Author Topic: To Suzy Bishop  (Read 128 times)


  • Society of Crossed Keys
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To Suzy Bishop
« on: October 03, 2021, 06:20:30 pm »

I'm sitting here, trying to think of nice things to say right now and so many things are coming to mind. The first time I heard about you, several people said how much they love you and how easy you were to talk to. No matter who I talked to on OG Ivanhoe you were the social hub of that entire tribe. It made me very wary of you when we first met. I was like, there's no way this girl is this charismatic and this well connected after not even half a round of this game and yet I can barely get a few sentences out of her.

And then the auction happened, and that was such a huge turning point for the both of us in this game. Without the auction and that mutual betrayal you and I felt about whoever took the items we agreed upon getting, it just brought us together and suddenly we saw each other for the mutual benefit we were to each other. We both recognized that we were socially competent people who could put our heads together and see what the hell we could pull off this game. And lady, we pulled some shit off, you and I.

Out of anyone else this game I always felt like in the key moments I needed someone on the same page as me, you were ready to jump and ready to fight. We both went on a gamble during the Writer round after realizing just how much Richie had been putting in our heads and how we needed to get out from under his thumb, our joint efforts to get Madame to flip on Margot at f6 was nothing short of legendary, and even our attempts to keep information and numbers on our side was a mutual effort. In the end, even though we ended up being split up by an idol, just short of our goal, we had a plan and we always stuck through it with one another.

I am so happy we met this game and so happy we were able to get over our initial hurdle with one another and this game would have been less fun without you in it. I sure hope that we continue to remain friends afterwards because getting to know you was a joy for me this game.