Author Topic: To Richie Tenenbaum  (Read 147 times)


  • Society of Crossed Keys
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To Richie Tenenbaum
« on: October 04, 2021, 06:14:29 am »

Words cannot describe how dysfunctional our relationship with each other was this game. We started out as really good allies, and then you started doing some little lies with me here and there that I couldn't realistically have known about and didn't find out about way later into the game. But blissfully unaware I continued playing the game with you until you "randomly" got mutinied (I use quotes because you know what is coming). After we'd compared notes about Anthony and given our reservations about people on the tribe, we saw eye to eye, or so I thought.

Then I spent a couple rounds without you. I was so worried you were going to be taken out in either of the two rounds we were separated and tried to think of ways I could indirectly help you by taking out former members of Ivanhoe and trying to think of ways to help with perception so that you were not an early boot. Little did I know, you were just fine on your own. In fact, you were more than fine, you were thriving. No matter which tribe you were on pre merge you absolutely figured out how to build those bonds that carried you farther.

When you got to merge, you kept up the perception that you were "yoinked" away and we were so glad to be reunited with each other. Or so I thought. However little half truths were still told and although we were chummy, I started to grow suspicious that you had stronger bonds to other people than me, and that just wasn't going to work for me long term. When Gustave posted the vote split plan and then the plan in the Society of Crossed Keys alliance to get out someone who was a threat happened and I was like, fine I'll ride this out one more round. But then two things happened that made it impossible to ignore. The first was that Herman seemed more attached to you and Writer rather than Duke, Gustave or myself. The second was that I learned some things from Duke that pointed to the fact that you mutinied on purpose. It so far is the only full lie I've been able to confirm, but I suspect a whole list of other things you told me had information withheld or were half truths or were the perspective you wanted me to hear. In any case, between those two things I was compelled to decide to stop playing your game for you.

And then the game sort of flipped around on it's head and we found ourselves on opposite sides of the fence. Like we blatantly began not telling each other things and we knew we weren't telling each other things and then told each other ridiculous lies in order to get through the awkwardness of the situation. Each round we kind of tried to come for each other but then also didn't? I don't know we had one of the weirdest relationships I've ever had with someone in a game and it was both annoying and hilarious to try to plan around. At the end of the day, we both see each other for the competitors we are and we also recognize that this round we have a common goal we are trying to achieve and it's really put everything in perspective. If Madame wins final immunity, we can put the knives back up and go to war for one last round, but until then we have a temporary unsteady alliance with each other.

It's been real Richie and this game would not have been the same for me without you in it. I really don't think I beat you if we get to the end together, but we shall see. It will be interesting if the weirdest Horsemen "alliance" of all time that never voted in sync with each other once ends up being the final 3 this game. I have a ton of questions post game for you and I hope we can be friends after. Nothing but love and respect from me, but I hope we don't play a game together again any time soon because you are exhausting haha. Bark bark!