Author Topic: Index: Hilariously Wrong ID Guesses  (Read 138 times)

Young Writer

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Index: Hilariously Wrong ID Guesses
« on: September 16, 2021, 03:10:27 am »
Bored so figured I might as well give my idle thoughts on who certain players might be, though I don't really have any reads on already eliminated people and have very little information on  a few. Obviouslly spoilering for anyone who doesn't want these thoughts.

Buckley - No idea haven't talk to enough
Duke - Very obviously captainmeme, different timezone and has very meme-esque interests
Foxy Fox - Korina, just a feeling I got
Peter - Having a hard time getting a good read on them, like I want to say Malkon but I don't think Malkon is up for a game atm, IPS maybe?
Richie - Very strong social and strategic player, my vibe is OGML or Awoo
Royal - no clue atm
Anthony - gives me shrek vibes, very shrek vibes
Herman - yeah I got nothing
Gustave - Someone I haven't played with before, my feeling is ORAM
Madame D. - old lady character, a bit odd, strong strategic chops and strong challenges, DV
Margot - No clue yet, not a lot of reputation reads on them just that they seem to be good at the game
Oracle - Really strong challenge organizer and overzealous PMer, I don't know what they are aside from my past self, Mist?
Suzy - I love Suzy, they're fine at challenges and seem to have a decent understanding of strategy, probably Silverclaw