Author Topic: In Context Quotes  (Read 170 times)

Anthony Adams

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In Context Quotes
« on: September 16, 2021, 10:52:31 am »
Imma put all my openings here cause I heard they were great from at least 2 people :P



Why, in fact, you do have the word lie in your name, surely that is this sub lime final messaging or whatever it's called. Well, obviously you can't be trusted, which makes it all the more interesting! :0

I don't supposed we could have a friendship living on the edge..?

Thinking on it perhaps I'm just being super spacious again.

Only time will tell, and I'm eager to find out.

Anyways, hi KyLie I'm Anthony but you can call me Double A battery- Wait, no that would be longer to type out, never mind. Anyways a few of my hobbies are chess, brain teasers, and coding (and launching a bottle rocket through the kitchen ceiling- BUT that was only once, so please don't tell), how do you feel about those?"

"G'day to ya too

Not just miles, I happen to be from the planet called earth. It's very earthy and uh... well, big and uh... round?  This is just sad, I should know more about my planet.

I also don't recognize anyone, prolly cause I have memory issues ever since I fell down the stairs with a plate of liquified pineaple.

Oh, I seem to have already answered your last question, go me! (ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ ♥"

"Bark bark bark bark bark bark bark. Bark bark bark bark. Bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark; bark bark bark bark bark bark, bark, bark bark bark bark bark bark bark. Bark bark bark, bark bark bark bark bark bark. Bark bark, bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark, bark bark. Bark bark bark bark bark. Bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark, bark; bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark: bark bark bark bark, bark, bark bark. Bark bark bark bark, bark bark bark bark bark; bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark, bark bark bark bark. Bark bark bark bark, bark bark bark bark bark, bark bark bark bark bark bark! :D



I have no idea what I said, I don't speak dog. :I

Anyways, I have found that the other dogs can speak human (I knew it)! So, I hope you can accommodate for that?

Hi, I am Anthony/AA/AA+/Double A Battery/Fun. Personally, I think Fun is a weird name, but people call me that, so what can I do?  What can I call you, just Bucklyey?"

"Well, it's like I always say: if you're going to get turned around, make sure to do it 360 degrees!

Well, it's mostly relaxing and a bit boring, and while I think I'm in the middle of the tribe and prolly safe (Future Me: BAHAHAHA), I can't help but feel paranoid about the missing items from round 1 getting me out our last tribal and this one. :I

My weekend plans are to get sleep because I didn't get enough of it the past three days. :P I suppose sitting at home with a cup of coffee talking to online friends is good enough for me this weekend, what about you?"

(Title: Copy Pasta)
"Paste Pasta:





I must admit, you seem like the type to be in control of the situation from what I've seen. Which was only a few questions, so you'll have to tell me if I'm right! :D

Any who, hi I'm Battery! My fourth favorite color is Capri and my third favorite letter is V. Less specifically, I am a musician, and a great predictor! I predict that... you prefer even numbers more than odd numbers in general! :0 Can't say I'm the same, I do love my primes. :) Although, my favorite number is even, so close call. :I

From what I've heard, you're fantastic! :D"

"I double AA, am somewhat embarrassed to say I haven't heard of Wes Anderson before this lovely event. How am I going to keep my title of genius at this rate... :(

I do say the captcha was like a mini-puzzle, *is this a lowercase or uppercase letter?*, certainly the intriguing mystery, I was able to get most of them right, however. :)

After hearing about Wes Anderson, being the composer I am, went to the soundtrack and I was pleasantly surprised, how do you feel about the music, did you pay attention to it? Have you rewatched any of the movies?"

"Wow... this is the second time I've been interrupted by the very same person I was trying to talk to ;-;

Anyways as a child I made sure to eat all my vegetables and that led to me getting struck by lightning I'm pretty sure. Wait, or was that a dream? Either way my psychologist says I have somethin wrong, but I wouldn't know, they're not interesting enough for me to listen to. Space is amazin I tell you, I've been to the moon, (well not really it was VR). I love the all the constellations, Scorpion, Air, Torus, Library, and Unicorn, you know. I love jazz, well making it anyways. Off the scale notes add that extra pop that when placed just right can make an explosion of flavor to the ears... sometimes literally, I've ruptured my eardrum, do not recommend.

No matter, I must say "Young Writer" is a name I'd never thought I hear. Perhaps... is it a pen name? Wait, are you a spy!?


Wowie, I've never met a spy before :0 what's it like, I bet it's fun!

Wait, never mind, I think the pen name theory sounds more right, I mean, writer is write- I mean right in your name

Wait, I can just ask you! Do you feel more of a spy or more of a writer?"

"Ah yes my "character" ;)

I'm from the marvelous planet called Earth, it is quite nice since I need it to live and all.


Oh wait, you meant literally, well I'm the amazing protagonist of BR. I can't say I remember anything that took place, I don't have the best memory ever since... ever since... well I'm sure something happened. Perhaps it was because I was eaten by a whale and rescued by a lion... no wait that was in a book.

Have you "watched" your "film" before? :)"

"Hello, I heard you like math. :) Or at the very least did it last round. So did I, but it ultimately led to nothing. :I

Anyways, I indeed like math, quite the peculiar hobby if I say so, but I do indeed enjoy it. :) I also like anagrams, if you notice the PM title is an anagram. :P

A little birdie told me you did a lot of work last round, sorry it didn't pan out, we got a bit lucky on our attempt, but the skill was also there. Ah, I hope I'm not rubbing sugar in the wound, I do appreciate someone who puts a lot of effort in challenges. :)

By chance, have you heard of birds? They're flying creatures and quite beautiful. :D"

(Title: Good evening good marrow say I)
"It's quite pleasant to meet thy
A limerick from me
I hope you agree
This was very well worth the try

I hope you don't mind for a while
That I preform this with a smile :)
This isn't normal to do
But I indeed have a clue
As to why I would change my style"

"Can you really only move diagonally, that sounds gosh darn ridiculous and inconvenient too, I refuse to believe it.

Hi, I'm Double A, but you can call me Double A Battery since, I'm charged and ready to go... I'm sure there was another reason, but I forgot, oh well :)

It seems like you like... things, could you tell me what those things are, I would be delighted to know.

How do you feel about this background to the site? It's kind of messing with my eyes. Well, a lot of things mess with my eyes."

"Ah, I can't blame you for the simplicity in the title. "If you can't be perfect, be quick" like I always say. :) I do say, I am a little jealous of the better challenge people on my tribe. I've been working so hard in the challenges for so little. :P

Alright, time for Double A Battery's prediction... mhm... I see, I see. I got it! You... like watermelon, no? :D Go on tell me I'm right. ^v^

Ah, I did get that impression that they were the type to maintain control from their questions. :) Mhm, it doesn't hurt to have a tribe leader, but they should listen to people like a real leader would. Our tribe is a little different, I couldn't tell you who's on top, only that Herman is on the bottom, I believe.

It's relaxing, less painful, and also so boring. :I Kylie was the easy consensus so we haven't had any drama (Future Me: BAHAHAHA), aside from 2 mystery people stealing the items round 1. Over half have decided it would be best not worrying over that anyways. Suppose I can't complain too much. Anyways, how about your three boots, was there any particularly odd reason?"

"Ah yes, magic the gathering...

It's a thing yes and you can play it and it has cards and magic and it appears in a TV show.

Obviously, I have very extensive knowledge of it ;)... but -uh I would love to hear you talk about it. It does pique my interest, more than my bank account- er I mean of course it would cause I have played it before :D. What do you think about it, is it beginner friendly?


Because I have a friend that wants to play it..."

"Hello, Oracle was it? Nice to meet you Oracle.

Lemme see here if I remember it right... Yes! An Oracle can give prophecies. Not, to brag, but I can predict the future too ;).

Lemme think... I predict you will respond to this message!

Anyways, I've always had a hunch that dogs could talk. Your secret is safe with me ;)."

"Hello friend, here are 5 things about me:

1. I lost my legs
2. My favorite orange is color
3. I who hunt ducks out of outside
4. I can play piano with my feet
5. I am not an elephant

I suppose I should share a few of my hobbies as well, I am a fan of chess and swing music, what about you, what do you think of those and what hobbies do you have?"

Anthony Adams

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Re: In Context Quotes
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2021, 04:07:56 am »
Well, I suppose I should put my closings here too:


...Anyways, I did indeed hold back, but I suppose everyone would say that. Has Herman confirmed that they haven't gotten anything though?"


Ok, then. :)

Ah, okay Buckwheat, that's a nice name. :D I'm pretty sure Bentley is a character who plays the cello, though, wrong show. :P

Anyways, how was the first challenge for you? :)"

"I suppose by that logic a 720 degree turn would be satisfactory. :)

Yeah, we have 888 dollars missing as far as I'm aware; so we think 2 people went off on their own.

Well, from what I gather in my very limited information is that it might be Max? I think I remember someone saying they were a choice round 1, or am I misremembering? I doubt it's going to be Fox or Madame, but you might be better suited at judging how it's going to go. :P

Ah, which board game, I do like them when they're just the right combination of luck and skill. :)"

"Yeah, 2 of the items have been confirmed by Writer to do nothing and one was a clue that missing the target round 2 would do somethin special.

Agreed there, anyways, it seems time is short, good luck! :)"

"Ah, I was joking, but it was the first of many plot twists. :P

Oh, just you three or is Ms. Bishop and Herman there too? Or am I misunderstanding :I"

"Has Peter told you yet?"

"Was that one of the ones you crossed out, if not that's 2 unknown items..."

"Nah, I think voting myself would be fun. :P

Ok fine, you convinced me :P"

"I feel like if we got to it sooner an underdog alliance would've worked. :P

Although more take me from the middle and put me in the underdog section in my case ._."

"Stay off the rails, otherwise you'll get hit by a train ;)"

"Dear Ms. Bishop,

From our time together, I see a lot of willpower and ambition; you have shown to me that you have dreams and you're willing to work to follow them. I wish you the best of luck on them.

-Double A"


"On a more lighthearted note, i just realized that you're profile picture is slightly shorter than everyone else's"

"On the bright side, I don't have to vote you out now. :P"

"Um, good luck :I :)

I know you'd like to hide in the background, but I have a feeling you're going to start making moves soon :)"

Anthony Adams

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Re: In Context Quotes
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2021, 09:11:34 am »