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Grand Pear

  • Canterlot
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Challenge 1
« on: April 02, 2019, 09:29:55 am »
1) In the final season of the TV show Friends, how much more money did the six main performers earn per episode compared to season 1?
a) $1
b) $30,000 (Group 6)
c) $600,000 (Group 3)
d) $900,000 (Group 2)
e) $925,000 (Group 4)
f) $1,500,000 (Group 7)small chip
g) $4,500,000 (Group 5)
h) $5,400,000 (Group 1)
i) $5,550,000 (Group 8 )big chip

2) The Religious Society of Friends, also known as the Quakers, was founded by George Fox. In what year did Fox first begin publicly preaching?
a) 1
b) 1500 (Group 1)
c) 1630 (Group 3)
d) 1643 (Group 6)
e) 1650 (Group 7) big chip
f) 1700 (Group 5)
g) 1709 (Group 2) small chip
h) 1760 (Group 4)
i) 1976 (Group 8 )

3) The Beatles had many hit songs. What is the highest the single "With a Little Help from My Friends" managed to reach on either the UK or US charts?
a) 1
b) 2 (Groups 6, 8 )
c) 4 (Groups 2, 5)
d) 5 (Group 1) big chip  small chip
e) 11 (Group 3)
f) 14 (Group 7)
g) 19 (Group 4)

4) According to a Pew Research study in April 2018, what percentage of teenagers said they interact with their friends on Snapchat more than any other platform?
a) 1%
b) 15% (Group 8 )
c) 30% (Group 5) big chip
d) 34% (Group 2)
e) 38% (Group 7)
f) 40% (Group 6)
g) 42% (Group 1) small chip
h) 62% (Group 3)
i) 64% (Group 4)

5) The Friendship was one of the 11 ships that first carried convicts from England to Australia in 1788 in what became known as The First Fleet. How many prisoners were on those eleven ships total when they departed England?
a) 1
b) 151 (Group 4) big chip
c) 450 (Group 8 )
d) 550 (Group 3)
e) 660 (Group 6)
f) 780 (Group 2)
g) 1100 (Group 1) small chip
h) 1200 (Group 7)
i) 3000 (Group 5)

6) Mark Zuckerberg sure had a lot of people wishing they could be his friend when his friend-finding company Facebook put out the largest IPO company valuation in history. How much was Facebook valued at?
a) $1
b) $750 million (Group 1)
c) $800 million (Group 8 )
d) $1 billion (Group 3) big chip
e) $1.2 billion (Group 7)
f) $1.5 billion (Group 6) small chip
g) $88 billion (Group 5)
h) $100.5 billion (Group 4)
i) $40 trillion (Group 2)

7)  In 1995 the movie adaptation of Casper the Friendly Ghost became the first movie to feature a fully-CGI lead character.  What is the current score of Casper on Rotten Tomatoes?
a) 1%
b) 6.8% (Group 1)
c) 28% (Group 2)
d) 32% (Group 4)
e) 38% (Group 5)
f) 40% (Group 8 )
g) 48% (Group 7)
h) 55% (Group 6) big chip small chip
i) 65% (Group 3)

8 ) The Mortal Kombat series of video games is famous for it's Fatalities, but it added similar finishing moves called Friendships to Mortal Kombat II. This didn't hurt sales, however; how many copies did Mortal Kombat II sell for the SNES and Genesis combined?
a) 1
b) 100,000 (Groups 3,7)
c) 896,000 (Group 6)
d) 1 million (Group 5)
e) 1.51 million (Group 4)
f) 7 million (Group 1) big chip
g) 9 million (Group 8 )
h) 13 million (Group 2) small chip

9) The third human spaceflight for the United States was on board the spaceship Friendship 7, which made John Glenn the first American to orbit the Earth. How long was the Friendship 7 in flight before crashing down into the Atlantic Ocean?
a) 1 minute
b) 14 minutes (Group 2)
c) 3 hours, 1 minute (Group 4) small chip
d) 4 hours (Group 3)
e) 6 hours (Group 5)
f) 15 hours (Group 1) big chip
g) 80 days (Group 7)
h) 3 months (Group 8 )
i) 200 days (Group 6)