Author Topic: {Young Writer}  (Read 391 times)

Wes Anderson

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{Young Writer}
« on: October 05, 2021, 03:58:46 am »

Jury questions from Young Writer will go here.

Young Writer

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Re: {Young Writer}
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2021, 02:48:52 pm »
Oracle, not 24 hours before I was voted out, after I thanked you for sticking by me and you said "You're my friend. What kind of dick would I be if I voted you out after you made me that nice drawing?"

So I ask...what kind of dick are you?

Not just that you would vote me out, I can understand the reasoning. But that you wouldn't confront me about the apparent reason you gave to others for flipping (a mistruth by Richie, that from my perspective was likely just a misinterpretation), or about your concerns about me being for voting Madame D., which I believe my agreement to was with heavy reticence, since yeah, I knew I was the other person on the block and going against 4 people saying they're voting for someone else is an easy way to die. Furthermore, I think I need more confirmation but you also apparently told Margot I was trying to pagong? Which I assumed at the time was a foolhardy attempt to turn me on you, but now, I'm not so sure. But most importantly, you calling me your friend when you're being so duplicitous, non forthcoming and about to do the very thing you said you wouldn't. Like, why would you do all that? Why would you lie to me when I know I'm on the block, when you know it won't be long until I realize you decided to stab me while presenting a kind face? Why not at least send me some reasoning or clue at all?


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Re: {Young Writer}
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2021, 03:25:45 pm »
Oracle, not 24 hours before I was voted out, after I thanked you for sticking by me and you said "You're my friend. What kind of dick would I be if I voted you out after you made me that nice drawing?"

So I ask...what kind of dick are you?

Not just that you would vote me out, I can understand the reasoning. But that you wouldn't confront me about the apparent reason you gave to others for flipping (a mistruth by Richie, that from my perspective was likely just a misinterpretation), or about your concerns about me being for voting Madame D., which I believe my agreement to was with heavy reticence, since yeah, I knew I was the other person on the block and going against 4 people saying they're voting for someone else is an easy way to die. Furthermore, I think I need more confirmation but you also apparently told Margot I was trying to pagong? Which I assumed at the time was a foolhardy attempt to turn me on you, but now, I'm not so sure. But most importantly, you calling me your friend when you're being so duplicitous, non forthcoming and about to do the very thing you said you wouldn't. Like, why would you do all that? Why would you lie to me when I know I'm on the block, when you know it won't be long until I realize you decided to stab me while presenting a kind face? Why not at least send me some reasoning or clue at all?

Yeaaaaaaaah I knew this was going to come up. If I could have fit more into my 2000 word speech it would have been addressing this.

So first off, I don't recall saying to Margot that you specifically were trying to pagong? I think maybe that came from Society of the Crossed Keys chat which was sort of a South Pacific style pagong in its loosest form? However I never outed to Margot (I just went back through my 1800+ pms and ctrl+f searched for it) that you were starting a pagong. So that was likely misinformation (there was a big deal of misinformation this game as you might have noticed).

Because I needed to reduce my threat level in the game. I was on a trajectory where I would have been the big social threat towards the end of this game that needed to be idoled out or voted out just before FTC. I needed that perception to be the reality so I could even be sitting here at the end to begin with. If the perception was I was awful at jury management, people would want to sit next to me at the end.

To be fair, I have acknowledged I did you dirty and you were probably the person I did this the worst to. You are correct that I said those things before voting you off with no warning. That was not what friends should do to each other. You are correct.

Whether you believe this or not, I'm going to say it any ways, when we voted for Madame, thinking there was going to be a split from the others, I put my vote there thinking she could potentially go home. What changed sadly had more to do with Richie than it had to do with you, and I know you want some larger grander meaning to all of this, but this is the part of the game where my head and my heart were literally at war with each other. Like the animorphs video you asked me to watch and give thoughts on in one of our last PMs, this was a morally grey time in the game for me. I had to decide if I was going to make the tough choices that would get me farther, or play for friends and settle for being 5th or 6th place in your growing list of friends that I wasn't allowed to touch (at least that was the perception I had after you told me no to Peter on OG Ivanhoe and then told me no again to Royal).

During the 24 hour revote period, I originally had my vote on Madame and was ready for whatever came. It was at that point I confirmed with you with my word choices above. However, new information came to light. I learned several things Richie had been saying were either misinformation or straight up lies. I had a lot of trust in Richie and by proxy you too. So to have that perception of him that I had shattered by the revealing of this new information from Duke, I suddenly found myself in an uncomfortable position no matter how this shook out.

Do I follow through with the original Madame vote and potentially risk rocks, or do I keep up working with Madame, Margot and Duke in order to take out arguably one of the biggest threats at the time in you and break away some of the protections that Richie and Royal had?

Ultimately, this decision was made in tandem with Suzy after we compared notes about everything and recognized how deeply connected you, richie and royal really were.

I made the active choice not to mention anything to you because I needed a black stain on my jury management card to progress further in this game. It was a cold, cutthroat decision that I'm not even sure I handled well. But once upon a time ago, a blindside was something that used to be lauded, and to a certain degree the survivor player in all of us wants to be able to pull that off. Not an excuse, it's just one of those things I think has been lost in the new age of jury management.

At the time I had to weigh what my head was telling me and what my heart was telling me. My heart absolutely would have told you something on the way out. However, my head was thinking longer term than that because I was just too likable and had no one who disliked me. It was something that needed to happen, but not necessarily what I wanted to happen. It's very complicated especially in tandem with the reasons I gave in my opening speech as to why voting you made sense. I struggled a lot with my heart and my head in this game and a lot of things I did weigh on me.

If I could go back in time and fix that would I? I would have at least sent you something, yes. But I can't, all I can do now is attempt to explain why I did it and hope that with some perspective, maybe it will make some semblance of sense.

Regardless of whether it does or doesn't Writer, I am sorry that at the very least I didn't tell you that I was going to flip my vote. It was not a finer moment for me, and even if that was the perception I was trying to achieve, I would probably feel just as hurt and betrayed if I were in your shoes and that's not a good feeling. So I hope you can accept this apology even if it needs to wait until we are both out of the game to feel more genuine.

Before I answer the original question the way you want me to, I just have to say a google search of "what kind of dick is there" does not elicit great results so I'm going to refrain from doing that.

I probably am a reformed dick? This game taught me a lot and I struggled through a lot of really unfortunate events to even be here and at some point playing the cold, cutthroat way to reduce my threat level might not have been the best choice in hindsight, and by the time I realized it and had begun to try to approach the game and evolve who I am as a player and a person, you were already out and I didn't have a time machine available.

If you would be open to trying to be friends once this game is done, I would very much appreciate that and I am sorry for the damage I did to our friendship as a result of how I played the revote.

Young Writer

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Re: {Young Writer}
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2021, 02:20:26 am »
Okay I'm going to handle this concept by concept. I do appreciate that you put so much effort into the response, but a lot of this makes my nose wrinkle.

So first you talk about reducing your threat level in the game, that you needed to make the perception that you were bad at jury management. However instead you decided to make that a reality. Like voting me out creates the perception you are bad at jury management because it's a stab of an ally, not saying anything makes it a reality. I'd give this a pass if you spoke as if that's simply what you  thought you had to do, but instead you said you had to do it, and I just don't see a world where you talk to me about stuff and that causes you to be voted out. Though I haven't read the other threads so I would like to hear more about this evolution as a player and person and what prompted that.

Second is the whole Richie debacle, and I'm just wondering, what were the actual lies that you speak of. Like that matters a lot, I know there were things people were kept in the dark on, but the only thing I've heard of is Richie saying Margot was targeting Suzy, which having read my conversations with Margot, Margot did kind of equivalate Suzy and Herman, and the latter she definitely wanted out, so at most it's stretching the truth rather than a misunderstanding? Like did you even confront Richie about that stuff? Cause it feels kind of foolhardy to make a big game decision without consulting the person you are killing or the person it's about.

Third is the line that I was a threat? And just, how? Was it that half the game had voted for me? That I hadn't won a challenge since merge started (and never placed first in the others)? That Gustave threw any chance of us working together into a fire? That one of the only people on the other tribe I had cultivated a relationship (Peter) I thought I had to vote out to live? Or that I had somehow managed to mismanage and message so little that someone that I wanted to go far with (Suzy) didn't trust me? Like, buddy, I was playing like trash, don't say I was a threat.

It is however accurate I was loyal to Richie (I literally couldn't vote him if I tried) and had a soft spot for Royal. And that reasoning can make sense to me. And it is good to hear that you didn't actually say that pagong thing.

Though Oracle, the reason I was never the most trusting of you was something I said to most people, that I got the vibe that you were someone who'd be friendly with whoever and just go with the majority, without actually hard commiting to anything. Was this an accurate assessment of your game? If not, who were you most loyal to? Who would you never consider voting for until maybe the final 4 or 5?


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Re: {Young Writer}
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2021, 05:44:43 am »
Hey Writer,

I will respond to this in full later. I need to collect my thoughts on the matter and all of my notes that would help me respond to this are at my apartment. Thank you for your patience and I don’t want to dismiss what you are saying at all.

Obviously no need to respond as I don’t want you to waste your post limit. Just wanted to let you know I’m not ignoring you.


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Re: {Young Writer}
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2021, 12:33:40 pm »
So thank you for at least hearing me out and being blunt with me. I am going to preface the next post with a caveat. As long back as I can remember, I sometimes think I'm saying one thing, and what gets typed comes out as another. This is something I have struggled with and while I thought I was giving responses the way that was an accurate representation, based on your response to my earlier post I need to clear at least one thing up.

I'm going going to itemize it, it makes it easier for my brain to process.

Point 1: When I said I "had" to do what I did, that's not an accurate representation of what I was trying to say. Like you said, it's what I thought I had to do and that is a better way to phrase the thought I was trying to convey, but reading back is not what I typed, this is an example of my preface from earlier. Reducing my threat level after I learned what my perception was at the merge was a priority for me, and if I could find a way for a round or two to reduce that, I was willing to do it. You are correct. I did make that perception a reality in how I handled our relationship that round. Even if my intent was to lessen my threat level, I could have handled this a number of ways better and upon reflection I recognize that. This is a major reason I gave you an apology.

As to my personal growth and evolution, sadly a lot of it came after your elimination, so it's going to be difficult to describe without you seeing Madame and Margot's threads where they both acknowledge that I did this. During the Final 7 round, Royal made a very public post pointing out what he thought about all of our games up until that point. Specifically, I took the brunt of the less than positive criticisms, most of which I probably needed to hear and have that put publicly. The gist of it was that I was bad at people and jury managing, not "as slick as I think I am", and that my ungenuine relationship with Royal was noticed and not appreciated. There's a lot more to it, but it's publicly posted as "announcement" in the Crossed Keys, it's there, it's not hidden, everyone saw it.

This came a little while after Duke had quit.

Now, to explain why this sent me down a dark path, I have to back up a bit. On OG Ivanhoe, Duke was someone I noticed wasn't making a lot of connections with people right off the bat because of timing issues, which he acknowledged during round 2. However, the talks Duke and I had were profound and I really enjoyed him. I also saw him as someone I wanted to work with long term. He and I just had some incredible conversations and together we were able to talk through some tough situations. I came to rely on Duke a lot in this game and he was someone who I trusted a great deal.

So when Duke quit, I was devastated because a number of things I did this game were in tandem with him or to help progress both of us further in the game. The idea that someone I had been working so closely with and had come to rely on above most others quit like that was probably the lowest point I had all game.

And then Royal posted his post.

I felt a lot of what I'd been doing start to crash around me. I didn't know how to process so much, but after a night to process Duke's quit and start to re-think how I was going to approach the final rounds of the game, it dawned on me that Royal's post, while hard to digest, was a gift in disguise. In saying he didn't see how I could win this game, he put the idea out there that what I'd been going for wasn't for nothing. It meant that the perception had now shifted into reality. In doing so, I no longer needed to be "sneaky" I no longer needed to really worry about if people were trying to gun for me, it was the gift that I would likely be taken to the end of the game because of that perception. So rather than keep doing what I'd been doing, I started to really dig deep and look within myself to ask how I wanted to finish this game, rather than how I'd been conducting myself the couple rounds prior.

It dawned on me that I didn't need to keep doing what I was doing because it was not well received and a lot of damage had been done. It also meant what I was trying to go for had worked and now rather than a big social threat people needed to take out at the end of the game, I was seen as, and might have been a "Keith" to people. And it was in that moment of grand realization that I began to change how I was playing. I couldn't fix the past, but damn it I was going to try to do better in the future.

I stopped being "sneaky". I stopped trying to hide things. I had more direct in the conversations I was having. I was raw with the emotions as I had them and tried to focus on just being myself, rather than what I'd thought I had to be prior. I told people what I was thinking and how was I feeling, as much as I could without compromising ID related things. That's not to say what I was doing before wasn't real, I just dropped a lot of the non committal facade I had put on and instead treated the last few rounds of this game as a new opportunity, a chance to be more forthcoming with things and being in general, kinder, more respectful and more honest with others.

I know it's hard to see that given what I did to you, and I wish you had been around to see it, but I am the reason you weren't, so that's on me.

This leads into-

Point 2: The Richie thing. So before I dive too much into this, I want to say, yes I did indeed eventually confront him about all of this, but it didn't come until I had my change in how I was playing after the Royal post.

Prior to the revote in f10, I actually trusted Richie quite a bit. We originally were both in a chat called The 4 horsemen that formed between myself/gustave/him/Anthony early in original Ivanhoe which I thought was going to be something I was going to be with long term. In addition, Richie and I were also in the Society of Crossed Keys chat which you were part of, so you know about it. Richie and I spent a lot of time comparing and contrasting notes at that time, and I shared thoughts with him I didn't share with anyone else. Specifically about the auction. I shared some mathematical deductions on who I possibly thought could have voted on items that, although I did share with some others, I went into greater detail with Richie specifically. However, I was shot down and said, it's probably not worth making those assumptions. Although he had a point, I pretty much took that at face value. I have since learned that there were reasons for this (sadly not till after the final 10 round) and I should have started suspecting him at that time. But I didn't.

Richie actually bid on at least two items that I know of and got them. One was the Heist Plans at the auction which gave him the idol he later played at the final 5. The other was the rings. At some point after final 10, he used the rings with Madame which basically meant they couldn't vote for each other to a certain point. Either way, both of these things should have been bigger red flags for me at the time, but that was the first instance where Richie "withheld" information. This meant the entirety of the Society of the Crossed Keys was built on false pretense, though again, I wouldn't find out about this until much later. If anything, those were just "withheld information" bits that started at least this early from what I have gathered after a lot of time I spent wondering.

So after the Kylie vote, and after two rounds of being immune, Richie was someone I was still having deep talks with and thinking about the game as a whole and what made sense. During the mutiny round, Richie left, and we all just naturally assumed he left involuntarily. However, during the revote round, the biggest reason I chose to flip and vote you out was that I learned from Duke, that Duke had actually tried to mutiny that round, and wasn't allowed. Now I trusted Duke a lot, he'd been super up front about information with me and we compared a lot of notes. We drew each other pictures, and he gave me the Dog Flu Serum that you had given him. Between all of this, Duke is someone whose word I took as the truth. So if Duke tried to mutiny and didn't actually mutiny, what actually happened?

Well if you recall in that chat, Richie made a very colorful word choice when asked about what happened. I believe he used the words "preferred the term yoinked"? Either way the indication was that he didn't willingly go to Rushmore during the mutiny round, right? Well one of Duke or Richie had to be lying to me at that point, and based on the fact that I'd formed such a strong bond with Duke, I figured out, without a doubt in my mind, that Richie at the very least had been lying to me about the mutiny round. He may have told others what really happened in private, but the fact I had to find out and that he almost got away with it suddenly scared the shit out of me and I said, "okay fuck that noise" I'm not going to play his game anymore and figure out another plan.

As far as other "stretched truths", the Suzy/Margot rumor you mentioned was one of those things, there was something about Margot saying things she claimed not to say, I heard about Richie leaking stuff to Royal, however like you I had nothing concrete to substantiate the rest of this and most of it was heresay, and I'm not saying it's wrong to lie in the game of survivor, but the big thing was the mutiny round. I spent most of my time on Trash Island, trying to help find ways to make your lives on Grover Cleveland High School not shitty by voting out Anthony to satisfy the narrative we weren't one big happy OG Camp Ivanhoe family. And here was Richie being sneaky, despite me telling him a lot of things I regret in hind sight. I honestly don't even know if it was fully intentional, but if he was lying about the mutiny round, what else was he lying about?

We had words around final 7 or final 6 when I finally decided to confront him. That being said, even after that he swore up and down he was going to vote Gustave at the final 5 and gave me all these good reasons as to why Gustave was the best vote, he still idoled and voted out Suzy instead. So this entire game, I thought Richie and I were super close and tight, and yet there were all these things being said and at least a few of the things he said were just straight up not true.

I'm not saying I played some squeaky clean game, I clearly didn't, but I didn't do anything like that to Richie.

At that point, it was the realization I had that he was closer to others than he was me, at least that was my perception, and I know from discussions that you two were super close.

That, coupled with the facts I listed in my opening speech to you, about why voting you out made sense to me, lead me to the conclusion that you were a better vote option for me that round on the revote. Things I told Richie never seemed to fully stay with Richie and it was around this time I had that epiphany also. With having verified he was lying, and verifying how close you two were, I didn't know what I could confront you with as I knew you two were close and anything I told Richie I was afraid was going to leak elsewhere. So it's one way to see that I didn't tell you because I was intending on screwing you over, and to a degree I could have handled it better, I wholeheartedly acknowledge that, but on the other hand I couldn't switch the vote off of you to Richie because it was a revote phase when I found a good chunk of this stuff out. It also provided an opportunity, as I've explained, where I felt it could help me lessen my threat level if I did it, but that was only part of it. Did I handle that situation the best? After a lot of self reflection and my own personal growth this game, I think about that moment and think about the ways I could have handled it better including at the very least letting you know I was doing that. But I can't fix that now and all I can do is explain my thoughts at that time and explain what I was trying to do.

And finally-

Point 3:

Were you a threat, yes. Were you the biggest threat? No. You say you hadn't won a challenge since the merge began, however you displayed pretty significant challenge prowess prior to the merge. The lock challenge was probably the first time I saw just how smart you were. You have the ability to think on a plane that I don't think a lot of people have the ability to think on. I still don't understand how the hell you came up with the strategy we used in that challenge that won it for us. You also proved you could handle flash challenges when you won the mendles and later the individual simon says challenge on Grover Cleveland High School. And did Margot absolutely dominate in challenges the first few rounds? Yes. However you usually were right there in the running on every challenge. At the time, there wasn't very much to go off of. However, as you yourself stated, you stopped trusting me. Now I wasn't absolutely sure you did or didn't trust me, because we still had Society of the Crossed Keys. However I knew we were going to have problems long term the round you suggested Duke or Gustave as the vote. Those were both people I was working with very closely and two people I wanted to roll with in the long run. I don't think it was a well guarded secret that I liked Duke. At least, if it was, then I was doing a bad job of making it obvious. Between the pictures, telling people to reach out to him, and making my general thoughts known, I pretty much made that clear. I'm not sure if it was a subtle nod that you were pressing me to see how I would react to those suggestions, but it very much felt like you and I were going to have problems progressing further. Royal and I basically had next to no relationship at that point, though I wasn't closed off, I think our schedules just really didn't align and we didn't spend a lot of time together pre-merge. In addition, I wasn't getting more regular messages from you because from what I understand you were busy.

However it was more about the connections that you had, and that I know you and Richie (and Royal) were close. This round proved it to me. But even then, I still voted with you for Madame initially. If I had been truly against you at that point, I could have put my vote on you and you would have gone home and avoided a lot of the headache that was the next 24 hours. But if I didn't do that, I wouldn't have learned what I did and used it to progress forward in the game.

Were you the biggest threat? No. Were you a threat to my position in the game where I'd have to fold and just hope you'd protect me? Yes. Maybe you weren't a threat in the "was winning challenges" or "handling things the best", but you were a threat to me from a social perspective given who you were aligned with and who was willing to stick up for you. In fact if Madame had gone that round, I might have actually been in a much worse position knowing what I learned in the revote phase.

And although this last part wasn't a point, you did ask another question so I'm going to turn it into-

Point 4:

I think I committed to Duke, Suzy and Gustave pretty hard. Beyond that? I kept up relationships to gather what made sense to progress forward in the game. Did I do so by being friendly and not hard committing to anything? To a degree, yes that is an accurate description. But prior to your elimination I did things to actively remove the target from Suzy, Gustave and Duke. Madame and Margot weren't sure about Suzy at one point and I vouched for her to help us progress further. When you brought up Gustave and Duke, I shot that down. So to say I wasn't committed to specific people is not an accurate representation of my game. I was even willing to go to rocks at final 8 for Gustave, Duke and Suzy. Were they willing to go to rocks for me? I would hope so, but because of the quit we will never find out.

Once Duke quit, I was a lot more open with thoughts and receptive to being willing to consider other options. I never considered voting Suzy or Duke at any point. I did have to consider voting out Gustave at 6, even though Suzy and I were able to make a deal with Madame which bought us another round and ultimately I was the actual target anyways. At final 5, I had to vote one of the three people who had saved me in the last round since Richie won immunity, so at that point with the others saying Gustave, that was the first and only time all game I ended up voting him, and Madame knew probably better than anyone that the decision was tearing me apart. I had a big discussion with him on what I was being told and hearing, which should also show the evolution and growth of my game. Gustave, Suzy and Duke never did me any wrong this game and things I did helped protect them. That's not to say at various junctions there weren't others I was open to working with and felt it was in my best interest to protect them, but those are probably the three people I focused on the most.

This took a long time to write and a good chunk of this I wish I could have put in my opening speech, so I appreciate you asking me so I could elaborate further on the topics.

If you have further questions or want further clarification, please ask, but note that I have classes tomorrow so if you want more detailed/thought out responses such as this I need them tonight unless the mods are allowing more responses after the deadline tomorrow (I didn't see that in the description of Pitch Meetings though).
« Last Edit: October 08, 2021, 12:40:05 pm by Oracle »

Young Writer

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Re: {Young Writer}
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2021, 03:06:37 pm »
My response will be much shorter but I will say I certainly understand issues with imprecision and language...and with being disappointed with editing down my beautiful essays. I suppose we do have quite a bit in common.

For part one, I have since posting managed to read (or rather skim enough to understand) that you made a transformation and appreciate that you made strides to change near the end of the game, and that it seems you did. It certainly makes this tribal closer than I originally thought as the Oracle that is here is not the Oracle that blindsided me, more on that later.

For Part Two, thank you. I do have to apologize a bit myself, as I was aware of most of that information. I was well aware of the four Horsemen (Anthony, Richie and I had our own groupchat a lifetime ago) and about your deductions. The fact they shared that information with me and you and Gustave did not certainly set us apart from each other from an early stage. Not to mention I knew about the rings, since I had one of them (mind you I didn't tell him to get them, he just sort of did that and gave one to me), though I had no idea about the notebook.

Similarly, I knew Richie was planning to mutiny to block a Sam mutiny and we had decided that it was probably best to not share that until later (well I think Richie decided to and I agreed to not tattle). Keeping Richie's secrets was my main role in the game, in fact.

I do wish that you had asked me about those things, since I would have well, verified all of them, though it likely would have just sealed my fate to do so (after all, when the gig is up, the gig is up). However, it would certainly have made my exit feel so much more earned that "wait, why?". Though I do apologize profusely since I was complicit in that deception that caused you such pain.

As for Point 3, fair, I mean the moment I voted Madame D, I had essentially agreed to just stick to the Keys since everything else seemed to be leading to my demise, but prior to then, it would be hard to wholly believe that. Once again, wish we had talked more cause I'm not sure I got many such whisperings about Duke, then again, we barely talked game despite long other conversations.

As for Part 4, I am a bit disappointed that your hard commits were only people on your original tribe (this goes back to my hatred of pagongs and the like, since starting tribes are arbitrary yet seem to impact so much), but there were hard commits.

Anyway, allow me to be forward, as you can likely tell from my first couple questions, I did not come into here wanting to vote for you, and likely my vote will not belong to you. However, with that latest response you certainly made it a more difficult decision and given me food for thought, and even if it didn't win my vote, well, all the other jurors can see how you handled it, I'm just one vote after all.

As for a question, I have one for all 3 of you. You see, I am a lover of survivor theory. So rather than debating moves and relationships, I ask you all, what is your guiding philosophy in survivor? How do you like to play the game? Based on your interactions, how would you summarize the gameplay of your fellow finalists? And lastly, why is yours the best approach?

Feel free to play with that last part if you want to.


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Re: {Young Writer}
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2021, 04:21:14 pm »
2000 words was so far below what was needed for me to convey accurately what my entire journey needed. Like I said I had to actually scrap what I was going for because the end result was so robotic it made me gag. "I did this. This was hard." It got pretty bad the more I had to edit down and I instead took parts and reformed what I was going to say because it stopped feeling like me.

Thank you for your understanding and quite honestly thank you for even hearing me out here. That actually means a lot.

Part 1: Again I just have to thank you for taking time to read what I've been saying. This was one of the most difficult games for me because I had to embrace change. Change isn't easy. It took feeling at my lowest low and to have it literally put out in public to really dig deep and acknowledge that I had to apply something different going forward and it was scary. I did give it my best effort and to see you say that it means a lot quite honestly.

Part 2: I knew there had to be someone or even multiple closer to Richie than me, but for some reason it took me awhile to catch on. When things started bubbling to the surface putting two and two together helped me do a lot of self-reflection of why I was even playing this game in the first place. The things you are telling me right now are filling in so many gaps at this point for me. I had enough pieced together to get the gist, but I also knew my stuff had to have been leaked by Richie to someone, turns out you were part of that. Thank you for helping me fill in those gaps. I can't wait to get past this game and figure out more stuff like that and laugh about stuff. Bark bark!

Yeah Richie and I had words about that, which seems to confirm what you are saying. So you are correct. I probably did overthink it a little, but not too much? Like Richie was definitely keeping me on a leash.

I agree. I think I should have talked to you more about it, I just had this nagging fear that somehow it was going to get back to Richie and after what I learned it was hard to know really who to trust that was close to Richie at that point. I'm just as much at fault for not expressing more when I was frustrated. That's something I learned about. Communication be hard sometimes. But I found the more communication I had in the later parts of the game, the better people responded to it. That was part of the change I did make in this game and why this game had such an impact on me.

Part 3: I think we mostly covered this point. If Gustave's "vote split" plan was actually happening, it wasn't a bad plan to consider voting Madame.

Part 4: I figured you might be. I guess a couple other things I can add is that when Buckley and I started talking, I was excited and wanted to work with him. I saw a lot of promise in that relationship. Margot and I also had insightful discussions about balancing getting out threats and non threats. After Duke quit, I started putting a lot more effort into being open with Madame which lead to a deal that I honored with a vote against Gustave at final 5 despite the idol play. It's not that I wasn't willing to be open to working with people from Rushmore, but my options were limited. Buckley quit. Margot lost trust in me (understandably). Richie's idol play and subsequent immunity win basically left me with having to vote Madame out or else it could have been me going at that point.

It's not that I tried to play a pagong game and flipping at 10 was probably the first opportunity I had to try to show that, but at merge Duke, Suzy and Gustave were the people I found I could truly trust. I'm sorry if I disappointed you with my answer, but it was honest.

*New* Part 5: Thank you for being forward. I appreciate you coming here with enough of an open mind to hear me out. This game was a lot and a huge journey for me as a player but also as a person. To have that acknowledged is huge even if you don't end up voting for me.

As far as the question:

Guiding philosophy in survivor: The thing to me is that I wholeheartedly acknowledge this game is most heavily a social one. That doesn't necessarily mean social means being bubbly and friendly all the time, what that means is that you have the connections and the knowledge to know how you are being perceived, what people are thinking, and how to maneuver yourself into better positions to give yourself a chance at a deep run using the information and connections you gain from being social. It's the ability to read a room round to round and learn how to adapt to the given situation you are given. However, specifically being social took on a new meaning towards the end of this game for me. It also now means to me being willing to be vulnerable and to know that it's okay to allow yourself to show through. It also means being willing to be open to new possibilities. "Being Social" which I guess is the cornerstone of this philosophy, has many facets and it means being open to change, and that's something I learned specifically this game.

How I like to play the game: I love finding a way to put myself as close to the middle of the social standings as possible. I like to keep a balance of threats and non threats because it allows me to sit comfortably in the middle and never be the most social or the least social. It gives me more opportunity to see where a possible path to the end comes from.

About Richie and Gustave: It's really really difficult to say because I don't know what their approach to this FTC is because we don't have access to each other's boards yet. So this question summarizes what I think their games were prior to this FTC.

For Richie, he liked to be in the know of a lot of information and had this really interesting and charismatic personality that drew people in. I also know he could outright beast challenges when his back was against the wall. Richie also has the ability to lie so well and keep that lie that the people who think they are close to him, aren't actually all that close to him after all. These are all essential qualities one would need to play the way he does. I still don't know if everything I even heard from him was the full truth. His ability to craft stories and withhold information at the right time is impressive.

For Gustave, he definitely understands the meaning of the word loyal. He also has the intuition to go for the big guns, although his execution of said moves was questionable at times. I still don't know what his vote split plan at f10 actually was because even though he described it, I had to sit there going "is anyone actually going to vote this way?" Gustave I also think likes to make big moves and isn't afraid to voice an opinion, which is respectable. According to Royal's post, there were times that Gustave just didn't talk to people. That wasn't necessarily the case with me, but even Richie complained to me about it on multiple occasions and at one point asked me to tell Gustave to talk to him which was odd? Gustave is a really nice guy and I had a lot of fun working with him this game, I just am still not sure how he comes across to others.

Why is mine the best approach: The thing about the game of survivor, is there's not one specific all encompassing right way to play. Sometimes a strategic approach is the most valued one, sometimes a more social approach is the valued one, sometimes just being the "nice one" is the correct approach. At the end of the day the best game is the one the jury votes for because they feel it best represents the game they wanted to see that person play. Was my game the best approach? I'd like to think I have a hat in that ring. I was flexible, adaptable, open to thoughts, and i felt my game adapt and evolve as it went on and has been acknowledged. In a game this fluid, this crazy, it required someone who was open to those changes and was flexible enough to adapt and listen when the change and opportunity to change presented itself. Was my approach best the entire game? No. I think you were evidence of that.

Do I think I evolved into someone who had a great approach worthy of being considered best by a jury? I think so. This is just an opinion though and I don't want to assume that's what you all want representing your winner this game, but I'm just honored to be here and that I had an evolution in the way I play that I look forward to applying in the future (if and when I ever choose to play again, I swear I'm going to need therapy after this). I feel more confident in who I am and what I have become to get to this point, and I'm proud of myself for overcoming my own personal barriers to be here. To me that's a much better approach to acknowledge that you are not perfect and that you learned something from a game than what I was doing prior. I did the best under the circumstances I had and for that I'm going to say I persevered a lot of setbacks and to me that's pretty great that somehow, no matter what, I never stopped believing I could get here.

Thank you again, sorry I know you were trying to keep it short and there goes ol Oracle again being a chatterbox.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2021, 05:08:53 pm by Oracle »

Young Writer

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Re: {Young Writer}
« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2021, 04:33:26 am »
Okay last post of mine, also going to all three of you. Just go through the jurors AND your fellow finalists, and give a compliment to each. Also please try to not be too generic or use something you've already said about that person at this FTC.


  • Society of Crossed Keys
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Re: {Young Writer}
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2021, 05:18:03 am »
Okay last post of mine, also going to all three of you. Just go through the jurors AND your fellow finalists, and give a compliment to each. Also please try to not be too generic or use something you've already said about that person at this FTC.

Peter: I've already said that I appreciated his drive to come in and break things up, he is very very feisty. But you've asked for something I haven't said. Peter has a very charismatic way of bonding with people. The fact he was able to make such a quick connection to you that enabled the two of you to share items to get the double vote was pretty impressive. I'm not sure if that was solely him or your desire to want to not pagong, but it was impressive how quickly he made an impression on someone else, that's a pretty cool trait to have.

Buckley: Sadly, I didn't get a lot of time with Buckley, however in the time I did get to know him, he seemed eager to want to make a connection with me. That, coupled with things Madame said about him after he quit made me think he has the ability to connect on a deeper level socially with people when he is available to do so. This was evidenced in the fact that I saw him as someone I wanted to work with. Having a magnetic and positive demeanor is something that I think shouldn't be underrated.

You: I think I've voiced that I was frustrated because I felt like I had to walk on eggshells to make things work with us at times (probably not a good way to start this) but something I haven't actually said yet this FTC, is that I admire your resolve to stick up for your friends. You wanted to stick with Peter on OG Ivanhoe despite the fact that he was directly going against you. You stuck up for Royal and Richie throughout your few rounds of the merge. This shows me that you are someone who makes deep bonds that are based on trust and having an open personality. That resolve is something that I feel like I shared about the people I mentioned in my last post to you.

Herman: Although Herman for me was someone who wasn't as chatty, he makes the best use of words when he says them. He's actually quite smart and there were plans he was coming up with in Society of Crossed Keys that were well thought out and strategically of sound mind. Herman to me is a planner and a tactician and those are both things that I think make for a good survivor player.

Duke: I have a lot of positive things I can say about Duke, however one thing about him that I haven't said yet, is that he is very approachable. When I suggested to Margot and Madame to reach out and talk to him, that's because I knew that if they made that connection, they would like him just like I liked him. He's someone who really just responds well to others when they approach him, and he has a warm engaging personality that I think was missed because people didn't necessarily make the first attempt to invite him to the table. This had to do with some availability issues during round 1 on Ivanhoe, but to me Duke more than made up for it when I did want to have those conversations and he never shunned me or made me feel like I couldn't approach him with an idea or thought if I had them.

Royal: Royal calls it like he sees it. He's very perceptive and really digs deep to understand the meaning behind interactions. When he posted his thoughts about what he thought of people in the game, in the weirdest way a majority of it mirrored my own thoughts about people and how they were playing. Although he had availability issues, he did take the information and process it quite extraordinarily. He's just very socially savvy and has no problem confronting based on those perceptions. I actually have a lot of admiration for Royal and how much thought he put into his interactions when he was around.

Margot: There are many great qualities I can state about Margot. I've already called her a unique personality, someone who is straight up, and someone who has the ability to beast challenges. Something I don't think came out much though is that Margot has a pretty caring and empathetic personality. When I was down about Duke quitting, I didn't expect one of my first empathetic responses about my emotional reaction to be from her, but yet there she was. Margot doesn't wish anyone any ill will, she's very kind and although a lot of the talk became "gamey" at some point, she even expressed a desire to have less "gamey" talk. This is something that I admire about Margot because she not only keeps it real, but I think she also has the ability to empathize and connect with others. It actually showed me a whole other side to Margot that I didn't know was there, and that was pretty cool to experience!

Suzy: I've said a lot of positive things about Suzy at this ftc. What I think I haven't said is that Suzy has the ability to make an incredible first impression on most people. I can't say that was my initial experience with her, but before I even had a chance to really understand what was going on with OG Ivanhoe, everyone was like "I love Suzy!" It really wasn't until round 2 post auction where Suzy and I sort of shed our own walls and opened up to each other that I finally began to understand what everyone was talking about. In the business world, making a first impression is such an important trait to have, but on a personal level it's why people were drawn to her and why she was so successful at the social side of this game.

Madame: Another person who I have specifically said many positive things about at this FTC. One thing I have to say though that I don't believe I've said all TC, is that she is forgiving. A skill that I think a lot of survivor players lack is the ability to forgive. I struggle with this myself, but seeing Madame, time and time again be open about accepting the apologies I gave (even when it frustrated her) and being able to see past that and forgive, that's huge. It's why she was so successful in this game. People came for her time and time again and she really had to go through an uphill battle to even be at the final 4, but the whole time she never once treated anyone disrespectfully, never got upset that they voted for her, and when they came to her with apologies, she forgave them.

Richie: Richie I gave some compliments to in my last message to you. I think what impresses me the most about Richie is how he was able to dig deep. It's not easy to think you have to win challenges in order to get farther in the game. At final 8, his name came up. At final 6, his name came up. At final 5, his name came up. At final 4, his name came up. And yet at each of these junctions he found something inside of himself that was able to win at every time people wanted to take a stab at him. I can't do that. It's a skill I wish I had, but as we saw, I can't. I have to give him props for being able to step up at the moments he needed to. Plus he had the idol, so he had extra insurance. Just his ability to dig deep to protect himself was something I admire.

Gustave: Gustave and I have a lot in common on a weirdly almost twilight zone related level. What I will say that I admire about him that I know I haven't talked about is that he is actually pretty funny when you really get to know him. I know he didn't always show this to others, but he made me chuckle on multiple occasions this game and I'm not even sure if all of it was intentional. But every time I needed a good chuckle or someone to lift my spirits, I usually talked to him because he has a charm to him that is amusing and quirky to me. He's also very passionate about subjects he is interested in, which I always love hearing about other people's passions such as yours about comedy. He's just a fun loving easy going dude and when he opens up he can give you unexpected chuckles.