Author Topic: Chapter 6  (Read 187 times)

Madame D.

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Chapter 6
« on: September 14, 2021, 10:03:15 pm »
Chapter 6

I must start this chapter by saying I am so INCREDIBLY relieved to no longer be on a tribe with Foxy. That last round was the straw that broke my back! I have spent way too much time thinking about Foxy, way too much time talking about Foxy and way too much time writing about Foxy!

These are the last few messages I got from them:



I wish them all the best.


Richie was a valuable ally for that one round, and told me more than they needed to about Ivanhoe dynamics. I would be very surprised if I were the only one that Richie went into this level of detail with, but it's useful.

He told me about an initial alliance of Richie, Oracle, Gustave and Anthony, and then an Auction alliance of Richie, Oracle, Suzy, Herman and Young Writer. As well as some drama revolving around Sam and Anthony probably liking Sam too much.
Which seems pretty legit given what happened in their most recent tribal council. I still don't understand what Peter was doing (what were you thinking Peter???) but it might mean that Anthony is a potential vote that's not me for this tribal council? It's sad given how much of a positive first impression Anthony made on me, but he's become a lot less exciting now and maybe that's partly my fault but I just need to get through because this tribe is not a very secure situation for me!

Because the question is, what is my plan for this game???

I see Gustave and Oracle as big players and I prooobably want to be close to them right now. Obviously a move to take out Gustave last tribal absolutely did not work out which probably means that it's not the right time to take out big threats, but I'm going to have to deal with them two and Richie eventually because they are just too social and powerful. For that reason though, they are my main ticket to safety and I just don't have the connection yet with either of Suzy or Herman to justify a focus on them.

Ultimately, I am probably most loyal to my Rushmore allies because that is a group that has pulled through for me twice, plus they are just overall less scary to me.

But, I need to get close to the big players. I need to be a less threatening understudy to each of them.

I need to be like dear Zero! Started from the bottom and now I'm here. I need to happen upon an inheritance of wealth when the bigger players die. I'm probably just going to have to execute their eliminations myself rather than rely on circumstance though.

I must make my own destiny!

Madame D.

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Re: Chapter 6
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2021, 09:53:58 pm »
I am tired and don't have much energy for talky talk right now but essentially it's looking like Anthony will be the vote and while it's slightly sad for to think of what could have been, it looks like he's pushing for Margot who is just not a reasonable vote option for me yet.

Plus for my short to medium-term longevity I probably need to get in the good books of Oracle and Gustave and doing some weird play with Anthony does not seem like the way to achieve that.
I've gotten to talking about football/soccer with Gustave which is funny because I do not play soccer and I generally don't watch it, but I know people who talk about it all the time and so I'm talking about it too, as if I know what I'm talking about whilst making it obvious that I don't know what I'm talking about!

Meanwhile with Oracle we are talking about what makes good communication which is giving me very old married couple vibes but I don't think it's a bad thing.

In any case, I am sure that Gustave and Oracle are pretending to like me more than they do, but I'll take what I can get at this stage. They each have the benefit of not being Foxy.

Madame D.

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Re: Chapter 6
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2021, 10:19:58 pm »
oh yes I will tell you about my ideal next few boots a bit later

Madame D.

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Re: Chapter 6
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2021, 07:57:48 am »
I would like to announce...

My ideal next three boots!

I like to call this one Beatrice.

There's a certain elegance to her, don't you think? And she would actually go very nicely on my feet.

Here we have... Octavia

For when I'm feeling like I want to let my tentacles loose! I don't know what that means exactly, but feel free to use your imagination.

And finally


Stopping all men in their tracks!