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Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 7:58 am
by Randomnamechange
In post 2228, mykonian wrote:
In post 2224, Randomnamechange wrote:adc teamfighting at low levels is fairly hard. at silver people have figured out how to focus the adc but not to protect them. You basically have to do nothing but kite until someone ccs their divers ehich is usually 4 or 5 seconds.
Well, you can't kite. Neither can I. There's this wonderful command called "attack-move", which when alternated with moving normally could help you position during the fight much more easily and avoid silly deaths by walking on top of your assaillant. Many years of lol and several attempts have not managed to get that in my fingers, then again, I don't see all that many opponents use it. If you are serious about adc'ing though, that's probably something you want to pick up.

Then again, the problem I read here is that you are worried that you don't do enough. You are a carry, it's
to wait out threats. If you are the first or second in, you are in too soon. Get to a spot where you can shoot safely, then fire away, your single target damage is unmatched to the point where you can spend 4 or 5 seconds just getting the occasional bullet in on your closest assailant without getting the most of your attackspeed and still have a damage chart that will tell you you did your part. And it's silver, they say they focus the adc. They mostly focus the thing that is closest that they can hit. If you are in 3rd/4th, half the enemy team is too busy to notice you the first second you shoot them. It's fine to be patient.
i def need to learn to attack move. I guess that I generally feel like i need to carry the fight singlehandedly and kill everyone, which is impossible to do immediately as an adc
In post 2229, Showtime wrote:
In post 2228, mykonian wrote:You are a carry, it's
to wait out threats. If you are the first or second in, you are in too soon. Get to a spot where you can shoot safely, then fire away, your single target damage is unmatched to the point where you can spend 4 or 5 seconds just getting the occasional bullet in on your closest assailant without getting the most of your attackspeed and still have a damage chart that will tell you you did your part. And it's silver, they say they focus the adc. They mostly focus the thing that is closest that they can hit. If you are in 3rd/4th, half the enemy team is too busy to notice you the first second you shoot them. It's fine to be patient.
This is very true.

The AD carry's job is not to be the first into the fight. It is also not to be the one who runs down the enemy carries. It is just to stay alive and keep autoattacking. You are about sustained damage, not picks.

In Silver, your team will whine about you attacking the tank and screech about "FOCUS ADC NOOB".

Your team is wrong.

So long as you are safe and autoattacking, you are doing your job. You do not have to run past the Renekton in your face to throw one auto at the Jinx on the other end of the river.

Now, there are times when you
do that, but that gets into tracking cooldowns and everything, and you really don't need to worry about that at a Silver level. For now, just focus on staying alive, but autoing as much as you can while staying safe. This very basic mechanical skill is enough to get you through Silver and up to, I'd say, somewhere around Gold I.
thanks for the advice! I think that my biggest issue is always wanting to kill people in a fight rather than just output damage.
In post 2230, Psyche wrote:i don't really think adcing is harder or easier than any other role when it comes to making your team win, but i can't think of a way to prove (or disprove) it

what would it look like if a role were harder than the others?
if it were really hard to be effective as an adc, maybe on average adc main winrates would vary less from 50% than the winrates of other role mains when they have equivalent levels of experience?
The thing with adc is that it is easier for other lanes to ruin your game than any other. It's very hard to do your job if the enemy team is snowballing.

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 8:07 am
by Showtime
In post 2250, Randomnamechange wrote:thanks for the advice! I think that my biggest issue is always wanting to kill people in a fight rather than just output damage.
No problem. It's a weird idea for a lot of new players; the idea that your goal isn't necessarily to outright kill your opponents is a bit counterintuitive. But it's true. The AD carry's job isn't to secure kills, though if you can do so
you absolutely should. Your job is to put out as much damage as possible and stay alive. That's really it.

Keep in mind that, if you die, it becomes much harder for your team to take objectives. Unless there is another champion on the team who really puts out good sustained physical damage, preferably at range, it's very,
difficult to siege down a tower without your AD carry, and taking objectives like Baron and Elder Dragon can be pretty difficult as well depending on team comp.

Survival is generally priority number one. This is kind of a good rule for any role, not just AD carry, but AD carries in particular need to be mindful of it.

(This is part of why Ivern is so strong right now. Once he's built Redemption and Athene's, his ability to keep people alive is almost unmatched, and he can absolutely thrash people in teamfights with his constant crowd control. He's
good at peeling. It's very hard to die with a decent Ivern on your team.)

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 12:27 pm
by KaleiÐoscøpe
This old/new client shit is really buggy at the moment. Managed to gift my friend elementalist lux for free because the old client gave an error during the gift and didn't substract any of my rp. Nice going riot :lol:

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 12:27 pm
by Psyche
have you tried buying something with the extra rp

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 12:59 pm
by KaleiÐoscøpe
No, but I think as long as I don't log into the old client anymore it might not substract it at all anymore

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 2:23 pm
by Psyche
i've had experiences where my displayed RP didn't update after a purchase, until i tried making a new purchase

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 4:57 pm
by Maestro
In post 2255, Psyche wrote:i've had experiences where my displayed RP didn't update after a purchase, until i tried making a new purchase
This. Also, I was prevented from buying a Hextech champ shard the other day when I had 1900 IP. Only when I almost had enough for two of them did it "update" or whatever.

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 6:22 pm
by Ankamius

ayy let's go

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 4:12 am
by KaleiÐoscøpe
In post 2256, Maestro wrote:
In post 2255, Psyche wrote:i've had experiences where my displayed RP didn't update after a purchase, until i tried making a new purchase
This. Also, I was prevented from buying a Hextech champ shard the other day when I had 1900 IP. Only when I almost had enough for two of them did it "update" or whatever.
Bought a key and nothing changed so I'll say it's safe
In post 2257, Ankamius wrote:Image

ayy let's go
Progress :lol:

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 9:15 pm
by KaleiÐoscøpe
Chests per champion are reset :!:

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 12:42 am
by Psyche
this is vry important to me

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 2:03 am
by Psyche
of course they had to nerf blue buff

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 2:06 am
by JasonWazza
As a jungler, i don't mind the blue/red changes, as that 30 seconds meant a lot for us.

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 3:30 am
by inte
In post 2252, KaleiÐoscøpe wrote:This old/new client shit is really buggy at the moment. Managed to gift my friend elementalist lux for free because the old client gave an error during the gift and didn't substract any of my rp. Nice going riot :lol:
my main gripe with the new client is that it takes 5-6 seconds during picks for the champs to even show up on my screen. you may as well add 5 more sec to pick

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 5:51 am
by zoraster
my main gripe is that the sound for it being your pick or time running down is lessened.

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 4:42 am
by Ankamius


might be OP

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 6:27 am
by Maestro

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 7:28 am
by Ankamius
The botrk + W buffs were disgusting on him. It literally made building BotRK first on him completely optimal since it's basically a better Triforce without any of the build problems building it creates.

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 7:39 am
by Nosferatu
I did notice I was doing a lot more damage as kog lately.
In post 2267, Ankamius wrote:The botrk + W buffs were disgusting on him. It literally made building BotRK first on him completely optimal since it's basically a better Triforce without any of the build problems building it creates.
would bork buffs make kalista viable again since her itemization wouldn't be as terrible?

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 10:11 am
by Randomnamechange
kalista is probs viable right now, bearing in mind they were going to buff her but decided that buffs to items and fervour were enough already.

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 1:44 pm
by Ankamius
No idea. I haven't played her in forever.

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 5:13 pm
by animorpherv1
I finally have Rank 7 thresh. Man, feels good.

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 5:25 pm
by Nosferatu
In post 2269, Randomnamechange wrote:kalista is probs viable right now, bearing in mind they were going to buff her but decided that buffs to items and fervour were enough already.
but fervor is so shitty for adc's right nowww

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 6:18 pm
by Ankamius
I can see why people would consider Fervor good on Kalista, actually.

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 7:37 pm
by JasonWazza
In post 2272, Nosferatu wrote:
In post 2269, Randomnamechange wrote:kalista is probs viable right now, bearing in mind they were going to buff her but decided that buffs to items and fervour were enough already.
but fervor is so shitty for Specific adc's that don't scale on AD well right nowww

Seriously though, most ADC's are fine with Fervor, they just need a fight to stack it well, and to be able to hold their abilities that scale with AD until later in the fight.