Author Topic: Oracle  (Read 132 times)

Madame D.

  • Producer
  • Posts: 84
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« on: October 05, 2021, 05:57:11 am »



As you are likely aware, you were a source of such frustration for me at various points of the game, and my confessional is not the most kind. But I think in some ways, that's why it was even more important that we were able to connect properly at Final 6 and actually work with each other... for real. If not for that, then I wouldn't have gotten to fully appreciate who you are! You have a massive heart and I admire your commitment to doing your best by people and doing what feels right to you. If I was feeling run down by the game, you were able to cheer me up in a way that no one else could. And I especially enjoyed our music sharing!

I kind of hope that we are able to get to the end together, mostly so that we can commisserate together whilst getting berated by the jury! That sounds like it could be fun in a dark sort of way.

Most of all, I appreciate that you played along with the ghost thing more than anyone else did, and I didn't even roleplay as a ghost with you!