Author Topic: Tribal Council 9: Society of Crossed Keys  (Read 378 times)

Wes Anderson

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Tribal Council 9: Society of Crossed Keys
« on: September 17, 2021, 10:09:06 pm »
Tribal Council 9

Society of Crossed Keys, welcome to Tribal Council.

Please answer the following questions before casting your vote:

1. First off, welcome to the merge tribe!  How does the game shift here?  Do certain types of players who weren't looked at before now become targets?

2. Looks like 7 out of the 12 players here were out looking for Fox's Tail.  What informed your choices here?

3. There's a 7-5 original Ivanhoe majority in this tribe.  Do you think it will be an original Rushmore member going home here, or is that kind of tribal line boot something you as a player deliberately avoid?  Do the open communication and kidnapping rounds muddy the waters here?

4. How do you react to Royal contracting snout fever here?  Do you think it would be useful to share the flu serum with him, if you had it, or is it more powerful to leave him in the game without a vote?

5. How are you hanging in there?  We're now in an even bigger tribe than we were on the first day.  Is it hard to keep up?

Royal Tenenbaum

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Re: Tribal Council 9: Society of Crossed Keys
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2021, 11:56:06 pm »
1. First off, welcome to the merge tribe!  How does the game shift here?  Do certain types of players who weren't looked at before now become targets?

The game is in an interesting space now. Obviously the concern shifts a bit to who is the biggest individual threat, but there's also a lot of dynamics going on with different pairs and coalitions across the former tribes.

2. Looks like 7 out of the 12 players here were out looking for Fox's Tail.  What informed your choices here?

I didn't get a chance to look for the Fox's Tail, but I hear it was a fun challenge!

3. There's a 7-5 original Ivanhoe majority in this tribe.  Do you think it will be an original Rushmore member going home here, or is that kind of tribal line boot something you as a player deliberately avoid?  Do the open communication and kidnapping rounds muddy the waters here?

I think (or at least I hope) that this is a pretty open game. The last two votes saw tribes with a majority of each tribe each vote out one of their own pretty unanimously, and I'm pretty confident people will continue to do what's best for them as individuals and as smaller coalitions rather than sticking to Tribal lines.

4. How do you react to Royal contracting snout fever here?  Do you think it would be useful to share the flu serum with him, if you had it, or is it more powerful to leave him in the game without a vote?

Hi, I'm Royal. I realize this is a pandemic and all, and it's important to be cautious when someone is sick. With that said, rumours of my illness have been greatly exaggerated, and I wholly intend to still vote tonight.

5. How are you hanging in there?  We're now in an even bigger tribe than we were on the first day.  Is it hard to keep up?

It's tough to stay connected with everyone! When I had to be gone last night, I got out of the loop really quick, but I'm excited to reconnect with everyone today.

Wes Anderson

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Re: Tribal Council 9: Society of Crossed Keys
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2021, 05:06:01 am »
When you need answers in Tribal Council, who do you call? Why, the Society of Crossed Keys!

M. Gustave

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Re: Tribal Council 9: Society of Crossed Keys
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2021, 05:38:53 am »
1. i don't know if people who were off the table are suddenly on the table, but there's definitely a shift in the relative weights. some people who might have ended up being cut before might stick around for quite a while, and others might be targeted sooner than previously.

2. i didn't look for the tail because i feel that having suspicion that you have an idol is an enormous curse that isn't worth it. when i have items, i prefer that nobody knows about them until they're played.

3. i don't think anybody is thinking too much about original tribes at this point. the bonds from them are still there, but new ones have formed and old ones have been weakened or broken at this point.

4. royal getting snout flu is unfortunate for him. i don't know where the serums (sera, if you're an elitist latinophile) ended up, but there's a chance he's been cured already. if i had it, i would certainly have considered giving it to him.

5. waking up to see 23 unread messages is daunting but i'm doing what i can to stay on top of it! there will only ever be fewer people to talk to after this.


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Re: Tribal Council 9: Society of Crossed Keys
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2021, 05:52:35 am »
1. First off, welcome to the merge tribe!  How does the game shift here?  Do certain types of players who weren't looked at before now become targets?

Merge is always going to change who exactly is under threat, I think! The biggest thing here has just been how little time we've been given to get to know everyone; this TC just feels premature. I'm not sure how that'll affect things, I guess we'll see.

2. Looks like 7 out of the 12 players here were out looking for Fox's Tail.  What informed your choices here?

If you have a chance at getting an idol, you should take the chance to get the idol, imo! I was seriously surprised that number wasn't twelve.

3. There's a 7-5 original Ivanhoe majority in this tribe.  Do you think it will be an original Rushmore member going home here, or is that kind of tribal line boot something you as a player deliberately avoid?  Do the open communication and kidnapping rounds muddy the waters here?

There's always going to be the problem of 'I've only just met you, how can I trust you as much as someone I've known for the whole game?'. But I'd be seriously surprised if tribal lines end up being the driving force behind decisions here.

4. How do you react to Royal contracting snout fever here?  Do you think it would be useful to share the flu serum with him, if you had it, or is it more powerful to leave him in the game without a vote?

Shouldn't have messed around on the Isle of Dogs, there are some nasty gangs there. He's lucky nothing worse happened!

5. How are you hanging in there?  We're now in an even bigger tribe than we were on the first day.  Is it hard to keep up?

Too. Many. Messages. Sorry everyone that I take so long to reply to them quite often.

Margot Tenenbaum

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Re: Tribal Council 9: Society of Crossed Keys
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2021, 06:07:06 am »
First off, welcome to the merge tribe!  How does the game shift here?  Do certain types of players who weren't looked at before now become targets?

Things feel extremely muddled honestly! There’s a lot of players who have barely had a chance to talk to each other thus far that are only now getting a chance to talk, and all of a sudden we’re thrust into TC. I definitely think this merge could go in a variety of directions and I’m excited to see what happens!

2. Looks like 7 out of the 12 players here were out looking for Fox's Tail.  What informed your choices here?

Like Duke, I have to wonder, why on earth wasn’t this number 12?

3. There's a 7-5 original Ivanhoe majority in this tribe.  Do you think it will be an original Rushmore member going home here, or is that kind of tribal line boot something you as a player deliberately avoid?  Do the open communication and kidnapping rounds muddy the waters here?

I think people worry about tribal lines more than tribal lines tend to be an actual realized thing. Of course lines do exist, but they are rarely perfectly along tribal lines.

4. How do you react to Royal contracting snout fever here?  Do you think it would be useful to share the flu serum with him, if you had it, or is it more powerful to leave him in the game without a vote?

Honestly, if I had had the serum I would’ve given it to Royal regardless of my relationship with him. Losing your vote like that just feels unfun and I would’ve felt bad.

5. How are you hanging in there?  We're now in an even bigger tribe than we were on the first day.  Is it hard to keep up?

Yeah, it’s a lot. Sorry if I lose your message for a while, I’m really trying my best to get to everyone equally but it’s hard

Herman Blume

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Re: Tribal Council 9: Society of Crossed Keys
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2021, 07:00:10 am »
First off, welcome to the merge tribe!  How does the game shift here?  Do certain types of players who weren't looked at before now become targets?

I think at this point it becomes all about trust especially with an idol in play. It seems like it's changing constantly who some people are looking to target so I don't think it's a type of player being targeted. Just whoever you think can be ousted successfully.

2. Looks like 7 out of the 12 players here were out looking for Fox's Tail.  What informed your choices here?

I've been largely terrible at the challenges so far so I felt very little chance I could actually win. So I didn't feel like it was worth it to potentially draw suspicion.

3. There's a 7-5 original Ivanhoe majority in this tribe.  Do you think it will be an original Rushmore member going home here, or is that kind of tribal line boot something you as a player deliberately avoid?  Do the open communication and kidnapping rounds muddy the waters here?

I don't think tribes really matter anymore it's all about trust. The two people voted out from Trash Island were both Ivanhoe so I don't think that label matters. Yes those were both great twists that mixed everything up nicely and forced different people to work together.

4. How do you react to Royal contracting snout fever here?  Do you think it would be useful to share the flu serum with him, if you had it, or is it more powerful to leave him in the game without a vote?

I felt so bad for him and I hope someone cured him. If I had the serum I would have helped him.

5. How are you hanging in there?  We're now in an even bigger tribe than we were on the first day.  Is it hard to keep up?

This has been the busiest day yet I think! It has been very difficult for me and I hope I don't get fired!


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Re: Tribal Council 9: Society of Crossed Keys
« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2021, 07:02:19 am »
So I’m having kind of a ruff day and normally I’d give these questions more thought. I’d also probably be better at messaging but I’m a bit all over the place at the moment, sorry everyone :(

1. Thanks. I mean it could or it couldn’t. Everyone has a game they want to play and everyone has a different way to get there. There may be some pairs or groupings of sorts, but ultimately this is individual.

2. I have anxiety when it comes to having idols. Other people probably feel more confident or at least wanted to take the opportunity. Plus I don’t know what the challenge was, however if you look at my awful score in the main challenge it might explain that I’m not usually good at challenges. One of those 7 people now have an idol and it’s likely going to be speculated about as a result.

3. I don’t know and even if I did an idol or other item could come into play that makes whatever answer I would have had here not true.

4. I guess that depends on who has the serum and whether or not they have a relationship that guarantees that royal would or would not vote for them.

5. I really am struggling right now honestly.

Just a note to people, I’m sorry if I haven’t been constantly dming you, today has been jarring for me irl and I’m not coping well. Im likely going to peace out for the night after this tc is over.

Richie Tenenbaum

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Re: Tribal Council 9: Society of Crossed Keys
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2021, 08:20:08 am »
1. There's always going to be attributes that may have helped before merge but could make you stand out in a bad way once merge hits, but I don't think that's going to be enough to trump relationships and trust.

2. Wes, I'm a cinephile who loves your films.  I wasn't going to miss the chance to see your special take on a French Dispatch sneak preview.  It was fun and totally didn't cater to my skill set, so about what I expected!

3. The original tribes got stuck into blenders on the highest setting before you merged us.

4. It's a particularly cruel penalty and I hope he gets the antidote.

5. Yeah it's a lot and I'm not keeping up with it as well as I hoped.

Peter Whitman

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Re: Tribal Council 9: Society of Crossed Keys
« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2021, 08:29:46 am »
good luck everyone <3

Wes Anderson

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Re: Tribal Council 9: Society of Crossed Keys
« Reply #10 on: September 18, 2021, 08:33:42 am »
It is now time to read the votes.  If you'd like to play an immunity idol, now would be the time to do so.
Nobody stands up.

I will now read the votes.

First vote:


Second vote:

Herman Blume

Third vote:

Herman Blume

Fourth vote:

Peter Whitman

Fifth vote:

Peter Whitman

That's two votes Peter, two votes Herman, one vote Buckley.

Sixth vote:

Peter Whitman

Seventh vote:

Peter Whitman

Four votes Peter, two votes Herman, one vote Buckley, five votes left.

Eighth vote:

Peter Whitman

Ninth vote:

Peter Whitman

I'm sorry, Peter, you have been eliminated.  You will now join American Empirical Pictures to help decide whose film gets made at the end of this game, and by extension who will be the winner and sole Survivor.

Peter Whitman

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Re: Tribal Council 9: Society of Crossed Keys
« Reply #11 on: September 18, 2021, 09:09:32 am »

Peter Whitman

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Re: Tribal Council 9: Society of Crossed Keys
« Reply #12 on: September 18, 2021, 09:10:20 am »
i probably shouldn't be able to post but now i can say what i really want to say!!!

how i really feel
good luck everyone x2!!


kk take me away wes