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Post Post #350 (ISO) » Thu Oct 31, 2019 3:47 pm

Post by KittyMo »

In post 345, Malkon05 wrote:
In post 344, KittyMo wrote:Based on what I have been told it is accurate that he first brought up haschel's name in the elusive 9 chat that round and that was the first in a chain of events leading to haschel's death but whether that makes Haschel dying his move is a more nuanced question
As much as I appreciate this KMO, I want Spangled to tell me in his own words what he did. He has a little under 4 hours to do so. I want Spangled to play his own game, not someone else's.
I only mentioned it cuz he already did/I'm bored but noted
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Post Post #351 (ISO) » Thu Oct 31, 2019 3:51 pm

Post by VashtaNeurotic »

You, N, DV and Spangled were on me
Ariel and Meme were on you
I threw a vote on N

I mean, just a guess, but I'm pretty sure that was it
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Post Post #352 (ISO) » Thu Oct 31, 2019 4:03 pm

Post by Malkon05 »

In post 350, KittyMo wrote:
In post 345, Malkon05 wrote:
In post 344, KittyMo wrote:Based on what I have been told it is accurate that he first brought up haschel's name in the elusive 9 chat that round and that was the first in a chain of events leading to haschel's death but whether that makes Haschel dying his move is a more nuanced question
As much as I appreciate this KMO, I want Spangled to tell me in his own words what he did. He has a little under 4 hours to do so. I want Spangled to play his own game, not someone else's.
I only mentioned it cuz he already did/I'm bored but noted

You know what, he did and I missed it.

Thanks for pointing it out.

@Spangled, sorry I missed that.

Okay great. I have what I need. As soon as I finish this EP of survivor, I'll post my decision.
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Post Post #353 (ISO) » Thu Oct 31, 2019 4:31 pm

Post by Malkon05 »

~Malkon's corner~

This is my final moment in the game until jury and I'm gonna make the most of it.

Thank you both for humoring me with my questions. Truth be told, I had my answer after the "who would you make immune" question, but I decided that if I was going to make this decision, it needed to be with purpose and a suggestion. You see, the thing is that because of this tie decision made, I was temporarily brought off of the jury bench and made a player once again. True, I cannot win, however because I cannot win I owe it to the rest of the jury and to myself, as someone who, after this statement, will be on the jury, to play this game and do my best to make this result not a snoozefest for those of us here.

I did not make this decision lightly and I've had 24 hours to play through scenarios of what my choice would do and how it would affect the rest of the game. Bottom line, if you all had put DV in this tie and I had a choice of anyone in this game or DV to kill, I wouldn't have hesitated or asked questions and DV would be going here. But that's not the choice I am here to make and it's not the choice I have been given, so all I had to do was assess the responses given and think through the last three rounds of the game.

I have a couple personal notes before I present my votes and they are...words of someone who is a somewhat bitter jury member currently.

I had a f2 with DV. I made this F2 about round...idk what was it 3 or 4? Something along those lines. We both promised each other we would take each other and that our true alliance was to us and no one else. Unfortunately, because I choose to honor my F2s, which I really should get over at this point because they never work out, I put my blinders on to what was really happening this game and because of this I went down a path that ultimately ended up in me being here. I wholly acknowledge that I had every sign in the world that DV wasn't being honest with me about it and from what I understand everything I told him was basically told to everyone else, so he did not intend to honor that F2. Which is fine! I acknowledge lying is a huge part of this game, and DV told the biggest ones here from my point of view. He will make you feel like the most special person in the world, he will promise that you are the one he is truly with, and he will ask you what you want and then agree with what it is you decide. That is his game and he will do it with a smile on his face. There's always some truth to every lie, so I acknowledge I probably put more stock in this than I should have, that's on me. But if you choose to ally with him, he will have no problems slitting your throat if he feels it's a good game move for him.

I also want to make an apology to Ariel and Meme. I did not intend to go to the end with either of you. In fact, I had a plan, which
I shared with DV
, on how to get to the F2 with him. That involved Vash going at f7, getting Spangled to flip with us at f6 and vote out N, taking out Ariel after having Spangled make column immune and then letting Spangled and Meme duke it out at f4 once DV was immune, but knowing that however it broke down we would stick it to the end. In theory, DV could have gone with this plan and cut me at f4 which I think would be a smarter move, because then he wouldn't have me talking in this position right now...but it's not for me to judge and I will see what DV has to say if he makes the finale. What I do want to say here is that while I valued you as allies, I knew I couldn't beat or would have a harder time beating either of you at the end, which is why I picked DV. Could I beat DV? I don't know. That's one of the flaws in my game. With him being gone at a wedding and generally going along with whatever we said, I thought I had a decent case against him which is why I wanted to go to the F2 with him, however make no mistake, DV has been a great player and made some...probably tough choices, but it's my own fault I'm here and I didn't have any intention of going to the end with either of you, so for that I apologize. It feels gross to have these thoughts and be in my shoes, but I had them and you deserve to know.

Now, onto the main event:

Vash and Spangled...which of you two do I vote to evict and which do I save? There are certainly compelling reasons for me to let Vash finish out his masterful game and watch him slay everyone like the boss that he is. He got me when I thought I had him, and that's the sign of a good game player. Meanwhile, Spangled "talked" to me, but it was never in depth, it generally wasn't to see what I was thinking or feeling...not truly fmpov at least, but maybe he did and I just was too stupid to see it. Do I fault him for having a terrible social game...which from what I understand was intentional at times?

To Spangled: When I asked my questions earlier, it was not in an attempt to judge your character, it was to help you. I want to see you succeed and I want to see you win. My question is going to be one you will hear a lot if I've read this jury correctly. You are going to be judged for your...hive mentality. It wasn't that you weren't in the know, it wasn't that you didn't have a say, it's just that you are perceived as being a number for quite a few people. I, personally, as a future jury member, am going to have a hard time reading the fluff you just gave me. I need to know specific decisions you have made, how you made them, and to what degree you were more than just a number for someone else. You aren't going to win this game with piss poor jury management, or having a story about how you were "part of a group" whatever angle you are trying to sell here. I want stats. I want facts about your specific moves. I want numbers. I want evidence to show you weren't just a tagalong for other people. The fact that I have to dig this hard to get this much out of you is frustrating as a future jury member, and this is how you are going to be perceived if you get to the end at the rate you are going. Start thinking about these things because if you make it, you are going to get hit from every angle. It will be exhausting, you won't like what you see, and you need to be prepared to defend a game that, if you were a jury member, you could honestly give a vote to. Getting to the end of a game isn't about your perspective, it's about the perspective people have and how you can sell them arguments to their perspective to show them that they would feel you are the right person to win. It also means you need to be next to someone who the jury won't respect more or at least someone you can out argue to win against at the end. Start thinking about this...I am certainly not the last person who is going to question you on the subject.

The story you gave me about the 9 person T alliance, and your thing with chemist/xof/ff, that was painfully obvious which is why I made specific moves to counter it at specific times to eliminate your allies. The fact you are here, means you were the least threatening person in that grouping at that time, and on some occasions, just plain lucky. You started to allude to a move you made with your talk about Haschel. That's good! But it's just a scratch on the surface. You have 3 rounds to change the perspective I have of your game and 3 specific people you need to eliminate in order to give yourself the best shot to win. I have one final thought for you in a moment, but first...

To Vash: I want to save you here. I really fucking do. You did me no wrong this game and you had every right to eliminate me when you did. Your board position is incredible, whether you lucked into it or whether you planned it that way, I'm in awe of how you have done this game. However, what is a strength, in the game of spitfly, can ultimately be a weakness, which you, yourself, pointed out to me before I went home. And today we are going to see if that weakness comes back to haunt you. The round I actually considered flipping against Meme, Ariel, and DV was the round you came to me with the proposal. In that round I gave you a ranty speech about not being stupid. You took this to heart. You got smart. You got good at this game, and you called me out on my bullshit on more than one occasion. I now know this was because you had good intel, but quite honestly? Even without that intel you are playing phenomenally. The choice to eliminate you or spangled is not one I wanted to make today, but it's the choice I've been forced to make. So just know I respect you and whole heartedly think you did a damn good job and you should be fucking proud of the game you have played.

With all of these thoughts in mind and thinking about how this is going to affect my future decision, my vote is to eliminate:


I'm truly sorry I have to do this. If you had literally any other spot on the board that wasn't in a row or column with DV, I would have saved you here because I respect the game you played. However, there are only three satisfying conclusions I could see at the end: You vs Meme, You vs Ariel, or Ariel vs Meme. I believe these would be the most exciting conclusions to this game and it would be an epic showdown.

However, you lost yourself for one moment this game, you slipped from being an amazing chessmaster and let your true colors show. Make no mistake, up until this choice, I am a game player, not a jury member. Once I am done here my role in this game is done aside from jury. The fact that you revealed you would keep DV safe confirms my suspicion. Your intent was to hope that DV made your row immune after Spangled left and pick one of Ariel or Meme to kill. Likely Ariel, so that Meme could make you immune. If this happened, then I would be on a losing path to having a dream end game scenario play out and having saved you would be literally stupid. If you had lied to me one final time and said you would be saving Meme here, I would have had to work through the WIFOM to see if that was your true intention and this decision would have been a lot harder. Even if you had planned to make DV immune, the smart thing here would be to lie to me since I am temporarily not on the jury and this is my final choice as a player.

In addition, you've had your chance at wins and although I know you want another one, I'd like to give someone else a chance to win...and with you off the board the game gets a little less "Vash is in the best spot" and a little more even for the remaining players in game. I, as a jury member, will get more pleasure out of watching good gameplay happen, rather than just watching you win your way by having the best spot. I also want it to be known this was NOT to help Ariel or Meme in any specific way as helping them doesn't really do anything for my game since...well my game is irrelevant, so this was done purely to open up the board for others and to give someone else a shot at making the end who hasn't had it before.

My final message to Spangled and then I will peace out: Make no mistake, I want you to do well this game, which is why I took so much time trying to get you to defend your game and the moves you made in it. Please use this to start preparing yourself for end game if you make it.

This is merely a suggestion from me. I am praying you take this second chance in the game and turn around your perception in the next few rounds. Be careful with DV. If he had wanted to go to the end with you, wouldn't going with my plan and then cutting me at f4 and keeping you have been a better option for the both of you? Because then you would be immune and could have killed Meme once and for all and it would have been you and DV at the end, not me or Meme...is this the person you really want in the f4 with you? Someone who is and will clearly cut you if need be and has now shown that he had a plan he could have used to take you to the end and threw it away? Be VERY careful about the choices you make, or it could be you sitting here with me on the jury duped by the same person who duped me.

In addition, think about the line of questioning I gave you. Be confident! You are a player in this game, most likely a good player, and you have just as much right to be here as anyone else. That being said you are going to have to find specific moments you were in charge because jury perception is everything. Own your choices and your gameplay if you make the end. I think you have BEGUN to scratch the surface especially with the Haschel comment and I want you to keep working on this. :)

Simply put: PLAY TO WIN, DON'T PLAY FOR FRIENDS. You are here and get to potentially make it in the end, so don't ever give up the fight. You can do this Spangled <3

This is obviously just meant to help you think through your choice, I do not mean to be snarky or condescending in any way. I hope you make the right choices...unlike me. Good luck with your choices, and I hope I am making the right one here.

Best of luck Spangled, and sorry to Vash, you were just in the right spot at the wrong time.

Good luck to the remaining players with the jury.

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Post Post #354 (ISO) » Fri Nov 01, 2019 1:59 pm

Post by Cheery Dog »

Someone put way too much effort into that.
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Post Post #355 (ISO) » Fri Nov 01, 2019 2:20 pm

Post by Malkon05 »

In post 354, Cheery Dog wrote:Someone put way too much effort into that.
How I feel about this game >.<
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Post Post #356 (ISO) » Fri Nov 01, 2019 4:15 pm

Post by KittyMo »

yo Vash just FYI you don't owe me a poem
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Post Post #357 (ISO) » Fri Nov 01, 2019 8:28 pm

Post by Radja »

Vash has given immunity to DV.

DV, please choose to give immunity to your row or column.
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Post Post #358 (ISO) » Sat Nov 02, 2019 5:50 pm

Post by DeasVail »

To Malkon,

Please know that in spite of everything, I very much enjoyed your presence in this game, as well as the opportunity provided by this game to talk with you more. Unfortunately, the reason why you chose me as your Final 2 ally was the same reason why, in the end, I could not uphold our F2 agreement if I were playing to win. I will likely go into more detail on this in the finale/post-game, however it was not always my plan to go against our F2 agreement, and I can assure that any non-game related conversation between us was genuine. Nonetheless, I apologise for any hurt that I have caused and would-love to continue talking post-game if that is desired.


I will give immunity to column
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Post Post #359 (ISO) » Sat Nov 02, 2019 9:11 pm

Post by Radja »

Cheery Dog
Haschel Cedriscon
Save The Dragons

(expired on 2019-11-04 17:00:17) to vote.

It's almost over!
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Post Post #360 (ISO) » Mon Nov 04, 2019 6:26 pm

Post by Radja »

Whoops I fell asleep!


Who got votes?

Two people got 2 votes, 1 person got 1. That means we have a tie for first place.
Who got eliminated?

Spangled, please give immunity to CaptainMeme or N.
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Post Post #361 (ISO) » Mon Nov 04, 2019 6:57 pm

Post by Spangled »

Okay then. I had planned to say this after the game, but I have space all to myself here, so I’ll say it now. Malk, thank you for your speech; it gave me a new perspective on the game, in a way that I hadn’t thought about before; it made me realise I had been playing for friends, not to win. I took it to heart — perhaps too much to heart, actually; my plan for this round relied on too many moving parts moving the way I wanted them to to really be viable — 4, to be exact. It might have been brilliant has I pulled it off, but I should have known that I couldn’t. This also means that while I have some idea who probably killed me, I don’t know who for sure. But thank you again for your speech; if you had not made it I’d probably still be dead this round
be hopeless going into my next LSG.

But before I decide, I just want to ask, Meme and N — which way will the two of you give immunity, and why?
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Post Post #362 (ISO) » Mon Nov 04, 2019 7:52 pm

Post by Malkon05 »

In post 361, Spangled wrote:Malk, thank you for your speech; it gave me a new perspective on the game, in a way that I hadn’t thought about before; it made me realise I had been playing for friends, not to win. I took it to heart —

But thank you again for your speech; if you had not made it I’d probably still be dead this round
be hopeless going into my next LSG.
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Post Post #363 (ISO) » Mon Nov 04, 2019 7:55 pm

Post by CaptainMeme »

I would give immunity to row. There are two big differences between giving to row and giving the column, and in my eyes row is the better option for me in both:
a) row ensures a greater degree of control over who goes home (with 2 players immune, if those two players agree on a target they go - theres no way of guaranteeing a specific player goes with only one immune)
b) row means whichever of DV/N survives picks between Kmo and myself at F3. I think this is the absolute best chance I have of reaching the endgame, because Kmo has played an incredible game and I think I can make a solid case as to why I would be an easier person to be pitched against at FTC.
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Post Post #364 (ISO) » Mon Nov 04, 2019 7:57 pm

Post by CaptainMeme »

Re: your plan, I think there was a shot it could've worked but it relied too heavily on people not talking to one another. In these kind of games you always have to assume everyone will leak everything (which I learned the hard way, too).

Afaik votes were DV and Kmo on me, you and I on N, N on you.
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Post Post #365 (ISO) » Mon Nov 04, 2019 11:41 pm

Post by N »

I wouldn't share it. aka column

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Post Post #366 (ISO) » Tue Nov 05, 2019 9:54 pm

Post by Radja »

Spangled has given immunity to CaptainMeme, who now has the opportunity to share it with his row or column

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Post Post #367 (ISO) » Tue Nov 05, 2019 10:32 pm

Post by CaptainMeme »

Giving to row, thanks Spangled!
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Post Post #368 (ISO) » Tue Nov 05, 2019 10:57 pm

Post by Radja »

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2 people without immunity.
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Post Post #369 (ISO) » Wed Nov 06, 2019 2:32 am

Post by DeasVail »

In an incredibly bold move, I have decided that I will be campaigning for immunity this round!
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Post Post #370 (ISO) » Wed Nov 06, 2019 2:30 pm

Post by N »

I'll vote for you this round!

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Post Post #371 (ISO) » Wed Nov 06, 2019 5:59 pm

Post by DeasVail »

Awww thanks <3 you da best
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Post Post #372 (ISO) » Wed Nov 06, 2019 6:38 pm

Post by Radja »

Since both KittyMo and CaptainMeme have let me know that they will not change their votes, results are early!

Shockingly, 2 players got votes.
Well obviously it's DV and N

There's no tie. We have a 3-1 split. Let's find out who won immunity.

SPITFLY's first finalist is...
who could it be?

so much tension

so many spoilers

N! Congratulations.
Sadly that means DeasVail joins the jury.

N, you have (expired on 2019-11-08 01:47:32) to make a decision on who you'll be taking to the finals.
You may announce this privately to me, or publically, if you want to make it more dramatic.

After that, it will be time for the jury to choose a winner. During this time, the jury may ask questions, the finalists can make their cases, or you can just sit back and relax, if that's what you want to do. Game will be scheduled to end on Sunday, so make sure you get your votes in by then.

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you're too far
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Post Post #373 (ISO) » Wed Nov 06, 2019 8:19 pm

Post by DeasVail »

To think that you could lose against me! The audacity! :O
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Post Post #374 (ISO) » Wed Nov 06, 2019 9:00 pm

Post by xofelf »

It's like nobody remembers you're the second place king. Smh.
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