Author Topic: Tribal Council 10: Society of Crossed Keys  (Read 375 times)

Wes Anderson

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Tribal Council 10: Society of Crossed Keys
« on: September 20, 2021, 08:31:21 am »
Tribal Council 10

Society of Crossed Keys, welcome to Tribal Council.

1. With the loss of Buckley, the paths to the end are narrowing.  Are you concerned about your options?

2. If the game was switched onto autopilot and left to its own inertia, how would you do?

3. Who is the one player, active or eliminated, whose game most resembles your own?

4. Is there anyone who thinks they're being targeted here?  What do you have to say to your fellow tribemates?

5. Did you enjoy your day off?


  • Society of Crossed Keys
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Re: Tribal Council 10: Society of Crossed Keys
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2021, 09:49:47 am »
1. With the loss of Buckley, the paths to the end are narrowing.  Are you concerned about your options?

As shown in my tribute, I'm kind of sad that Buckley left, if for no other reason I miss barking at him in my DMs. Every round and quit or vote out is a double edged sword. On one hand, we all have a 1 out of 10 shot of being the winner of this game, but on the other hand, every person who leaves is one less opportunity for us to have a conversation that could change everything. If people aren't concerned about their options I would question a lot about the state of minds right now. It's like an auction though, the more you put stock in something, the more likely it is for you to win that item you are bidding on, but then what about the other items that came before that you were outbid on or the items to come that you could bid on? You have to figure out the options as best you can, but if you don't have enough to bid on that option or you bid too soon or too late, it could be that the option you end up with wasn't the best option.

I probably should be more concerned? But the other thing is that we are all here because we are good at this game in some way. No one is here on accident nor do I think the options are gone by any means. Ask me this question in a few rounds if I am still here and my answer might be dramatically different though haha. Bark bark!

2. If the game was switched onto autopilot and left to its own inertia, how would you do?

This just makes me think of Brantsteele, and in some ways I almost wish it was because when it's a Brantsteele I would feel a lot less concerned and things happen and you can just do them over again to get a different result depending on how you tweak the stats. The other thing is that who wins challenges or who has items or whatever change the situation too and I'm not sure if Brantsteele has those options, but if they do it would be super cool! I would watch that, and you always hope you do well regardless of whether "autopilot" is on or not so I guess my answer is I would hope I do well, but so are 9 other people.

3. Who is the one player, active or eliminated, whose game most resembles your own?

This is a really hard question. I've spent more time than I can think on how to answer it. I think I've tried to approach this game by being kind to others and just being silly and having fun. I would say there are a few people who could embody this, but I guess I would go with Madame in this case. She's a really kind person and she has moments where she's really silly and it's fun! So yeah I think that's the best response I can give right now. That's not to say others don't embody aspects of my game.

4. Is there anyone who thinks they're being targeted here?  What do you have to say to your fellow tribemates?

I legitimately don't know. That being said I know that paranoia has set in a bit. We all are wondering who is truly with who and what people might be approached for alliances, and just like your options question states, people are probably evaluating their options to figure out what makes sense. It's really hard to say whether or not anyone thinks they are being targeted, because well, aside from that really beautiful immunity necklace around Margot's neck, no one is guaranteed to make it to the final 9.

I don't know if I have anything specifically to say, but I guess just remember to be kind to each other? We are all people and we are all MafiaScummers and regardless of what happens, I think it's important to remember we are going to go back to reality in probably about 2-3 weeks where we all get revealed and, well I'm not sure exactly where I'm going with this, but I think kindness is something that is taken for granted and I hope we all remember that regardless of how the rest of the game progresses. Not sure if that's the answer you were looking for here, but I guess that's what I have to say?

5. Did you enjoy your day off?

Thank you mods. Truly. We needed it. It was very much enjoyed, I promise you. Bark bark! Pant!

Richie Tenenbaum

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Re: Tribal Council 10: Society of Crossed Keys
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2021, 10:56:19 pm »
1. You never like to see someone leave the game under such circumstances.  As for options, I don't know if concerned is the right word but of course everyone must be thinking about what's going to work for them at this point.
2. Inertia?  Am I a tennis ball?  Is this a grass, clay or hard court?
3. I guess Peter and I had a similar pre merge experience getting pirated and swapped.
4. Sheesh, what happened to the softball questions Wes?
5. Yes it was a good opportunity to relax

M. Gustave

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Re: Tribal Council 10: Society of Crossed Keys
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2021, 05:56:27 am »
1. to some degree, yes. there are still options available, but effectively losing a tribal council reduces them a lot. all the best to buckley, though.

2. hell if i know, this game feels less like it has inertia and more like it's a car that keeps dying and someone has to restart it all the time.

3. i'm not sure, because it's hard to be objective about my own gameplay.

4. some people probably do think they're a target, but they may be wrong. there are a few narratives going around.

5. yes, definitely!

Madame D.

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Re: Tribal Council 10: Society of Crossed Keys
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2021, 06:38:46 am »
1. With the loss of Buckley, the paths to the end are narrowing.  Are you concerned about your options?

I think the only sensible answer to this is that the loss of Buckley has caused the paths to the end to narrow just as anyone's elimination would. And I am always concerned about my options, so... yes.

2. If the game was switched onto autopilot and left to its own inertia, how would you do?

I think this is an interesting question, but I honestly don't really know what it means. If I were to squint really hard and hold my head sideways, my interpretation of the question would lead me to an answer of "okay but not great".

3. Who is the one player, active or eliminated, whose game most resembles your own?

This is a very difficult question! If I had to pick someone, I would say Suzy, because I feel like we have a similar way of blending social and strategic relationships.

4. Is there anyone who thinks they're being targeted here?  What do you have to say to your fellow tribemates?

Probably! And I think you're all groovy.

5. Did you enjoy your day off?

Yes! Thank you!

Herman Blume

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Re: Tribal Council 10: Society of Crossed Keys
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2021, 06:53:37 am »
1. With the loss of Buckley, the paths to the end are narrowing.  Are you concerned about your options?

I grow more concerned by the day, but I think I can be flexible if I need to be.

2. If the game was switched onto autopilot and left to its own inertia, how would you do?

This is a weird question and I'm not sure I completely understand what you're asking, but I'd say probably in that 6-8 range.

3. Who is the one player, active or eliminated, whose game most resembles your own?

I want to say Royal or Gustave, but I don't think everyone has truly revealed their style yet.

4. Is there anyone who thinks they're being targeted here?  What do you have to say to your fellow tribemates?

I got votes last time so I'll probably get votes again. My name seems to always be out there. I would just ask everyone to really consider what is the best move for themselves before they vote.

5. Did you enjoy your day off?

Yeah I did actually. You need an off day once in a while to breathe.

Margot Tenenbaum

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Re: Tribal Council 10: Society of Crossed Keys
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2021, 07:07:18 am »
1. With the loss of Buckley, the paths to the end are narrowing.  Are you concerned about your options?
The paths have narrowed, but that is probably a net neutral. it means there is one less person to compete with, but also one less "opportunity," so to speak.

2. If the game was switched onto autopilot and left to its own inertia, how would you do?
Meh? I don't think anyone should ever feel confident relying on inertia. Inertia really only ever works out for one person.

3. Who is the one player, active or eliminated, whose game most resembles your own?
Honestly, controversial take mayhaps, but a lot of Foxy's early play reminded me of elements of my own.

4. Is there anyone who thinks they're being targeted here?  What do you have to say to your fellow tribemates?
It would be a bit awkward if people were looking to target me here!

5. Did you enjoy your day off?
Yes! It was much appreciated <3

Wes Anderson

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Re: Tribal Council 10: Society of Crossed Keys
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2021, 08:30:54 am »
It is now time to read the votes.  If you'd like to play an immunity idol, now would be the time to do so.
Nobody stands up.

I will now read the votes.

First vote:

Young Writer

Second vote:

Madame D.

Third vote:

Young Writer

Fourth vote:

Madame D.

Fifth vote:

Young Writer

Sixth vote:

Madame D.

That’s three votes Writer, three votes Madame D.

Seventh vote:

Young Writer

Eighth vote:

Young Writer

That’s five votes Writer, three votes Madame D.

Ninth vote:


Madame D.

Five votes Writer, four votes Madame D., one vote left.

Tenth and final vote:

Madame D.

We have a tie. There will be 24 hours to revote. You may only vote for Young Writer or Madame D. Young Writer and Madame D. will not vote. In the event we are still tied in the revote, everyone else will have their name placed in a Steve Zissou hat, and the name drawn out of the hat will be the player eliminated.

Wes Anderson

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Re: Tribal Council 10: Society of Crossed Keys
« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2021, 08:30:38 am »
It is now once again time to read the votes. 

First vote:

Madame D.

Second vote:

Young Writer

Third vote:

Madame D.

Fourth vote:

Madame D.

That's three votes Madame D., one vote Young Writer.

Fifth vote:

Young Writer

Sixth vote:

Young Writer

That’s three votes Writer, three votes Madame D.

Seventh vote:

Young Writer

Eighth and final vote:


Young Writer

That's five votes Young Writer, that's enough.  Young Writer, you have been eliminated from the game. 

However, American Empirical Pictures is still hiring, and is pleased to bring you on as a Producer.  You will now decide whose film we fund at game end.  In other words, you are now a member of the jury and will vote for the sole survivor.
