she played that item so therefore I can know if the idol from Rainbow Dash's clue is likely to be the one that's already found or the one that still to be found

Likewise Thorax has told me that he used the mirror on the other Tribes Tribal, again I feel like that's an item that could be used better later game or at the very least in the lead up to our own Tribal (to see what the sides are like) I'm also not sure if he's doing it on purpose but he's being super Coy with the answer of that

Starlight Glimmer

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Re: Post-swap fun
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2019, 05:28:06 pm »
Alright, so this is a full list of what I think I know about all of the items and where they ended up, the only 2 that I would like to find out about that I don't know is the Ring and the Staff but I'm not so fussed about those 2, I've covered the important ones

A) A notebook that once belonged to the wizard Star Swirl the Bearded - Rainbow Dash

B, C, D, and E) Dragon Scrolls

F) Wonderbolt Flight Goggles - Grand Pear

G) A pizza costume

H) A Ponyville Day Spa deluxe package for two

I) Mayor Mare's Signing Quill - Burried Lede

J) Crystal Mirror - Thorax - gotten full info from him

K) Boulder the Pet Rock - Pinkie Pie

L and M) Angel and Gummy - DJ has both I think?
N) The Ring of Scorchero

O) A lamp shaped like Discord

P) Boneless the rubber chicken - Won by Daddy, has now been given to Queen

Q) A whole bunch of parasprites - ME!!!

R) The Staff of Sacanas

S) Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic

T) The Cutie Map - AppleJack has it and already gotten info from her about it

U) The Alicorn Amulet