Author Topic: Episode Eleven  (Read 188 times)

Wes Anderson

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Episode Eleven
« on: September 28, 2021, 02:23:58 am »
Previously, on Survivor... a would-be vote against Madame D. was scuttled in the closing hour against Tribal Council after Suzy revealed the vote to Richie, who in turn leaked the plan to Madame D.  Madame D would play her idol, while votes previously aimed at Madame were quickly shifted to the opposing target, Herman Blume, who became the latest player to join the jury.

Richie Tenenbaum, upon hearing from Suzy the 5vanhoe (Duke, Herman, M. Gustave, Oracle, Suzy) plan to vote Madame D. out, had relayed that information to his new Team Zissou partner Madame D. at the end of the previous round.

Richie Tenenbaum: Suzy revealed the new every-Ivanhoe-except-Richie alliance that is targeting Madame.  She leaked to me and I promptly leaked to Madame.

In the aftermath of the vote, Suzy Bishop was not happy a happy camper.

Meanwhile, although Suzy seemed to be the source of the leak, M. Gustave began to shoulder the blame.

Oracle: So apparently it was gustave not suzy.
This is even less great.

absolutely dying of embarrassment. cannot bear to open richie's pms rn. that will wait until tomorrow when hopefully the shame will be less burning. so much fun, i've successfully created my worst fear: making a fool of myself in front of my peers. ughhh
the simple version: i was talking to richie about how i promise that i was thinking through my options, and i'd let him know if it was likely to be him. i then told him with about 40 minutes left that it was him, which he instantly saw through, thus shooting the plan to vote madame into bits. i feel less bad about it now, having slept on it, but still a big misplay. by the end of the game i'm sure i'll be able to laugh about it, but not just yet.

5vanhoe would reform as 4vanhoe, the same grouping minus Herman Blume, but people on all sides were setting their sights on Richie as the target, with his game still struggling to recover from the outing of his mutiny, along with a general wariness the other players had developed of his game.

Margot Tenenbaum: Yeah I’m not interested in pushing Suzy here, and honestly I’m not even mad at her for last round. I think it’s Richie’s time to go. I feel like everyone has at least one reason to want him out and I certainly don’t trust him.

Going into the challenge, there was just one thing that couldn't happen, and which could have calamitous repercussions...

Oracle: If richie becomes immune there is a very real possibility this round goes to rocks.

The challenge involved navigating a text-based maze and collecting letters, which could then be unscrambled.

After the above post from Oracle, who else could win but Richie Tenenbaum?  Newly secure, he was able to solidify a relationship with Margot, creating a voting bloc of Margot, Madame, Richie, and Royal, and firm lines seemed to be getting drawn.  Richie wanted to target Oracle, but was forced to settle for M. Gustave.

honestly, it's probably a smart play by richie to not vote me out

we're acting as mutual shields for each other in a way which is uhhhh cool? man this game is so intense actually

Richie seems very excessively agitated that it might be Gustave going and not Oracle, so I'll need to manage that. Oracle had a passive aggressive blow-up about how Royal had heard that Oracle wanted him gone (after Oracle has been pushing Royal's name for several rounds) and is saying he needs to vote Royal. Duke is also planning to vote Royal, but has more sensible reasoning, believing that Royal is a threat to Duke's chances of getting to the end (which is not true, but I can see why Duke thinks it might be)

At the very least, I'm hoping that I can rely on Royal, Richie and Margot for this vote. That should be enough.
With the aura of rocks in the air, Duke would shift 4vanhoe's target from a potential Margot vote to a Royal one.

Issue - there are four votes solidly on Gustave. Margot, Madame, Richie, Royal. And none have any chance to shift, I think. So at best we're going to a tie vote in a situation where all the people I'm okay with going out here are immune to rocks and I'm at risk.

Solution - I know Madame and Margot are solidly on Gustave, and will not voluntarily go to Royal. So, I've made my thought process clear - why I want Royal out - and I've pitched to them that they do their thing, they let me do my thing, I'll push a Royal vote, and I'll focus primarily on getting votes off Margot in order to do so.

Suzy, for her part, was patching up her relationship with Richie, but was not content to let her game rest solely with him or with 4vanhoe.

Suzy Bishop: I made a F2 deal with Madame lol. I think I would absolutely lose if I went to the end with her BUT you know what? she has become my favorite person and I'm so sick of everyone else here.

Suzy Bishop: I actually feel like I can choose whatever I want to a certain degree. I know I posted all this angry stuff about Richie but I think we've re-centered. I've not been sharing all the info with him but I think he would take me to the end. I can't win any challenges so I really need to be taken to the end.

See what happened at Tribal Council.


The vote came out with four on M. Gustave and four on Royal Tenenbaum, as was widely expected.  The players would have 24 hours to settle the tie, but the mood was bittersweet as players prepared for the showdown.

Tonight Gustave and I have been having a friends night. We both understand we don't know what is going to happen tomorrow and wanted to have one final chit chat night where we just continued to get to know about each other and just enjoy each other's company. I really hope he doesn't go tomorrow because I'm going to miss him a lot...

Really I'm starting to feel like things won't work out tomorrow, but at least I had this time to just have one last fun night with him before this game reaches it's natural conclusion. I don't know if he leaves, if royal leaves, or if this goes to rocks. This has been one of the most intense experiences of my entire survivor career and people came to play. I would like it to keep going, but the truth is I have no clue what the next couple days hold and so I guess I'm just feeling kind of sentimental.

At the same time, talk of rocks would only increase.

Oracle: Kind of want to go to rocks here. Not going to lie. At least then I'll finally know about what position I will get in this game rather than having a shit ton of people make promises they can't keep.

The more I think about it the more I think having a rock draw happen here would be the right thing for my game.  I mean, come on... when am I ever going to win an immunity challenge the same round there is a tie vote again?

Royal would be guaranteed safe.  20% chance to lose Madame D. which is the only truly bad outcome.  20% chance to lose Suzy who is just becoming way too unreliable.  20% chance to lose Margot and the only possible other idol.  40% chance to split up Duke and Oracle.

I really want to spin that wheel.

If Suzy flips her vote I'm strongly considering flipping mine to offset it.

I love Survivor man the strategy is just endlessly interesting.

Duke: At this point I feel like it has to be a game of chicken. Madame and Margot are definitely less willing to flip right now than I thought they would be, which was a big miscalculation on my part, and they definitely won't move if they don't absolutely think we're all willing to go to rocks. Would they go to rocks if they do think we're staying strong? It makes some sense if they think we're just going to go Richie-Margot-Madame afterward, so my primary concern here has to be convincing them that that's not going to happen.

Duke: hey all, I had something come up today and I know it's an important phase but I don't think I can be here right now. I'll make sure I'm around to message in the evening

Madame D.: I've gone to rocks before in game and been sent home and I'd do it again, every time!


It emerged with just a few hours left in Tribal Council, however, that Suzy Bishop was not quite so keen on going to rocks.

Suzy Bishop: I'm not willing to go to rocks. I just wanted to buy some more time before I ultimately make some people very disappointed.

What would happen?


Duke: Sorry to end this here, but you all don't need to revote. I had something happen today and I can't keep going with this right now. I wish you all the best and I'll see you at the end.

Saving M. Gustave from Suzy's flip, it was Duke who withdrew from the game with one hour remaining in Tribal Council.

« Last Edit: September 29, 2021, 02:49:44 am by Wes Anderson »