Author Topic: Round 1: Bark Bark?  (Read 508 times)


  • Society of Crossed Keys
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Round 1: Bark Bark?
« on: September 02, 2021, 09:00:23 am »
Woof tail wag barky bark!


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Re: Round 1: Bark Bark?
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2021, 09:26:06 am »


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Re: Round 1: Bark Bark?
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2021, 05:14:28 pm »
Guessing this is going to be a low spec activity based game.

That's fine I guess. Was going to bark a bunch if you had questions, but might as well give thoughts:

Top tier of my trust list d1:

M. Gustave-Already have made an alliance with him, he's fabulous. I can't wait to see how far that goes. I will say long term, I need to be careful because if he catches on how good I actually am, that could be problematic for me. But in getting my paws deep in this group of people, this is who I'm choosing to trust right off the bat.

Richie Tenenbaum-Good conversation, nice bloke, going to see where things go with him. First impression of him was positive and I think he would be someone I could see myself working with especially during a swap. I'm going to gage this more tomorrow, but M. Gustave likes him too so likely we are going to be working together at least on this tribe.

Middlelish tier of my trust list d2:

Anthony Adams-Another decent person, definitely want to get to know in the short term, but long term I think he's more likable than me and that might be precisely what I need in order to start building up shields. I know I'm going hard soon, but I need to start thinking about these things. For now, nice guy, going to get to know more, and maybe could be useful. However he is charismatic and I can tell based on how other people are reacting to him. On my watch list as a potential shield in the future that I can topple over if need be.

Duke-My fellow bark bark enthusiast. Our first 5 PMs were just barking at each other and I'm already in love. however he's going to need to step it up if I'm going to figure out how the hell to work with him. If I'm the only one who likes him I have to weigh the pros and cons of sticking my neck out or not.

Sam Shakusky-Oh god Sam is such a good goat. I can already tell. He doesn't reach out to people unless they reach out to him first. Like, you can't do that in survivor and expect to get people to like you. On the other hand, he's an absolutely wonderful person to take farther because he's going to be jarring to those he doesn't choose to interact with. Like, if you aren't here to play a social game of some sort, don't come at all. I think it's because he is worried he won't come up with clever PM titles or something? Idk but it was kind of laughable and I'm going to have to figure out what to do with him. I like him, but he's going to be a hit or miss with people.

Young Writer-I almost put him in the low tier because he's just so grating to talk to. Like it's clear he just wants to talk about Wes Anderson all day, and like that's fine and all, but you have to find balance and be able to strike up a conversation about something other than Wes Anderson in a game of survivor, like even just talk about survivor for god's sake. Something. But yeah M. Gustave and I already aren't fans of this guy. Like good on you for being in character and what not, but don't be so stuck in your ways that you can't be a human and relate on other topics too.

Low tier of trust d1:

Suzie Bishop-Honestly this might not be a fair placement for Suzie, she just literally did not talk to me much today. I'm going to reassess her value to me once she talks to me more. Like she came on and said "oh just wanted to say hi before I log off" like that's cool and all, but you might as well have just talked to me tomorrow and had a good conversation. I can't glean anything from this. The one thing that she has going for her right now is that M. Gustave likes her because she's easy to talk to. Since he has good opinions of Richie as well, I'm going to take his word on it, but I need Suzie to give me something or I'm going to dump her faster than a sack of potatoes in Ireland.

Kylie-Oh my god Kylie is precious. She's so out of her element here and I adore her for it. Honestly, I can see her being an early boot but through no fault of her own, she's literally just in a terrible environment to thrive. She apparently hasn't played a survivor game in this format before and it shows. Honestly if I can find a way to bump her up on the social ladder, she might be a fun person to take farther simply because she's going to be so terrible socially with people. Like M. Gustave was like "she gave me one line" and I'm sitting here like, that's exactly who you want to bring farther because they won't be a threat to your game. I don't know how much social capital I want to expend on her yet though as I need to get a better understanding for where her head is at. I didn't say any of this to anyone yet of course, because...

Herman-Where are you? Seriously. Don't ever miss day 1. He better have an incredible day 2-3 because right now he's the odd man out by virtue of not being here. Like I can't even say anything because he's not here. Until he is idk what to make of this one.

Anyways those are my d1 thoughts in terms of who I trust and what I think of them.


Captain Sharp

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Re: Round 1: Bark Bark?
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2021, 12:43:48 am »
Specs didn't have login until today...


  • Society of Crossed Keys
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Re: Round 1: Bark Bark?
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2021, 02:36:09 am »
Specs didn't have login until today...

Well that's just a big pile of dog doodoo.


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Re: Round 1: Bark Bark?
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2021, 03:07:35 am »

This is my favorite PM so far. Anchorman jokes go a long way with me.


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Re: Round 1: Bark Bark?
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2021, 03:28:27 am »
I'm noticing a lot of people saying they like Richie and Suzy.

Like not just one or two people, and it's weird they are putting them in a pair like that. Is this the new survivor trend to make up imaginary pairs?


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Re: Round 1: Bark Bark?
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2021, 04:51:30 am »
It's weird how many people say they like Suzy honestly. Like I'm talking to her and I don't really get all the hooplah. Is she better than some people? Absolutely, but like she's not my favorite person to talk to on this tribe.


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Re: Round 1: Bark Bark?
« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2021, 06:26:48 am »


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Re: Round 1: Bark Bark?
« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2021, 06:50:48 am »

Well the mods didn't tell us that you all didn't have access for the first 24 hours or I would have never made that comment.

But yes, specs welcome, come bark with me!!!

Bark bark woof!


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Re: Round 1: Bark Bark?
« Reply #10 on: September 03, 2021, 07:46:02 am »

Duke to me. God I love that dog.

Jane Winslett-Richardson

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Re: Round 1: Bark Bark?
« Reply #11 on: September 03, 2021, 12:08:01 pm »
Congratulations on completing the first 24 hours of Survivor: A Wes Anderson Production! In recognition of this momentous milestone, I have come to provide stimulation in the form of SPECTATOR ENGAGEMENT. As a note, please do be informed that these questions are being posted to every confessional in identical form. These are not individualized at all - please do not read any intent to guide or influence you, as this would most certainly breach some form of journalistic integrity that I surely hold dear as... I think my character is a journalist? Okay, I'm doing the thing where I type out all my thoughts and I've lost the plot. HERE COME THE QUESTIONS--------

1. With nothing to do but network with your tribe, you will hopefully have learned something about those who you will live with, fight alongside, and ultimately cut loose. What is the most interesting, funniest, or just plain weird thing that you now know about one of your tribemates?

2. Your first challenge has brought with it an interesting conundrum in the form of competing goals to vie for. What do you most hope to achieve when the Flea Market closes? What do you believe your tribemates will reach for?

3. As a hypothetical, consider the following:
"Someone is targeting you to be the next vote-out should your tribe to go Tribal Council. Who is it? Why do they want you gone? Who will you rely on to stay in the game? How worried are you that such a situation might arise?"

Thank you dear, and do remember to have fun!


  • Society of Crossed Keys
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Re: Round 1: Bark Bark?
« Reply #12 on: September 03, 2021, 02:33:14 pm »
Congratulations on completing the first 24 hours of Survivor: A Wes Anderson Production! In recognition of this momentous milestone, I have come to provide stimulation in the form of SPECTATOR ENGAGEMENT. As a note, please do be informed that these questions are being posted to every confessional in identical form. These are not individualized at all - please do not read any intent to guide or influence you, as this would most certainly breach some form of journalistic integrity that I surely hold dear as... I think my character is a journalist? Okay, I'm doing the thing where I type out all my thoughts and I've lost the plot. HERE COME THE QUESTIONS--------

1. With nothing to do but network with your tribe, you will hopefully have learned something about those who you will live with, fight alongside, and ultimately cut loose. What is the most interesting, funniest, or just plain weird thing that you now know about one of your tribemates?

2. Your first challenge has brought with it an interesting conundrum in the form of competing goals to vie for. What do you most hope to achieve when the Flea Market closes? What do you believe your tribemates will reach for?

3. As a hypothetical, consider the following:
"Someone is targeting you to be the next vote-out should your tribe to go Tribal Council. Who is it? Why do they want you gone? Who will you rely on to stay in the game? How worried are you that such a situation might arise?"

Thank you dear, and do remember to have fun!

Bark bark woof, bark woof bark bark!

Translation: Hello Jane! Welcome to my confessional. Glad to have you. Thanks so much for being engaged with the players. It means a lot :)

1. The biggest thing I think I've learned is that Kylie is very out of her element here. Like she doesn't understand the workings of the forums or how challenges work. It's very endearing to me and if I can find a way to somehow work her into the conversations of someone to keep I'd like to find it because I love to support newer people playing these games. Ultimately I think even more interesting though is that M. Gustave and I have the shared commonality of being in love with video game soundtracks. This might not sound juicy or interesting, but these are the social things I do to bind myself to people, dig my paws deep into them, and make it impossible for them not to need me so I can systematically cut them one by one later on. God I missed playing anonymous games. I'm so ready to be the slow burn villain.

2. In the end, I'm playing this game for me, no one else. They can all just get picked off one by one until I'm in the finale with that crown on my head. And ultimately this is just a stepping stone to do that with. People are too short sighted in these games, they go for the flashy items and the strategic tricks, but in the end it's the ones whose social claws are dug so deep people can't get rid of them that usually come out on top. Of course I'd like an item, but the last two times I've had items they have messed with me mentally to the point I lost sight of the goal and focused on how much having an item sucked. If people agree to let a certain amount be in play, I'm going to probably put whatever the agreed amount is go on something that seemingly isn't important. The more I can set people up to fall one by one like dominoes I will. If they want their fancy items and to add a target to their backs, be my guest. Makes my job here easier.

3. I have no idea. I don't think anyone wants me out at this point, it's way too early to get rid of me. Plus I'm now in M. Gustave's ear and Richie's ear. My next goal is Anthony. The one big question mark I guess right now is Suzy. I just can't read her no matter what I do. However, others like her so I'll play nice for now and not try to go for the jugular. Ultimately this game is about whose narrative sells the best story, and how you sell that narrative to get the result you want. So if anyone comes for me, I'll likely have my dirty little paws in it and be able to find a convincing narrative and sell it to the right folks to turn the tides my direction.

Sorry if I sound cocky or overconfident, I'm just excited to get back into the thick of things after such a long time off and get my villain on because that's when I have the most fun playing games. Playing the hero is boring and sets you up to be sad, and I'm here to outmaneuver, outfandangle, and outsell the others until I find the path I need to get to the end. I think this is the perfect starting tribe for me and I can't wait to see how I can spin shit in the rounds to come.

I've already put a buzz in Richie's ear about Herman. Long story short I was debating setting someone up by purchasing an item and giving it to someone, so Herman asking publicly whether that was something he could do was so perfect to then plant a little seed of doubt in their brain about Herman's intentions.

I think honestly Herman was just asking if the item was transferrable, but the way he said it was so good for me to be able to start weaving a narrative web to potentially set him up as a vote in the future.

Agh sorry I just love being a villain. I get off topic so fast.

Long story short, it will come up at some point, it always does, and it's just a matter of starting to see what information, or misinformation, I can spread and get things to work in my favor. That's when I play my best games and when I can turn things around. I just have to believe in myself and my abilities even if everyone else thinks I don't know what the heck I'm doing.

Be confident. Confidence is a huge issue for me in my real life, and this is one of the few times I get to be my confident, puggy self and be something I'm not.

Bark bark woof woof, until next time!


  • Society of Crossed Keys
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Re: Round 1: Bark Bark?
« Reply #13 on: September 03, 2021, 03:37:30 pm »
Ugh Young Writer is appealing to my inner dog.


I'm certain we can, what kind of currency do dogs use? Though please give me any reccomendations for a translator.

*Gives head pats and Belly Scritches*

Oh yes, I'm sorry, I drifted off thinking about the incredibly beautiful formations found in a grain of salt and forgot my place. Yes, that show. It has been increasingly interesting to watch the fallout of a series of terrible EP decisions.

Yeah, my one roommate is watching it all the way through, which is one way to do it, but I like to speedrun to the tournaments, since they're guaranteed to have memorable characters. Cutthroat Kitchen is currently on Hulu, though it doesn't have season 1 on it.

Wynonna Earp is similar tonally to the Magicians (also a Syfy show), it follow Wynonna the heir of Wyatt Earp, who has to use a magic gun to send all the revenants killed by Wyatt back to hell using said gun. There's also a lovely cast of supporting characters.

Definitely check out Gravity Falls it is beautiful!

I'm currently optimisitc about most of the tribe, a good majority seem to be active and make good conversation, yourself included, though you never really know how things will shake out until tribal hits.

Well, some of the meaner dogs use bitecoin, though most of the time that just ends up being them biting a bunch of coins. Another frequent currency is the steakmarket, where dogs try to accumulate as many steaks as possible to up their value.


Haha, there are a few good ones, but it's interesting to see them pass up on those few good ones. To be fair, I'm not exactly sure who would make a good host at this time. My brain keeps going back to Brook Burns (from The Chase and Dog Eat Dog) but I know she's under contract with some game shows on GSN so likely she won't be considered.

Yeah Hulu is the one I got rid of recently which is where I would and should have watched more of. I guess you'll just have to tell me about the best ones then :D

Well I guess I know what I'm watching next, that seems right up my alley! Love me a good show about magic!

Yeah the tribe seems nice enough, it'll be interesting to see how things break down. This challenge might be telling about how people are feeling about the game in general.

Oh dear, I think I'll stick to steakmarket, that seems to be a much more reliable currency for both humans and canines alike. Which do you prefer, perhaps you want...this ball

*throws a tennis ball near the horizon*

And yes, there are a few good ones, or so I hear, or rather just any host that isn't terrible will do. People watch Jeopardy for the trivia, not the host, it's just that Trebek was so good at letting the show start that he became a star himself. That being said, that role is not easy to do. Oh, GSN, I used to watch that a lot when I was younger, I really enjoyed Match Game, it was always a hoot to my young brain, though I am curious how it would play to myself now.

Oh, that is a shame, but I will keep you posted on the most remarkable occurences! And yeah, I tend to watch a lot of shows with some sort of Magic involved so I'll be sure to give any more reccomendations.

And yeah, nothing like a challenge to get the discussion flowing, or at least see who is willing to discuss it.

I mean I'm a tubby pug, of course I want the steakmarket. Give me them steaks and-


Eyes go back and forth really fast before I dart after it. Several minutes later I return with the ball in mouth, tail wagging.


Spits ball out.

Sorry about that. Yeah to be fair there's plenty of good hosts, and yet they still pick the one weird white guy who has a record. I don't know I'm kind of skeptical about their decision making paradigms on that show right now. Trebek is a national treasure honestly. I'm so sad he's gone, his voice was so soothing to me. I used to have a GSN obsession years ago, but I've slowly weened off of it. Hulu had some rebooted gameshows I watched for a bit until I let that subscription run out. Match game, wow that's a blast from the past. Though I think they actually rebooted that show too. I could be wrong, but I feel like I saw a couple episodes of that.

Woo so excited! Perfect. Love good recommendations for new shows. If you are looking for something, mayhaps I might be able to float one or two your way.

Yeah it's interesting for sure! Also interesting to see what kind of questions get asked or things get thrown out. I feel a tad silly about missing the 1 set per tribe thing, but oh well, that's what I get for not reading it more carefully. Bark bark!

Do you have any thoughts about it that maybe are better shared in private?


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Re: Round 1: Bark Bark?
« Reply #14 on: September 04, 2021, 05:57:03 am »
To bid or not to bid, that is the question. I kind of want to, but I also don't. It's a very mixed bag for me right now.

Also an alliance has begun between myself, Richie, Anthony & Gustave called "The Four Horsemen".


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Re: Round 1: Bark Bark?
« Reply #15 on: September 04, 2021, 06:32:18 am »
Day 2 trust rankings (or 3 idk days anymore, plus dog days go faster than human days):

Top tier:

1. M. Gustave-Still my #1 love. Also is making alliance chats and setting himself up for a nice tumble later. So great for me. Plus we share music and I genuinely like him. Not enough not to kick him in front of a moving train metaphorically, but still it's good to like people!

2. Richie-Such a stand up guy. Nothing has changed about my feelings. I really like him.

3. Anthony-Has moved up to top tier especially with the four horseman alliance. I've taken more time to get to know him and really am liking what I find. I still think he has to go at some point, but that can happen later when I'm better integrated.

Middle tier:

4. Duke-I love duke. I don't know if anyone else loves duke though and I think that's good enough for me for now. If people begin to want to push him though I doubt I'm going to fight it, but I think he's relatively safe for now.

5. Kylie-I love Kylie. I love new players and want to see her overcome this initial hurdle. I seriously 100% doubt people are going to opt to keep her if we lose though. I have tried to set up some Herman doubt, but I'm not sure if it would be enough since it was a bit of a stretch to say the least. To be honest, Kylie hasn't talked much with me, I just, as a fan of new players, am rooting for her to find her grounding. Plus she was so cute when she asked for an alliance. It was so genuine. I did say I'm open to it, but she needs to actually try with other people before I can agree to stick my neck out for her.

6. Young Writer-Has made more of an effort to get to know me. I have to give him some credit. Also he's the first public person to say they are doing something which is great to set up for a fall later. Perfect for me.

7. Suzy-She's not as awful as I originally thought, but I still don't really fully trust her to be honest. I think she's making stronger connections to others than me and we are mostly placating each other? I could be reading that wrong though. I'm still back and forth on her.

Low Trust:

8. Sam-The guy has slowly started slipping off of my radar. He's not that great a conversationalist and he doesn't communicate well. I think in the short term he's going to be in trouble.

9. Herman-I probably should rate him higher since he said he might get me an item in private, but I don't know, I don't see what value Herman has to me right now. I don't hate him and it's possible whatever item he might get could change my mind on how I feel about him. But I'm just not that sure right now.

Sorry this is short I'm also trying to communicate about this challenge in the final hours.


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Re: Round 1: Bark Bark?
« Reply #16 on: September 04, 2021, 08:46:19 am »
Someone's going to look like a genius post game. Bidding all that money is a big wow. I'm so interested to see how this all breaks down.


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Re: Round 1: Bark Bark?
« Reply #17 on: September 04, 2021, 09:22:46 am »

Classic Kylie. She makes me snort so much. What a gem.


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Re: Round 1: Bark Bark?
« Reply #18 on: September 04, 2021, 09:31:20 am »
I've already shared my thoughts with Richie and Gustave.

There are three possible conclusions:

1. Suzy lied about how much she was going to bid. Someone who didn't say publicly they were bidding, bid everything. 56 + 500 + 500 = 1056

2. The people who publicly stated they were spending did so, and two or more people bid a total of 990. 66 + 450 + 440 = 1056

3. people didn't do as they said they would and just bid arbitrarily and magically got to 1056.

If I had any reason to trust Suzy, a lack of messaging me today along with this makes me very very sus of her.


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Re: Round 1: Bark Bark?
« Reply #19 on: September 04, 2021, 10:06:23 am »


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Re: Round 1: Bark Bark?
« Reply #20 on: September 04, 2021, 10:08:19 am »

I don't know anyone from the other tribe.

If I had my pick of the litter, so to speak (bark bark), I would probably pick Sam and one of Duke or Kylie for a final 3. I always go for the win and I think I'd handily beat any of those three.


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Re: Round 1: Bark Bark?
« Reply #21 on: September 04, 2021, 11:26:25 am »
Anthony is being weird right now. Like saying things that aren't true, bringing up things that make him sketch of Richie but also should make him sketch of me?

I don't know I'm just off on him right now. The more I try to think about what happened during this bid, the less I feel like I trust these people. Which is the point of this challenge, I believe.


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Re: Round 1: Bark Bark?
« Reply #22 on: September 04, 2021, 11:29:13 am »
Also Young Writer dropping that information in the public forum basically throws my theories out the window.

Dropping my suspicion of Suzy, for now.


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Re: Round 1: Bark Bark?
« Reply #23 on: September 05, 2021, 05:59:23 am »
Okay M. Gustave had the same kind of pizza with the same toppings as me last night. What the actual fuck? Bark bark bark?!

It's like we are the same person. This is getting weird.


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Re: Round 1: Bark Bark?
« Reply #24 on: September 05, 2021, 01:22:00 pm »
Honestly, if we go to tribal council I'm kind of looking forward to voting people out. You can't win if people don't go home and it'll really do some good to build trust after that cluster of item fuckery.