Author Topic: Like talking to a mirror  (Read 190 times)


  • Fodlan Ablaze
  • Posts: 257
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Like talking to a mirror
« on: December 13, 2021, 06:11:45 am »

Shamir: What is there to say about you that I haven't already said? You're like. I can't believe you exist. You're so wickedly smart and dangerous yet instead of being intimidating I find you the easiest person in the world to be around. Even when I think you're being manipulative. Maybe especially? Yes, especially when I think you're doing your best to try and warp my thinking with little things most people wouldn't notice, like fearful hints of the power of Ashe just in case Thea won immunity. I wonder if you did more that I didn't catch. No one's ever gone to the lengths you did to try and capture my attention. And you just did it because you can and the only person it has to be funny to is you. Who else would say "Good, I hope they hated us doing that?" and mean it. Well I would, but no one ELSE says these things with me?! You're such a showoff. I wish I could be half as confident as you. Geez I'm supposed to be spending the next few days arguing about why I'm better then you and I've given no thought to it because I've been twisted into so many knots along the way wondering what to do about you.
Things I will never admit in the game: Back on BE I already thought you were really cool. After the Cyril vote I think I was a little terrified to go through another game of constantly being on the bottom. You were so reassuring to me. Seeing you on GD again I clung to you pretty hard as a source of support. We were apart for what, a whole day? And I spent most of that day wondering WTF to do because you weren't there. It's not like I didn't have other things going on. I valued a lot of relationships that weren't about you. But yours was the most stable, complete, unquestioning. I can't believe we're going to be out of this in like a week? And you'll sadly be much less likely to respond to a random hello. I'm really gonna miss this.
Haha they never locked these I can add in that you're being a lot nicer to me in FTC then I expected you to be. I didn't deserve you. I think if you made one mistake it wasn't trying harder to talk me out of tieing the vote because when you tell me to do things I always seem to end up caving. I can't believe people think they should be voting me instead of you, ever.

Edelgard von Hresvelg: All the best Edelgard images imo are the ones when she's with the Black Eagle crew being like YEAH LADIES LETS GET INTO FORMATION. Look at them, in suits, this is incredible tbh. Edelgard's story speaks to my soul. Someone who isn't afraid to die for what she believes in even if it throws the entire world into chaos, because it's right and doing what's right means more then anything. Is that the kind of person I've been? Hmm. Well we certainly had to fight the world, and we definitely overthrew groups that never should have included us. I don't know. A lot of the time I think I was doomed from the start. Well that's fine. I feel like I'm over the paranoia of what could be and ready to try and argue my place. And if they hate me? Whatever, I've probably been through worse and at least I had fun along the way. As long as my perception of myself is an Emperor that deserves to rule I'm sure someone will think of voting me.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2021, 06:03:40 am by Edelgard »