Author Topic: Your Torchwalk  (Read 325 times)


  • Nabatea
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Your Torchwalk
« on: December 10, 2021, 07:25:10 pm »
Twenty-four players began this game. It is time to pay tribute to your fellow competitors; the Ashen Wolves, the Jury, and those who still yet stand.
Please write something about each competitor in this forum. The following images are provided to help. This must be completed before the end of the Final Four House Tribunal.
























  • Gift of God
  • Fodlan Ablaze
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Re: Your Torchwalk
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2021, 08:32:42 pm »
Names under the pictures

Kinda confusing no?  :P
Not from Kansas but loves Wicked so it balances out


  • Nabatea
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Re: Your Torchwalk
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2021, 08:33:32 pm »
There were spaces between them originally! The board deleted them >.>


  • Gift of God
  • Fodlan Ablaze
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Re: Your Torchwalk
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2021, 08:37:43 pm »
Haha you're fine.  I just did a double take.
Not from Kansas but loves Wicked so it balances out


  • Gift of God
  • Fodlan Ablaze
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Re: Your Torchwalk
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2021, 11:13:18 am »
Hello!  I'll be doing my Torchwalks all in here instead of making separate threads.  I'll post them all in one post.

There were so many cool players in this game so I'm happy to give them some praise for a game well played. 
Not from Kansas but loves Wicked so it balances out


  • Gift of God
  • Fodlan Ablaze
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Re: Your Torchwalk
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2021, 10:25:38 pm »

Torch Walks:

I apologize in advance if these are pretty crappy.  I'm not in the best headspace today but don't have much time left to procrastinate.  I'm also weird about writing this when I don't even know if I will be in FTC so it's... just a bit awkward to write about some people I'm going to be seeing very soon XD

Anyways, here we go!



Some of these will unfortunately be easier to write then others just because there was no connections between us.  Solid character choice, sorry we never met, hope you enjoyed the game :)


Much of the same with you Ingrid.  I was looking forward to being bitchy towards you because Ingrid is so dang annoying in the game for me haha.  So at least you managed to avoid seeing that side of me. 


Ok there is something to be said here.  I noticed a few players this game didn't really enjoy my style of play and they were mostly newer (I think?)  You didn't like how forward and in your face I was which I get, I've experienced that before and it comes off as fake.  Bottom line is that half of what I do in this game is indeed fake.  You are right to be on guard until we actually develop a connection but wrong to voice your opinion on the matter so early.  I think you have good instincts for this game and hope you play again.


Hello sir Hanneman.  I only heard you weren't a super active player so there could be a variety of reasons that was the case.  Bold character choice but mad respect for selecting the weird old geezer haha.


My first love <3  I think you were my Petra before I met her but that doesn't mean a ton to you right now.  Instead I'll just say, I'm sorry I couldn't help you.  I failed a ton in this game trying to push my own agenda and you were the first sign of that.  You really played things quite well and tried to develop an early alliance but I think we reached out to the wrong people.  If Shamir/Edie had been in the crew, we would have actually found safety in numbers.  Yuri/Raphael didn't actually want anything to do with a majority alliance as you found out and it was depressing to see it come to that. 

Thanks for playing with me Cyril, you showed me what the game pacing was going to be like and came up quite often throughout.  Cheers!


I felt a bit bad about this one.  Annette was a cool player who I felt was eliminated far too soon.  The tribes were small and Hubert seemed like the easy target but I also feared Annette might mutiny as she was in a tea party at the moment.  I tried not to use the timezone issue against her but it certainly didn't help her develop connections early.  You deserved better imo and sorry you went out the way you did.


You were eliminated at your 2nd TC and the first 1 on your new tribe.  Getting swap screwed is definitely a thing but I'm guessing you were eliminated for being a bit too quite and not giving the other players enough attention.  It's hard to let your personality shine through in a survivor game via text.  Sorry you went out so early!


Lysithea is 100% someone I wish I could have met.  I hear you were no-nonsense and calculating which is exactly the type of player I need in my life.  Merge could have been a lot easier if I had someone logical with me to bounce ideas off of.  Instead, you got idol'd out which is almost an achievement in itself so congrats! :D  Maybe it's for the best, you would have been closer to Shamir and Edelgard and I didn't need more threats in the game.


Oh Alois... you had an interesting experience haha.  The first mutiny was actively a good move although for some reason, you made a negative impact on Hapi?  I liked your style and it was easy to talk with you.  I'm still embarrassed for thinking you fell off a boat... first warning sign that my reading comprehension skills are dogshit.  I'm sorry for leading you on but it was honestly a huge blunder on your part to mutiny to us.  I think you knew that and did the best you could... it wasn't your intent to actually come over, you just thought your team was losing.  By the time you were trying to get a vote going, I was already in tight with Petra/Hapi and wanted to commit to that.  So again, sorry things went down the way they did. 


I half expected you to reach Merge and everyone just look around confused.  You got absolutely pummeled this game and I'm sooooo sympathetic about it because it was just constant "yeah lets do that" and it didn't happen.  I'm sorry man, you were just a bit awkward to talk with and while your Med Evac was surprising, I think I understood.  I hope you didn't leave with a bitter taste in your mouth as survivor can be quite brutal. 


I don't know WHAT happened with you Mercedes but I was very surprised to see you get eliminated.  I knew I was never going to get that link with Caspar because you were witty and active which are two of the best qualities to have in survivor.  You were certainly queen of the mess hall and impacted the game heavily with your dancing idol that you gave Lorenz.  It's too bad you didn't reach Merge, we might have worked well together. 


damn.... what?  Like... Yuri what?  I had an F7 prediction early on with you in it so this one was super shocking.  My take was that you didn't commit to anything so people realized you were alone with no allies and an easy target to vote for.  That made sense to me because on Black Eagles, you also refused to attach your name to any formal alliance which resulted in Cyril going home.  I get playing a low to the ground game and trying to just sneak to the end but it seems that strategy isn't full proof.  You were the most articulate PMer I experienced and I thought would be a total contender to win this game.


I did vote Dimitri for what it's worth Claude.  I would have rather seen you in the game then Dimitri as I think you understood a bit more what direction you wanted to go instead of winging it round by round.  Idk, you played your character pretty accurately I think lol.  In the end, you or Dimitri needed to go to limit what allies Shamir but I don't know if it had the end results I actually wanted.  You developed a pretty solid connection with me pretty early and I was willing to go to bat for you so props to that!


The first Juror.... now we are getting into the heavy hitters.  Hi Hapi.  I hope you voted for me if I reached FTC :P  But this isn't about me, it's about you.  You had good awareness but an active imagination that pushed you too far into the world of paranoia.  I'm super interested in hearing the actual story of what happened between Shamir and you and really really wish we had kept pressure on her.  You had an uphill battle all Merge but technically, you were winning until any idol took you out.  It just sucked that no one on your side had items to help you out.   For a brief moment, I'd say you were on top even if you didn't feel it so I hope you are proud of that at least.  :)

Hapi/Petra/Dorothea was the first solid alliance I had all game and the one I would have taken as far as possible (well did take as far as possible lol)


Hello Felix!  What gives... did you just not talk to others the same way you talked with me?  I expected to find out that you would be in several alliances but instead, no one really knew what you were up to.  In the end, I think you were a number for the blue side which is why Shamir pushed you so hard and we didn't fight hard enough to keep you.  Maybe you didn't fight hard enough either... you did make that group chat during the tie and it was a step in the right direction, but a little too late.  We had a similar mindset and I'm disappointed we didn't get to make strategic moves together.  Good game sir, hope you enjoyed it at least!


I'm so confused by you.  I really hope to find out you were just trolling the whole game otherwise, I don't know what you really wanted lol.  It was IMPOSSIBLE to figure you out via PMs and I felt like most of the entertaining interactions I saw were with you in public chat.  The PR was certainly a choice but I never straight up voted you for it.  I think you did a good job all things considered and if you can learn to connect to players, you would probably be quite good at this game. 


I think I'm frustrated with you but the same way I get mad at my cats for knocking things over.  It's entertaining but annoying to watch.  :P  Lorenz, tbh... you were a much needed part of this game and I loved the way you kept things moving.  Just please please please commit to what you are doing next time.  Don't leak info or make other plans... just find what you want, lock in on it, and commit to it.  If you had, we could have forced an idol out of Shamir the second round of Merge or eliminated Raphael on 8 or any of the badass moves you had circulating through your head.  The chaos definitely helped me get farther in the game but it also made it hard to eliminate other peoples who really really needed some pressure. 

That all being said, god was it fun being mischievous with you and plotting out who was a threat and when we should go for them.  I latched onto you pretty early on and was hoping that relationship would continue for a while until you were forced to use and idol prematurely (sorry about that)  Thanks for making the Merge at least somewhat exciting haha


CASPAR!!! Another ally gone because of bullshit :(  I'm sorry you were eliminated and it shouldn't have went down that way.  F8 was definitely meant to take out Raphael but Ashe kind of screwed you.  I don't know if this is correct, but it seems you weren't always invested in the game?  And why should you be, we have been playing for weeks at this point, it's ok to pull away.  It was just those moments of absence that caused issues with Ashe and ultimately sent you home.  I was willing to wait for you because I knew you weren't ignoring me, you were just gone from the game as a whole.  I think you had a good UTR setup going and could have done quite well towards the end.  My preferred F3 was still you/petra/me but alas, here you are.  You didn't seem that perturbed about it at least, thats good.


I feel I owe you an apology.  I decided pretty early on that it wasn't going to work between us.  I played nice and even wanted to work with you on certain votes, especially the Edie blindside which would have been epic ughh......  but in the end, you were a threat in my head and I couldn't remove that.  The early leader status and forcing out Cyril to keep Ashe of all people really messed with me and I decided right then that we probably weren't going to be allies this game.  I was generally honest with you though and feel you had an excellent case to win but needed Edie/Shamir gone to do that.  I thought maybe that you were making decisions with them but that might not have been the case. 

You were a strong presence in this game and got a well earned 6th place. 


What can I say that hasn't already been said?  I know....


wow shamir how did you destroy this game?  I knew you were good back on Black Eagles but wtf... I felt like you experienced little to no resistance.  The most difficult round was the one where you went head to head with Hapi but Lorenz kind of helped you out there.  Outside of that, there were no real weakness that I saw.  At this point, I fully expect you to reach FTC and if I'm on the Jury, I think you would have to write a pretty bad speech to lose my vote.  Every round was what you wanted outside of maybe Dimitri?  Idk, you crushed it and deserve to win even though I hate using that phrase.


Edie.  My love, you were so sweet to me and I enjoyed our flirtatious talks and strategy deep dives.  I think I missed many opportunities working with you during merge but it was difficult to trust you would work with me while Shamir was still on your side.  If you win this game, it's because you are honest and easy going with a strong strategic mind.  I never saw you panic and you acted like a total Empress, as you should.  Give it your best shot if you are 1v1ing Shamir in the end and know if you don't make it, it's just because perception is a bitch.  Maybe you were the driving force behind lots of votes, idk but from my perspective, you were the UTR player behind Shamir who was your shield and you never managed to ditch her like I did with Petra. 

Congrats on reaching Final 4 and I also fully expect you to reach FTC.  I really hope it doesn't come down to fire making between us, that would be so sad :(


Mother F***'in Princess


We can debate game later, this is just for you to acknowledge your strengths and accomplishments.  You definitely win any "use the game twists effectively" awards and I'm just shocked by that lol.   You are a brave soul to be swapping around and somehow not get eliminated.  I wanted you got the moment Cyril left and yet you made it all the way here.  You also did stellar in the Merge, swapping between one side to the other to make sure no one was too strong.  There is definitely a case you can make for controlling the game outcomes by being a constant swing vote which is... amusing considering yo mutinied from Blue to Red early on too. 

You didn't respect the idols though or Shamir's play and things you felt you did are going to end up being accredited to her.  Do you best though dude!  No hard feelings if you vote me out, it's just the wrong move :P 

Not from Kansas but loves Wicked so it balances out


  • Gift of God
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Re: Your Torchwalk
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2021, 10:31:25 pm »

A form of social manipulation (I know)
Embrace the love lust
know you can never replace the love lost
descry her, a distant beauty
a friend with no lack of accented taste
Never let a lover go
Even when you know
She can always be replaced
She can never be replaced
beauty comes and goes but love stays until the end
Connect as we did, find peace as we did
There is no love lost here
Only a friend gained

For Petra,
Not from Kansas but loves Wicked so it balances out