DEFCON Mafia 3.0 - Over, American Victory!

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DEFCON Mafia 3.0 - Over, American Victory!

Post Post #0 (ISO) » Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:18 am

Post by AlmasterGM »

[DEFCON Mafia 3.0]

"Everybody dies. Again."


The year is 2035. Fifty years have passed since the events of DEFCON Mafia 2.0, where the United States defeated Russia and China in a massive nuclear conflict. After the war ended, the United States reissued an updated, more sinister version of the Truman Doctrine. Dubbed the "Freedom Doctrine," the policy declared that the United States would wage immediate and total war on any nation practicing communism. The legislation also made it an act of treason for any American citizen to propogate or support communism.

In the years that followed, America grew increasingly nationalist as it campaigned around the world, stomping out any traces of communism it could find. As the US ran out of nations to obliterate, "communist" slowly warped to mean "not capitalist." In 2020, the world was rocked by the OPEC-American War, where the United States seized control of massive portions of the Middle East under the premise that controlling oil flow to fix prices was a violation of the Freedom Doctrine.

Meanwhile, the European Union was slowly transforming into a massive socialist conglomorate. Major milestones included the borderless work permit programs in 2002, free university education in 2009, public health care in 2018, followed finally by the dissolution of individual member states' militaries into the singular EURFOR in 2030. National citizenship came to represent little more than heritage. While much of this could be construed as a violation of the Freedom Doctrine, the United States had largely ignored it, not wanting to pick a fight with a the massive power that was once its greatest ally.

Until now.

In this game, you represent some of the greatest military minds of the era. You have been summoned by your respective nations to lead their militaries through what could potentially be the conflict of the century: war between the United States and the European Union. With access to a myriad of tactics and weapons, including the "Red Button," the fate of the world lies in your hands. Will you negotiate peace illustrious diplomacy, undermine the enemy at night through conventional subterfuge, or rain nuclear destruction on the globe? The choice is yours.

[NORAD SYSTEM] Initiating automated satellite scan…
[NORAD SYSTEM] Scan commencing.
[NORAD SYSTEM] All systems normal. No irregularities detected.
[NORAD SYSTEM] Resetting scan range…
[NORAD SYSTEM] Scan commencing.
[NORAD SYSTEM] All systems normal. No irregularities detected.
[NORAD SYSTEM] Resetting scan range…
[NORAD SYSTEM] Scan commencing.
[NORAD SYSTEM] All systems normal. No irregularities detected.
[NORAD SYSTEM] Resetting scan range…
[NORAD SYSTEM] Scan commencing.
[NORAD SYSTEM] All systems normal. No irregularities detected.
[NORAD SYSTEM] Resetting scan range…

"By golly, this has to be the worst fucking job in the entire armed forces."
"Meh, at least we're safe."
"Safe? Safe from what? Nothing happens! Russia and China got their asses nuked fifty years ago. Nobody else is a nuclear threat to the United States. Yet here we are, sitting in this god-forsaken underground mountain shithole, watching a screen flash the same words over and over and over and over...
"It's really..."
"And that goddamn beeping. The BEEPING. I swear to god, man, I'm going insane down here."
"You need to chill out, dude. Ask for leave, or something. Anyway, it's not that bad - they're appointing a new set of commanders today. Should be interesting."
"Oh are they? Well, thank god - an hour break from an eternity of monotony."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah..."
Last edited by AlmasterGM on Fri Jul 29, 2011 6:15 pm, edited 15 times in total.
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Post Post #1 (ISO) » Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:27 am

Post by AlmasterGM »

[Rules and Regulations]

[General Rules]

1) All site-wide rules apply.
2) Unless your role PM permits you to do so, do not discuss this game with any player outside the game thread.
3) Do not edit or delete posts.
4) Do not post in the thread when dead. A single "bah" post with no game-related content is permitted.
5) Using smaller-than-normal text, invisible text, external encryption and decryption tools, or any other technological tool to hide information in your posts is prohibited.
6) Spamming (defined as posting more than three times sequentially or otherwise excessively posting, even if it is for strategic purposes) is prohibited.
7) Do not quote any communication you have with the moderator, including timestamps. Careful paraphrasing is acceptable.
8) Inactivity kills games – please be considerate and play the game you signed up for. If you do not post in the thread every 48 hours, you will be prodded. If you do not post 24 hours after that, you will be replaced. If you receive 3 or more prods, you may be automatically replaced without additional warning at the moderator's discretion. Please notify me if you will be V/LA.
is the reserved moderator color. Please refrain from using it.
10) To cast a vote, post a bolded
command in the thread. Unvotes are not required to change your vote.
11) A player will be lynched when they have received a majority of votes. Once a majority has been reached, all players may still converse until the moderator arrives to close the thread, but no game actions may be taken (including nuclear launches).
12) If no player reaches a majority of votes by the deadline, a no-lynch will occur. If you do not wish to lynch before the deadline, you may
Vote: No lynch
just like a normal vote on a player.
13) This is a full reveal game. Upon death, that player’s alignment and any abilities they had will be flipped.
14) There is zero-tolerance for being deceptive with the moderator commands (posting
when you do not possess a missile silo in nuclear launch mode, for example). Violations of this rule may be punishable by modkill on the first offense at the moderator’s discretion.
15) Flavor is written for your enjoyment only and has absolutely no relation to in-game alignment. Analyze it at your own risk.

***All the rules above also apply to any posts made in Quicktopics***


There are 19 American players.
Spoiler: United States of America Role PM


Welcome to DEFCON Mafia 3.0, [PLAYERNAME]! You are a well-established and important member of the American military. Fifty years ago, the United States successfully wiped Russia and China from the map. But where were your European allies while the nuclear weapons soared through the air? Where were they as America battled its way around the globe, purging tyranny and protecting freedom? Aiding us in our hour of need ... like we did for them? No, they were busy off increasing taxes and destroying private industry with programs like "socialized medicine." They are a mockery of everything America has fought for and are a threat to global freedom and stability. You must use your military prowess to enforce the Freedom Doctrine and defend America from the European menace.

You are aligned with the United States of America. You win if, for 72 hours, all threats to the USA have been neutralized and at least one American remains alive.

Please confirm in the game thread, located here:, by choosing whether or not to vote for Total War. Good luck!



There are 5 European players.
Spoiler: European Union Role PM


Welcome to DEFCON Mafia 3.0, [PLAYERNAME]! You are a brilliant military tactician and a high-ranking officer in the EURFOR. For over a century, America was one of your greatest allies. In the past few decades, however, the world’s only superpower has disappeared down a dark path. Fueled by nationalism, military-industrial complex, and their victories against China and the USSR, America’s quest to spread freedom across the world has turned from a noble pursuit to blind fanaticism. You realize that it is only a matter of time before the America runs out of enemies, brands socialism as a form of communism, and turns on you and your European allies. Today, you have convened a task force of five of the EU’s most renowned military leaders to attempt to succeed where everyone else has failed: launching a first strike against the United States and putting its quest for “freedom” to an end before it destroys everything in its path.

[PLAYERNAME], [PLAYERNAME], [PLAYERNAME], and [PLAYERNAME] are your fellow European colleagues. You may communicate with them at any time here: [URL]. You are reminded that communications are not always secure.

You are aligned with the European Union. You win if, for 72 hours, all threats to the EU have been neutralized and at least one European remains alive.

Please confirm in the game thread, located here:, by choosing whether or not to vote for Total War. Good luck!



There is 1 terrorist.
Spoiler: Terrorist Role PM


Welcome to DEFCON Mafia 3.0, [PLAYERNAME]! Some people just want to watch the world burn. You are one of those people. You hate organizations, treaties, pacts, and politics. You hate the United States. You hate the European Union. Hell, you hate EVERYONE. And your opinion has been silenced for far too long. Fortunately, as a rouge military general, you have an extremely clear avenue for expressing your political opinion: blowing stuff up. You don’t plan to rest until everyone and everything is dead. It would be nice if you live to tell the tale, but if not, oh well – at least your name will be eternally remembered in the history books as the man who put the term “Mutually Assured Destruction” to the test.

You are aligned with only yourself. You win if everyone else has been neutralized, even if you are no longer alive.

Please confirm in the game thread, located here:, by choosing whether or not to vote for Total War. Good luck!



[Game Phases]

This game will be divided into traditional day and night phases as well as a series of levels of military alertness, known as “DEFCON.” The levels and their various characteristics are as follows:


Normal readiness
– 72 hours or until all players have confirmed.
a) Discussion and confirmation only. Regular votes cannot yet be cast.
b) Players with private communication channels (quicktopics) may talk openly.
c) Players vote whether to declare Total War.

Increased intelligence watch and strengthened security measures
– 72 hours.
a) Discussion only. Regular votes cannot yet be cast.
b) Players submit their deployment choices (missile silo or troops) via PM.
c) In addition to participating in the standard draft system, the terrorist receives an automatic free troop of his choice.

Increase in force readiness above that required for normal readiness
– Two weeks or until lynch.
a) Players may cast votes.
b) Following a lynch, a 48 hour night phase will occur.
c) All militaries switch to encrypted callsigns. Players with private communication channels may still talk openly at any time, but any messages sent during the day phase have a 15% chance of being captured by Wikileaks and having their contents posted publically in the thread.
d) The terrorist gains the following activated ability:
Terrorist attack:
{Each night, you may kill target player.}

Further increase in force readiness, but less than maximum readiness
– Two weeks or until lynch.
a) The European Union gains the following factional ability:
Stealth Bomber:
In order to defend yourself against the Americans, your military aerospace engineers have outfitted the EU Air Force with the cutting edge in stealth technology. You are capable of conducting air strikes anywhere in the world with precise and deadly force. {Each night, you may kill target player.}
b) All other characteristics are identical to DEFCON 3.

Maximum readiness
– Two weeks or until lynch, repeating.
a) Nuclear launch becomes available to all players deploying missile silos in nuclear launch mode.
b) The game continues as normal in this DEFCON, cycling through the night and day phases, until a win condition has been achieved.
c) All other characteristics are identical to DEFCON 2.

[DEFCON 5 Specific Procedures]

During DEFCON 5, players confirm by choosing whether to declare “Total War” or fight conventionally. If ALL players vote to go to Total War, DEFCON 3 and 2 will be skipped; the game will proceed immediately to DEFCON 1 following DEFCON 4. Otherwise, the stages will progress as normal.

[DEFCON 4 Specific Procedures]

During DEFCON 4, players choose what forms of military they wish to deploy – a missile silo (which grants the ability to nuclear launch during the day) or troops (which grant the player a normal activated or static ability).

Missile silo

An unlimited number of players may choose to deploy a missile silo. Silos operate in one of two modes – nuclear launch mode and anti-ballistic missile mode. Silos are deployed in nuclear launch mode by default. During the night phase, you may change the mode your silo is deployed in by PMing the mod.

Silo options:

Nuclear launch mode:

As the commander of a nuclear facility, you have the red button. One little push and a wave of destruction like no other will be unleashed upon the world. {Once each day, if the game is in DEFCON 1, you may attempt to kill another player by posting the command
in the thread. It will take 72 real-life hours for a nuke to hit its target. You may cancel nuclear launches by posting
Abort launch
in the thread up to 48 hours after firing. Nuclear strikes continue regardless of whether the game is in day or night phase or whether the launching player is still alive – note, however, that if the game enters night phase, a launch cannot be recalled as the thread will be locked.}

Anti-Ballistic missile mode:

The ABM missile systems are counter-ICBM rockets designed to shoot down incoming enemy warheads. {The first nuclear launch targeting you each day will fail.}

Death by nuclear strike:

Nuclear missiles are deadly – even if you aren’t killed in the initial blast, a slow death by radiation is sure to follow. If you aren’t tough enough to handle the grueling experience, there is an easier way… {If you are being targeted with a nuclear missile, you may post
I do not wish to die a painful radioactive death
in the thread. This will cause you to commit suicide and leave the game immediately.
***WARNING***: This command is irrevocable and cannot be reversed or prevented by any means, including the battleship, fallout shelter, or abort launch. If you post it, you instantly die.


If you choose to deploy troops, you must participate in a draft system to determine which forces you are placed in command of. Each troop represents a different ability. Some abilities are activated and can be used only during the night phase; others are static and have a constant effect. Unlike missile silos, which can switch between firing modes, armies take significant time to deploy. Your initial choice is permanent for the entire game.

With the exception of the terrorist’s free choice, only
instance of each troop can be drafted. If multiple players desire the same ability, a randomization system will be used to distribute it. The calculations operate as follows:

a) I will attempt to award all players their first choice.
b) If multiple players have selected the same first choice, it will be awarded randomly.
c) I will attempt to award all players who did not receive an ability during the first wave their second choice.
d) If multiple players have the same second choice, it will be awarded randomly.
e) And so on, until all abilities have been distributed.

Thus, it is
recommended that you send a list of multiple choices ranked by preference in case you do not receive your first choice. If you do not send me a preference by the time DEFCON 3 begins or you only send a single troop choice and you do not win it, a missile silo will automatically be deployed for you.

Troop options:

The fast and lightweight fighter is easily able to penetrate enemy territory, making it the perfect craft for reconnaissance. {Each night, you may target a player. I will reveal to you what deployment that player has made.
Note: Factional abilities are not revealed.

Knowing is half the battle, and when a nation needs to know, it relies on its clandestine organizations like the CIA or MI6 to get the job done. {Each night, you may target a player and choose a faction you are NOT aligned with. I will reveal to you whether that player is aligned with that faction or not.}

Aircraft Carrier:
The monstrous aircraft carrier is capable of parking itself just outside territorial waters, allowing it to shoot down enemy troops or ICBMs before they leave enemy territory and become a threat to the globe. {Each night, you may target a player. All abilities activated by that player that night fail. During the following day, all nuclear launches made by that player fail.}

Mobile, hidden in the wide open sea away from population centers, capable of withstanding even the most directed air strikes, and armed with an array of incredibly powerful weapons, a battleship is one of the safest places on the planet. {Each night, you may target a player. Until the next night phase, the first time that player would be eliminated, they survive instead. You cannot target yourself.}

The night may be dark, but your radar screen is neon green. And it’s hard to miss stuff flashing in neon green. {Each night, you may target a player. I will reveal to you any players that player targets.
Note: The Stealth Bomber and terrorist attack are factional abilities and cannot be detected.

Labeling documents "TOP SECRET" is useless if the enemy can walk right in and grab them off your desk. There are also other things that one might want to keep secret, like photos of ... stuff ... and ... yeah. Consequentially, it is unsurprising that governments have devoted just as many, if not more, resources to counterintelligence than intelligence gathering itself. {Each night, you may target a player, choose an ability that “reveals” a result, and choose a legal result for that ability. If that player is targeted with the chosen ability, it resolves with the result of your choice instead of its normal result.
Example: Player A, Espionage, Yes: Causes Player A to appear to be aligned with the selected faction if targeted with Espionage.
One night per game, you may secure all private communications as though it were DEFCON 5 until the end of the next night phase.}

Silent and deadly, a submerged nuclear submarines can survive for months without surfacing and can creep incredibly close to enemy shores without being detected. {You may launch nuclear weapons as though you possessed a missile silo in nuclear launch mode without revealing yourself as the aggressor.}

A crucial part of the Allies’ success during WWII was its ability to crack into German communications. It worked then. Why wouldn’t it work now? {In DEFCON 3 or below, whenever a member of an opposing faction communicates with another member of its faction privately during the night, there is a 15% chance the message will be intercepted and its contents PM’d to you. During the day, this possibility increases to 30%.}

Air Base:
Capable of deploying a wide variety of response aircraft within seconds and fortified to the brink, any infrastructure surrounding the air base becomes incredibly difficult to penetrate. {You are immune to all non-nuclear activated abilities.
Note: This includes the Stealth Bomber and terrorist attack.

Fallout Shelter:
Duck and cover is for novices. {You are immune to nuclear strikes.}

Fail Safe:
Courtesy of Dr Strangelove or: How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. {If a player targets you with a nuclear launch, you automatically launch a nuclear weapon at that player. If you are killed by the Stealth Bomber, you may make a single post in the thread containing only the words
up to 72 hours after your death. Your nukes cannot be recalled or prevented.}

If you have any questions at any time, feel free to post them in the thread or PM me and I will answer as quickly as possible. Remember, this is a game and it is meant to be fun. Do your part and enjoy yourself!
Last edited by AlmasterGM on Sat Jun 11, 2011 6:39 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post Post #2 (ISO) » Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:28 am

Post by AlmasterGM »

[Game Information]

[NORAD SYSTEM] Querying your request...
[NORAD SYSTEM] Results found.



Backup moderator:
Trumpet of Doom
Andrius & Vi

[Game Status]

Over, American victory!
Deadline counter:

Radiation level:
A lot of nuclear weapons have detonated to date

[Important Events]

DEFCON 5 begins
DEFCON 4 begins
Internet Stranger replaces Zhero
Day 1, DEFCON 3 begins
RedCoyote lynched Day 1
SpyreX blown up Night 1; Day 2, DEFCON 2 begins
AurorusVox lynched D2
ooba blown up Night 2; Katsuki bombed Night 2; Day 3, DEFCON 1 begins
MagnaofIllusion nukes SocioPath
Internet Stranger nukes Revenge of the Wei
MagnaofIllusion commits suicide
PookyTheMagicalBear nukes Gammagooey
Revenge of the Wei nukes Swift Justice
Regfan nukes Magua
Swift Justice nukes Regfan
Magister Ludi lynched Day 3
Mina nukes Lady Lambdadelta
Toogeloo bombed Night 3; Day 4, DEFCON 1 begins

[Living Players]

gorilla (American, Eavesdrop) - Survived
HezLucky (American, Fail safe) - Survived

[Deceased Players]

RedCoyote (American, Missile silo) - Lynched Day 1
SpyreX (American, Missile silo) - Blown up Night 1
AurorusVox (American, Missile silo) - Lynched Day 2
ooba (American, Espionage) - Blown up Night 2
Katsuki (Terrorist, Missile silo & Aircraft carrier) - Bombed Night 2
SocioPath (American, Submarine) - Nuked Day 3
Revenge of the Wei (Vi & CSL hydra) (European, Missile Silo) - Nuked Day 3
MagnaofIllusion (American, Missile silo) - Committed suicide Day 3
Gammagooey (European, Aircraft carrier) - Nuked Day 3
Swift Justice (Equinox & Faraday hydra) (American, Missile silo) - Nuked Day 3
Magua (American, Radar) - Nuked Day 3
Regfan (European, Missile silo) - Nuked Day 3
Magister Ludi (American, Fallout shelter) - Lynched Day 3
Lady Lambdadelta (European, Missile silo) - Nuked Night 3
Toogeloo (American, Counterintelligence) - Bombed Night 3
Screaming Death Clan (Fate & xRECKONERx hydra)
(American, Air base) - Nuked Day 4
ToastyToast (American, Fighter) - Nuked Day 4
Hinduragi (American, Battleship) - Committed suicide Day 4
Internet Stranger
- Bombed Night 4
Mina (American, Missile silo) - Nuked Day 5
inHimshallibe (American, Missile silo) - Nuked Day 5
danakillsu (American, Missile silo - Nuked Day 5
PookyTheMagicalBear (European, Missile silo) - Modkilled Day 5

Last edited by AlmasterGM on Thu Aug 04, 2011 11:58 am, edited 47 times in total.
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Post Post #3 (ISO) » Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:30 am

Post by AlmasterGM »

[Frequently Asked Questions]

The following are inquiries and their answers from DEFCON Mafia 1.0 and 2.0. If you have a question, please check here first. Any questions asked in the thread will be added to this FAQ (in addition to being answered at their locations in the thread).

At DEFCON 4, when we choose what to deploy, will that be our only chance to deploy something during the game?

Can I have a missile silo and an active or passive ability? ?
No, you can only have one. If you receive an active or passive ability, you don’t get a silo and cannot launch nuclear weapons.

How many times can I use my activated ability?
Activated abilities are just like standard roles from normal mafia – you use them during the night phase and they have an unlimited number of shots (unless otherwise specified).

Why is encryption banned when it was permitted in DEFCON Mafia 1.0?
While encryption can be fun, it is also very annoying to have to continually cipher/decipher messages. There are also a whole host of technical problems associated with cryptology, such as player using it to establish early, confirmable claims (see MD thread here and the fact that some players may possess special technical abilities that can be used to encode/decode messages while others may not. Under the new rules, you can still obfuscate the intent of your messages, you just can’t use advanced cryptology that requires external aids to do it.

If someone has Eavesdrop, does the +30% chance of intercepting communications get added to the +15% chance at DEFCON 3 or above?
The Eavesdrop calculation is made independently of the default 10% chance. So, if a message is posted during the day, there is first a 15% chance it gets posted publically, and then a 30% chance it gets sent to the player with Eavesdrop.

If communications are intercepted, is the author of the communication also revealed?
No, only the text of the message is dropped. The author’s name will never be revealed.

Does Battleship save you from a lynch??
Battleship protects its target from its first potential elimination. The save can come in any form, including lynches, Stealth Bomber strikes, and nuclear launches.

Does the Stealth Bomber qualify as a non-nuclear strike?
Yes, the Stealth Bomber uses conventional weapons and is non-nuclear.

Does anything “reset” the DEFCON counts backwards?
No, the DEFCON level continually decreases until it hits DEFCON 1, where it will remain until the game has completed.

If the town gets a lynch off before DEFCON 2, will the EU have access to the Stealth Bomber?
The DEFCON level decreases at the beginning of each day phase, so there should effectively be two lynches before the Stealth Bomber becomes active.

If Town is lynched at 3p and their are nukes in the air, do the scum win automatically or do the nukes land post-lynch and then win conditions are resolved?
At least one member of a factions must survive for at least 72 hours after all enemy nations have been eliminated in order for that faction to win, which leaves ample time for any stray nukes in the air to land (even if their launchers are dead).

What if, because of fail safe or other retaliatory nuclear launches, everyone dies??
The terrorist wins.

Will the fail safe activate on the submarine?

Does the radar track kills?
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Post Post #4 (ISO) » Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:31 am

Post by AlmasterGM »

[NORAD SYSTEM] Dispatching assignments, standby...
Last edited by AlmasterGM on Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #5 (ISO) » Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:09 am

Post by AlmasterGM »

[Day 1, DEFCON 5]


[NORAD SYSTEM] Dispatching assignments. Standby...
[NORAD SYSTEM] All assignments dispatched.
[NOARD SYSTEM] Awaiting initial user input...
[NORAD SYSTEM] Received.
[NORAD SYSTEM] Attention all units, this is command. We are at DEFCON 5. Repeat, we are DEFCON 5. No irregular enemy movement detected. Readiness level is normal. Maintain your current positions. Over and out.

"...Mr President, we are in a crisis. We need to mobilize..."
"Crisis? George, all our old enemies are six feet under, there are no eminent threats from anywhere, our military is as strong as ever. I see no reason to rouse the American people even more than they already are."
"Sir, there is a matter we have been avoiding that we need to discuss."
"And that is?"
"The Europeans."
"...and what of them, George?"
"They must be dealt with."
"And you want to do this through direct and total war."
"It is an option we need to consider, sir."
"It's outrageous. You're outrageous."
"Mr President..."
"I don't want to hear any more of this nonsense from you. What does everyone else think?"
"Everyone else?"
"Did we not just appoint a brand new task force...?"
"Oh, yes. We can bring them in, I suppose."
"I don't have time to listen to a giant argument in the Oval Office. Figure it out and report back to me."
"I said, dismissed."
"Yes, sir."

It is now Day 1, DEFCON 5. This phase will last until Sunday, 12 June 2011 at 23:59pm EST. Your vote for or against total war serves as confirmation.
You may not change your decision
- once your vote is cast, you are locked in and confirmed.
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Post Post #6 (ISO) » Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:11 am

Post by Magua »

Total War is bad.

Conventional scenario:

D1-D2, we get:
2 lynches
2 SK night kills
1 Mafia night kill

Total war, we get:
2 lynches
2 SK night kills
2 Mafia night kills
2 day kills from whomever gets the submarine, which is almost assuredly going to be the SK and someone else
Any additional town-directed nukes identify to the mafia/SK who may or may not have PRs
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Post Post #7 (ISO) » Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:19 am

Post by ToastyToast »



After some consideration I agree with Magua
"A train robbery is where you take a train to your destination, make your move, and take a train back, right?"-Isaac

Town: 12-10 (I think)
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Post Post #8 (ISO) » Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:20 am

Post by Swift Justice »

Total war is fun though!

And wait, how is there 2 nightkills from the SK and Mafia? Aren't both phases just skipped, so like Defcon 4 we get troop choices, and we skip straight to Defcon 1 where we can go nuclear?
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Post Post #9 (ISO) » Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:22 am

Post by ToastyToast »

IF the phases are skipped, I'm pretty sure everyone immediately receives the "in-between" powers
"A train robbery is where you take a train to your destination, make your move, and take a train back, right?"-Isaac

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Post Post #10 (ISO) » Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:23 am

Post by ToastyToast »

If the phases are skipped, I'm pretty sure everyone immediately receives the "in-between" powers

Which includes an SK's automatic choice of a troop (they get two troops, and 1 kill)
"A train robbery is where you take a train to your destination, make your move, and take a train back, right?"-Isaac

Town: 12-10 (I think)
Mafia: 1-1
Third Party: 1-0
Alive in:0
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Post Post #11 (ISO) » Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:24 am

Post by Lady Lambdadelta »

Swift Justice wrote:Total war is fun though!

And wait, how is there 2 nightkills from the SK and Mafia? Aren't both phases just skipped, so like Defcon 4 we get troop choices, and we skip straight to Defcon 1 where we can go nuclear?

But Scum and Terrorist still gain their factional kills.

So Magua is comparing a D1/D2 death count WITHOUT Total War vs. D1/D2 WITH Total War.

Not surprisingly, Total War causes a lot more instant death.
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Post Post #12 (ISO) » Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:25 am

Post by Magua »

Swift Justice wrote:And wait, how is there 2 nightkills from the SK and Mafia? Aren't both phases just skipped, so like Defcon 4 we get troop choices, and we skip straight to Defcon 1 where we can go nuclear?

Please sign your posts. kthx.

Conventional War:
Day 1: Defcon 3: Lynch + SK Night kill
Day 2: Defcon 2: Lynch + SK Night kill + Mafia Night kill

Total War:
Day 1: Defcon 1: Lynch + SK Night kill + Mafia Night kill + Submarine kill (Which may be x2, depending on SK) + other assorted nukings
Day 2: Defcon 1: Lynch + SK Night kill + Mafia Night kill + Submarine kill (Which may be x2, depending on SK) + other assorted nukings

Better to have at least *some* flip info before the nukings start.
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Post Post #13 (ISO) » Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:33 am

Post by gorilla »

confirming for the good of AMURRICA

I say we go to total war right away and nuke the hell out of them liberal commie pinko latte-drinkin' bastards trying to corrupt are way of life - I bet most of 'em don't even speak are language!


(actually total war is probably a bad idea but I couldn't resist the urge to post that)
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Post Post #14 (ISO) » Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:43 am

Post by Katsuki »


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Post Post #15 (ISO) » Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:45 am

Post by Gammagooey »


I'd rather go with no total war, the playerlist is pretty damn good but I still don't think the extra nukes will be as helpful as having two days before nukes kick in- I'd expect at least 2-3 town on town nukes d1 coming from people nuking people who they think are suspecting them for bad reasons or nukes on townies for overly aggressive play. Plus assuming at least one of the first two lynches is on scum having total war would let them get a nuke off before dying, although that wouldn't be as big as a problem as it might otherwise be since there'd be enough nukes to take them out with a nuke too and not waste a lynch with it.

Also, don't do what Katsuki just did once it hits defcon 1, it was modkillable last game and it probably is this game too.
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Post Post #16 (ISO) » Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:50 am

Post by AurorusVox »


In agreement about not going to Total War just yet. It's clearly there to tempt the standard demolition-happy folks to think with their nukes and not with their brains. Town does not benefit from Total War, however much fun it is.

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Post Post #17 (ISO) » Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:51 am

Post by Katsuki »

Difference between Total War and no total war is basically as follows:

Normal - Scum get 4 extra kills, while town get's extra information from lynch.
Total War - Eliminate the 4 kills that scum get to choose, while also removing possibly vital dayplay information.

Benefit of Total War is that it allows the 4 townies that scum may find as a threat to them to get their say on things, and potentially kill scum. Having played as scum in Defcon 2.0, having those NKs to remove potential nuke threats (as in, players who may nuke you) is very important.
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Post Post #18 (ISO) » Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:54 am

Post by ooba »

Non-Total War
Day 1: DEFCON 3: Lynch x1 + Night-phase in which Terrorist can kill
Day 2: DEFCON 2: Lynch x1 + Night-phase in which Terrorist, Mafia can kill

Non-Total War (Assume worst case with 2 anti-town subs)
Day 1: DEFCON 5: Lynch x1 + Town Directed nukes(for 23-2 players)=6* + 2 Sub-kills + Night-phase in which Terrorist, Mafia can kill
Day 2: DEFCON 5: Lynch x1 + Town Directed nukes(for 13-2 players)=3* + 2 Sub-kills + Night-phase in which Terrorist, Mafia can kill

Worse case scenario tradeoff: 4 Sub-kills + 1 extra Mafia kill vs 9 Town Directed nukes across two days
Best case scenario (where town player wins sub) tradeoff: 2 Sub-kills + 1 extra Mafia kill vs 9 Town Directed nukes across two days + 2 town directed subs

I don't agree with Magua. Total War is the way to go ..

*estimationNumber of shots estimated on Defcon 2 Mafia Stats
Number of Players alive = 16
Shots = 5
Day 3, DEFCON 1 - SpyreX nukes SnakePlissken
Day 3, DEFCON 1 - Faraday nukes Katsuki
Day 3, DEFCON 1 - SocioPath nukes inHimshallibe
Day 3, DEFCON 1 - Mina nukes bobsnox
Day 3, DEFCON 1 - DizzyIzzyB13 nukes danakillsu

Number of Players alive = 8
Shots = 2
Day 4, DEFCON 1 - SpyreX nukes Fate
Day 4, DEFCON 1 - Mina nukes AurorusVox
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Post Post #19 (ISO) » Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:56 am

Post by AurorusVox »

I still think the info gained from town directed lynches outweighs the reduction in kills from skipping to DEFCON 1.
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Post Post #20 (ISO) » Thu Jun 09, 2011 12:01 pm

Post by Swift Justice »

Magua wrote:
Please sign your posts. kthx.

Unsigned posts are Faraday. (I mean if you
can't tell from typing style, that is)

Total War is more fun, let's do that.
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Post Post #21 (ISO) » Thu Jun 09, 2011 12:02 pm

Post by MagnaofIllusion »

I'd say, having looked at the statistics thrown out by Magua and ooba that
I don't support Total War

The EuroTrash only get 1 shot before Nukes start flying. And the Terrorist does get 2 but doesn't have the back-up and might cross-kill. I'd rather some actual organized scum-hunting happen before Nukes are armed.
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Post Post #22 (ISO) » Thu Jun 09, 2011 12:02 pm

Post by ToastyToast »

apparently I double posted...

Going directly to DEFCON 1 is WAY more unpredictable compared to going through every phase. I just believe that taking it slow will make all nukes more accurate in the long run. Charging head-first into a war isn't a good idea from a military standpoint, and this shouldn't be any different.
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Post Post #23 (ISO) » Thu Jun 09, 2011 12:03 pm

Post by Lady Lambdadelta »

Total War requires unanimous "Yes" right?
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Post Post #24 (ISO) » Thu Jun 09, 2011 12:04 pm

Post by Katsuki »

MagnaofIllusion wrote:I'd say, having looked at the statistics thrown out by Magua and ooba that
I don't support Total War

The EuroTrash only get 1 shot before Nukes start flying. And the Terrorist does get 2 but doesn't have the back-up and might cross-kill. I'd rather some actual organized scum-hunting happen before Nukes are armed.

MOI not being afraid of being shot N1 means he's scum.

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