Gistou (Over!)

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Post Post #8425 (ISO) » Fri Sep 02, 2016 7:55 pm

Post by mastin2 »

The Peace of Agnigi
steps forward. "My name is Nicholas Schroder. Perhaps you have heard of me."

"Aren't you the first nosferatu?"
speaks up.

nods. "Yes. I gave that power to my people in order to protect others. I had no way of knowing they would misuse it as they did, but once I learned of their actions, I did everything in my power to fight."

gives a warrior's acknowledgment to the hunter. "I thank you for that. My people might have suffered, but I imagine it would have been much worse without you. I hear you also were the one responsible for

looks down in guilt. But
comforts them with a hand on their shoulder. "Kurt Rainer's death may have been unfortunate, but you shouldn't forget you gave him new life in the first place, and he helped unify our people. As the champion of my people, I trusted his word a lot, so with him backing you, you should be aware of just how many lives you saved."

, Nicholas Schroder, smiles. "Good. Then you know what it is I am going to propose."

"I have a fair idea."

"Something for the good of all. Not just one, two, or even three. But something much grander."

"You expect, after all that bad blood, for us to just accept peace so easily?"
No Retreat
speaks up. "To let all those who don't deserve it to get off without any repercussions?"

smiles. "Yes, actually. Because all of those who died yet did are no longer around to encourage us, the role falls to us."

"But it's because they're dead that it doesn't matter."

"It's precisely because they're dead that it

backs Nicholas Schroder up. "Do you want to go on fighting for your entire life? Until, what? You're the last man standing, atop a mountain of corpses, with nobody left to kill? Alone, without friends or allies?"

"I don't need any of that."

"But it's the path you'd be heading down. Do you actually

joins the conversation. "Peace is a battle worth fighting, isn't it? I know you're the champion of the east, Panther Timon, but the way of the east is not endless war."

"So you're actually in favor of this crazy idea?"

A simple nod. "Yes. I want an end to this all. I've traveled the world and personally witnessed the death and destruction it has to offer. Something needs to change, and here we are, with the power to cause exactly that."

"This was her dream,"
partially muses to themselves, before continuing. "The world of Gistou has all these bad, horrible, terrible things happen. We can change that. I've fought hard, my whole life, working to try and do the right thing. Are you telling me you haven't? Don't you know that feeling?"


continues the rant. "Don't fuck things up for everyone else out of some selfish grudge. This is important not just to me, but the whole world. I honestly don't care what your problem was. You need to drop the obsession you have with them. No matter how much you stubbornly want to hold onto your eastern's time to move on."

No Retreat
tries to speak with relevant words, but none come. So, instead,
comes in. "It's time to end the wars."

"All of them. We don't need to be enemies."

"I mean, you don't need to be our friends. I'm still your rival, after all,"
continues. "But I had my life saved from some soldier from the west. Just some random guy, who put his life on the line to protect me. He knew who I was, and he sacrificed himself to save me. That mentality should be allowed to spread."

"...How confident are you that this will work?"

"I'm not,"
admits. "But I've done my best to hold faith. Haven't you?"

"And you, Adrian Burkhard?"

"You must be desperate to confide in me,"
playfully jabs, smiling, before continuing, "But I'm willing to try. If there's even a chance the fighting would end, it would be worth it."

"Is it a moral choice between continuing death and ending it? Because frankly, I don't see how that's any choice at all. It really can't get clearer than this."

"I don't see any downside to this. So on behalf of the northern tribes, which mind you I have full power to represent, I am willing to sign. Put the bloodshed to an end."

, previously quiet, nods their head. "Ratifying the treaty does seem to be for the best. I too can speak of the losses of the world, and while I may not carry the weight of a champion, my word will carry heavy hold on the west. This can only be a good thing."

acknowledges. "I think we all see it that way."

No Retreat
hesitates. "...Alright. We'll try it your way."

"So it seems we've reached a consensus."

, Nicholas Schroder, was in obvious favor.
, Adrian Burkhard, was quick to back them.
Following it,
, Drusilla Balbinu, supported it.
, Gordian Lucilus, also thought it would be good.
But sealing the deal,
No Retreat
, Panther Timon, though reluctant, hesitant, of two minds on the issue, cast the deciding vote.

And with that, it was official. It was done. There would, finally, be peace. And not some narrow definition, one shared by humanity and those that have turned their back on their people entirely. No, it would be a true peace, for all the people, one reached through hardship, one reached only through the great sacrifices of all.

The loss of great minds. The loss of great warriors. The loss of people with incredible potential, the loss of those that had helped from the sidelines, the loss of many kind souls who would help from the background, the loss of legends, the loss of countless lives. The blood spilt, the death toll taken, to achieve the world was a heavy price indeed to be paid.

The scars would never go away. The land would forever be marked by the major conflicts. The survivors have had loved ones collapse, countless corpses throughout the reign of terror that was Gistou. The lingering aftereffects of the remnants would be ever-present, causing a constant need for vigilance on the roads and in the cities from attack. Paranoia would not go away. Bigotry could not be cured overnight. All the hatred, all the rage, of the land would stay for generations to come.

The shattered minds of frail bodies remain behind to rebuild what was once lost, and trust is not something in a large supply. Yet the new law, the new treaty, would still hold. Because of the actions, the final sacrifices, the absolute conviction in the trials of the harsh times, the testament to the goodness in others could be found in all these heroes, alive or dead.

Panther Timon, the champion of the east, would go on to mend the relationship between his people and the undead, putting aside his own hatred including his sins for the sake of that better future, and it is here that he finally discards the alias
No Retreat
which he had held for so long, casting aside that persona in favor of a more truthful, pure self.

Adrian Burkhard, the champion of the north, would soon prove himself to similarly mend the ties between his people and the others, neighbors and new residents alike. The hunters once were thought to be a lost tribe of his people, and now, in modern times, he would see to it that this would become reality. Tossing aside his identity as
, he would produce a much stronger, open north, whose boarders would be open to all.

Gordian Lucilus was given the ultimate honor: in recognition of his services, the new Empress (nominated by her father and elected by a strengthening people) decided to promote him, and he was granted the status of new champion of the west, a full-time position. While no longer needed for warfare, champions would in this new world see to many administrative duties, and so, his fun as
would have to end.

Drusilla Balbinu inherited the wagon she had been a traveler on, soon proving herself not only a competent worker with a bright attitude, but also a competent businesswoman, whose keen insight into the nature of people allowed her to make killer bargains and gain a great staff. As such, the need for her
identity had passed.

And finally,
would no longer hold that name. Nicholas Schroder would accept himself for who he was. He was given the offer to lead the nosferatu, for beyond their people inhabiting the north, plenty of nosferatu now existed throughout the land with no clear leadership. The council still existed, yet all the people they wanted to appoint had lost their lives in the conflict. Though he certainly recognized all the good he could do in the position, knowing he would handle it well, ultimately, he declined, for one simple reason:

The world certainly was better, but it was not without troubles, and he resolved to do as he had always done, traveling the land, roaming from place to place, searching for evils to hunt and destroy, for that is who he is. He bore witness to it all, and with it now in the past, he could tell himself something, a final answer.


Now, it was over.
A win condition has been triggered!
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, 13p Mini Theme sequel to Gistou, is in design and could use reviewers!
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Post Post #8426 (ISO) » Fri Sep 02, 2016 7:55 pm

Post by mastin2 »

Living in Agnigi

A divided world.

The Undead, risen up as they were, had taken a significant portion of the Eastern Kingdom, specifically areas surrounding the Divitias, continuing westward and northward to touch the boarders of the Western Empire up at the great lake region. They remain mostly enclosed in one area, an area of the east known for its plains, upon which many small villages can be found: the place most undead had been prior to their rebellion.

The nosferatu had built fortresses among the forests surrounding the great lake, primarily on the west and east sides of the lake. Their strongholds in the Erimos range have become disputed territory, but they retain a presence strong enough to reach into the southwestern half of the Northern Tribes, while also controlling a small section of strategically-positioned land allowing for strikes into the heart of the east.

The wulden had lost most of their holdings, at one time reaching all the way to the northeast, but retain control of significant portions of the great ridge, along with the deserts of the far east where the harshness of the terrain and obscurity of the knowledge allowed Dmitri Damanos to thrive. They remain underground with members in cities further to the west, but maintain no standing army in the region, where the reformed Western Empire now polices.

The Eastern Kingdom had lost much of their infrastructure, but their mighty castles had allowed them to retain the core of their nation, as they would survive the various sieges wrought by the wuldens in particular. The undead, after their initial assault, hadn't advanced, allowing for these strengthened defenses, and they had been holding key choke-points the entire duration of the various wars, where they would bottleneck those who wished to advance.

The Western Empire had suffered severe losses to all aspects of their people: industry in tatters, military divided and scattered, knowledge basis no longer accessible, but they had learned quickly to form resistance cells, ever-efficient in their operation, and it didn't take long for these cells to optimize performance and pioneer new methods of fighting the war. When later they learned to coordinate their strikes, soon humanity had a serious weapon.

The Northern Tribes had many tribes disintegrate, scattering across the winds. Some divided. Some were wiped out. Many disappeared without a trace. Yet those that remained were mobile. Many had lost their ancestral homes, however, they had
lost their will to live, allowing for them to remain an overwhelming force, fierce in battle.

This was what the world looked like at the time of Gistou: the lines were constantly being redrawn. The control of areas would shift day to day, potentially being held by a different people four times. While the heroes of Gistou were most active early around the northwest, then shifting to the southeast, the bloodiest contested regions had been so devastated that it was a wonder
wanted them anymore.

The presence of these "Others" was revealed to be the true culprit behind Gistou, the cause which had driven Dmitri Damanos into his madness and created his wulden warrior race, from which the chaos of the world ensued. This knowledge had shifted the game of the war, the plans of battle now focusing on removing the threats universal to all, and from these coordinated efforts, some amount of unification could be found, something oddly reminiscent of a time long-since passed.

The world had seen the deaths of so many. But could there be a potential upside to all of this? The deaths were atrocious. The hatred, the desire to kill, was strongly present even in people who had once been pacifistic. It sounds crazy. After all, in the world prior to Gistou, there was an equilibrium preventing such conflict, such bloodshed, from ever having been fought.

A thought then emerges, however, that perhaps, maybe, just maybe, the world of Gistou could have happened anyway. It was given kindling to spark the fuels of a fire, as little pushes and shoves started escalating matters to the point where violence and war would break out...but the nations were already preparing for battle before. The presence of the three champions was proof enough of this, for they were not an age-old tradition, rather, something having cropped up in recent years.

So with the land broken down in as many pieces as it has been...could it be a signal of things to come? It doesn't take long to figure out: there's a choice to be had. If the fighting continues as it has been, it will always continue, until total extermination...but would it stop there? Allies would turn against each other, now conflicted, now divided, now with no reason to trust one another, now with more separating each other than in common. The people would divide. Then they would divide again. And again. And each time, more death would follow. This was something that hasn't happened for hundreds, nay, thousands of years. Would they want to walk down that path?

Or would they, perhaps, accept an alternative? Gistou exists. It is strong. The division between people persists. Yet possibly, the potential would be there: stop the wars. Stop the fighting. No more death. No more destruction. Force peace. Force prosperity. It would be uneasy. People would still disagree. People would still not have much in common. People would still try to exploit one another. A perfect world would never exist.

Though...wouldn't it at least be worth trying? The new humanity treaty was put into effect, so the answer across the world seems to be a resounding: yes. Yes, there was much they wouldn't know. Where The Other came from, and how it was able to so effectively manipulate things. Whether it was still lingering around in some form. Whether peace would even be possible, with or without the interference of it.

Yes, they couldn't have an answer for everything. But yes, they would try. Yes, they would go forward. Yes, they would build lives worth living. This new world could be defined by that. Instead of all the "nos". No more life. No more peace. No more prosperity. There would be those "yeses". Yes, they could find ways to work together. Yes, their people could now travel safely. Yes, they would be alright.

The world was once thought to be without change. This is known now to have never been true. Many changes have been bad. But some, like this one, could be good. Some, like this one, would give what the world was without for so long: a final ability to know that their troubles are over. Tensions would be high. Little things here and there would happen. But trade would reopen, and soon, stories would spread. The myths, the legends, of the troubled times are now rapidly coming across.

At first, these hold bias, but with mixed groups, instead, these tales would take on a diversified view, where the whole of the narrative could be viewed, and from it, enriched pop-culture could spawn forth. New jokes. New books. New music, new ideas. A whole, different, new world, but one that still holds enough familiarity to still be called their home. The nations exist on paper similar to before, with only the slightest of alterations: land set aside for the undead, land where wuldens roam without many incidents, land where the nosferatu like to dwell.

But in practice, the world once so separated now seems so whole. Equality between the people is not just for the nations, but also the races. Individuals can go further than ever before, progressing even more than they ever did while under the limitations of the stalemate prior to Gistou. No more secrets. No more hidden agendas. Simply people, trying to understand other people, and the others around them, to come to common grounds. The alliances of the past have given birth to this realm of peace, for which there is only one appropriate name.

Welcome to Agnigi. Population? Everyone still here.
Northern Tribes
(consisting of
West Empire
(consisting of
East Kingdom
(consisting of
No Retreat
Individual Humans
(consisting of
, and
Individual Vampire
(consisting of
), and
Individual Undead
(consisting of
) have all won!

They are not alone!
Also sharing the win: the
Undead Risen Slave
(consisting of
Luna Fox
, and
) and the
Individual Nosferatu
(consisting of
) have fulfilled their wincon, and as such, there is a joint win!

Condolences to
A Song of Ice and Fire
, former
Individual Human
member, and
, former
Individual Human
, who both started with the winning team but ended on a different one that did not win. They had a battle for "most unlucky player in the whole game". (My personal vote is on rb.)

PT releases, role PMs posting, night actions/results postings, and mod commentary all to follow, but in the mean time:
Postgame discussion may now begin.
Gistou has, as of this post, officially ended!
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, 13p Mini Theme sequel to Gistou, is in design and could use reviewers!
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Post Post #8427 (ISO) » Fri Sep 02, 2016 7:57 pm

Post by A Song of Ice and Fire »

I got culted and I got watched getting culted and you think rb getting culted was worse?

I mean whatever
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Post Post #8428 (ISO) » Fri Sep 02, 2016 7:58 pm

Post by A Song of Ice and Fire »

I unlocked the "changing alignment midgame" achivement though!

it was fun :]
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Post Post #8429 (ISO) » Fri Sep 02, 2016 7:58 pm

Post by A Song of Ice and Fire »

oh btw

Worst scums ever.

Litterally you all made me cry
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Post Post #8430 (ISO) » Fri Sep 02, 2016 7:59 pm

Post by A Song of Ice and Fire »

that includes myself :P

No more discussion I won't read anything from this point forward.
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Post Post #8431 (ISO) » Fri Sep 02, 2016 8:03 pm

Post by Nahdia »

RachMarie with the carry, goddamn yo.
we're all made of stories | remember to take your b12 | sign up for a GTKAS thread! (request access here)

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Post Post #8432 (ISO) » Fri Sep 02, 2016 8:08 pm

Post by mastin2 »


Modding PT.
The Other Topic. (If you're wondering: it should say Gistou: all hail the father for the title, if quick Google translations are in play. Gistou itself, ironically, is just "land of". The remaining is a combination of greek, latin, and russian which all spell out various ominous messages one after another.)
Isolationist Topic.
Wulden Topic.
Undead Topic.
Free Nosferatu Topic.
True Hunters Topic. (
Never Unlocked
The Lonely (un)Dead Topic. (
Never Unlocked
The Wagon (Neighborizer topic).
Dead Thread.
Spoiled Dead Thread.

Hydra PTs (and Ankamius's/Titus's PTs) will be released only upon direct request.
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Post Post #8433 (ISO) » Fri Sep 02, 2016 8:20 pm

Post by Frozen Angel »

So much confirmed towns

a very limited cult

and three uncultable bulletproof vigs which was assumed other scum teams will eliminate them to make game balanced.

But it was fun I admit
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Post Post #8434 (ISO) » Fri Sep 02, 2016 8:34 pm

Post by rb »

Game was fun :D

GG to everyone.
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Post Post #8435 (ISO) » Fri Sep 02, 2016 8:39 pm

Post by McMenno »

standing ovation
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Post Post #8436 (ISO) » Fri Sep 02, 2016 8:52 pm

Post by mastin2 »

The Idea:

So, the story of the game of Gistou starts five years ago:
Back in the day, I was obsessed with the scummies. One game I came across in my reading for scummies was Imperial Intrigue. Specifically, it caught my attention for the following reasons, namely, the nomination:
AGar wrote:Seriously impressive flavor throughout the entire game, from Lynch scenes to role pms to even his roleblocking and recruitment pms. And its all original.
That inspired me to look at the game, and what I saw was incredible: images, along with a ton of flavor text. This was when the idea of a fully-immersive flavor game first entered into my mind, but at the time, I could never produce a game on that scale. It was burned into my brain, though. "I want to do that." I wanted to make something, completely and entirely original, that would blow people away. I wanted something that would be a flavor-rich experience. Something that would be fully enveloping, and tell a good story.

Fast-forward to June, of this year: Not everyone will have access to the speakeasy, but in a thread about dreams, I posted this.
In post 8, mastin2 wrote:I dreamed that the world was divided into a 5-faction war (loosely Warhammer 40K style), comprised of:
  1. Vampires-turned-Werevampires who used to be classified as Hunters (as in, they hid their vampirism from the world and were thought to be normal Monster hunters), who realized that they needed to take political action in order to continue their war against the supernatural
  2. A group that was once human, turned werewolves, turned undead werewolves, that at first was comprised of bandits, later reformed into a cult, and finally from the cult sprang into a nation
  3. A group of undead, who were trying very hard to hide they were undead, and were slaves. When the above two started to happen, they realized they were going to be exterminated, so they had an uprising, banding together and forming their own group
  4. Normal humans, who used to be divided into three separate factions, which when the supernatural threats began to form banded together in order to survive
  5. Some ominous, mysterious fifth group lurking in the shadows
The dream followed how the groups were formed, and covered a little bit of the war itself.
At the time, nothing was meant to come of it. But Majiffy (this game's backup mod) jokingly said, "Now turn it into a mafia setup."

At first, I had no intention of the comment made in jest actually being taken...but then, I thought about it some more. I thought about games like Mass Effect ongoing. I thought about games like Good versus Evil, Chaos versus Law. My past efforts in Hilariously Unbalanced Mafia 2 with its rock-paper-scissors dynamic also crossed my mind. And it was here that I remembered the idea of the game. So, then. That's where I began, "...You know? I think I can actually do this."

And I laid out the prototype in a topic for another game, hijacking an old PT of mine. That PT is still private and will continue to be private, but these were the posts that made the initial idea as I was seeing it come:
mastin2 wrote:Hijacking this for a personal project, since I lost ability to make PTs.
Spoiler: Flavor

A world of one continent.

The great lake in the center of the land divides it into three sections. The great river
flows from it to the southeast. The great mountains known as the
Erimos range
run from the seas of the northwest down to the lake. A final gap, the
great ridge
, runs from near the lake to almost touch the southwestern shores.

This land has forever been without change, as far as all known life can remember. Humanity has risen from weaklings to be the apex least, on the grander scale of things. Their combination of intelligence, tool-making, strength, speed, endurance, ability to domesticate wildlife, and sheer vast
has allowed them to overcome otherwise-superior foes, such that the great beasts of old are nothing but myth and legend.

Over time, three kingdoms of mankind formed: the nomadic
northern tribes
, the great
eastern kingdom
, and the
western empire
. The tides of time over thousands of years have seen countless countries rise and fall, with those three coalescing their power to dominate their respective domains. For hundreds of years, they have fought off rivals, used political alliances, suppressed populaces, and even committed genocide in order to secure absolute authority, until only they remained.

While all three factions have conflicted in the past, an uneasy stalemate formed where nobody could attack or risk an alliance with another, as the scales could easily tip against them with even the slightest turn in events. The northern tribes, while scattered, became hardened warriors able to mobilize quickly. The few beasts roaming their territories have fallen under their absolute control, allowing them to prosper against almost every threat.

The eastern kingdom was the first of the three to dabble in the supernatural and attempt to harness the great powers within. This, combined with their bountiful, resource-filled land, rendered them an economic power-house, able to suppress their foes by forces otherwise-unknown.

The western empire, though poor in agriculture, was ripe with ores. Investing in industry, they were able to create a great nation that ran like a well-oiled machine, responding to any threat with mechanical precision. With all three equally matched, none could be the victor.

Though tension remained high, ultimately, trade between them opened up. Through this came not only opportunities, but also stories, as the people began to intermingle. It is a well-known fact Agnigi is not without its monsters. Most of the day have long-since been destroyed, but those of the night have remained a nuisance, reappearing over time to horrifically decimate isolated villages, or lay waste to unsuspecting travelers.

It was around this time a race of humans previously-unknown shown up. Calling themselves
, these pale-skinned, red-eyed travelers, be it man or woman, specialized in fighting off monsters. Primarily employed in the south, it was theorized that these mercenaries may hail from the north, as some lost forgotten tribe, yet when asked about their origins, they refused to divulge unless to a member of their own clan.

Their international service, while starting as individuals, soon began to form a company, unaffiliated with any country and yet carrying political weight equivalent to one. Their protection for a cost became indispensable, as no other humans had any clue how to fight off the beasts of the night.

Irreplaceable, and growing in numbers, their power began to grow, especially after the rise of a dreaded beast known only as
. These beasts, they warned, were capable of turning humans into more lycans, and were thought the strongest, most ruthless beasts in existence.

The hunters continued the fight, even as the number of lycans grew far beyond the natural level, and it was at the great lake near the border between the tribes and the empire where the reason behind this disturbance brewing was revealed:

Dmitri Damanos
, once a mere bandit who had fled from the eastern kingdom, had formed a cult revering the beasts as gods. This cult, the
, had all willingly undergone the process of lycanthropy. Things only got worse. Already an even match for the hunters, Dmitri was able to uncover a dark secret from the eastern kingdom, utilizing a mad science to recreate a long-since forgotten process to turn anything considered living into an unstoppable
killing machine...including lycans.

With this absolute power, the Wulden were able to seize control of a large section primarily of the western empire, spreading across the land like a plague, including the discovery of a secret library that Dmitri was able to uncover, one which the hunters had desperately tried and failed to defend against.

And for good reason. In it contained ancient records detailing humanity's first triumph against the beasts of the night. In times of legend, monsters were all tame. They were kept in check by a force they feared:
. These pale-skinned, red-eyed creatures of the night were themselves beasts, and yet they had kept control over all the others for one simple reason...

...Vampires were once human. And like lycans, hold the power to transform humans into more vampires. The humanity of old, before the three nations, had collectively risen up and supposedly exterminated them, and it was only then that monsters began to prey upon humanity.

Those vampires were the hunters, hidden in the mist, exterminating their competition, bouncing back from their brush with death to recuperate, multiply, and prosper. Even coming from a monster, this the hunters knew would be taken as true. Exposed, outgunned by the Wulden, and now knowing they would lack the support of the three nations yet were facing the forces of darkness...the vampires, the hunters, became desperate, and in their desperation, stole the secrets of the occult.

Though unable to harness the strength of the undead, for vampires are already considered such, they were able to modify lycanthropy such to allow themselves to be infected with it, willingly hybridizing their whole race in the process, redubbing themselves the

Now on equal fighting terms with the Wulden, the Nosferatu acted quickly and took as much territory as they could, primarily from the northern tribes, as to best offer them the resources needed to fight in the upcoming war. These events happened in less than a month, and humanity immediately, desperately, bonded together, fearing their fate.

If they could be turned against their will into undead, into lycans, into vampires, into some sick hybrid of two, what could they possibly do to survive? None of them had the experience necessary. The only action available: as with their ancestors, put their differences aside and bond together, in a desperate alliance against the supernatural creatures of the unknown.

This alliance was to be focused in the strongest remaining of the three factions, the eastern kingdom, but this triggered one final change: overnight, after the signing of the Humanity Treaty, an uprising of slaves rose up. This, because those slaves were secretly undead, hidden survivors of the experiments long-since discontinued, fearing for their lives thanks to their new bad publicity.

The land now divided between humans, wulden, nosferatu, and undead, a four-way factional war is brewing...

...Yet a
fifth faction
lurks in the shadows...a faction with an entirely foreign motive, one which sparked the war in the first place.

Until recently, the residents of Agnigi had no word for hell. They've invented one:
Welcome to Gistou. Population? everyone here.
Spoiler: Continued posts
mastin2 wrote:Welcome to Gistou!
This is a multi-faction, flavor-heavy game.
Each player has four attributes:
Closest location they hail from
nation they hail from
, and
The races are as follows:
  1. Humans
  2. Vampires
  3. Lycans
  4. Undead
  5. Wulden
  6. Nosferatu
  7. Other
The locations they can hail from include:
  1. The Great Lake
  2. Divitias
  3. Erimos Range
  4. Great Ridge
  5. Other
The nation they hail from can include:
  1. Northern Nomads
  2. Western Empire
  3. Eastern Kingdom
  4. Other
The factions in this game are your wincon, and are not public information. However, there is at least one faction who can loosely be called "town", that wins if all threats to it are eliminated, and one faction considered "scum", that wins when they control 50% of the living. Most factions have general trends: same race, same location, same nation, etc. These trends are not, however, universal.
There is a cult faction this game.
Be warned. Nothing is known about it.
Each faction, if possessing a non-human race, has a one-shot ability to recruit a human to their faction.
This ability can only be used on humans. This ability will fail if more than one faction attempts this on the same human. This ability does not work on all humans. Regardless of success or failure, this ability is used up once activated.
mastin2 wrote:-2 vampires (different factions)
-1 lycan (with wulden)
-6 undead (different factions)
-3 wulden
-4 nosferatu (different factions)
-1 Other
-11 Humans (3 unrecruitable)
mastin2 wrote:5 each location;
8 assigned to other.

7 each kingdom;
7 other.

-The Other (cult)
-The Wulden (scum)
-3+1 Isolationist Nosferatu (scum)
-5 Undead (Modified Survivor)
-Vampire (Town)
-Nosferatu (Modified Survivor)
-Independent Undead (Town)
-Independent Humans (Town)
-Northern Humans (Town)
-Western Humans (Town)
-Eastern Humans (Town)
mastin2 wrote:Other (Loc: Other) (Other)
Nosferatu-vampire (Loc: W Empire) (Great Lake)
Nosferatu-iso (Loc: N Tribes) (Erimos)
Nosferatu-iso (Loc: N Tribes) (Great Lake)
Nosferatu-iso (Loc: N Tribes) (Other)
Wulden-lycan (Loc: Other) (Erimos)
Wulden (Loc: W Empire) (Great Ridge)
Wulden (Loc: W Empire) (Great Ridge)
Wulden (Loc: Other) (Great Ridge)
Undead (Loc: E Kingdom) (Divitias)
Undead (Loc: E Kingdom) (Divitias)
Undead (Loc: E Kingdom) (Divitias)
Undead (Loc: E Kingdom) (Other)
Undead (Loc: Other) (Great Lake)
Vampire-individual (Loc: N Tribes) (Other)
Nosferatu-individual (Loc: Other) (Divitias)
Undead individual (Loc: E Kingdom) (Other)
Human N Champion (Loc: N Tribes) (Erimos)
N Human (Loc: N Tribes) (Other)
N Human (Loc: Other) (Great Lake)
Human W Champion (Loc: W Empire) (Great Ridge)
W Human (Loc: W Empire) (Erimos) (Other)
Human E Champion (Loc: E Kingdom) (Divitias)
Human Independent (Loc: N Tribes) (Other)
Human Independent (Loc: W Empire) (Great Ridge)
Human Independent (Loc: E Kingdom) (Other)
Human Independent (Loc: Other) (Erimos)
Human Independent (Loc: W Empire) (Other)
mastin2 wrote:Now for the hard part.
-Unless otherwise specified, everyone in the pregame can decide: every night as a free action, check a player's location, OR check a player's kingdom. Once they pick, they're locked into that for good.
-Some players can check for race instead.
-The rarest ability is to check for faction.
-The "modified survivor" role is as follows: at least one player holding the wincon must be alive at the end of the game, all threats must have been eliminated, and all survivors must agree by majority vote to accept the alliance offered. This means the independent nosferatu can still win even when dead, despite not sharing the faction, because his wincon is identical to that of the undead.
mastin2 wrote:CULT:
-Leader is immune to lynch D1.
-Can recruit only ONE of each race. (Race, not faction.)
-Cannot recruit two nights in a row.
-Can, however, kill two nights in a row.
-This means cult maxes out at six members.
-Cult endgames if having 50% of majority, regardless of circumstances.
-Above abilities (aside from D1 lynch) are passed on regardless.
-The original leader has a 1-night immunity to death as a passive, triggered when needed. (Ergo, even if everyone focused their shots on them N1, the cult will live.)
-In addition to recruiting, the original leader can sense a player's race, location, AND kingdom during the night.
-Recruited will have race and faction turned to "other".
-Location: W Empire; Great Lake
-Detects Race.
-Vanilla otherwise.

-Location: N Tribes; Erimos
-Can strongman kill.

-Location: N Tribes; Great Lake
-Can ninja kill.
-When not killing, can track a player. Sees both who they check (and is told this is their check action), and any other players targeted.

-Location: N Tribes; Other
-Can redirect a player's night action OR their check action. (Cannot do both.)
-When not actioning, is immune to death at night.
mastin2 wrote:WULDEN LYCAN:
-Location: Other; Erimos
-Shows up as Human to racial investigations.

-Location: W Empire; Great Ridge
-Can strongman kill.
-When not killing, can rolecop a player to see their role actions.

-Location: W Empire; Great Ridge
-Detects Race.
-Can detect BOTH location AND kingdom in addition to Race if not nightkilling.

-Location: Other; shows up as hailing from Great Ridge
-Immune to death at night.
-Can ninja kill.
mastin2 wrote:UNDEAD 1:
-Location: E Kingdom; Divitias
-Investigates faction.

-Location: E Kingdom; Divitias
-Investigates Race.

-Location: E Kingdom; Divitias

-Location: E Kingdom; Other
-Can investigate EITHER location OR kingdom whole game.

-Location: Other; Great Lake
-2x Bulletproof

The undead have a non-consecutive nightkill at their disposal.
-Location: N Tribes; Other
-Investigates Race.
-Location: Other; Divitias
-Free choice of race, location, or kingdom for investigation.
mastin2 wrote:UNDEAD INDIVIDUAL:
-Location: E Kingdom; Other
-Cop, getting results in the form of "is not a threat to your faction" (all town factions) "is a threat to your faction" (wulden + isolationists), "could be a threat to your faction" (group-undead + individual-nosferatu), "you feel an ominous sense about you..." (cult), and "no result" (failed investigation).
mastin2 wrote:CHAMPIONS x 3:
-Location: varies; varies
-Vigs non-humans. Said vig, however, will kill another champion.
-Each has a 1x vig on a kingdom other than their own.
-Each has a 1x vig on a faction other than their own.
-Immune to being converted.
(You'll note their BPs aren't there.)
mastin2 wrote:NORTH HUMAN 1:
-Location: N Tribes; Other

-Location: Other; Great Lake

-Location: W Empire; Erimos
-Friendly Neighbor (tells: "Playername is a human hailing from the Western Empire and hailing from Erimos.")
mastin2 wrote:INDIVIDUAL HUMAN 1:
-Location: N Tribes; Other

-Location: W Empire; Great Ridge

-Location: E Kingdom; Other
-Investigates Race.

-Location: Other; Erimos

-Location: W Empire; Other
mastin2 wrote:-Locationally, the eastern kingdom uses more Latin, the western empire uses more Greek, and the northern tribes use German.
This factors into names.

So, 9 names based in latin, 9 in greek, 9 in german.
The extra two come from kingdom locations that are "other": the lycan (greek), wulden (greek), one undead (latin), individual nosferatu (german), north human (german), and individual human (latin).
Yes, the names had a theme to them. Nobody noticed this, but that's one reason nation/location checks existed: NAMES could tell you about the player's origin. That was the intent, anyway, which you can actually see in .
mastin2 wrote:Aelia Caelickson
Drusilla Balbinu
Gordian Lucilus
Marius Hemin
Julia Otho
Sergius Seneca
Varius Severn
Tatiana Ruffins

Alexis Galenos
Demetria Kleon
Basilis Erastos
Irene Gaios
Mark Nicanor
Hermes Bion
Eugene Lysander

Karl Braun
Edith Stein
Hans Schroder
Ingrid Wolf
Alexander Lorenz
Nicholas Pohl
Gabrielle Sommers
^You'll note I'm missing some; I was a bit short because I miscalculated how many I had. I thought I had plenty, but I miscounted.
mastin2 wrote:
Cult Leader
The Other wrote:Agnigi. How you despise it so. The fools think they are alone in the world. Even among the lycans and vampires, they have forgotten. The bountiful land, the promised land, is truly rich, indeed, but it is not the only land as they so naively believe. Every ship they send out to sea when venturing deep enough may never return...but that is no reason to assume there is nothing else out there. There is. This other land, where you hail from, is a desolate wasteland.

You managed to get away from it, but the rest of your kind are trapped, imprisoned there, because long ago, the very creatures you created banished you there, to that elseworld. It's time to make them remember. It's time to make them pay. You hail from the far away land, the nameless land, and you have vowed to turn their beloved, precious Agnigi into the hellhole you experience, this...Gistou. Yes, you like that much better.

Giving Dmitri what he needed was a great start, but you are no idiot. You know he holds no loyalty to your cause. He is a power-craving megalomaniac. He wants to rule the world, and while he may be crazy, he's not stupid enough to trust you. He doesn't even know your true form. You have lost contact with him, but no matter. You will have your way. You will convert the masses, slowly,
, one by one, until all remaining are of you.

This is your mission.

This is your cause.

The suffering of others is music to...well, you don't exactly have ears, but it's music to you all the same. They may call you an abomination. But they are the true distortion. Unleash the pain, unleash the suffering, let it all out on them. One by one they shall fall. And you will be there to cause it all. They think they stand a chance...but they don't even know you're out there.

You are The Other.

And they're about to experience the unknown.
roleYou are a
Cult Leader
You hold the following
factional abilities
  1. During the night, you may recruit a player.
  2. You may recruit ONE of each race (human, lycan, wulvan, vampire, nosferatu, undead) to your cult. If that recruitment is successful, even if the recruited player dies, you cannot recruit another of that race. (This means your cult maxes out at an absolute maximum of 7 members.)
  3. You cannot recruit on consecutive nights.
  4. Recruits have their race and faction changed to "other", but maintain their given home nation and location.
  5. You may nightkill a player any night you do not recruit. This, you can do consecutively.
  6. Regardless of the gamestate, if the cult controls 50% of the playerlist, they endgame everyone else.
  7. Recruits may chat in this PT at any time.
In addition to the above (which will be granted to any successful recruits), you hold the following
personal abilities
  1. You are immune to the D1 lynch.
  2. You have a passive 1-shot immunity to all nightkills the first night you would be nightkilled.
  3. In addition to your recruit action, you may sense
    of race, location, and home nation, though you cannot sense faction.
  4. You may request a fakeclaim of Northern Tribes, Western Empire, or Eastern Kingdom origin at any time. Be sure to give any other details you wish to include (race, nation, location, role), else I will assume "other" and "vanilla".
You give the home
result of "
You give the
result of "

You win if your cult controls 50% of the playerlist at any given time.
mastin2 wrote:
Isolationist Vampire
Basilis Erastos wrote:You look at your fellow vampires in shame. If you can even call them vampires anymore. They call themselves nosferatu now, you suppose, but you'll have none of it. They say it's safe. They say that everyone needs the extra strength if you are to defeat the wulden. What they say is nonsense you cannot believe. No. You are vampires. Strong and proud. For dozens of years, you have upheld the illusion of being allies to humanity, and you do not wish to betray that image.

In particular, you have been raised to be a proud hunter your entire life. A third-generation vampire, of the great Erastos coven with their great and mighty castle bought from the empire, you had a lot to live up to, and fought long and hard in countless battles to make a name for yourself. Even after your mother died thanks to the lycans, probably already under wulden control, you maintain your pride as a warrior, as a fighter.

The destruction of your home as they conquered, as they corrupted, it was painful, but not enough where you would be willing to sacrifice your heritage for something so trivial as power. Those of the great lake hunters have always been considered some of the toughest, strongest in the world, ready to lay down their lives for the good of the people.

...All the same, you do hold loyalty to your clan, and they have gone along with the decision of the elders that action is a must. It is unfortunate that humans would get in the way, and you would need to forcefully subjugate them, but...they left you no choice. Domination is the only path. Perhaps, down the road, peace would be possible. At some future time, maybe humanity and vampires can reach an accord, like the long-lasting bond you once shared when vampires were known as hunters.

Alas! It is what it is. For the time being, peace is impossible. The world must be ruled by the nosferatu, or fall into ruin. There is no other path available.
roleYou are an
You hold the following
factional abilities
  1. You know that
    , and
    are your scum partners. Their roles will be listed in the first post of your private topic.
  2. You may talk in this private topic at any time.
  3. During the night, you may nightkill a player.
  4. Instead of a nightkill, once in the game, you may attempt to convert a player. If you perform the recruit and are successful, they will become a
  5. In case you feel you need townier flavor, you may request some at any time.
In addition to the above, you hold the following
personal ability
During the night, in addition to any actions you may take, you may
a player's
You give the home
result of
West Empire
You give the
result of
Great Lake
You give the
result of

You win if all wulden are dead, and the
Isolationist Faction
controls 50% of the town, or nothing could prevent this.
Confirm via PM; the game thread is here.
Isolationist Strongman
Gabrielle Sommers wrote:It's humiliating. Here you were...the pride of humanity. Yes, that was a lie, but it was a lie you upheld proudly, one you almost let yourself come to believe was true, if not for all the meetings behind closed doors. You were a prideful hunter. You held up with the best of them, fighting off monsters, even going against lycans solo, no problem at all.

And in the span of a few've lost everything. You lost your home in Erimos, stolen by wulden scum. To fight their evil, you swallowed your pride and became half-lycan, embracing the name nosferatu by force. And finally, thanks to the actions of Dmitri Damanos, now, the one thing you were good for, humanity now laughs at. They mock you. They shun you. They want to execute you. They trusted the word of a known liar, thief, criminal, insane megalomaniac, over their trusted, long-standing allies.

All for what? Their own personal greed, at how the hunters have become influential? Well, the joke's on them. That influence, that power, isn't simply going to vanish with the revelation of your secret. No...the hunters have built too good a reputation for it to all be entirely ruined. Many humans will willingly support you, and even those that don't can be made to with...

So your kind has taken all the land you could. Some with coercion, some by force, mostly to the vulnerable north, where you have settled down into a new life. But...duty calls! You have wuldens to slay, and humanity to subjugate. It's not ideal, but what else are you going to do? It's their own bloody fault, after all.
roleYou are an
Isolationist Strongman
You hold the following
factional abilities
  1. You know that
    , and
    are your scum partners. Their roles will be listed in the first post of your private topic.
  2. You may talk in this private topic at any time.
  3. During the night, you may nightkill a player.
  4. Instead of a nightkill, once in the game, you may attempt to convert a player. If you perform the recruit and are successful, they will become a
  5. In case you feel you need townier flavor, you may request some at any time.
In addition to the above, you hold the following
personal abilities
  1. If you are the one making the nightkill, it will be a
    strongman kill
    : you will bypass protection and/or blocks and puncture through immunity.
  2. During pregame, you may select either "location" or "nation". Each night, in addition to any night action you perform, you may investigate a player and learn whichever you selected in pregame.
You give the home
result of
Northern Tribes
You give the
result of
You give the
result of

You win if all wulden are dead, and the
Isolationist Faction
controls 50% of the town, or nothing could prevent this.
Confirm via PM; the game thread is here.
Isolationist Ninja/Tracker
Alexander Lorenz wrote:The pride of your people is gone. You meant no harm. Sure, in the ancient times of old, hunters were once vampires preying on humans and subjugating monsters, but in modern times, you had developed a more symbiotic relationship. Humans willingly would donate blood, and a few rare, gifted humans would eventually earn the honor of being turned.

It was beautiful. You would know. You came from outside. Fifty years ago, you were just a mere servant boy. But then you saw something magnificent, and were enamored by the majesty behind vampirism. It was beautiful, it was royal, it was noble, and yet, it was something anyone could achieve if they were in the right place, at the right time, and worked hard enough at it.

So you did. Countless sacrifices, you made, and eventually, your skills caught the attention of the honored Lorenz coven. They adapted you, as their newest son, and there you were, to guide the next generation of vampires, to be there when they turned hunters, to slay monsters, to slay beasts. You've never personally fought a lycan, until recently, but you've certainly fought all other types of beasts, knowing the ins and outs of the land like the back of your hand.

It was seemingly never to end...until the dreaded day when Dmitri Damanos ruined
. The wuldens were bad enough. You watched your family get torn to shreds, ripped apart, when they had once stood so proud. The region of the great lake you hailed from was overrun, and you had no choice but to retreat into the northern tribes.

And there, the offer was presented to turn into a nosferatu. You turned it down, at first. Being a vampire was too precious a gift to throw away. Yet eventually, when Dmitri took his next step and exposed the secret, your secret, all hope was lost. All your friends would turn against you anyway, and with no other needed the extra strength and power the process would give. And now, the council needs the once-human lands, even if humanity won't willingly cooperate.

No choice. The reputation you once cherished is gone. But it is all for a good cause. You are a monster. But you are fighting an even worse monster, and perhaps, one day, there may be peace. It simply cannot be today.
roleYou are an
Isolationist Ninja/Tracker
You hold the following
factional abilities
  1. You know that
    , and
    are your scum partners. Their roles will be listed in the first post of your private topic.
  2. You may talk in this private topic at any time.
  3. During the night, you may nightkill a player.
  4. Instead of a nightkill, once in the game, you may attempt to convert a player. If you perform the recruit and are successful, they will become a
  5. In case you feel you need townier flavor, you may request some at any time.
In addition to the above, you hold the following
personal abilities
  1. If you are the one making the nightkill, it cannot be observed by any method.
  2. If you are not making the nightkill, you may instead opt to
    a player. You will see whoever they visit. This includes racial/national/locational checks, which will be marked as "this was a check action".
  3. During pregame, you may select either "location" or "nation". Each night, in addition to any night action you perform, you may investigate a player and learn whichever you selected in pregame.
You give the home
result of
Northern Tribes
You give the
result of
Great Lake
You give the
result of

You win if all wulden are dead, and the
Isolationist Faction
controls 50% of the town, or nothing could prevent this.
Confirm via PM; the game thread is here.
Isolationist Redirector/Bulletproof
Karl Braun wrote:So it comes to this.


Perhaps it was inevitable.

After were there when it happened the first time. All those millennia ago, when you held a different name, you saw what humanity did back then. You had peace. You had order. You were kind and gentle. Yes, you may have ruled over them, but there was a harmony that has not existed since then. It was a shame to see it go, but you understood the motives behind humanity.

Which is why you were an avid supporter of coming around to try again. Humanity had long-since forgotten about your past. If you worked with humanity, instead of subjecting humanity, surely, there could be peace? Surely, you could have that symbiotic relationship you so desperately desired? So many in the council resisted. But still you fought for it, and eventually succeeded.

And it was a success.

Oh, was it ever a success.

Yet now it is in shambles once again. The wuldens are strong. Vampires are too weak to stand up against the combined might of the wuldens and humanity. And now, apparently, there's undead in the mixture too. You were around when they first saw action, and it was unpleasant even back then. Now...the only way to beat the monsters is to become monsters.

The decision of the council was unanimous on this: evolve. Become nosferatu. It would be the only way. You agreed there. Yes, no matter how strange the idea had no choice. Yet while you don't like the idea of once again subjugating also recognize that merely becoming stronger won't be enough.

No...against these demons, against these foes, you need the full force of the world, and humanity would never willingly help. So from your current base in the northern tribes, taken by force, you'll strike out. You must take the risk, that you can suppress humanity long enough to exterminate the wulden. Maybe then, you can revisit peace. Maybe. Humanity has a way of holding a grudge. It's a shame. There's so much lovely about being what you are, and they will never get to experience it if they keep being so painfully stubborn.
roleYou are an
Isolationist Redirector/Bulletproof
You hold the following
factional abilities
  1. You know that
    , and
    are your scum partners. Their roles will be listed in the first post of your private topic.
  2. You may talk in this private topic at any time.
  3. During the night, you may nightkill a player.
  4. Instead of a nightkill, once in the game, you may attempt to convert a player. If you perform the recruit and are successful, they will become a
  5. In case you feel you need townier flavor, you may request some at any time.
In addition to the above, you hold the following
personal abilities
  1. During the night, you may redirect a player. You must choose "check" or "role" to redirect. You cannot redirect both.
  2. When you perform no night actions, during the night, you are immune to nightkills.
  3. During pregame, you may select either "location" or "nation". Each night, in addition to any night action you perform, you may investigate a player and learn whichever you selected in pregame.
You give the home
result of
Northern Tribes
You give the
result of
You give the
result of

You win if all wulden are dead, and the
Isolationist Faction
controls 50% of the town, or nothing could prevent this.
Confirm via PM; the game thread is here.
And that's the point where I switched to the mod topic, where most changes were documented as I was making them. I made slight tweaks here and there, but the original vision more or less stayed in-tact.

So, yes.
I made everything up.
Agnigi/Gistou is, 100%, a work of original flavor, fiction made entirely by me. (Final endgame count for how many words I put in:
.) The source material was my head. And using Varsoon's games as inspiration, I tried to make my game look as if it had a source material, make it look like, say, Bloodborne Mafia (his latest game at the time), with trivia facts posted every votecount and good, long, rich flavor posted at every relevant point. The dream I had would play out in the game, with me seeing the fates of the original three prominent characters: Dmitri Damanos, Nicholas Schroder, and Alexis Galenos, the central antagonist and protagonists.

Beyond that, as I explained in the dead threads, when I made the game, I wanted to force players to think. It was one thing to give a good flavor game. It was another to give them these complex mechanics, and make sense of them. I wanted the game to have good scumhunting, but I also wanted players to put serious effort into gamesolving, into putting pieces of the puzzle together to figure out what goes where, to know who was town and who was scum, who was lying and who was telling the truth. I wanted them to see through the paranoia and confusion, and over the course of the game overcome their doubt and learn the truth of what they were up against.

So, all in all, as I said in the dead thread, the game of Gistou can be summed up in two ways.
One, it is a love letter to all of, with me having poured the last three months of my life exclusively to this game, above all other priorities. (Well, almost.)
And two, as an extension of the above: between all the mechanics, between the complex roles and their interactions, between the intense, immense amount of flavor I put into the game, my desire to give you strong VCA which was formatted well, my presence in the game and attempt to give the perfect balance of moderator presence in the game, not interfering but not absent, this game was meant to be my message to all of mafiascum as a whole:
is how it's done."
This is how you moderate a game. This is the epitome of what can be done as a moderator. That was the message I wished to send.

Regardless of whether you think I succeeded or not, that was my intent: the ambiguous nature of an ambitious project on a grand scale mafiascum has never seen before, put forward and realized as fully as possible.

If you want further thoughts on this, you can read me rambling on about it mostly in the spoiled dead thread, though I did talk about it a bit elsewhere, too.
My academy.
"...You have a blog?!?" (Yes, I do. Click.)
, 13p Mini Theme sequel to Gistou, is in design and could use reviewers!
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Post Post #8437 (ISO) » Fri Sep 02, 2016 9:00 pm

Post by Frozen Angel »

I did not read the dead thread but whoever thought this cult was op they are not paying attention at all

this cult lost the game night 1 with a human vanilla cultting which got watched. the cult lost access to nearly half of the players with that action without gaining any power roles and basically linked the two original cult players for the rest of the game.
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Post Post #8438 (ISO) » Fri Sep 02, 2016 9:02 pm

Post by Frozen Angel »

I beleive it was better if there were no vanilla roles in game and the game wasn't really relied on the fact strongmans will kill the bulletprrof uncultable vigs to win

or at least if they weren't uncultable...

Even if I wasn't screwing rach cultting that night which is not on me cuase I was on a fucking vacation we had no chance in winning this cuase at most we would make it two two members when there were only 2 Unkiillable vigs and there was no way to keep bacde alive till that point.
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Post Post #8439 (ISO) » Fri Sep 02, 2016 9:05 pm

Post by davesaz »

I spent so much time searching the names and terms to try to decode the flavor -- and it turns out to not be based on anything.

This outcome favored town, but a couple things swing a different way and things might be different. For example one of the scum factions calls A50's PGO bluff with a strongman kill...
I do think cult recruiting non-consecutive nights made it pretty unlikely that they could reach a winning position.
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Post Post #8440 (ISO) » Fri Sep 02, 2016 9:06 pm

Post by Frozen Angel »

The setup was balanced for mafia - mafia - town though I think both 6 memberable mafia factions could get strong enough to destroy the power center of town

it was just to relied on luck for cult and cult needed a mafia faction to get strong enough to create space for them . the fact cult could get into another mafia faction by recruiting one of their members were a really strong power and I really like this (this was really helping that - the point was in this game those factions were already screwed anyway.)

rb I was trying to save myslef from the lynch I wasn't intended to get you lynched. Everything was good till the point you slipped with that miller claim. we had the chance to pull this of by shooting town vigs together.
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Post Post #8441 (ISO) » Fri Sep 02, 2016 9:08 pm

Post by Frozen Angel »

In post 8439, davesaz wrote:I spent so much time searching the names and terms to try to decode the flavor -- and it turns out to not be based on anything.

This outcome favored town, but a couple things swing a different way and things might be different. For example one of the scum factions calls A50's PGO bluff with a strongman kill...
I do think cult recruiting non-consecutive nights made it pretty unlikely that they could reach a winning position.
@dave as I said the game was dependent on eleminating those vigs with strongmans

Both factions were really busy with crosskilling though...

I'm really really angry at isolatinist strongman, Like really really really angry
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Post Post #8442 (ISO) » Fri Sep 02, 2016 9:17 pm

Post by mastin2 »

Note: the roles with images had said images within spoiler tags, but you can't nest spoilers, so I removed the spoiler tags around the images for them.
Spoiler: Nosferatu: Cult Leader
Cult Leader
The Other wrote:The rage of a thousand millennia
Agnigi. How you despise it so. The fools think they are alone in the world. Even among the lycans and vampires, they have forgotten. The bountiful land, the promised land, is truly rich, indeed, but it is not the only land as they so naively believe. Every ship they send out to sea when venturing deep enough may never return...but that is no reason to assume there is nothing else out there. There is. This other land, where you hail from, is a desolate wasteland.

You managed to get away from it, but the rest of your kind are trapped, imprisoned there, because long ago, the very creatures you created banished you there, to that elseworld. It's time to make them remember. It's time to make them pay. You hail from the far away land, the nameless land, and you have vowed to turn their beloved, precious Agnigi into the hellhole you experience, this...Gistou. Yes, you like that much better.

Giving Dmitri what he needed was a great start, but you are no idiot. You know he holds no loyalty to your cause. He is a power-craving megalomaniac. He wants to rule the world, and while he may be crazy, he's not stupid enough to trust you. He doesn't even know your true form. You have lost contact with him, but no matter. You will have your way. You will convert the masses, slowly,
, one by one, until all remaining are of you.

This is your mission.

This is your cause.

The suffering of others is music to...well, you don't exactly have ears, but it's music to you all the same. They may call you an abomination. But they are the true distortion. Unleash the pain, unleash the suffering, let it all out on them. One by one they shall fall. And you will be there to cause it all. They think they stand a chance...but they don't even know you're out there.

You are The Other.

And they're about to experience the unknown.
roleYou are a
Cult Leader
You hold the following
factional abilities
  1. During the night, you may recruit a player.
  2. You may recruit ONE of each race (human, lycan, wulvan, vampire, nosferatu, undead) to your cult. If that recruitment is successful, even if the recruited player dies, you cannot recruit another of that race. (This means your cult maxes out at an absolute maximum of 7 members.)
  3. You cannot recruit on consecutive nights.
  4. Recruits have their race and faction changed to "other", but maintain their given home nation and location.
  5. You may nightkill a player any night you do not recruit. This, you can do consecutively.
  6. Regardless of the gamestate, if the cult controls 50% of the playerlist, they endgame everyone else.
  7. Recruits may chat in this PT at any time.
In addition to the above (which will be granted to any successful recruits), you hold the following
personal abilities
  1. You are immune to the D1 lynch.
  2. You have a passive 1-shot immunity to all nightkills the first night you would be nightkilled. You will be informed when this has been used.
  3. In addition to your recruit action, you may sense
    of race, location, and home nation, though you cannot sense faction.
  4. You may request a fakeclaim of Northern Tribes, Western Empire, or Eastern Kingdom origin at any time. Be sure to give any other details you wish to include (faction, race, nation, location, role), else I will assume "other" and "vanilla".
You give the home
result of "
You give the
result of "

You win if your cult controls 50% of the playerlist at any given time.
Confirm both via PM and in-thread; the game thread is here.

Spoiler: Salt Squad: Isolationist Vampire
Isolationist Vampire
Basilis Erastos wrote:You look at your fellow vampires in shame. If you can even call them vampires anymore. They call themselves nosferatu now, you suppose, but you'll have none of it. They say it's safe. They say that everyone needs the extra strength if you are to defeat the wulden. What they say is nonsense you cannot believe. No. You are vampires. Strong and proud. For dozens of years, you have upheld the illusion of being allies to humanity, and you do not wish to betray that image.

In particular, you have been raised to be a proud hunter your entire life. A third-generation vampire, of the great Erastos coven with their great and mighty castle bought from the empire, you had a lot to live up to, and fought long and hard in countless battles to make a name for yourself. Even after your mother died thanks to the lycans, probably already under wulden control, you maintain your pride as a warrior, as a fighter.

The destruction of your home as they conquered, as they corrupted, it was painful, but not enough where you would be willing to sacrifice your heritage for something so trivial as power. Those of the great lake hunters have always been considered some of the toughest, strongest in the world, ready to lay down their lives for the good of the people.

...All the same, you do hold loyalty to your clan, and they have gone along with the decision of the elders that action is a must. It is unfortunate that humans would get in the way, and you would need to forcefully subjugate them, but...they left you no choice. Domination is the only path. Perhaps, down the road, peace would be possible. At some future time, maybe humanity and vampires can reach an accord, like the long-lasting bond you once shared when vampires were known as hunters.

Alas! It is what it is. For the time being, peace is impossible. The world must be ruled by the nosferatu, or fall into ruin. There is no other path available.
roleYou are an
You hold the following
factional abilities
  1. You know that
    Wayward Thinker
    (LicketyQuickety + Suzune),
    , and
    (Bins + Drixx + Cerberus v666) are your partners. Their roles will be listed in the first post of your private topic.
  2. You may talk in this private topic at any time.
  3. During the night, you may nightkill a player.
  4. Instead of a nightkill, once in the game, you may attempt to convert a player. If you perform the recruit and are successful, they will become a
  5. In case you feel you need townier flavor, you may request some at any time.
In addition to the above, you hold the following
personal ability
Racial Checker:
During the night, in addition to any actions you may take, you may
a player's
You give the home
result of
West Empire
You give the
result of
Great Lake
You give the
result of

You win if all
are dead, and the
Isolationist Faction
controls 50% of the town, or nothing could prevent this.
Confirm both via PM and thread; the game thread is here.
Spoiler: Wayward Thinker: Isolationist Strongman
Isolationist Strongman
Gabrielle Sommers wrote:It's humiliating. Here you were...the pride of humanity. Yes, that was a lie, but it was a lie you upheld proudly, one you almost let yourself come to believe was true, if not for all the meetings behind closed doors. You were a prideful hunter. You held up with the best of them, fighting off monsters, even going against lycans solo, no problem at all.

And in the span of a few've lost everything. You lost your home in Erimos, stolen by wulden scum. To fight their evil, you swallowed your pride and became half-lycan, embracing the name nosferatu by force. And finally, thanks to the actions of Dmitri Damanos, now, the one thing you were good for, humanity now laughs at. They mock you. They shun you. They want to execute you. They trusted the word of a known liar, thief, criminal, insane megalomaniac, over their trusted, long-standing allies.

All for what? Their own personal greed, at how the hunters have become influential? Well, the joke's on them. That influence, that power, isn't simply going to vanish with the revelation of your secret. No...the hunters have built too good a reputation for it to all be entirely ruined. Many humans will willingly support you, and even those that don't can be made to with...

So your kind has taken all the land you could. Some with coercion, some by force, mostly to the vulnerable north, where you have settled down into a new life. But...duty calls! You have wuldens to slay, and humanity to subjugate. It's not ideal, but what else are you going to do? It's their own bloody fault, after all.
roleYou are an
Isolationist Strongman
You hold the following
factional abilities
  1. You know that
    Salt Squad
    (SirCakez + beeboy + Heat),
    , and
    (Bins + Drixx + Cerberus v666) are your partners. Their roles will be listed in the first post of your private topic.
  2. You may talk in this private topic at any time.
  3. During the night, you may nightkill a player.
  4. Instead of a nightkill, once in the game, you may attempt to convert a player. If you perform the recruit and are successful, they will become a
  5. In case you feel you need townier flavor, you may request some at any time.
In addition to the above, you hold the following
personal abilities
  1. If you are the one making the nightkill, it will be a
    strongman kill
    : you will bypass protection and/or blocks and puncture through immunity.
  2. During pregame, you may select either "location" or "nation". Each night, in addition to any night action you perform, you may investigate a player and learn whichever you selected in pregame.
You give the home
result of
Northern Tribes
You give the
result of
You give the
result of

You win if all
are dead, and the
Isolationist Faction
controls 50% of the town, or nothing could prevent this.
Confirm both via PM and thread; the game thread is here.
Spoiler: Cephrir: Isolationist Ninja/Conditional Tracker
Isolationist Ninja/Conditional Tracker
Alexander Lorenz wrote:The pride of your people is gone. You meant no harm. Sure, in the ancient times of old, hunters were once vampires preying on humans and subjugating monsters, but in modern times, you had developed a more symbiotic relationship. Humans willingly would donate blood, and a few rare, gifted humans would eventually earn the honor of being turned.

It was beautiful. You would know. You came from outside. Fifty years ago, you were just a mere servant boy. But then you saw something magnificent, and were enamored by the majesty behind vampirism. It was beautiful, it was royal, it was noble, and yet, it was something anyone could achieve if they were in the right place, at the right time, and worked hard enough at it.

So you did. Countless sacrifices, you made, and eventually, your skills caught the attention of the honored Lorenz coven. They adapted you, as their newest son, and there you were, to guide the next generation of vampires, to be there when they turned hunters, to slay monsters, to slay beasts. You've never personally fought a lycan, until recently, but you've certainly fought all other types of beasts, knowing the ins and outs of the land like the back of your hand.

It was seemingly never to end...until the dreaded day when Dmitri Damanos ruined
. The wuldens were bad enough. You watched your family get torn to shreds, ripped apart, when they had once stood so proud. The region of the great lake you hailed from was overrun, and you had no choice but to retreat into the northern tribes.

And there, the offer was presented to turn into a nosferatu. You turned it down, at first. Being a vampire was too precious a gift to throw away. Yet eventually, when Dmitri took his next step and exposed the secret, your secret, all hope was lost. All your friends would turn against you anyway, and with no other needed the extra strength and power the process would give. And now, the council needs the once-human lands, even if humanity won't willingly cooperate.

No choice. The reputation you once cherished is gone. But it is all for a good cause. You are a monster. But you are fighting an even worse monster, and perhaps, one day, there may be peace. It simply cannot be today.
roleYou are an
Isolationist Ninja/Conditional Tracker
You hold the following
factional abilities
  1. You know that
    Salt Squad
    (SirCakez + beeboy + Heat),
    Wayward Thinker
    (LicketyQuickety + Suzune), and
    (Bins + Drixx + Cerberus v666) are your partners. Their roles will be listed in the first post of your private topic.
  2. You may talk in this private topic at any time.
  3. During the night, you may nightkill a player.
  4. Instead of a nightkill, once in the game, you may attempt to convert a player. If you perform the recruit and are successful, they will become a
  5. In case you feel you need townier flavor, you may request some at any time.
In addition to the above, you hold the following
personal abilities
  1. If you are the one making the nightkill, it cannot be observed by any method.
  2. If you are not making the nightkill, you may instead opt to
    a player. You will see whoever they visit. This includes racial/national/locational checks, which will be marked as "this was a check action".
  3. During pregame, you may select either "location" or "nation". Each night, in addition to any night action you perform, you may investigate a player and learn whichever you selected in pregame.
You give the home
result of
Northern Tribes
You give the
result of
Great Lake
You give the
result of

You win if all
are dead, and the
Isolationist Faction
controls 50% of the town, or nothing could prevent this.
Confirm both via PM and thread; the game thread is here.
Spoiler: RAM: Isolationist Redirector/Conditional Bulletproof
Isolationist Redirector/Conditional Bulletproof
Karl Braun wrote:Ancient Wisdom, Eternal Power
Backup image:
So it comes to this.


Perhaps it was inevitable.

After were there when it happened the first time. All those millennia ago, when you held a different name, you saw what humanity did back then. You had peace. You had order. You were kind and gentle. Yes, you may have ruled over them, but there was a harmony that has not existed since then. It was a shame to see it go, but you understood the motives behind humanity.

Which is why you were an avid supporter of coming around to try again. Humanity had long-since forgotten about your past. If you worked with humanity, instead of subjecting humanity, surely, there could be peace? Surely, you could have that symbiotic relationship you so desperately desired? So many in the council resisted. But still you fought for it, and eventually succeeded.

And it was a success.

Oh, was it ever a success.

Yet now it is in shambles once again. The wuldens are strong. Vampires are too weak to stand up against the combined might of the wuldens and humanity. And now, apparently, there's undead in the mixture too. You were around when they first saw action, and it was unpleasant even back then. Now...the only way to beat the monsters is to become monsters.

The decision of the council was unanimous on this: evolve. Become nosferatu. It would be the only way. You agreed there. Yes, no matter how strange the idea had no choice. Yet while you don't like the idea of once again subjugating also recognize that merely becoming stronger won't be enough.

No...against these demons, against these foes, you need the full force of the world, and humanity would never willingly help. So from your current base in the northern tribes, taken by force, you'll strike out. You must take the risk, that you can suppress humanity long enough to exterminate the wulden. Maybe then, you can revisit peace. Maybe. Humanity has a way of holding a grudge. It's a shame. There's so much lovely about being what you are, and they will never get to experience it if they keep being so painfully stubborn.
roleYou are an
Isolationist Redirector/Conditional Bulletproof
You hold the following
factional abilities
  1. You know that
    Salt Squad
    (SirCakez + beeboy + Heat),
    Wayward Thinker
    (LicketyQuickety + Suzune), and
    are your partners. Their roles will be listed in the first post of your private topic.
  2. You may talk in this private topic at any time.
  3. During the night, you may nightkill a player.
  4. Instead of a nightkill, once in the game, you may attempt to convert a player. If you perform the recruit and are successful, they will become a
  5. In case you feel you need townier flavor, you may request some at any time.
In addition to the above, you hold the following
personal abilities
    : You are considered the
    of the Isolationists. Your fellow isolationists
    cannot control your night actions
    ; they must be submitted by you.
  2. During the night, you may redirect a player. You must choose "check" or "role" to redirect. You cannot redirect both.
  3. When you perform no night actions (checks
    count as a night action), during the night, you are immune to nightkills.
  4. During pregame, you may select either "location" or "nation". Each night, in addition to any night action you perform, you may investigate a player and learn whichever you selected in pregame.
You give the home
result of
Northern Tribes
You give the
result of
You give the
result of

You win if all
are dead, and the
Isolationist Faction
controls 50% of the town, or nothing could prevent this.
Confirm both via PM and thread; the game thread is here.

Spoiler: davesaz: Wulden Racial Godfather
Wulden Lycan(Racial Godfather)
Marius Hemmingway wrote:A special mission awaits you. Dmitri has willed it himself. "Do not think you are being punished, Marius," he said. "This is a task so important I would ask it only of you." The wulden have long-since universally turned themselves into lycans, yourself included. They have come out of the shadows, stopped hiding in their occult roots, the hidden movement now a public faction. All of their once-obscured secrets have been revealed, as the need to operate behind-the-scenes was no longer necessary.

And also supposed to be universal was the call to become a true wulden, the undead improvement to the creature of the gods. Yet laid before you, Dmitri had ordered you not to undergo the procedure. "No, I cannot say any is better suited for the operation you're assigned to." Others laugh at you. Others say that Dmitri Damanos is cruel to you, as to deny you your perfect form. Still more insist to bully you with their newfound strength, saying that a weakling such as yourself does not deserve Dmitri's blessing. They say that if he wished you to be strong, he would have let you become strong, and is intentionally holding you back because he thinks you unworthy.

Heretics, the whole lot of them. To think Dmitri Damanos would mean anything other than what he says! The need for lies and deceit has long-since become obsolete. If your lord and savior says that he has reason for you to not become a full wulden, then the true ruler has good reason to ask it of you. Outsiders call it blind faith. Perhaps they are right...but you see absolutely nothing wrong with devotion to a deity, divinely blessed as he is.

"I need you returned to our roots: a covert operative, to elude detection and sabotage our enemies."

A special mission, which he has selected you, and you alone, for: to be a spymaster, hiding your beasthood from the world and acting as a normal human. You operated as so for ten long years, moving from location to location, nation to nation, even hiding in the Erimos Range. Ten full years of absolute obedience, so you hesitate not for this special assignment. You will play the part of human, for as long as Dmitri Damanos deems it so. His word is all. His word is everything. And you will not fail him.
RoleYou are a
You hold the following
factional abilities
  1. You know that
    Lady Lambdadelta
    (Iecerint + ActionDan), and
    are your scum partners. Their roles will be listed in the first post of your private topic.
  2. You may talk in this private topic at any time.
  3. During the night, you may nightkill a player.
  4. Instead of a nightkill, once in the game, you may attempt to convert a player. If you perform the recruit and are successful, they will become a
  5. If you feel you need town flavor, you may request some at any time.
In addition to the above, you hold the following
personal abilities
  1. Racial Godfather
    : As long as your race is lycan, you will show up as a
    to racial checks.
  2. During pregame, you may select either "location" or "nation". Each night, in addition to any night action you perform, you may investigate a player and learn whichever you selected in pregame.
You give the home
result of
You give the
result of
You are a
, but give the
result of
, as per your personal ability.

You win if all
are dead, and the
Wulden Faction
controls 50% of the town, or nothing could prevent this.
Confirm both via PM and thread; the game thread is here.
Spoiler: Lady Lambdadelta: Wuldent Strongman/Conditional Rolecop
Wulden Strongman/Conditional Rolecop
Sergius Seneca wrote:The almighty Dmitri Damanos has granted his blessing to you, and from it, you have grown to be an indispensable asset. The strongest of his warriors. The great scourge of the Western Empire, purifier of the Great Ridge. You've fought countless battles at his side, the trusted aide and attendant of the god. Though Varius may have known him longer, it matters not. You were among his first true disciples, and have been rewarded for your loyalty with absolute power.

Your strength is unrivaled, and your battle instincts are finely tuned. You can crush your opponents in an instant, and if that doesn't work, you can figure out their weaknesses and then charge through a second time. Everyone knows your nickname. Sergius second-striker, so-called for never needing more than two attacks to take out any foe you've ever faced. Seneca the severer, Sergius the slasher, you kill, you murder, all in the name of the greater good that Dmitri Damanos will grant to the world. This is war, and by his godly power, you know he will triumph, and you'll be right there, beside him when he does.

"Good friend...this is just the first step.'s truly time to begin." Yes, your mighty. It is.
RoleYou are a
Wulden Strongman/Conditional Rolecop
You hold the following
factional abilities
  1. You know that
    (Iecerint + ActionDan), and
    are your scum partners. Their roles will be listed in the first post of your private topic.
  2. You may talk in this private topic at any time.
  3. During the night, you may nightkill a player.
  4. Instead of a nightkill, once in the game, you may attempt to convert a player. If you perform the recruit and are successful, they will become a
  5. If you feel you need town flavor, you may request some at any time.
In addition to the above, you hold the following
personal abilities
  1. If you are the one making the nightkill, it will be a
    strongman kill
    : you will bypass protection and/or blocks and puncture through immunity.
  2. Conditional Rolecop
    : if you are not performing the nightkill, you may instead opt to
    a player, receiving all of their
    personal abilities
  3. During pregame, you may select either "location" or "nation". Each night, in addition to any night action you perform, you may investigate a player and learn whichever you selected in pregame.
You give the home
result of
West Empire
You give the
result of
Great Ridge
You give the
result of

You win if all
are dead, and the
Wulden Faction
controls 50% of the town, or nothing could prevent this.
Confirm both via PM and thread; the game thread is here.
Spoiler: Tim: Wulden Conditional Full-checker
Wulden Conditional Full-checker
Varius Severn wrote:Dmitri. How you love him so. The blind fools who follow him don't know the kind of love you hold for him. They hold love of him as a god. But did they ever know him before he became one? No...only you do. He's lost so many of his men, good friends, who fought by him side-by-side. Your comrades, fellow outlaws, who died, one-by-one. Knowing him as you do, he likely mourned them little, if at all. He saw them as assets, and the only thing to lament was the loss of their skills and abilities.

Still...even if he doesn't care for you...even if the only value you hold to him is the last of his original gang, the only bandit to have survived every encounter with those that would dare oppose him...even if all he sees in you is your ability to analyze situations and give don't care. You will still devote yourself to him in your entirety. You were by his side when he started his following. You half-thought it was all a big joke. He probably thought them all fools to genuinely believe his words. Yet...somewhere along the line...maybe, just maybe...he actually became the very thing he was pretending to be.

Regardless of whether he actually believes what he preaches, you think maybe he has become the god that others have worshiped. Dmitri's a lovely name. From the moment you met him, from the moment he recruited you into your gang, you knew there was something special about him...his charisma, his passion, his vision, destined for greatness...and now he's succeeded. You were there when he mastered lycanthropy, and were the first of his conversions. You were there to see the movement gain strength. You were there to see him discover the secrets of the undead, and how this hybridized form would become synonymous with your group, the wulden.

You followed him the entire time. To see him become something greater than everything else. Yet your affection for him will never diminish. He was once a man. And he was a magnificent man. And now is even greater. How could anyone not love him? How could anyone not see what you do in him? He'll never see you in the same way you do him. He couldn't. Even if he could, you're not sure you'd be worthy of it. But all the will be there, at his side, furthering his goals, whatever they may be.

" are a good companion."

You've only heard him speak that line three times. But once would have been enough. "Let's finish what we started."
RoleYou are a
Wulden Conditional Full-checker
You hold the following
factional abilities
  1. You know that
    Lady Lambdadelta
    , and
    are your scum partners. Their roles will be listed in the first post of your private topic.
  2. You may talk in this private topic at any time.
  3. During the night, you may nightkill a player.
  4. Instead of a nightkill, once in the game, you may attempt to convert a player. If you perform the recruit and are successful, they will become a
  5. If you feel you need town flavor, you may request some at any time.
In addition to the above, you hold the following
personal abilities
  1. Racial Checker
    : During the night, in addition to any actions you may take, you may
    a player's
  2. Conditional Full-checker
    : If you are not performing your faction's nightkill, you will see
    of a player's nation, location, and race.
You give the home
result of
West Empire
You give the
result of
Great Ridge
You give the
result of

You win if all
are dead, and the
Wulden Faction
controls 50% of the town, or nothing could prevent this.
Confirm both via PM and thread; the game thread is here.
Spoiler: Mathblade: Dmitri Damanos
Dmitri Damanos, Leader/Bulletproof/Ninja
Dmitri Damanos wrote:Bask in Your Glory
Victory is inevitable.

You've fought hard to get this far. The pathetic little petty bandit you used to be is no more. You robbed trains. You stole the precious revolvers of the western empire. You rode the mighty grodens in your raids, gaining enough fear that villages trembled at your presence. The eastern kingdom came close to annihilating you many times, but always, you would survive, stronger than before from the experience.

You would come in, then run out, before being stopped by the armies of the world. No raptor, no horse, could catch you. Perhaps the northern tribes could, you weren't exactly eager to find out. In the simple, humble lives, it's not like they'd have much for you to steal anyway. The only reason you could have had to attack them was purely to tick them off and gain a reputation, but you weren't exactly interested in becoming international hit list target #1.

At the time, anyway. Of course you relish in that title now, but at the time...the governments of both the western and eastern nations saw you as nothing more than a mere nuisance. And you probably would have stayed that way if not for
. Haha. In a way...for the humiliation that he brought upon you, you should be thankful. If not for the experience, the brush with death, that he granted would likely have continued as you were for the rest of your likely-long, lush, but ultimately, boring and insignificant life.

The villages of the eastern kingdom couldn't get help from their brownskin leaders, so the yellowskin cowards pleaded to the paleskins. In their desperation, they tried to get you classified as a beast worthy of hunting. Of course, any sensible person would turn them down. Many did. Most did. But
that man
didn't. No. That bloodsucker, not that you knew it when you first fought him.

Nicholas Schroder
. That name will forever be burned into your mind. He heard the call of the people, and irrationally...going against all logical hunter behavior...he accepted. He stayed in the villages, staking them out, until you arrived. And once you realized one hunter against two-dozen bandits was a bad idea for the bandits, you were forced to retreat...yet he followed. He pursued. Time and time again, on your trail, preventing many otherwise-successful raids from going through.

He was usually too late to stop the worst of the carnage...but he was still annoying, especially when he would get ahead and altogether avert an oncoming attack. Always, he would pursue. Unrelenting. Unwavering. Without hesitation. He would continue to attack. Again and again...until soon, new prospective recruits were more afraid of him than of rejecting you. That, you could not stand for. So you stopped running. Layer after layer, you had been forced to move from, since he could find them.

And that's when you laid the trap. You lured him out with a train raid, and as he pursued, you retreated into your layer. Unable to stop him on the attack, you figured you might be able to stop him for good in defense. And, oh, how wrong you were. But it was because of what you saw that day that you learned the truth. You had, personally, critically wounded him after a cheap trick. Yet even after being stabbed in the back, after having been practically bifurcated by your mighty greatsword...he had strength enough to grab onto one of your men.

And you saw fangs.
The brilliant red glow of his eyes, as he ripped out the flesh of your goon, and drained him. The dripping crimson from his mouth as he stood up, energized once more. His wounds weren't healed enough that he was in full fighting condition. You could have probably killed him there. But ran.

You RAN.
Once more, you used his weakened state to escape, sacrificing all your men in the process, terrified.

But also knowing.

Nobody would believe the word of a random bandit.

But you
So you went underground.
You sought answers, and figured...if hunters were THAT. If hunters were abominations capable of those feats you had seen, from your countless battles with them...why did only the best of them dare face lycans? Why were lycans so hard for them to kill? You founded the wulden cult to dig deeper into the supernatural, researching across the world.

Traveling from one location to another, always hidden. Occasionally, Nicholas would touch the surface of your organization, slowing you down. But you were patient. You waited. And eventually, you mastered lycanthropy. Eventually, you spread your secrets to the wuldens. And were contacted. Some force gave you a final tip-off. You knew where to find evidence of the hunter's origins, yet it was a stronghold not even lycans could you needed something greater.

Something that same tip said could come from a source you knew...
Alexis Galenos
. Schroder's love interest. You fancied her yourself, but were never able to hold onto her that long, thanks to his meddling. So now, the wicked plan formed, you set into motion the twisted fate that would give birth to Gistou as it is now known: you kidnapped her. Tortured her. And discovered her secret, that she was not, in fact, actually alive. Her distinct green skin was not from being a subset of the yellowskins. No, she was actually deceased, considered such, just as you had figured the hunters, you knew they were better known by a different name.

The little bastard vampire caught up, but he was too late. The fool had a choice between pursuing you, with your precious research, or saving the girl, and he decided to doom the world by doing the latter. And now, as the leader of the undead lycan wulden, you exposed the bloodsuckers for what they were, seized control of territory, and declared open war against the world. Most recently, you killed a general hailing from The Great Ridge, Aries Gratian, and have decided that momentarily, this shall serve as a convenient alias.
RoleYou are
Dmitri Damanos, Wulden Big Bad/Bulletproof/Ninja
You hold the following
factional abilities
  1. You know that
    Lady Lambdadelta
    , and
    (Iecerint + ActionDan) are your scum partners. Their roles will be listed in the first post of your private topic.
  2. You may talk in this private topic at any time.
  3. During the night, you may nightkill a player.
  4. Instead of a nightkill, once in the game, you may attempt to convert a player. If you perform the recruit and are successful, they will become a
  5. If you feel you need different town flavor, you may request some at any time.
In addition to the above, you hold the following
personal abilities
    : You are considered the
    of the Wuldens. Your fellow wuldens
    cannot control your night actions
    ; they must be submitted by you.
  2. You are immune to nightkills.
  3. If you are the one making the nightkill, it cannot be observed by any method.
  4. During pregame, you may select either "location" or "nation". Each night, in addition to any night action you perform, you may investigate a player and learn whichever you selected in pregame.
  5. As you are the big bad of Gistou, it would be inadvisable to claim your name. You have been given a fakeclaim,
    Aries Gratian
    X-shot Bulletproof: Aries Gratian wrote:Riding your horse faithfully, location to location, you drift. Once a proud general of the western empire, with the revolver to prove it, now you're nothing. Dmitri Damanos took everything from you. And you want revenge. You once held such great national pride, yet now...

    ...Now you don't care. You want all those supernatural bastards dead. Maybe they don't
    deserve it. You've personally worked with some hunters who were affable enough. But how do you know it wasn't all an act? You have no way of knowing. Rather safe than sorry. In this new land, in this blasted Gistou, all a man can do is fend for himself. Factional pride is great and all, but while you loosely support a good cause, what might be called the greater good, you don't consider yourself a devoted soldier of the human alliance.

    You will fight for them, and if necessary, you'll even die for them. But you will work on your own, because you need to prove to yourself that your life means something.
    X-shot bulletproof
    . The number of shots is your choice. His vest protected against
    nightkills, and would only be triggered when absolutely needed. He would be informed of when he had used a vest.
    Aries's home
    is your choice. 'Other' or 'West Empire' recommended.
    Aries's home
    is your choice. 'Other', 'Erimos', or 'Great Ridge' recommended.
    Aries's factional wincon was as follows: You win when all threats to
    Individual Humans
    have been eliminated.
You give the home
result of
You give the
result of
Great Ridge
You give the
result of

You win if all
are dead, and the
Wulden Faction
controls 50% of the town, or nothing could prevent this.
Confirm both via PM and thread; the game thread is here.

Spoiler: Luna Fox: Unread Risen Slave Faction Cop
Risen Slave Faction Cop
Demetria Kleon wrote:Alexis had taught you well. You remember when the world of Agnigi began to crumble down around you. The news spread like wildfire, as the supernatural aspects of the world slowly became common knowledge. Including your existence, the existence of those who were no longer alive, and yet still roamed among the living.

Undead aren't that different from humanity. They were humans. They can still reproduce like humans do, and it's not like it's easy to accidentally become undead. There's a reason Dmitri Damanos had to go through such great lengths to squeeze the secrets of your kind away. The only thing different is that they won't naturally age, that they're much harder to kill, and that humans can become undead.

...Yet in the world forming, in the Gistou replacing Agnigi, that's plenty enough for prejudice to exist. Alexis had warned you all. The underground undead had been laying low, ever since their birth when used for war. You weren't one of them. Like Alexis, you were the child of two undead greenskins, after the eastern kingdom was in a time of peace. You were born into the aftermath, as second-class servants of the higher-ranked.

It was a harsh life, of course, but it was still
. Life that was something you were grateful to live. Your gift is something that only a small fraction of the world can know. It has a few downsides, namely the stricter dietary needs and slight loss of taste from your understanding, but the gifts it provides are endless.

She told you that the undead had to do something. And she was right. Because the world was beginning to form. So, you, along with others sharing your concern, led the uprising. You bore no ill will to your masters. It was not a fight for freedom. It was simply a fight for survival, pure, simple, instinct, longing for continued life.

So you hold hope. If you could exist for centuries in the shadows...there could be a chance you could exist out in the open. There are threats in the world that want you dead. But if at all would coexist with any whom which coexistence would be possible. They teach an old saying on the Divitias: as ever as the river flows, time will wash away all the scars in the land, leaving a lush farm in its wake. You will fight to prove it right.
RoleYou are a
Risen Slave Faction Cop
You hold the following
factional abilities
  1. You may talk in this topic at any time.
  2. You know that
    , and
    (Albert B. Rampage + Errantparabola + Nahdia) all have access to that topic, and share these factional abilities.
  3. You know that
    , and
    (Albert B. Rampage + Errantparabola + Nahdia) cannot be human, vampire, nosferatu, lycan, or other. However, I offer no guarantee about wulden.
  4. Once in the game, during the night you may attempt to convert a human. This must be done in the above topic. If successful, they will join
    faction. This ability is used up regardless of success. The nightkill cannot be used the night the conversion is.
  5. During the night, you may nightkill a player. This must be done in the above topic.
  6. The nightkill cannot be done on consecutive nights.
  7. You cannot nightkill someone with access to the topic.
  8. While all players in the topic share these factional abilities, I cannot be more explicit:
    they are not guaranteed to hold your factional win condition
    . (As such, quoting your role PM in the green paradise thread will have the same effect as in the game thread: a modkill.) Use caution with what you disclose.
In addition to the above, you hold the following
personal abilities
  1. Faction Cop
    : During the night, target a player. You will receive results in the form of "Your target is a member of the [-faction-] faction." or "No result.".
  2. During pregame, you may select either "location" or "nation". Each night, in addition to any night action you perform, you may investigate a player and learn whichever you selected in pregame.
You give the home
result of
East Kingdom
You give the
result of
You give the
result of

Undead Risen Slave Wincon
: You win if all threats to a new humanity treaty are eliminated and at least one player with this wincon is alive.
Confirm both via PM and thread; the game thread is here.
Spoiler: dramonic: Undead Risen Slave racial checker
Undead Risen Slave
Eugine Lysander wrote:Alexis Galenos had been wise to gather you all together. She saw this coming, from the moment Dmitri stole the secrets of your kind away. War. Agnigi has fallen into despair. The once-beautiful land is about to burn, charred by the flames of Gistou. Yet from the ashes...can hope rise again?

You certainly hope so. You may have gone through drastic measures to get this far...but they should not be permanent. The undead rebellion is not one made out of desire for power. It is one made out of desire for peace, for life, for something that you had before but were dangerously close to losing. You will fight. You don't want to, but you will. The world is filled with good people. You still hold firm to this belief. And even though all the races are at each others' throats, you have had many life-long friendships with the denizens of your land, your masters, who you accepted happily.

It may have been a thousand years ago, time passes by so quickly on the Divitias that even you're not sure how long ago it was, but you distinctly volunteered for this. Not because of the benefits. Not because of the war. But because you wanted to make a difference in the world, to return the favors for all the kindness you had received.

Agnigi. You want it back. To that place, where on a good day, you could share nice long laughs. It must be.
RoleYou are an
Undead Risen Slave
You hold the following
factional abilities
  1. You may talk in this topic at any time.
  2. You know that
    Luna Fox
    , and
    (Albert B. Rampage + Errantparabola + Nahdia) all have access to that topic, and share these factional abilities.
  3. You know that
    Luna Fox
    , and
    (Albert B. Rampage + Errantparabola + Nahdia) cannot be human, vampire, nosferatu, lycan, or other. However, I offer no guarantee about wulden.
  4. Once in the game, during the night you may attempt to convert a human. This must be done in the above topic. If successful, they will join
    faction. This ability is used up regardless of success. The nightkill cannot be used the night the conversion is.
  5. During the night, you may nightkill a player. This must be done in the above topic.
  6. The nightkill cannot be done on consecutive nights.
  7. You cannot nightkill someone with access to the topic.
  8. While all players in the topic share these factional abilities, I cannot be more explicit:
    they are not guaranteed to hold your factional win condition
    . (As such, quoting your role PM in the green paradise thread will have the same effect as in the game thread: a modkill.) Use caution with what you disclose.
In addition to the above, you hold the following
personal ability
Racial Checker
: During the night, in addition to any actions you may take, you may
a player's
You give the home
result of
East Kingdom
You give the
result of
You give the
result of

Undead Risen Slave Wincon
: You win if all threats to a new humanity treaty are eliminated and at least one player with this wincon is alive.
Confirm both via PM and thread; the game thread is here.
Spoiler: Klingoncelt/Bacde: Undead Risen Slave Watcher
Risen Slave Watcher
Irene Gaios wrote:The world is in desperate need. You remember how bad things have been. As the mother of the undead, you've been there to see centuries pass and with time, recognize that many crises your nation have faced were nothing beyond trivial. Things have gotten bad before, bad enough for you to be born, bad enough for you to intervene, but even compared to those events...

Alexis was right to warn you. Such a good girl, a shining example of what the undead should be. She saw what would happen once Dmitri Damanos got a hold of your precious secrets. And once you heard her describe the ordeal she went through, you too knew she spoke the truth. The world was about to change, drastically, irreversibly. And what had worked for your people in the past would not work for you again.

If it had been just Alexis alone, the warning may have been listened to. But with you backing her, the decision was unanimous: the undead, so long hidden underground, would no longer sit idly by. While you lost track of Alexis in the chaos, you know that the Galenos's little girl, well, not so little anymore, but still an infant among your kind, would forever be remembered as the hero who saved her kind from extinction, even if not an entirely accurate description.

The uprising was...regrettable. While the infinite abyss of time has changed some undead into apathy towards life, you still hold every human to the highest regard. Happiness serving them was no illusion. Yet it was a necessity, you are sure of it, because your lives would have been in danger otherwise. You might have taken a significant portion of the Divitias, but many strongholds remain in human hands, not because you couldn't take them, but because you chose not to.

You agreed. You would be as strong as you needed to be, in order to survive. You would live. You would fight. You would gain recognition and with luck, earn peace. And then, return to a more normal life. At least, that's the hope. Gistou leaves things uncertain. It was so easy, overseeing everything in Agnigi. Now, all you can do is pray that the better future you see becomes reality.
RoleYou are a
Risen Slave Watcher
You hold the following
factional abilities
  1. You may talk in this topic at any time.
  2. You know that
    Luna Fox
    , and
    (Albert B. Rampage + Errantparabola + Nahdia) all have access to that topic, and share these factional abilities.
  3. You know that
    Luna Fox
    , and
    (Albert B. Rampage + Errantparabola + Nahdia) cannot be human, vampire, nosferatu, lycan, or other. However, I offer no guarantee about wulden.
  4. Once in the game, during the night you may attempt to convert a human. This must be done in the above topic. If successful, they will join
    faction. This ability is used up regardless of success. The nightkill cannot be used the night the conversion is.
  5. During the night, you may nightkill a player. This must be done in the above topic.
  6. The nightkill cannot be done on consecutive nights.
  7. You cannot nightkill someone with access to the topic.
  8. While all players in the topic share these factional abilities, I cannot be more explicit:
    they are not guaranteed to hold your factional win condition
    . (As such, quoting your role PM in the green paradise thread will have the same effect as in the game thread: a modkill.) Use caution with what you disclose.
In addition to the above, you hold the following
personal abilities
  1. During the night, target a player. You will learn everyone who visited them. This includes checks, which will be marked as "this was a check action".
  2. During pregame, you may select either "location" or "nation". Each night, in addition to any night action you perform, you may investigate a player and learn whichever you selected in pregame.
You give the home
result of
East Kingdom
You give the
result of
You give the
result of

Undead Risen Slave Wincon
: You win if all threats to a new humanity treaty are eliminated and at least one player with this wincon is alive.
Confirm both via PM and thread; the game thread is here.
Spoiler: copper223: Undead Risen Slave free-checker
Undead Risen Slave
Hermes Bion wrote:You were surprised to see it happen, but what the elders said would be willed so. All your (un)life, you've been moving from place to place within the eastern kingdom. It has been your home. Your way of life was drilled in since you were little. Serve the humans. Do their will. Lay low, stay out of the center of attention, but always be there for them no matter what.

These things aren't technically hard-coded into the undead, but the desire to serve was something programmed into your genes, in part because the original undead were weapons of war that were meant to be loyal, obedient slaves. It helped that your forefathers were all volunteers, naturally predisposed to help even without being commanded to. So after the war, after peace was obtained...that didn't simply go away. Almost every undead you've ever heard of has decided to live a happy life, working dutifully under the will of their masters.

Yet with Gistou understand why the command came. The undead had to defend themselves. Defend life, all life, even their own lives, at all costs. You can't say you're too happy about it. The need for undead to be out in the open, and even harming others, is close to their original, obsolete purpose, something you weren't even born into. But you'll take your role and help out where you can, because if all goes well...who knows? Maybe, peace can come. Time to fight for Agnigi.
RoleYou are an
Undead Risen Slave
You hold the following
factional abilities
  1. You may talk in this topic at any time.
  2. You know that
    Luna Fox
    , and
    (Albert B. Rampage + Errantparabola + Nahdia) all have access to that topic, and share these factional abilities.
  3. You know that
    Luna Fox
    , and
    (Albert B. Rampage + Errantparabola + Nahdia) cannot be human, vampire, nosferatu, lycan, or other. However, I offer no guarantee about wulden.
  4. Once in the game, during the night you may attempt to convert a human. This must be done in the above topic. If successful, they will join
    faction. This ability is used up regardless of success. The nightkill cannot be used the night the conversion is.
  5. During the night, you may nightkill a player. This must be done in the above topic.
  6. The nightkill cannot be done on consecutive nights.
  7. You cannot nightkill someone with access to the topic.
  8. While all players in the topic share these factional abilities, I cannot be more explicit:
    they are not guaranteed to hold your factional win condition
    . (As such, quoting your role PM in the green paradise thread will have the same effect as in the game thread: a modkill.) Use caution with what you disclose.
In addition to the above, you hold the following
personal ability
: Each night, in addition to any night action you perform, you may investigate a player and learn of
You give the home
result of
East Kingdom
You give the
result of
You give the
result of

Undead Risen Slave Wincon
: You win if all threats to a new humanity treaty are eliminated and at least one player with this wincon is alive.
Confirm both via PM and thread; the game thread is here.
Spoiler: Stormblade: Undead Risen Slave 2x-Bulletproof
Risen Slave 2x Bulletproof
Mark Nicanor wrote:Agnigi falls.

You sigh.

You didn't want any of this, but here you are. You knew Alexis was not just a frightened little girl, that she was wise beyond her years, so when she warned of the threat incoming, you of all people knew to take it seriously. After all...she contacted you first. She wouldn't have done that unless she thought it was something of grave...err, dire consequence. Huh, her sense of humor must have worn off on you, you muse for a short while. It could have also been proximity, given you were the closest of the elders to the great lake where she was rescued, but...

...You knew the Galenos girl to be skilled enough, even wounded, to get there by herself if she didn't think you needed to get involved. It's such a sad situation, a tragedy of the ages. The sweet little girl...what horrors she had to live through, only she truly knows. Damn that Dmitri Damanos! Not only did he hurt the child, he stole your secrets. You didn't even know he had done so until she told you as much. You never knew of his crimes. If you had...before the wulden became what they are...maybe you could have...

...No, you shake the thought away. You've seen things get bad before, but Gistou is a whole new level of hell. The last thing you need is another regret on record. It's bad enough things have come this far. The rules broken, the sacred oath you swore shattered...after all. As far as you're concerned, it was almost like yesterday when you first decided to sign up for the fight. You were weak, too weak for combat, or so you thought. And when the offer was given, even though the success rate was (at the time) low, you couldn't help but accept.

As one of the oldest, strongest, toughest warriors of the undead, you fought in constant battles, enduring everything, until after the posed the question. "My purpose has been fulfilled. Now what?" They easily could have done anything to you. They could have disposed of you all, pretended you never existed. They could have locked you away to be hidden if ever needed again, in a state neither fully living nor entirely dead, a fate worse than death for your kind.

They could have done any number of things...but what the great king said was, "You were a soldier. You deserve to be honored as such." The queen saw you as actual
. The aristocrats convinced them not to follow through on the full honor, pointing out the many practical reasons not to. Fear of your strength. How little they actually had to offer, with them in short supply of spoils already. The logistics of turning so many ordinary people that came from the lowlives to the higher class. It simply wasn't practical, but you heard the words from the man himself, and the intention was clear enough.

Even as you eventually fell into servitude, you made a clear vow. The undead oaths were your creation. You, and all the others, agreed to follow them universally, out of gratitude for your continued existence, for your eternal life. And since then, you have watched the humans wax and wane countless times, always content, always helping out in any way you could, while laying low. You promised you would.

However, painfully, you recognized that all the time spent as servants meant nothing to humanity, especially with their short memories. They had forgotten what you had done. They had forgotten the sacrifices you had made. They had forgotten how much you loved them. And in their fear, with the growing wuldens on the horizon, their alliance, as it was, would not differentiate between you and them. You would be eliminated, exterminated, out of ignorance.

And as much as you hated the needed to be done. You need to continue existing. You told yourself this. So with warning, you rose up. You took what was needed. And now, here you are...once again a war machine. But this time, willingly, you will be fighting for a cause: to bring peace not just to yourselves, but to all.
RoleYou are a
Risen Slave Two-shot Bulletproof
You hold the following
factional abilities
  1. You may talk in this topic at any time.
  2. You know that
    Luna Fox
    , and
    all have access to that topic, and share these factional abilities.
  3. You know that
    Luna Fox
    , and
    cannot be human, vampire, nosferatu, lycan, or other. However, I offer no guarantee about wulden.
  4. Once in the game, during the night you may attempt to convert a human. This must be done in the above topic. If successful, they will join
    faction. This ability is used up regardless of success. The nightkill cannot be used the night the conversion is.
  5. During the night, you may nightkill a player. This must be done in the above topic.
  6. The nightkill cannot be done on consecutive nights.
  7. You cannot nightkill someone with access to the topic.
  8. While all players in the topic share these factional abilities, I cannot be more explicit:
    they are not guaranteed to hold your factional win condition
    . (As such, quoting your role PM in the green paradise thread will have the same effect as in the game thread: a modkill.) Use caution with what you disclose.
In addition to the above, you hold the following
personal abilities
  1. Twice in the game, you will automatically be immune to kills. This ability is only activated when absolutely needed. When activated, it protects against
    kill attempts. You will be informed of when a vest has been used.
  2. During pregame, you may select either "location" or "nation". Each night, in addition to any night action you perform, you may investigate a player and learn whichever you selected in pregame.
You give the home
result of
You give the
result of
Great Lake
You give the
result of

Undead Risen Slave Wincon
: You win if all threats to a new humanity treaty are eliminated and at least one player with this wincon is alive.
Confirm both via PM and thread; the game thread is here.

Spoiler: Franky/RachMarie: Nicholas Schroder
Individual Nosferatu Roleblocker
Nicholas Schroder wrote:"If only..."
Every moment. Every second, every minute, every hour, every day. You wonder. You run your head through it, time and time again. If only things were different.

...But no. "It was the right decision."

You force yourself to say it. It was the right decision. You have to stick by that belief. It had to be. There couldn't have been a better option. You did the right thing.

"It's all my fault."

The doubt hits. The self-loathing.

You shake it off. Because you cannot afford that self-pity nonsense.

No. You know better. There was only one person to hold accountable for the doomed Agnigi. Only one person responsible for the rise of Gistou. It was
doing. Not yours.

Dmitri Damanos
. The leader of the damned. You were there to see it all start. Long before then. Your people have a rich history. You're fairly young for your kind, at a simple 100 years old, but were one of the first paleskins to come out of the shadows. Your kind had been lurking, laying low, albeit fighting the beasts all the same. Yet you were struggling. And in the jungles of Divitias, you were near a village, when you saw how they were struggling.

The elders were clear: vampires would be exterminated by humans. Some humans would be granted the gift to bring new blood in every once and a while, but otherwise, vampires were to interact, marry, and have children with other vampires only. Humans would only be last resort sources of nourishment. So approaching a center of population was against the rules.

...And yet...when you had personally seen the deadly damage the beasts could wreck...when you father had died in a mutual kill with a lycan, and your mother was killed by a lowly wild raptor...the suffering of humans was too great to see. So you acted. You emerged from the jungle, the experienced warrior you were, and killed the invading beasts effortlessly. Scared and timid, you tried to immediately retreat, however, the humans invited you in. You were sure it was a trap...and yet, they were grateful that you were able to help them.

After you left, the experience was...pleasant. Sure, their food didn't fulfill your dietary requirements...but it was still
. The soft beds, the wonderful was an intoxicating experience, so you made it a habit of staying near villages, and preemptively preventing beast attacks before they could begin.

First prolonged contact began after you fought a lycan, who nearly claimed your life. Wounded, you were in need of blood, though the only source was from the humans you had grown fond of. Rather than feed, you decided it would be acceptable to die, since it was your choice to defend them and you weren't about to betray them.

...Yet once more, when the villagers saw a wounded paleskin, they decided to try and heal you. It would be a death penalty to reveal you needed blood to the humans, but you tried as many substitutes as possible for blood, and over time, their food was enough to, in a few months, slowly mend the damage done. This prolonged exposure was unheard of before, yet others of your kind had already began to make much the same. You even earned a name for your kind: hunters.

So a relationship was born. After healing, you continued to wander the lands, helping out villages as you could, for 70 years, roaming from place to place. Helping those in need, you took the title of hunter with pride. Your job was to hunt the monsters of the world down. You believed in peace, not only between the three realms, but also between your kind and humanity. Hunters could now operate out in the open, rather than dwelling in the shadows. And it was a good life to have, a symbiotic bond where you would work together: your kind to protect them, their kind to give you life.

Most didn't take the job as seriously as you did, then again, that made sense. To them, humans were simply an opportunity. Humans were a chance to have a life they otherwise wouldn't be able to afford. But to you, humanity was, and still is, something magical. So it was only natural that when you received the unusual request...that you would accept the challenge, proudly. Not because it would be a challenge, like some hunters would. Because it was the right thing to do.

Alexis Galenos
. She reminds you of the girl that first approached you when you were wounded, all those year ago. You hope she is safe. She's still alive. You know that. Even through the current chaos of the Eastern Kingdom, you know she is still alive. And that was the right call to make, no matter what all the other hunters may say, if they ever knew.

The greenskinned girl was confident and compassionate when approaching you. She instantly knew you were a kindred spirit, wishing to help out everyone. She had traveled far just to find you, just to locate someone who would actually take the request seriously, and you listened. You listened well, as she pleaded for the lives of her villagers, to have you help them with their bandit problem.

Dmitri Damanos, the groden raider, she had described. Scourge of the eastern kingdom, nuisance of the western empire. You waited for him to come...and when he brought two dozen bandits to his side, you showed him why hunters were known to hunt even the toughest of beasts, which you had been asked to classify him as. Unusual as the request sounded, it was something that for some reason you accepted. Knowing what's happened since're not sure if maybe you somehow knew on an instinctive level, or if it was just bad luck and an unfortunate coincidence that led to these events.

You tracked him. Time and time again, you skirmished. As you saw the threat he posed, your conviction grew. He had to be stopped, at all costs. You intercepted him. You got ahead of him. You halted most of his attacks. You followed him, you pursued him, you never gave up on putting a permanent stop to his attacks, because whenever you were late, whenever you were unable to be fast enough, you saw the devastation he wrought. You saw the villages in suffering, the burning homes, the corpses everywhere, the wailing cries of broken families, and you knew.

You knew you were destined to fight him. To take him down. You continued to help others as you could, though you swore you would never lose him. And when he retreated into his lair rather than suspected a trap, but backup would not come. He could have had a rear exit to the hideout. So the only way to be sure, absolutely sure, that he did not escape was to spring the trap.

Your first mistake.

The fight was long and bloody, but his second stabbed you in the back before escaping. This allowed Dmitri to nearly chop you in half with his greatsword, and he even emptied a clip of his revolver into you. broke the holy rule. In desperation, you revealed your true face, your full nature, to a human not in the know, a human not in good relations with the hunters, to save your life, because if you couldn't stop Dmitri, you had a feeling nobody could.

As he fled, you tried to pursue, however, in your still-weakened state, he escaped. And he disappeared, underground, for ten years. You still searched. You still hunted bandits, and also killed corrupt humans, even finding hints of the occult that you tried to eliminate, but always, you were unable to find him. Dmitri had vanished, without a trace.

...Until Alexis was stolen. Alexis...the horrors she went through were absolutely unforgivable. Dmitri was a threat before, though he had, seemingly intentionally, turned it personal. She was innocent. Yet when you found her, weakened, Dmitri cast her aside. "You have two options, Schroder: either continue pursuing me to stop my research I extracted from her...or save the girl's life. The choice is yours, but we both already know what you're going to do."

It was the right choice.

If you gave chase, then there was no guarantee you could have caught Dmitri. He may have still escaped and put his undead research into motion anyway. Especially since he, at the time, held the strength of a lycan, and was already a threat as just a simple human.

Alexis may be undead, but she's not invincible. You only learned of her secret from Dmitri in your last fight; all the same, you knew she couldn't live unless you gave her immediate care. He was right. You both knew what needed to be done. She's alive. Because of your decision, your choice, she lives still.

It wasn't long after that Dmitri declared war on the world. You knew the hunters could not survive, so you left Alexis, still recovering, to steal the secrets of lycans. The vampires were unwilling to risk their own hides for it. So you put the good of the people ahead of everything else, and experimented on yourself. The first nosferatu. The first hybridization of vampire and lycan. You did it to prove that it was viable, it was possible, that hunters could stand a chance in the upcoming war.

But you had no idea the consequences of your actions.

What the council decided to do with their'll have none of that.

So you've left to wander the world, on your own, alone.

Three sins on your shoulders.

But given the chance to go back and change wouldn't.

It was the right choice. And now, you'll have to live with it and fight for the peace you still believe in. Agnigi isn't lost. It should never be forgotten. It's simply something that you must earn.
RoleYou are an
Individual Nosferatu Roleblocker
You hold the following
factional ability
  • Once in the game, you may attempt to convert a player. If you are successful, they will become a member of the individual nosferatu faction. You will gain a topic with them.
In addition, you hold the following
personal abilities
  1. Full Free-checker
    : Each night, in addition to any night action you perform, you may investigate a player and learn
    your choice
    of their location, nation, or race.
  2. During the night, you may target a player.
    actions they perform will be blocked.
You give the home
result of
You give the
result of
You give the
result of

Individual Nosferatu Factional Wincon
: You win when all threats to a new humanity treaty are eliminated and at least one player with this wincon is alive.
Confirm both via PM and thread; the game thread is here.

Spoiler: Expedience: Alexis Galenos
Individual Undead Cop
Alexis Galenos wrote:The burden of war is a great one to bear.

It would be so easy to block it all out.

It would be so easy to run away, to hide, to retreat.

It would be so easy to forget, all the horrible things that have happened while you were around. The
consequences of your actions.

If only you were actually the human you often dreamed you were.

But know very good and well, you are not. The
truth? You're not exactly flesh-and-blood. And so, all the terrible things are fresh in your memory, and no matter how much you would try to wash them all away, they would always come flooding back. That would be assuming you even tried in the first place.

As it don't think you ever could want to forget. No...these are things, no matter how awful, that must be remembered. You cannot lose sight of how it all began, of how Agnigi fell to Gistou, the world falling apart at its seams. You close your eyes. You pause. You take a deep breath in, and as you permit the memories to come back.

You remember how you were
. The rules said to always be in the background and to never reveal your secret, while serving the humans. The result was a shy, timid little girl, who had little to say. Yet you always held this energy about you, as you pranced around, happily, whenever nobody was around. You would explore, you would look around, and when you saw humans, you were always around.

The village where you were born was poor. In it, greenskins like yourself could easily be used as desperate manual labor just for them to stay alive. After all...they needed all the help they could get, and your people wouldn't mind too much. The humans you were around were forced to work harder than greenskins in most areas of the eastern kingdom...and perhaps, it is for that reason, that they refused to force that labor onto you. They treated you as equals, and you bonded with them.

This life, one where nobody would be green with envy, was what your kind was always meant to be. In harmony, in peace, with humanity, and not only as servants, but as sentient life, considered equal to each other, even if you had abilities they did not. You always thought that the undead shouldn't be forced to live their lives this way, that it should be a willing choice.

You would be happy being their servant, but not required to be their servant, especially not if they wished you their equal. The deception seemed unfair, it seemed unnecessary, it seemed like an undead horse kept alive unnaturally long. And for your childish views, the elders by and large did not approve. Especially as you got closer and closer to the humans.

They feared you could disrupt the system, and you didn't care, because you believed in humanity. You believed in their kind compassion. You believed that even in the worst of situations, they would still see the same in you, as you did in them. You would help them, but not because of some obligation to. Because it would be the right thing to do. Helping others, helping life, that is always right. And in spite of your puns to the contrary, all undead are still alive.

When you saw the suffering of the villages, you vowed to help them. The elders continued to lay low. They did what they could, but they were afraid. You were not. So when the word of the bandit attacks reached you, you went to see for yourself the devastation of Dmitri Damanos, and it was then you knew. You knew he had to be stopped. You couldn't get help from the others, and no matter your natural powers, you would be ill-suited for the task, especially if the need to take a life--even a bandit one--

So you contacted him. Nick...
Nicholas Schroder
. The shy, timid girl you had been needed to die. You would be humble, still. You knew your limits. You knew you had nothing, other than the kindness of your heart, to offer. You knew it was crazy. Countless other hunters had refused, so what would one more be? You had to try. So you intercepted information about where he was heading, and waited. And waited. For weeks, waiting, hoping, praying, he would show up.

And when he did, without hesitation, you came up to him. You laid out the situation to him, clearly, and tearfully begged for his help. He had to. Nobody else would listen. In him, you saw a spark of something familiar. It took you next to no time to understand...he, too, felt the compassion for humanity you so cherish. That empathy, true empathy, not mere sympathy, not convenient, but from the bottom of his heart, his soul, a feeling of utter love, not to one person, but to all of them.

So he smiled, and he made it his task to pursue. You would travel from place to place. Sometimes, Dmitri Damanos would even see you. He almost burned down your home village, but you confronted him and told him to stop, that he would not wish to. He laughed at the premise. "What would a girl like you possibly have to threaten me with?"

"Nothing. And that's the scariest thing, isn't it?"

Dmitri didn't know you weren't just a human, at least, not at the time. It was from that moment onward that he would make a point of encountering you as often as he could, if only to smirk. The devil would always leave the moment Nick came around. You always encouraged him. You knew he most likely wouldn't need it. If he was at all like you, he would never give up. And yet, all the same, you felt it needed to be vocalized, for him to hear the words you were both thinking.

"Don't let go. Don't lose sight. Never surrender yourself."

You didn't know the secret of the hunters until Dmitri himself told you much later. But it didn't matter. As far as you were concerned, you two brought out the humanity in one another, fighting for a worthy cause. Eventually, Nick was able to corner Dmitri in his lair, but Damanos found a way out, and vanished, without a trace, laying low. Undeterred, you told Nick not to give up, and he never did.

He could have easily settled down at any point, in a village he had helped. He had their gratitude for life. But it wasn't in his nature, so you wouldn't ask it of him. You continued your life in the village, as just another villager, just that one girl who happened to be momentarily brave enough to make a difference by asking the question that would change fate forever, by pleading for the lives of the living.

Ten years, this happiness lasted. At the young age of 34, even by human standards you were barely above being an adult.

...And then HE came back.
Dmitri Damanos
. Before, when you had stared into the eyes of that monster, you had seen just a despicable human. But when the beast came for you, you saw the new demon inside of him. He was different. The lowly bandit who you didn't really want dead, simply stopped, was no more. Any trace of compassion, any trace of humanity, anything even remotely resembling an interest in the normal life was gone.

He had shared his vision before, in a delusion. It was simple. The boy had a bad background, made a lot of wrong choices in life, toughened up, had a hard shell of an exterior, and wanted simple things. He wanted wealth, he dreamed of power, he also lusted after women like you. No doubt he was still a monster, even then, but he was little different from any number of other ambitious, prideful, sinful humans.

...Yet this new look of his was something else. When you had faced him before, you held fear for others, but none for yourself. You saw through him, and knew that he was nothing special, nothing remarkable. His destruction needed to be put to an end, but it was nothing catastrophic. He was human. Was.

That look in his eyes, that expression of pure trace left of what he was before, and for the first time ever, you felt fear for yourself. He had purpose, he had a drive, something so strong that it was now a threat to everything alive. As he squeezed your throat, he made it clear in no uncertain terms his conditions.

"Normally, I would offer you a choice of coming, or watching the village burn, and then after you inevitably came, burning the village down anyway. Regrettably, I still have use for stealth a bit longer, so your village will survive...for now."

He didn't even need to offer the choice. As if you had one. If you refused, he'd kill and murder until you were either forced to submit, or chose to willingly come. And true to his demented word...he let your village live, if only because it was convenient for him to have you disappear without a trace. The whole village burning would be a neon sign advertising his return, whereas the loss of a single villager would go unseen.

The unspeakable things Dmitri did...puncturing every part of your body, over and over again. Bleeding you out. Sapping your strength. Beating you, over and over again. Hitting, striking, abusing...cutting, piercing, would break anyone else, but you still held hope, that maybe someone got the message to Nick. And yet, Dmitri tormented you further.

"Schroder would catch on before anyone else, naturally, so I sent a distraction to keep him busy. Even a hunter has trouble against a full pack of lycans. Or should I say...even a vampire holds trepidation when facing their natural enemy. The paleskinned bloodsucker is one tough son of a bitch, but even if he survives that assault, it will keep him busy for long enough that my troops will have already done their damage."

And it was at that moment, Dmitri's words sunk in. 'Your village will survive...for now.' Long enough for him to have his way with you for a while. Long enough for him to, repeatedly, experiment on you, torture you, and find every limit to what you are, what you can and can't do. Just long enough...and no longer. Then he would announce his presence, in the most public way possible, to broadcast a message specifically to Nick.

"I have
. Come and get me."

That is what the deaths of every human you had ever known cost. And, worse, Dmitri taunted you, with the knowledge that your own kind was for the first time truly afraid to fulfill their oath. In shock, in horror, instead of helping the humans out, they had hidden, they had fled, because they didn't know what to do. They had felt powerless. They had frozen up. You couldn't blame them for it, not after having personally lived through the ordeals of this new Dmitri.

But boded ill for the future of the world. Nick did manage to get the message. He survived, albeit weakened, and was able to track you down. But by that time, you were a bloodied rag. An almost literal husk, starved, deprived of everything. You did what you could to weakly smile, to show your spirit was not broken. But your body most definitely was.

"You have two options, Schroder: either continue pursuing me to stop my research I extracted from her...or save the girl's life. The choice is yours, but we both already know what you're going to do."

Dmitri had cast you aside, left you to die...but Nicholas saved you. He brought you to a nearby village to heal, and stayed with you until you could speak, and you demanded of him one simple task. "Take him down. Whatever hope he had has been thrown away. I'll be fine. I'll live. You have your work to do, and I have mine."

As he parted, you don't know what happened to him, but you can guess. If you know him, he's still alive, still blaming himself for his failures, but ready to fight all the same. You're ready too, and this time, you won't rely on others. Not after what happened when you returned to your own kind, warning of what had transpired.

You told them what would happen. You had seen the eyes of madness, and knew what the world was in for. The undead had to act. When they finally did, you wished they had not. They threw away everything. All their vows, the ones you used to hate, the ones you thought were outdated, they discarded. The oaths broken, but which you wish now were upheld. They could have used adjustment, you thought. They had a basis in truth. They had good ideas behind them, and the intention was noble.

With the undead as they are cannot stand among them. The absolute last thing that should happen is undead subjugating humans, no matter their intentions, no matter whether they think it good for the rest of the world. Instead, the role of the undead should always be to let things develop naturally. Whatever will happen, will happen.

You know that the undead should not be inactive. You plan to fight, like all of them. your own way, with your own approach, your own attitude, where the will of the world, the greater will of humanity as a whole, guides the path of how things go. They very well could decide to exterminate your kind. But you pray for the best, that instead, you were not wrong.

You've seen the best of the hunters. You've tried to be the best of the undead. You've witnessed, time and time again, on countless occasions, the absolute best of humanity, and you know that the worst humanity has is nothing in comparison. You've even seen the forces humanity is up against, and yet your will holds strong, your belief that if you continue to pursue a noble path, and everyone else does the same, that inevitably, everything will work out alright.

"I suppose I should
to the occasion." It may have elicited a stereotypical groan from your fellow undead, but you can't help it. Even after all you've been through, you haven't lost yourself. You hold faith in the world, that everything will still work out in the end, that maybe everyone won't be dead inside.
RoleYou are an
Individual Undead Cop
You hold the following
factional ability
  • Once in the game, you may attempt to convert a player. If you are successful, they will become a member of the individual undead faction. You will gain a topic with them.
In addition, you hold the following
personal abilities
  1. Alignment Cop
    : During the night, target a player. You know the following results are possible: "Your target is not a threat to your faction" (unambiguously, ally), "Your target is a threat to your faction" (unambiguously, enemy), "Your target could be a threat to your faction" (ambiguous), and "No result".
  2. During pregame, you may select either "location" or "nation". Each night, in addition to any night action you perform, you may investigate a player and learn whichever you selected in pregame.
You give the home
result of
East Kingdom
You give the
result of
You give the
result of

You win when all threats to
Individual Undead
have been eliminated.
Confirm both via PM and thread; the game thread is here.

Spoiler: KuroiXHF: Hans Pohl
Individual Vampire Doctor
Hans Pohl wrote:You always were an abnormality among hunters. Most had spent the majority of their time learning how to kill various things. Perhaps you never bothered too, simply because you innately were just too good at it. Between your sharp instincts, natural talents, and tranquil fury at the failures of the world, you held the skills to kill even before becoming a hunter.

The memories of that time come back painfully, a constant reminder of what is never to be. "'re a vampire, right?"

"...How do you know about vampires?"

"Shut up for a moment. You're my patient. You're injured, and even with your abilities, you're not going to survive without food. I'm here to help you."

"I still need to know how. This is important."

"Because I've spent half my life searching for cures to rare diseases. Vampirism isn't ideal, I know that, but it was among the potential miracle cures I discovered."

" you're someone like
, aren't you?"

"Figured it out, eh?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry. Especially if you wanted to continue living a normal life."

"The moment I saw you, I figured where this was headed. I'm prepared."

Even after being turned, you continued to focus not on refining your combat potential, but on the healing arts you had so strongly studied. Immortality offers limitless amount of time to study the anatomy of various creatures. Back in those days, you may have stooped to some...ah, vivisections, here and there, on some potentially-not-fully-dead subjects...but that was mainly in keeping to the code of the vampires in existence at the time: secrecy above all else, unable to be out in the open.

And it was all for a good cause. You're no mad scientist. All your work, to gain knowledge, is for one simple objective, the greater benefit of fundamentally understanding the nature of bodies, how they work, what they're strong against, what they can tolerate, and even what they're weak to, among other arts.

Eventually, you realized there was only so much you could do from the shadows. Killing is only half the picture, after all, and not the half you even wanted to focus on. Secretly, even before hunters were known as hunters, you traveled the nations to find their various methods of treating patients. You studied hard, from a distance, and whenever you could disguise yourself, closer up. Even sometimes, you would operate in the open, in places you were certain no other vampires were and where no rumors of your kind could possibly exist.

What you discovered was that--while each nation's primary methods had its merits--they all had their painful shortcomings. The herbal knowledge of the northern tribes was great, and you studied much from them, but they only knew of about 25% of the world's plants and how they could be used. The eastern kingdom had, through their understanding of the supernatural, mapped out the workings of the body on a fundamental energetic level, but these mystical treatments could not cure all ailments. The western empire had pioneered understanding of the body on a pure scientific level, but they had only scratched the surface. All three only vaguely recognized the workings of the others. Yet you decided to combine them all.

At first, secretly, biding your time. With the lifespan of a mere human, you would never have learned all three. But with the benefits of being a vampire, slowly but surely, you learned to master all their techniques, even pioneering some of your own to take things a step further. In all your progress, you earned a name. Miracle-man, they would call you. Because you dared to dream of a world where humanity doesn't need to become like you in order to break the natural barriers of life.

You immersed yourself in the deepest ravines of the Great Ridge, submerged yourself across the Divitias, traveled extensively the wide range of Erimos, and lived largely in the heart of the Great Lake itself. You would still fight, like any other vampire, against the beasts of the world. Time and time again, you would test your body to its limits, and you would find yourself testing others as well. All until no more could be learned, all until you could teach others what you had learned...and even still, you wandered, from location to location, helping others...because of that dream. Because...if you had known all you know now...maybe, just maybe,
would still be alive.

...Perhaps not. It was hundreds of years ago. And there's not definitive foolproof answer, even now, for whether there'd have been a guarantee. But still...if you had known what you know now, then at least she would have had a chance. Just a chance, to maybe live the long life she so desperately deserved.

Upon her death, you swore that vow. Most hunters pretend to be altruistic. You know better, especially given personal experience. They always have a motivating factor for their actions, even if that motivation is to fulfill a promise made to protect everyone, to save the lives of as many people as is supernaturally possible.

Your oath differs from that of most hunters, in that you have dedicated yourself to make a difference. As a healer, as a medic, as a magic-worker, a mystic, a doctor, and if needed, protector. Among the first hunters to come out of the shadows full-time, you wander consistently from place to place, location to location.

Not only would you fight off beasts, from simple grodens to mighty lycans, but you would stay and mend, teach your medicine to others, always helping them as much as you could. In your mind, that was, and still is, the
acceptable life for a hunter. Not for food, not for convenience, not for a lie, but for the good of the people, fighting for what's right, with a personal motive for doing so.

So when the rest of your kind made the decision to evolve your race into turned your back on them. They offered; you flat-out refused. Sure, nosferatu would be stronger than vampires, but you're not doing what you do for power. You're doing this for love. You lived by their amoral system, but were also among the first to defy it for good reason. The sins of the past should never be forgotten, instead, used as a reminder: the actions you committed while following their rules got you this far.

It is an obligation to not let that time be meaningless. It is a duty to make sure it meant something. All the lives lost, including the one you most wanted to save...they have put you where you are now. You don't need to become better. What you need to do is serve others. To heal, to help, to protect, to fight for the greater good.

So when your kind dominated a large portion of the northern tribes, you made the decision to migrate there. A normal hunter might assume it would be to hide in a safe place, among your own kind. But remember what it's like to be a hunter, even if they have forgotten with their tainted blood. Your objective, your goal, is simple: help the others wronged by them.

Miracle-man. That's your job. They would still call you by that name. Skin color be damned! Paleskin or not, with that strong desire to help others shining through, you hold confidence you will make a difference in Gistou, which now more than ever before needs your help, you, last of your kind.

The humans might discriminate against you, not unjustifiably, either. But you'll live. You'll bear that burden, suffer if needed. Because you believe that the shortcomings of the past are no reason to fail in the present. They might not acknowledge what you do, but they don't need to. That's not what you're after. You're out there for one simple reason: life above all.
RoleYou are an
Individual Vampire Doctor
You hold the following
factional ability
  • Once in the game, you may attempt to convert a player. If you are successful, they will become a member of the individual vampire faction. You will gain a topic with them.
In addition, you hold the following
personal abilities
  1. During the night, target a player. They will be protected from any attempts on their life.
  2. Racial checker
    : During the night, in addition to any actions you may take, you may
    a player's
You give the home
result of
Northern Tribes
You give the
result of
You give the
result of

You win when all threats to
Individual Vampire
have been eliminated.
Confirm both via PM and thread; the game thread is here.

Spoiler: Titus: Gyles Kaiser
West Empire Champion
Gyles Kaiser wrote:Swift Justice Strikes Hard
The mighty industrial titan of your homeland knew no equals. You had come from the depths of the great ridge, rising its cliffs and living in the depths of the desert, all for the strengthening of your ultimate empire. The emperor had hand-selected you, above all candidates, for this extreme training.

Donned in the toughest of steels, with the strongest of blades ever forged, you were to command the forces of your entire nation in war, the master commander, general second only to his mighty himself in fielding the troops. You never stopped improving, keeping faithful to your nation's motto, pressing forward always.

There was never an idle moment. Place to place within your realm you would go. You would learn every aspect of every trade, to master the logistics of war. You would see your people, motivate them, encourage them, test them, and be tested by them. Your training never stopped. All for the inevitable conflict you saw coming, with
Panther Timon
of the east, and
Adrian Burkhard
of the north.

This was your destiny, to be the warlord of the west, their grand leader. Or so you thought. After all your preparations, you thought you were ready for any foe, and then, the wuldens--from your own territory, no less--appeared out of seemingly nowhere and uprooted everything. You were on the front lines, fighting battle after battle, determined not to die to such scum, but unfortunately, any victory was merely Pyrrhic in nature, and forceful retreats had to be made, time and time again, as you were outflanked and overwhelmed.

Your philosophy of never retreating was put constantly to the test, as progress could not be made. Your nation in shambles, your only comfort was in the knowledge the hunters, the paleskins, the bloodsucking nosferatu had damaged the northern tribes, and that soon after, the undead had destroyed the west. But from the ruins of the human nations, an opportunity arose, to bring new meaning to the term: with the world evolving into Gistou around you, so too could the humans change their stances, their philosophies. And thus, the alliance was born.
roleYou are the
West Empire Champion
  1. Rivalry knowledge:
    You know that there are two other human champions:
    Panther Timon
    of the
    Eastern Kingdom
    , and
    Adrian Burkhard
    , of the
    Northern Tribes
    . There may be other champions in existence as well, however, if so, they would differ from the three human champions' symbiotic relationship.
  2. Teeth-clenched teamwork:
    You hold a
    conditional X-shot bulletproof vest
    . This is an
    instantly-applied action
    . X = the number of
    human champions dead
    . You will be informed how many vests you hold. These vests protect against
    nightkill attempt, and are applied
    before any protective role
  3. Any attempt to recruit you to a different faction will fail.
In addition to your status as a champion of humanity, you hold the following
personal abilities
  1. During the night, target a player. If they are
    not a human
    , then you will
  2. Once in the game, during the night, you may target a player. If
    they do not share your nation
    , they will die. This takes the place of your non-human kill.
  3. Once in the game, during the night, you may target a player. If
    they do not share your faction
    , they will die. This takes the place of your non-human kill.
  4. Old Grudge:
    If you target
    Panther Timon
    Adrian Burkhard
    , regardless of whether they fit the conditions for your nightkill or not, you will kill them.
  5. During pregame, you may select either "location" or "nation". Each night, in addition to any night action you perform, you may investigate a player and learn whichever you selected in pregame.
You give the home
result of
West Empire
You give the
result of
Great Ridge
You give the
result of

You win when all threats to
West Empire
have been eliminated.
Confirm both via PM and thread; the game thread is here.
Spoiler: No Retreat: Panther Timon
East Kingdom Champion
Panther Timon wrote:My Honor Is My Life.
The people have always looked up to you. From even an early age, you've gone up and down the Divitias, visiting countless villages, and asking to be treated not as the noble-blooded aristocrat your heritage provides, but as a simple commoner. You desired to feel their pain, their suffering, to share their lives and experiences, to know what they go through on a daily basis. These teachings have always been given to the knights of your grand kingdom, serving the people by serving the monarchy.

Nobody took them seriously, except for you. The humble scholar-warrior, taught both by the scrolls of your libraries and by the harsh experience of the world around you. Endlessly, you would work, you would spend time training among the commoners, be it brownskin, yellowskin, blackskin, or even the lowly greenskins. You had been chosen, even from a young age, to lead the armies of your nation should war ever arise. Your fate was inevitably one where you should have been destined to die in battle, in combat, and thus, you had little need for material wealth. Instead, you would donate what you could to the masses, as--after all--if war ever did erupt, having an army actually
to fight out of love and admiration would fight far more passionately and effectively than an army conscripted purely out of fear or need.

Long has been your desire to clash with the mighty champions of west and north,
Gyles Kaiser
Adrian Burkhard
. An honorable, one-on-one, fight to the death has been an ambitious desire you've held since birth, since your fate was revealed to you, for if you were to triumph over your rivals, it would prove the domination, the superiority, of the eastern kingdom over the world, and your people would thrive. You have even received personal training from hunters, at the time your cherished friends and allies, who taught you the art of beast-hunting, of slaying your foes mercilessly, and yet you always held empathy for those you wished to serve.

...And then, Gistou broke loose. All the ideas you had once held close to you were shattered, one after another. The hunters were themselves monsters, who stole large sections of your land. The wulden tainted the lands you had known so well. Then, the undead rose up, utterly destroying your homeland, leaving it mere ruins of what it once was, and now, in a desperate bid for survival, all three remnant nations have banded together, teeth-clenched teamwork begrudgingly put into place as a last-ditch effort to fight back on a unified front.

To say the least, you are not amused. But you will take the opportunity as it has been presented. You're still the knight defending your pride, your kind, your race, the few pieces left of your nation, of your people. Your enemy is not who you thought it would be, but you will fight them all the same, and you will not rest until you have regained what you so rightfully deserve.
roleYou are the
East Kingdom Champion
  1. Rivalry knowledge:
    You know that there are two other human champions:
    Gyles Kaiser
    of the
    Western Empire
    , and
    Adrian Burkhard
    , of the
    Northern Tribes
    . There may be other champions in existence as well, however, if so, they would differ from the three human champions' symbiotic relationship.
  2. Teeth-clenched teamwork:
    You hold a
    conditional X-shot bulletproof vest
    . This is an
    instantly-applied action
    . X = the number of
    human champions dead
    . You will be informed how many vests you hold. These vests protect against
    nightkill attempt, and are applied
    before any protective role
  3. Any attempt to recruit you to a different faction will fail.
In addition to your status as a champion of humanity, you hold the following
personal abilities
  1. During the night, target a player. If they are
    not a human
    , then you will
  2. Once in the game, during the night, you may target a player. If
    they do not share your nation
    , they will die. This takes the place of your non-human kill.
  3. Once in the game, during the night, you may target a player. If
    they do not share your faction
    , they will die. This takes the place of your non-human kill.
  4. Old Grudge:
    If you target
    Gyles Kaiser
    Adrian Burkhard
    , regardless of whether they fit the conditions for your nightkill or not, you will kill them.
  5. During pregame, you may select either "location" or "nation". Each night, in addition to any night action you perform, you may investigate a player and learn whichever you selected in pregame.
You give the home
result of
East Kingdom
You give the
result of
You give the
result of

You win when all threats to
East Kingdom
have been eliminated.
Confirm both via PM and thread; the game thread is here.
Spoiler: Almost50: Adrian Burkhard
Northern Tribes Champion
Adrian Burkhard wrote:The Winter Soldier
You had always known you were destined for greatness. Your great and mighty tribe, migrant as they were, was one of the few to have an equal spread of yellowskins and pinkskins. The child of two ethnicities, you were the ultimate byproduct of this unity, this symbolic relationship between your kind, of how the northern tribes no no bounds and would forever break down the conventional barriers for the sake of unity, of pride.

A master frontiersman from even an early age, you were equally skilled at mounting raptor, groden, and horse alike. While you keep a raptor named Lilith and a groden named Zach as pets, your most faithful companion is your trusted steed
, so named because he has the white mane so associated with the paleskinned people you had only heard of before the rise of Gistou brought them to your doorstep.

An absolute prodigy of the bow and sword alike, it was decided that you had far too much potential to waste among your tribe alone, and you above all other candidates were chosen to train in the sacred hunting grounds of the Erimos, ranging from location to location as you slowly underwent various training. Soon, rumors of your importance began to spread. It did not take long for your name to be known across all the tribes. The great and mighty Adrian Burkhard, champion of the north.

Should the need for combat ever arise, your people would call upon you to charge into the fight and lead your people to victory. It was when you learned this was your destiny that your mentors first mentioned
Panther Timon
of the East, and
Gyles Kaiser
of the West, your conterparts in the lands below. You figured that you would always be the one to kill them, proving the glorious might of the northern tribes and allowing an indefinite peace to befall the land.

Unfortunately, it was not to be. With the rise of the wulden, that fate is never to be. With the nosferatu scum having invaded your prized, precious homeland and stolen your ancestral housing, and the turmoil of the undead rising soon to follow, the humans of the three nations have banded together, and now you face a new challenge: fight for all of humanity, to unify the world.
roleYou are the
Northern Tribes Champion
  1. Rivalry knowledge:
    You know that there are two other human champions:
    Panther Timon
    of the
    Eastern Kingdom
    , and
    Gyles Kaiser
    , of the
    Western Empire
    . There may be other champions in existence as well, however, if so, they would differ from the three human champions' symbiotic relationship.
  2. Teeth-clenched teamwork:
    You hold a
    conditional X-shot bulletproof vest
    . This is an
    instantly-applied action
    . X = the number of
    human champions dead
    . You will be informed how many vests you hold. These vests protect against
    nightkill attempt, and are applied
    before any protective role
  3. Any attempt to recruit you to a different faction will fail.
In addition to your status as a champion of humanity, you hold the following
personal abilities
  1. During the night, target a player. If they are
    not a human
    , then you will
  2. Once in the game, during the night, you may target a player. If
    they do not share your nation
    , they will die. This takes the place of your non-human kill.
  3. Once in the game, during the night, you may target a player. If
    they do not share your faction
    , they will die. This takes the place of your non-human kill.
  4. Old Grudge:
    If you target
    Panther Timon
    Gyles Kaiser
    , regardless of whether they fit the conditions for your nightkill or not, you will kill them.
  5. During pregame, you may select either "location" or "nation". Each night, in addition to any night action you perform, you may investigate a player and learn whichever you selected in pregame.
You give the home
result of
Northern Tribes
You give the
result of
You give the
result of

You win when all threats to
Northern Tribes
have been eliminated.
Confirm both via PM and thread; the game thread is here.
MOD NOTE: In the event two champions are nightkilled in the same night, the kill submitted first will be the champion killed first, and therefore the second champion will gain a vest instantly, negating the nightkill attempt on them.

Spoiler: Heartless: Northern Tribes Neighborizer
Northern Tribes Neighborizer
Edith Stein wrote:Hunters weren't the first international exploiters of trade. For them to exist in the first place, they had to take advantage of an already-existing tradition: the merchants traveling the world had existed long before the paleskins emerged from the shadows. You would know, as the Stein family has been a highly-respected name among the northern tribes for generations, their wealth and power giving significant influence in the world of village politics.

Still, in spite of your loyalty to the tribes, your passion has always been the thrill of traveling the world, if for no other reason than to see the sights of the world. The riches to be rewarded from cunning bargaining is an added bonus. A favorite camping spot? The wild Great Lake itself, the cultural melting pot of the world, where all three nations would come as equals.

With the rise of Gistou, the lifestyle you have grown so accustomed to is now in danger, and if for no other reason than the pride of merchants everywhere reviling what the hunters have done, you will fight for what's right. After all...merchants are, inherently, tough, in order to survive the various monstrosities they're up against. None more so than the northern tribes merchants.

It's no coincidence that hunters were once rumored to be a lost tribe of your homeland, and it's time to demonstrate exactly why your kind has such a fierce reputation. The treasures of Agnigi are in danger. Wulden, nosferatu, undead, doesn't matter to you. When someone tries to take what is rightfully're going to show how precious your belongings are cherished.
roleYou are a
Northern Tribes Neighborizer
You hold the following
personal abilities
  1. You may talk in this topic at any time.
  2. During the night, target a player. They will be added to the Trader's Wagon topic.
  3. During pregame, you may select either "location" or "nation". Each night, in addition to any night action you perform, you may investigate a player and learn whichever you selected in pregame.
You give the home
result of
You give the
result of
Great Lake
You give the
result of

You win when all threats to
Northern Tribes
have been eliminated.
Confirm both via PM and thread; the game thread is here.

Spoiler: Skybird/DrippingGoofball: Gordian Lucilus
West Empire Friendly Neighbor
Gordian Lucilus wrote:You have been a devoted servant of the emperor your entire life. While you might lack the strength of a mighty warrior, you proudly toiled away in the smiths of the Erimos mountains, their molten fire giving you your innate strength, a survivor, a soldier, a successful businessman and a proud member of the western empire.

And then...all of Gistou broke loose. From the storm of the wulden, your nation was felled, and yet, you hold on strong, hold on hope. You're no natural-born leader, but in lieu of other options, you would rally other survivors to your banner. Though no champion of the people, you would gladly lay down your life for the sake of your fellow compatriots.

So now, you wander through the ruins of the empire, sweeping the land in search of allies. Humanity, especially after the betrayal of the hunters, had decided to fight together, unified, against the supernatural. The thought of serving the east kingdom did bother you slightly, though the undead rebellion helped mitigate that concern. Now, all three would truly be on equal terms, fighting together for the same thing, and still you remain loyal to your original home.

It's time to strike back. And you're not afraid to announce this to the world.
roleYou are a
West Empire Friendly Neighbor
You hold the following
personal abilities
  1. During the night, target a player. They will be informed of the following: "
    Gordian Lucilus
    , a human from the Western Empire hailing from Erimos."
  2. During pregame, you may select either "location" or "nation". Each night, in addition to any night action you perform, you may investigate a player and learn whichever you selected in pregame.
You give the home
result of
West Empire
You give the
result of
You give the
result of

You win when all threats to
West Empire
have been eliminated.
Confirm both via PM and thread; the game thread is here.
MOD NOTE: If the friendly neighbor is recruited, they do not lose their ability. HOWEVER, their new status will be reflected accurately.
These extras are:
/DrippingGoofball is
Gordian Lucilus
, an other from the Western Empire hailing from Erimos."
/DrippingGoofball is
Gordian Lucilus
, a lycan/wulden from the Western Empire hailing from Erimos." (Depending on the recruiter.)
/DrippingGoofball is
Gordian Lucilus
, a vampire/nosferatu from the Western Empire hailing from Erimos." (Depending on the recruiter.)
/DrippingGoofball is
Gordian Lucilus
, a vampire from the Western Empire hailing from Erimos."
/DrippingGoofball is
Gordian Lucilus
, a nosferatu from the Western Empire hailing from Erimos."
/DrippingGoofball is
Gordian Lucilus
, an undead from the Western Empire hailing from Erimos."
/DrippingGoofball is
Gordian Lucilus
, an undead from the Western Empire hailing from Erimos."
They will be informed of this if they are recruited, as to not catch them by surprise and accidentally out themselves as scum.
Spoiler: Toogeloo: Individual Human Bodyguard
Individual Human Bodyguard
Ingrid Wolf wrote:The hunters had to have gotten the idea from somewhere, and the Wolf family knows exactly where: from them. For as long as there have been merchants traveling the roads, there has been a need for warriors to defend them. While many merchants are of the sort where they can defend themselves, you know all too well from your family's long line of traditional work the myriad of wimps among merchants.

All the better for business. Your father and mother taught you from birth how to handle weapons, how to protect an envoy, even how to run interference. You mastered riding raptors and horses from a young age, and have been trained in all the tools of a traditional guardian. From blunderbuss to bow, sword to shield, you are able to use any in whatever situation may arise, and with the rise of Gistou, the need for your services has only grown.

You will fight for humanity, and put your skills to good use. After all, you have a point of pride. Your family was once one of the richest in the known lands, but since hunters have encroached on your business, your wealth had declined, in spite of the risks remaining just as great as before. So, it's time to settle the score. Bandit-turned-cult wuldens, hunter-turned-enemy nosferatu, or you? Who will win the roads? Well, you intend to find out.
RoleYou are an
Individual Human Bodyguard
You hold the following
personal abilities
  1. During the night, target a player. If they were to be killed, you will die in their place.
  2. During pregame, you may select either "location" or "nation". Each night, in addition to any night action you perform, you may investigate a player and learn whichever you selected in pregame.
You give the home
result of
Northern Tribes
You give the
result of
You give the
result of

You win if all threats to
Individual Humans
have been eliminated.
Confirm both via PM and thread; the game thread is here.

Spoiler: BBMolla: Individual Human Jailkeeper
Individual Human Jailkeeper
Julia Otho wrote:Your family once held a significant position of power in the western empire, long before Gistou came to be. You were trained in your family's traditions, in suppressing your opponents with militaristic skill, taught to serve the empire with faith, and yet, you never felt like you could gain recognition among your own family.

While the western empire was fairly progressive, there were still some holdouts clinging to the old ways...among them, the Otho family from which you came. With them insisting you could never be who you dreamed to be, a bitterness grew within your heart, and distanced you from the path of the western warriors.

This, as it turns out, might have actually saved your life, given the butchering of the academy you would have attended by the wuldens. You had instead decided to travel the land and learn some healing arts, and at the time of Dmitri Damanos's rise to power, you were studying in the Great Ridge. His attacks did eventually reach you, but by that time, you were prepared. It turned out your childhood training ended up saving your life when the escape route you had planned was intercepted by nosferatu, and it was on that day you decided your course:

From one land to another, loyal to none but humanity itself, you would fight for the sake of others, proving yourself by using all your knowledge at once, regardless of whether they wanted your help or not. Because in this new land...sometimes, people don't know how much they need each other.
RoleYou are an
Individual Human Jailkeeper
You hold the following
personal abilities
  1. During the night, target a player. You will protect them from any and all nightkills, while also blocking
    actions they perform.
  2. During pregame, you may select either "location" or "nation". Each night, in addition to any night action you perform, you may investigate a player and learn whichever you selected in pregame.
You give the home
result of
West Empire
You give the
result of
Great Ridge
You give the
result of

You win if all threats to
Individual Humans
have been eliminated.
Confirm both via PM and thread; the game thread is here.

Spoiler: TheWayItEnds: Individual Human racial checker
Individual Human
Drusilla Balbinu wrote:The eastern kingdom is known for many things. Being progressive, sadly, not among them. Their strong emphasis on traditional values has kept the status quo for thousands of years, leaving ambitious women like you to fend for themselves.

Since childhood, you have always dreamed of escaping, so when the opportunity arose to stow away on a merchant's wagon, you took it without looking back at your home life. From there, place to place, you would wander, a poor child in poverty, but bit by bit, you would pick up skills from various places. You got to meet many hunters back before they were revealed as vampires, and even got to see one fight a lycan up close, terrified as you were!

You even had seen, having come from the eastern kingdom, many greenskins before they were known as undead. And you began to appreciate life everywhere. In your studies, you became fascinated with the world, deciding that, as an adult, you would become an adventurer, strong enough to wander the world and document the many fascinating aspects of Agnigi.

Eventually, you even began to accept your roots in the eastern kingdom, acknowledging that all the many things you have seen since then would not have happened had you been born elsewhere. So when the undead destroyed your home nation, you were a bit sad, but ever the optimist, you decided to use this as a new opportunity: it would be a chance to prove yourself, and to travel the world anew.
RoleYou are an
Individual Human
You hold the following
personal ability
Racial Checker
: During the night, in addition to any actions you may take, you may
a player's
You give the home
result of
East Kingdom
You give the
result of
You give the
result of

You win if all threats to
Individual Humans
have been eliminated.
Confirm both via PM and thread; the game thread is here.

Spoiler: Cane + Able/Wake88: Northern Tribes Vanilla
Northern Tribes Human
Kurt Rainer wrote:You've always lived a peaceful life. The pinkskin tribe you originate from had no set location, so to you, being on horseback (your tribe's specialty) was home. You would always watch in awe as tribal leaders would negotiate with other fellow northern tribesman whenever you rode into their territories, and were ever the eager hunter.

You thought this was the life you would always live. That when you got older, you might fall in love, marry, and continue the same life your parents had taught you how to live. And yet...with the rise of Gistou, the paths once so sacredly traveled by your tribe were in severe danger of nosferatu attacks. Wuldens could encroach at any time, and the risk of undead attacking was not outside the realm of possibility. Fights erupted, and the tribe divided.

The unity you once felt, the home you had sought, now shattered, you've made up your mind: for the sake of the people, you will fight.
RoleYou are a
Northern Tribes Human
You hold the following
personal ability
During pregame, you may select either "location" or "nation". Each night, in addition to any night action you perform, you may investigate a player and learn whichever you selected in pregame.
You give the home
result of
Northern Tribes
You give the
result of
You give the
result of

You win if all threats to
Northern Tribes
have been eliminated.
Confirm both via PM and thread; the game thread is here.

Spoiler: rb: Individual Human Vanilla
Individual Human
Tatiana Ruffins wrote:You've never had much interest in the world. Living in the Erimos range, you were one of only a few humans to owe loyalty to neither the northern tribes nor the western empire. While they had certainly fought over this domain before, you lived in a sweet spot, a neutral zone between the two.

The mountains gave everything you ever needed in life. There was game a plenty to hunt, and many a plants to farm or to forage from for a diverse diet. With the bountiful rainfall, water was never in short supply. It was no wonder why your lands would be so desired. But you never held interest in the affairs of mankind. What you wanted was the quiet life.

Gistou rendered that impossible, and as you were forced to flee from both wulden and nosferatu, you vowed you would reclaim your homeland and fight for humanity.
RoleYou are an
Individual Human
You hold the following
personal ability
During pregame, you may select either "location" or "nation". Each night, in addition to any night action you perform, you may investigate a player and learn whichever you selected in pregame.
You give the home
result of
You give the
result of
You give the
result of

You win if all threats to
Individual Humans
have been eliminated.
Confirm both via PM and thread; the game thread is here.

Spoiler: A Song of Ice and Fire: Individual Human Vanilla
Individual Human
Aelia Caelickson wrote:You never knew what you were going to be in life. The western empire had always been progressive with its beliefs, and it would be possible for someone like you, from a lesser-known family, to be anything you wanted to be if you set your mind to it.

And yet, in spite of this, you hadn't any idea what you would devote yourself to. Equally talented in all fields, and yet lacking the devotion to commit to any, you were directionless, and as you were near graduation from your school, everything changed. Displaced from your homeland, with your nation destroyed by the wuldens, your school tattered just before you were to receive a general education diploma, you finally had an answer: it didn't matter
you would help, but you were going to fight for humanity, because the suffering around you was simply too much to ever be acceptable.
RoleYou are an
Individual Human
You hold the following
personal ability
During pregame, you may select either "location" or "nation". Each night, in addition to any night action you perform, you may investigate a player and learn whichever you selected in pregame.
You give the home
result of
West Empire
You give the
result of
You give the
result of

You win if all threats to
Individual Humans
have been eliminated.
Confirm both via PM and thread; the game thread is here.

The original dream featured three prominent characters: the villainous bandit-turned-cult-leader who ruined the world (Dmitri Damanos), a persistent hunter pursuing him doggedly (Nicholas Schroder), and the girl the bad guy (who liked her) kidnapped, the love interest of the hunter (Alexis Galenos). This is why those role PMs are significantly longer flavor-wise than the others.
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Post Post #8443 (ISO) » Fri Sep 02, 2016 9:20 pm

Post by Frozen Angel »

too many confirmed towns.

this was really based on assuming mafia will kill town members :(
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Post Post #8444 (ISO) » Fri Sep 02, 2016 9:24 pm

Post by mastin2 »

In post 8439, davesaz wrote:I spent so much time searching the names and terms to try to decode the flavor -- and it turns out to not be based on anything.
Hey, technically it was!
A dream is still something! :P

But yes, that
the general idea. :P
I do think cult recruiting non-consecutive nights made it pretty unlikely that they could reach a winning position.
Imagine this.
There's no town vigs left, because they all got strongman killed early on. (This was a very realistic scenario! I anticipated that the champions would claim early. Something about the way I designed their roles made me think: "Of ALL the roles in the game, these are the ones most likely to claim early.")
The cult can recruit every night.
The town must lynch cult every day, and in order to actually eliminate the cult, they must then rely on SCUM to kill the cult every night.
This, when the cult may have already infiltrated or even flat-out taken over the scumteams.

Wouldn't you say that would be overpowered? In that scenario, the cult would never be likely to be in a position they
win. It'd take an act of luck to take them out. And, in fact, an act of luck is exactly what did take you out. The watch N1 was luck. The watch N2 (which further condemned Nosferatu) was luck. The recruits were luck. The roleblock was luck. It was a series of unfortunate bad luck events, but without them, the game could have gone...very differently.
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Post Post #8445 (ISO) » Fri Sep 02, 2016 9:27 pm

Post by Frozen Angel »

Town had 3 vigs

Imagining there is no town vig left + the fact cult couldn't exceed 7 members (never could get 7 members cuase that was really really hard thing to do) is saying no? it wouldn't be over powered.
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Post Post #8446 (ISO) » Fri Sep 02, 2016 9:27 pm

Post by mastin2 »

In post 8441, Frozen Angel wrote:I'm really really angry at isolatinist strongman, Like really really really angry
You and literally every other scum player. :P
The wulden faction was really angry at them for killing Mathblade, the player they were setting up for endgame. Without Mathblade, the wuldens didn't have any player who could last long.

The isolationist faction was really angry at them for killing rather than recruiting, since they were the universal scumread of everyone. Without them recruiting, they condemned their faction to a loss.

So, you're not alone there! :P
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Post Post #8447 (ISO) » Fri Sep 02, 2016 9:28 pm

Post by Frozen Angel »

+ I did not counted the two other kills which were in game.

cult needed to survive in 5 kill hell each night

I think it was way more useful than a night kill for a cult to let them cult everynight
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Post Post #8448 (ISO) » Fri Sep 02, 2016 9:30 pm

Post by Frozen Angel »

In post 8446, mastin2 wrote:
In post 8441, Frozen Angel wrote:I'm really really angry at isolatinist strongman, Like really really really angry
You and literally every other scum player. :P
The wulden faction was really angry at them for killing Mathblade, the player they were setting up for endgame. Without Mathblade, the wuldens didn't have any player who could last long.

The isolationist faction was really angry at them for killing rather than recruiting, since they were the universal scumread of everyone. Without them recruiting, they condemned their faction to a loss.

So, you're not alone there! :P
why didn't they recruit?

why didn't they use their strongman on almsot50? why the fuck they were so obvious scum ...

I mean what the hell ...

they kindda lost the game for all of us >.>
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Pronoun: She

Post Post #8449 (ISO) » Fri Sep 02, 2016 9:31 pm

Post by Frozen Angel »

In post 8445, Frozen Angel wrote:Imagining there is no town vig left + the fact cult couldn't exceed 7 members (never could get 7 members cuase that was really really hard thing to do) is saying no? it wouldn't be over powered.
fixing that sentence

imagining there is no vig left is unreasonable + ...
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False smile brings pain to one's self

"Frozen Like Your Heart." -Ginngie

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